
2024.11.25 17:47 rdc2007 Izzy

Izzy submitted by rdc2007 to reactgirls [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2021 Subaru WRX Limited

⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2021 Subaru WRX Limited submitted by GameProfessional to upautoshop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 Andrew_Dice_Que Outsider BBQ to move into former Ballard Pizza Co. location on Leary

Outsider BBQ to move into former Ballard Pizza Co. location on Leary submitted by Andrew_Dice_Que to Seattle [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 ColonelUpvotes Havoc DH single target struggles

Hello - I am an ilvl 605 Havoc DH. I really enjoy the spec and all of the intricacies involved and I always feel engaged playing it.
I understand how to line up my burst for AoE and I always pump. For Raid trash and M+ trash, I often am top DPS. However for single target I feel like I do tank damage. I use the Wowhead raid single target build (fel-scarred) and I am very behind on single target. My understand is that Essence Break windows are the key to single target burst but I still can't seem to do competitive damage.
Any tips on how to do more single target damage as Havoc?
submitted by ColonelUpvotes to wow [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 Beautiful-Passage555 For the people that need a quick rant

We all need a quick place to rant without seeking judgement or advice. Sometimes letting out what you need to say is much more therapeutic especially when it's quick. Here you are free to rant about whatever you feel like without being judged.
Here are the rules for safe ranting

  1. Rants are completely anonymous and you are free to rant about whatever you need to whether it's work, school, home, or just life in general. But please be respectful to others by keeping it as PG as possible and if you need to really let it out, please leave a warning so others acknowledge it
  2. Please do not belittle peoples rant topics. Everybody has their own lives and their own thing that they need to get off their chest. If feedback is not asked of, do not comment on it. If you feel like you need to put your input where it's not asked, find one where it is
  3. No judgement. This goes hand in hand with number 2. Although many people feel like their judgment is better than others, it's not. We're all on here for a reason and making comments that aren't helpful towards that reason doesn't make anything better. If you feel like you need to be mean to anything, you will be removed.
  4. If you need advice, don't be afraid to ask for it. But if you don't, please be sure to let everyone. This is the internet, we can't read minds.
I hope that this place can be helpful to you and if you have any questions feel free to ask.
submitted by Beautiful-Passage555 to AnonymousRanting1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 guitarlemonade I started making my first game exactly 3 month ago and today I got my first steam achievement (just testing, implemented via Facepunch.Steamworks)

I started making my first game exactly 3 month ago and today I got my first steam achievement (just testing, implemented via Facepunch.Steamworks) submitted by guitarlemonade to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | 2021 Subaru WRX Limited Seller: acemotorworks (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 23999.00 USDBuy It Now

🏆 Game Professional | 2021 Subaru WRX Limited Seller: acemotorworks (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 23999.00 USDBuy It Now submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 Oofsteer Of these trades (preferred if the pets are newborn)

Of these trades (preferred if the pets are newborn) submitted by Oofsteer to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 SauronMaiaOfMorgoth Does anyone have access to Iresione, Tomus I. By Thaddaeus Zieliński?

submitted by SauronMaiaOfMorgoth to classics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 FuzzyBroccoli151 Tight IRL chav

Tight IRL chav submitted by FuzzyBroccoli151 to chav_galore [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 Twisty_- R/iliveinhell

Welcome to iliveinhell, where you show the worst things in life so alot
submitted by Twisty_- to IliveInhell [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 Boston_Underground Involuntary Downgrade 32 days prior to flight

I upgraded an award ticket for first class. I have email confirmation of the upgrade and I picked seats. I checked the trip status today, I have been downgraded back to main cabin. Delta rep says that they have no record of the upgrade. They can see that I originally booked seat 21D and now I am in 30F. They told me that my only recourse is to file a claim., which I have done. Has this happened to anyone?
submitted by Boston_Underground to delta [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 Mediocrebassist27 Good places for a comic accurate DP suit?

Yo! So I unfortunately had my old reliable suit that I've had for about 10 years finally gave out and I was wondering if anyone here could point me to a good place to get a comic accurate suit that's made of spandex. Was also hoping to find one that isn't a printed suit. Thanks for reading and your help in advance!
submitted by Mediocrebassist27 to deadpool [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 altaccount123465 BIDA weil ich ein "Geheimnis" laut ausgesprochen habe nach Jahre langem Mobbing?

Hallo Leute,
ich (späte Zwanzig) bin seit einigen Jahren in einem Hobby Fußballverein. In diesem Hobbyverein sind rund 30 Leute (Mitte/Ende zwanzig).
In dem Verein ist ein Paar welches immer wieder auf mir herum hackt, weil ich tollpatschig und schüchtern bin und noch nie eine Freundin hatte.
Am vergangenen Samstag hatten wir eine Vorweihnachtsfeier, auf welcher das Paar ebenfalls war. Das Problem war, dass ich eine halbe Stunde zu spät kam und nur mehr ein Platz neben dem Paar war.
Kaum hab ich mich hingesetzt kamen schon dumme Sprüche von dem Mädchen und ich habe sofort gekontert dass sie ihr Maul halten soll.
Es kamen immer wieder Kommentare und im Inneren hab ich schön langsam gemerkt, dass ich immer wütender werde, aber habe es versucht zu ignorieren, der Geduldsfaden ist mir jedoch nach weiteren Kommentaren gerissen und hab mir gedacht "fuck it" und hab das "Geheimnis", von welchen bereits der gesamte Verein weiß, laut ausgesprochen "immerhin bin ich nicht mit jemanden zusammen, der mir letztes Jahr einen Tag vor Weihnachten fremdgegangen ist." Zur Info das Mädchen weiß, dass er ihr fremdgegangen ist.
Der ganze Tisch war leise und alle haben verdutzt geschaut. Das war die lauteste Stille die ich in meinem Leben mitbekommen habe.
Das Mädchen stand auf und ging aufs Klo zum Weinen und ihr Freund hat zu mir gesagt ich soll mich bei ihr entschuldigen. Ich habe ihm dann verständlich erklärt, dass ich mich sicher nicht entschuldigen werde, wenn sich einer entschuldigen sollte, dann wohl eher sie bei mir, da sie mich Jahre lang gemobbt hat.
Einige Personen haben meine Worte verurteilt, einige haben es "gefeiert".
Ich weiß meine Worte waren hart, jedoch meiner Meinung waren sie fair, weil ich muss mir auch nicht alles gefallen lassen.
Zusammenfassung: Paar im Hobbyfußball Verein hat mich so lange gemobbt, sodass ich deren "Geheimnis", von welchem jeder weiß, laut ausgesprochen.
Was hättet ihr in meinem Fall getan? Hab ich überreagiert?
Danke im Voraus!
submitted by altaccount123465 to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 ongoing11 Salad is pure garbage .it's nice to see mining picking up .get off this headache

submitted by ongoing11 to SaladChefs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2021 Subaru WRX LimitedSeller: acemotorworks (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 23999.00 USDBuy It Now

⬆️ Up Auto Shop | 2021 Subaru WRX LimitedSeller: acemotorworks (100.0% positive feedback)Location: USCondition: UsedPrice: 23999.00 USDBuy It Now submitted by GameProfessional to upautoshop [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 AMW1417 Jeremiah Colbert is a legend. Doing an online dynasty with Jax State. 58 overall WR. Redshirted him and moved to DB, bumps up to an 80+. Now is a 92 as a redshirt sophomore. Not sure how it happened. I had 4/4 Cross Training plus a D Coordinator with Motivator.

Jeremiah Colbert is a legend. Doing an online dynasty with Jax State. 58 overall WR. Redshirted him and moved to DB, bumps up to an 80+. Now is a 92 as a redshirt sophomore. Not sure how it happened. I had 4/4 Cross Training plus a D Coordinator with Motivator. submitted by AMW1417 to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 Historical-Kale-2765 My Viktor Design tally

The good:

The aight:
The bad:
Overall, I don't think Viktor's update is an absolute travesty. At least they didn't touch his E and Q. However I do think this is the final signal that Riot doesn't give a shit about the fans, and their preferences. They are 100% motivated by profit and optimize all developments and creative decisions around whatever might make the most profit. Because of this assinine things like this arise, where beloved characters and lore is destroyed, because a TV show couldn't handled them correctly. I know I know... This much have been obvious for a while, but I guess you don't care until they come for you.
It's really disappointing and I think after grinding through this event I am selling my league account.
submitted by Historical-Kale-2765 to viktormains [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 DrDoctor18 [OC] Breakdown of my income and spending per month (25m, UK, PhD student) inspired by the post earlier today

[OC] Breakdown of my income and spending per month (25m, UK, PhD student) inspired by the post earlier today submitted by DrDoctor18 to dataisbeautiful [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 MasterAd7738 I'm just a silly lil Fren

I'm just a silly lil Fren submitted by MasterAd7738 to FrencoinFrens [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 PantherPony My 2nd quit

My 2nd quit submitted by PantherPony to quilting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 plipplopfrog What percentage of ownership indicates a rug pull on a very new coin more than under an hour old

submitted by plipplopfrog to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 StockList2223 Help understand what happened during my 19yo cat's death

Hi, thank you for reading this in advance.
(My 19,5 years old female cat, my soulmate, died last month. She had a slow, nuanced decline in her last month until she became very weak in her last week: not meowing, not eating much, back legs working less. Until then she was a surprisingly happy, healthy, funny old lady.
On her visit they didn't find anything blatant but they couldn't take a blood sample for her (life long) lack of cooperation and sedating her wasn't recommended. They just told me she's very old and to bring her back in 7 days to rehydrate + vitamins once more. But she died suddenly the night before her appointment, on a Sunday. We were happy to be there with her at home, where she spent her whole life.)
The day she died she got worse in only a couple of hours, she even jumped on my bed the night before...
THis happened: She was on the couch but couldn't move much, everything was "fine" until she started to have laboured breathing and gazing at nothing without closing her dilated eyes anymore.
I was talking to her and looking in her wide eye(s) for 15 minutes when I noticed a change from that "trance". Her eye slighty moved, and after that her body jerked suddenly, she landed on the same spot but...her arms were completely stretched forward, she had no control over it.
My brother circled her into his arms and she went back to a more normal position. I was crying and shocked so I'm sorry I don't remember much, but she was making some noises, she had a tight grip with her claws in my brother's arm. She then coughed 3 times and then the breathing stopped suddenly. She was gone. This all lasted 1 minute, maybe.
What happened? We knew she didn't have much time but this happened real quick. Good for her, a bit scary for me. MY Question is: did she suffer? She seemed unconscious way before this happened, when her gaze was into the void. But what happened next made me fear she might have gained some consciousness, therefore she felt some pain... I couldn't live with that, I'm so guilty for what happened to her.
Thank you, this was too long, sorry.
submitted by StockList2223 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 No_Tomorrow2853 Palkia on me add 850018436017

Palkia on me add 850018436017 submitted by No_Tomorrow2853 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 17:47 VegetablePanda4309 Adopted from the shelter about a year ago… what mix could he be? 🤔

Adopted from the shelter about a year ago… what mix could he be? 🤔 submitted by VegetablePanda4309 to IDmydog [link] [comments]
