2024.11.25 17:29 SnooDonuts6890 Looking for a specific bag
Hi everyone, please delete if this doesn’t fit the subreddit, but I am looking for a particular Coach bag for Christmas, my soon to be wife has been obsessed with it for almost half a year now, she isn’t specifically asking for it, but I catch her trying to find it all the time.
The bag in question is called “Mollie Tote bag 25 with Cherry print” ( could be wrong ), I’m really far from understanding anything online shopping and especially fashion online shopping.
So I’m really just looking if anyone has a website/retailer they can recommend, not looking to overpay too much. I’m also located in Europe so got to have international shipping. Thank you all in advance!
submitted by SnooDonuts6890 to Coach [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 238
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 Iheartpizzasteve [H] Amazon GC 40 [W] PayPal
You must comment on the post to get a reply from me in DM. Thanks you for understanding.
submitted by Iheartpizzasteve to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 cuckdreamin [M4M] (vers btm 4 top) Always curious about other boys/men in the locker room growing up. What if u befriended young me and showed me the ropes?
Nvr done age play or even RP but really wanna try!
submitted by cuckdreamin to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 onex7805 The Mysteries Of The N64... by a fish's paradise
submitted by onex7805 to VideoGameAnalysis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:29 Isiddiqui Dax McCarty ends legendary MLS career: "I’m just really grateful" | MLSSoccer.com
submitted by Isiddiqui to MLS [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:29 LeagueOfRiotBot Season 1 Reveal, Gameplay Preview & Ranked Resets | Dev Update - League of Legends [RiotMeddler]
submitted by LeagueOfRiotBot to leagueofriot [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 Amogustaj Koji najbolji laptop uzeti za oko 60k?
Potreban mi je laptop za firmu, i budzet mi je do nekih 60k, treba biti nov.
Dal je najbolje juriti Lenovo (potenicijalno thinkpadove) ili je i hp sasvim ok?
submitted by Amogustaj to AskSerbia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 Reasonable-Impact165 Analyse
Ich schreibe zur zeit einen "Brief an den Bürger" in dem ich versuche allgemein über Kommunismus und Red scare Propaganda aufzuklären. Sagt mir bitte was ihr bisher denkt
Hier ist das Kapitel zum Schwarzbuch:
Die Darstellung von Verbrechen realsozialistischer Staaten wie der Sowjetunion oder Chinas ist häufig von gezielten Kampagnen geprägt, die darauf abzielen, sozialistische Ideen grundsätzlich zu delegitimieren. Ein prominentes Beispiel dafür ist das Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus, das unter der Leitung von Stéphane Courtois entstand. Dieses Werk behauptet, der Kommunismus habe weltweit 100 Millionen Opfer gefordert, stützt diese Zahl jedoch auf fragwürdige Methoden und selektive Interpretationen. Vieles deutet darauf hin, dass es weniger um eine differenzierte Analyse geht, sondern vielmehr um die Schaffung eines Feindbildes, das den Kommunismus als ideologischen Hauptgegner darstellt.
Courtois wird von Mitautoren als besessen beschrieben, die symbolische Zahl von 100 Millionen Opfern zu erreichen. Um dieses Ziel zu verwirklichen, wurden Ereignisse und Todesfälle als „Opfer des Kommunismus“ gezählt, die in keinerlei direktem Zusammenhang mit sozialistischen Ideen oder Strukturen stehen. Dazu gehören etwa jugoslawische Partisanen, die gegen faschistische Besatzungen kämpften, oder vietnamesische Zivilisten, die bei der US-Invasion ums Leben kamen. Selbst die Zahl nicht geborener Kinder aufgrund sinkender Geburtenraten wird in die Statistik einbezogen, ebenso wie gefallene Wehrmachtssoldaten und Mitglieder der Waffen-SS. Diese willkürliche Zuordnung zeigt, dass es Courtois und seinen Mitautoren nicht um eine wissenschaftliche Analyse ging, sondern um die Konstruktion eines möglichst bedrohlichen Bildes des Kommunismus.
Ein weiterer Kritikpunkt ist die Vermischung von individuellen Verbrechen mit systemischen Eigenschaften des Kommunismus. Viele der sogenannten Opfer gehen auf Verbrechen autoritärer Führer wie Stalin zurück, deren Handlungen oft mehr mit persönlichem Machtstreben als mit sozialistischen Idealen zu tun hatten. Ereignisse wie die Große Säuberung oder die Hungersnot in der Ukraine sind grausame Kapitel der Geschichte, aber sie sind nicht automatisch Ausdruck sozialistischer Prinzipien. Vielmehr sind solche Verbrechen Ausdruck autoritärer Herrschaft, die in jedem politischen System auftreten kann. Es ist wichtig zu fragen, ob die Opfer tatsächlich durch sozialistische Produktionsweisen verursacht wurden oder ob sie aus anderen Gründen entstanden, die nicht mit der Ideologie an sich zusammenhängen.
Das Schwarzbuch vernachlässigt auch die grundlegende Frage, ob Staaten wie die Sowjetunion oder das maoistische China tatsächlich sozialistisch waren. Sozialismus bedeutet, dass die Arbeiter die Produktionsmittel kontrollieren, doch in vielen realsozialistischen Staaten(zumindest später) lag die Kontrolle in den Händen einer staatlichen Bürokratie, was eher einem Staatskapitalismus entspricht. Diese Differenzierung wird von Courtois bewusst ignoriert, um die sozialistische Theorie und Praxis zu diskreditieren.
Die propagandistische Absicht des Schwarzbuchs zeigt sich vor allem in der selektiven Auswahl und Überhöhung von Zahlen sowie in der fehlenden Kontextualisierung historischer Ereignisse. Diese Art von Darstellung trägt nicht zu einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung bei, sondern verfolgt das Ziel, den Kommunismus als Ideologie pauschal zu verteufeln. Sie ignoriert die komplexen gesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Bedingungen, unter denen realsozialistische Staaten operierten, und verhindert so eine sachliche Debatte über die tatsächlichen Fehler und Errungenschaften sozialistischer Experimente.
Eine ehrliche Auseinandersetzung mit der Geschichte des Sozialismus sollte Verbrechen und Fehler anerkennen, sie jedoch klar von systemischen Idealen und theoretischen Grundlagen trennen. Nur so kann eine differenzierte Debatte über Alternativen zum Kapitalismus geführt werden, die nicht durch einseitige Propaganda verzerrt wird.
submitted by Reasonable-Impact165 to Kommunismus [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 HumanityFirstTheory I don't understand how Cursor is better than Cline? Am I doing something wrong?
I keep seeing so much hype about Cursor on Twitter, yet every time I use it, it doesn't seem to work?
I have recently re-downloaded Cursor again because of the update. My goal is to use Cursor Composer to generate a backend and connect it to the V0 frontend (Next.JS).
I've never been able to get Cursor Composer to actually do this. Every time it either doesn't see my existing files, or loses context, causing a ton of errors.
Cline on the other hand automatically scans all my existing files and builds me the backend. Sure it's expensive with the API calls but in my use case I need reliability and as much automation as possible.
Are you supposed to manually be telling Cursor which files it should be looking at? How are you guys using Cursor?
submitted by HumanityFirstTheory to cursor [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 Objective_Plankton63 Wer kommt aus Nähe Lörrach oder Kandern in Baden Württemberg und kann mir sagen ob er paar Frauen dort kennt 0583ea4370ba226f49e30da43387e6a6d6b0287fab0cc8932546978874b4c52053
submitted by Objective_Plankton63 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 johnpaulmoans Which TE helps me win tonight?
Do I play Will Dissly or Mark Andrews tonight? I also have LA's Cameron Dicker as my kicker too. submitted by johnpaulmoans to FantasyFootballers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:29 razmig Meta loses ground to Bluesky as users abandon Elon Musk’s X
submitted by razmig to socialmedianews [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:29 reydeltom Viktor TFT Unit Splash Art
submitted by reydeltom to viktormains [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 theapache64 How I Used Google Sheets as a Remote Config for Microcontrollers
submitted by theapache64 to microcontrollers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:29 AlcalinePT Will an obfuscated vpn server enable me to access the us library and go unnoticed by crunchyroll?
submitted by AlcalinePT to Crunchyroll [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 Batfifa Chat should I buy GNX exclusive or normal?
This is going to be my first ever album to purchase and I dont know if the exclusive will be any diffrent than normal excluding the price. Vinyl normal and vinyl exclusive are the same price and I dont know if GNX exclusive is going to be like deluxe edition or smth
submitted by Batfifa to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 kubint_1t Never thought this would happen
So today at school while I was talking to my crush I accidentally said that im a "pc enthusiast", which i didn't want to mention while im not sure what she thinks about me 'cause most of people assume that pc enthusiast = nerd, yk, wanted to be cool and stuff.(idk how it slipped out of my mouth, likely i was so engaged in that conversationsand and tried to be the best myself so forgot about that) Anyway, I was ready to be made fun of, but she somehow was amazed and asked me to come over and dust/repaste (basically do maintenance) her pc and maybe reinstall windows. I was flabbergasted and couldn't say a word for a few seconds, eventually i said something like "sure, why not?" Then luckily the bell rang so i had an excuse to change topic and start heading towards the classroom.
Well, my question here is how not to screw up or should i even go to her apartment? Was anyone here in the same situation as me right now?
(pic unrelated, and yes, thats a landmine on my shelf)
submitted by kubint_1t to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 Antique-Ground1421 over grooming
does anyone have any advice on my cat over grooming? we recently got a 7 month old kitty back in june so it might be causing my 11 year old stress (especially cause she’s declawed) my kitty just wants to play but she’s stressing her out and the vet said she’s fine and bloodwork came back normal! i wish i can show a picture but she’s licked her back leg raw :(
submitted by Antique-Ground1421 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 mrcrashoverride TH17 “helper hut” not appearing on build list…??
So the new TH17 has an option to build a “New Helper Hut” However when you click on it to build it takes you to the list of buildings that you can and have built. However it’s not listed there and thus I’m not seeing how it can be built. And ideas? What did I do wrong..? submitted by mrcrashoverride to ClashOfClans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:29 CromulentPoint New addition to the stable
Found this little peach a few streets over while walking the dogs yesterday and the price was too good not to buy it. Nothing too special (C-code/C4), but it drives nice, is rock solid underneath and has AC and a new wiring harness. Paint is far from perfect, but it’s all one color and I think it’ll clean up nicely. So if someone tells you it’s impossible to find a solid V8 driver for under $10k, send them a link to this post. submitted by CromulentPoint to classicmustangs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 17:29 PotentialSimple4702 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by PotentialSimple4702 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 Quick_Dragonfly4098 Why don’t they show delivery address on the offer card?
I like to see where I’m going but have to wait until I swipe for complete pickup, so annoying.
submitted by Quick_Dragonfly4098 to UberEatsDrivers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 probablystems Missed a period and have been bleeding for 14 days straight (new meds & bad timing)
I switched to Depo-provera after being on the pill for the past year about a month ago. I transitioned as suggested by my doctor by not starting on a new pack and waiting a cycle until my next period. Since it's an injection and I am terrified of needles, I had to book an appointment at the local clinic and the secretary over the phone wanted to make sure I started my next period before my first dose. We picked the day it was supposed to start (Oct 21st) and I did have spotting that morning so I assumed it would continue.
After my dose, it didn't and wouldn't start until November 11th. I have been bleeding since then. At first, it was very dark and brown, then it was average dark red with lots of clotting. during all that, cramps started again on Nov 21st as if I was actually starting my period properly. As of yesterday, I don't have clots anymore, but the cramping it still there and it's super bright red now. It feels like everything up until Nov 21st was just my body cleaning itself out and my period actually started like normal now.
I would be more worried if I wasn't switching to new hormonal birth control and there wasn't bad timing involved. It is super tiring though, the blood loss is getting to me a bit. Would appreciate any tips for pain/slight anemia or to know if others have gone through something similar.
Hopefully it ends soon :( if it doesn't by Friday I'll definitely talk to my doc
submitted by probablystems to birthcontrol [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 17:29 No_Rough_6128 Que le gusta a un hombre de una mujer de 40 y tantos ?
"¿Qué busca un hombre joven en una mujer de 40 y tantos? 🤔
Estoy curioso por saber cuáles son las cualidades, experiencias o características que un hombre joven valora más en una mujer de esta edad. ¿Es la madurez, la seguridad, la independencia, o algo más? ¡Me encantaría conocer tu opinión!"
submitted by No_Rough_6128 to Ticos_TI [link] [comments]