Some of this years flowers. All from my garden except #5

2024.11.25 19:39 slurs818 Some of this years flowers. All from my garden except #5

Some of this years flowers. All from my garden except #5 Add me on insta to see more and for future flowers! @ growingdopamine818
submitted by slurs818 to cactus [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 Karli_xo what’s my house worth?

what’s my house worth? this is the best offer i’ve gotten for my restaurant build😭, this was made before all the new editing features such as the advanced tools etc, i know it’s not mind blowing but i loved building it
submitted by Karli_xo to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 daaaaanny1 WB Mega Ampharos 127739644775

submitted by daaaaanny1 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 Dapper_Ad_7593 Would anyone date me?

Would anyone date a guy like me? Blonde hair blue eyes senior
submitted by Dapper_Ad_7593 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 idontknow_360 في حدا شاف هالفيديو شو رأيكم في
submitted by idontknow_360 to ExEgypt [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 DammtorHans Läti venelased pöördusid emakeelse õppe kaitseks Euroopa inimõiguste kohtusse

Millal küll Eesti me sinna jõuame. Õige otsus, õppigu oma keelt peale tunde, kui huvi nii suur on. Ja teiste Euroopa keelte oskus ei tee ka neile paha.
"Venekeelse õppe toetusühendus (LASHOR) pöördus Läti üldhariduse riigikeelseks muutmise pärast Euroopa inimõiguste kohtusse (EIK).
Tänavu juulis otsustas Läti konstitutsioonikohus, et koolide ja eelkoolide õpe muudetakse põhihariduse tasemel täielikult lätikeelseks. LASHOR kaebas otsuse edasi, kaotas konstitutsioonikohus ning pöördus nüüd EIK-i poole, sest pole Läti otsusega rahul, kirjutab
Ühendus koondab venekeelsete koolide õpilaste vanemaid, kes soovivad, et inimõiguste kohus tunnistaks hariduse riigikeelele üleviimise Euroopa inimõiguste konventsiooni rikkumiseks.
„Juhime tähelepanu, et venekeelse üldhariduse andmise täieliku lõpetamise tingimustes muutub „keele alusel“ diskrimineerimine ka rahvuse alusel diskrimineerimiseks,“ ütles LASHOR-i esimees Igor Pimenov. Ta lisas, et vene keeles õppimise keelamine võtab lastel võimaluse õppida emakeelt tasemel, mida nende perekond soovib. „See keeld on era- ja pereellu sekkumine, mida inimõiguste konventsioon ei luba.“
Uue seaduse järgi saavad venekeelsetest peredest pärit lapsed oma emakeeles õppida ainult huvi- ja õpiringides (mittekohustuslik haridus). Samal ajal võimaldab seadus õpilastel, kelle emakeel on mõni muu EL-i keel (poola, leedu, eesti jt) oma kultuuri ja keelega seotud aineid läbida kohustusliku hariduse raames. Seda võimaldatakse ka ukraina ja juudi rahvusvähemustele.
Vene keele täielikku kõrvalejätmist põhjendati vajadusega saada üle nõukogudeaegsest venestamisest.
Eelmise aasta sügisel leidis EIK ühe teise kohtuasja raames, et venekeelse üldhariduse järsk vähendamine ei ole diskrimineerimine, ja pidas põhjendatuks Läti argumente riigikeele tugevdamise vajaduse kohta."
submitted by DammtorHans to Eesti [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 shoppingbabe DesignCrowd Black Friday Ads 2024

Use the link for DesignCrowd Black Friday Ads 2024. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by shoppingbabe to ClearanceBreak [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 No_Kick_2908 Controller doesn't work in Remote Play - help?

Hi! I just set up remote play on my PC. I followed all the instructions and everything works except my controller, which does nothing despite being connected to my PC.
The controller simply doesn't work on my PC's Xbox app. It works on everything else in the computer. I can literally control my entire laptop using the Xbox controller... except for the Xbox app.
Here's what happens:
I connect my Xbox controller to my PC through Bluetooth. It connects successfully, with no issues. I open the Xbox app on my laptop (PC). I press the "consoles" button at the top, select my Xbox One, and it launches. My Xbox's home screen, where all my games are, appears on my laptop. I try to move around the screen with my Xbox controller and nothing happens. I try to open a game using the screen controller (the controller buttons that appear on my screen), which I can only control via touch screen using my hands. It opens, but then a popup appears asking if I want to 1. connect a controller to my device or 2. continue using the screen controller. If I continue with screen controller, it kinda stops working and then I'm stuck there, and all I can do is turn off remote play because I can't actually play the game I opened.
Seems like the problem is that the Xbox desktop app doesn't know my controller is already connected to my PC. But IDK how to solve this :/ I have done everything I can - I applied all the correct settings to my PC and Xbox, updated my controller, paired it to my PC via Bluetooth, etc.
Anyone have any other suggestions?
submitted by No_Kick_2908 to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 Mysterious-Guess3970 nugget

nugget submitted by Mysterious-Guess3970 to illegallysmolbirbs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 SubstantialDot4184 Simon's cooking show from someone in the comments,enjoy!

Simon's cooking show from someone in the comments,enjoy! Cool right? thanks to my commenter!
submitted by SubstantialDot4184 to Sprunki [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 Mallet844 9800x3d or i7 14700k

Not building myself but buying a custom PC. Will be using a 4080 super and mainly using for 1440p gaming. Won’t be doing any video editing etc
Should I go AMD or Intel - not too concerned on value vs performance but more interested in which one is better for gaming with the 4080?
submitted by Mallet844 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 DraQ-Nox Do EXP TREATS give the account exp too?

Tryna grind hard to 70. Desperate. But I highly doubt it. PAIN.
submitted by DraQ-Nox to SkullGirlsMobile [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 ResolutionBitter6787 When the charisma caster and the guy with 10 cha try to con some people

When the charisma caster and the guy with 10 cha try to con some people submitted by ResolutionBitter6787 to okbuddybaldur [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 DelicateSakura Noticed some of y’all posting your setups

submitted by DelicateSakura to playstation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 Whatthehellbingu Duplicate plugin problem HELP!!!

Duplicate plugin problem HELP!!!
Hi. I've been trying to open after effects for ages now and I cannot seem to find a solution. I have looked up on google how to solve it, which includes going into the MediaCore file that I do not have on my mac (weird)
I also tried to find the duplicate plugins that the software listed out for me, but when I went to go look for the files, I could not find any duplicates like the list says except for the original plugins. Does that mean I have to just delete the original files that are listed on there even if I don't see any duplicates?
I'm on MacOS Ventura ver. 13.5 and after effects 2025.
Please help!! I haven't been able to work on my commissions!!!
submitted by Whatthehellbingu to AfterEffects [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 heyarancia is this safe?

is this safe? submitted by heyarancia to homebrew [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 kushtyxxx bubby lee

bubby lee Fish Butt Dog & White Eyes Bucko | Ep 227 | Bad Friends
submitted by kushtyxxx to badfriendspod [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 trooper_spective End of tour got you blue? We’re here to LIGHTen the mood!

End of tour got you blue? We’re here to LIGHTen the mood! Steel Your Mind has a few leftover zippos from the tour meetups! If you picked up smoking to curve post tour depression, need a badass gizzmas gift or just need to throw a flame we will be doing zippos $10 off til this batch is gone! DM me here or on our insta for the details. We’re also throwing in a special gift for every order now until Christmas. we laser everything at home in NC
submitted by trooper_spective to KGATLW [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 CRASH_THE_WORLD Is it possible to do grain spawn using a little piece of mycelium from a never opened growkit? [actives]

Is it possible to do grain spawn using a little piece of mycelium from a never opened growkit? [actives] My
submitted by CRASH_THE_WORLD to MushroomGrowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 captain_rex20 I can not decide lg c4 vs s90d

Same question s90 vs c4
Hey all, The same question that this subreddit get daily:) Firstly distance is 2.6m I have decided tonget the 77 inch size.
Samsung s90 vs Lg c4 Is the missing dolby vision at samsung tv a problematic issue? I fear that the film industry and streaming services will rely more and more on Dolby Vision in the future.If that were to happen, you wouldn't be able to enjoy the full potential of the s90d, would you?
What brand did you get in the last years and are you happy?
My profile: 70% tv (mixed; tv, streaming) 30% ps5
submitted by captain_rex20 to 4kTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 Little_Detective4802 USACAPOC: In the shit?

For the GWOT folks here, in Iraq and Afghanistan, how in the shit were the Civil Affairs guys you worked with?
I hear differing things, probably just due to A) the varying mission sets of CA and B) the varying competencies of CA reservists.
Overall though, I'm curious: did you feel like you saw teams putting in the work to shape the combat environment for you?
submitted by Little_Detective4802 to army [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 Emergency-Ad39 Binance Referral ID - Get $600 Bonus + 10% discount on trading fees

Binance Referral ID - Get $600 Bonus + 10% discount on trading fees
✅ Use my Binance Referral Code : TLDREM68
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If you are a new user you can save up to 20% on trading fees.
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submitted by Emergency-Ad39 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 redical_hi-5 Uhhhhhh.....

Uhhhhhh..... I can explain
submitted by redical_hi-5 to Pikmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 BrancaMent4 Experiencia con plantillas ortopédicas??

La verdad me dijeron que tengo que usarlas pero estoy bastante negado... vamos a ver si al fin y al cabo les doy una chance.
Sus experiencias con esto? los leo
submitted by BrancaMent4 to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 19:39 prexelex Should I join now?

The only Crypto I know about is Dogecoin which will forever be my favorite. However I am looking into this aswell. Any predictions? Should I buy now or are we going no where.
I see post like this a lot on and people usually have some good answers.
submitted by prexelex to XRP [link] [comments]