2024.11.25 21:30 jsgott How accepted among geneticists is this study from 2017 that claims Ashkenazi Jews are predominantly Iranian in descent?
As someone who is Ashkenazi Jewish, I am very interested in understanding the origins of Ashkenazi Jews. There is a study from 2016, the link to which I will list below, which claims that 88% of Ashkenazi Jewish DNA is Iranian. I find this very intriguing, as it is very different from the more common explanation that Ashkenazi Jewish DNA is predominantly Levantine and Italian. How accepted is this study's results among geneticists? https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/genetics/articles/10.3389/fgene.2017.00087/full
submitted by jsgott to genetics [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 Rowel_x Bobbie symptoms- transition or intolerance
LO is only 2.5 weeks old so we haven’t had a long time to assess the digestive needs but here’s what’s happening.
LO has been exclusively formula fed since birth on the similar RTF and seemed fine with it, thought the poops were quite frequent and pretty loose compared to what the internet would tell me they should be. Our ped said it was within the realm of normal. We recently were accepted into a Bobbie formula study so we started LO on Bobbie gentle 5 days ago. LO has been spitting up(not a huge amount but noticeably more), their gas and poop smell terrible, and they are also noticeably passing a lot more gas and are fussier from gas in the night. The poops don’t seem to be that different, maybe less frequent actually than before.
So question is, at what point is this just baby adjusting to a new formula vs us just needing to try something new? I’ve read a lot online of peoples babies not having a great time with Bobbie since starting this.
submitted by Rowel_x to FormulaFeeders [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 SlidingFaceFirst Borksen is wrong about the X. The X is the real trap and going for it is almost as bad as Yes.
Something left behind in the Morena discourse is the game itself. So much emphasis is put on her backstory but it doesnt really matter in convincing Borksen to join. It failed to change any of Borksen's intentions but has one very important purpose. Borksen now sympathizes with the killers.
Prior to Dogman leaving Morena's gamergirl straight up expressed doubt that anybody will join them specifically because of their purpose of destroying the world. Morena actually agreed, and said they just have to make them avoid saying "No." In other words, pushing them to say X (by offering to go no contact) is far better than pushing for a No. They arent losing either.
If every specialist says No their plan objectively fails. Game over no extra lives, all they got is a few points. But if even one says X, there is a chance that when they find a reason to kill they will come join willingly. Would a yes be better? Maybe, but if they refuse to kill anyway, then they lose a Player slot until another member dies. A Yes can be a hidden No (if there is no manipulation in the game and the game is just a condition). Therefore, a Yes during the game may be worse than a Yes after the game, and for that to happen they need to have X. The purpose of the backstory isnt to convince you now but plant the seeds to convince you in the future.
Borksen is right that most people will choose X. Most people are selfserving. Her reasons for going for X is selfserving. But the problem is Morena designed the game with this in account. The correct option if you care about the world is to say No and hope everybody else does as well. However people dont work like that in reality. It is throwing back that while they may be ok eith Morena's suffering they may also be ok with the world suffering too. So long as there are Specialists on the boat, there will always be a chance for Morena to recruit them.
submitted by SlidingFaceFirst to HunterXHunter [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 eaxlr Jack Smith Moves to Dismiss Federal Cases Against Trump
submitted by eaxlr to nytimes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 21:30 Zoeconverts Going to mass alone for first time
I’ve been to mass before with a friend on a Sunday, tomorrow is a Tuesday and I’m going alone. What do I do when I get there? Is it different on a Tuesday than a Sunday, if so what do I do differently. I don’t want to get anything wrong lol I’ve only ever been to mass once in my life and I had someone telling me what to do. Thank you God bless.
submitted by Zoeconverts to Catholicism [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 Secure-Eggplant4167 Need Galactus - Let’s trade!
Here is what I have. Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/ljuOLFwGHjM submitted by Secure-Eggplant4167 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 21:30 Effective_Meet3154 Jemand aus Dortmund? Tele: yio770
submitted by Effective_Meet3154 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 Binchen3010 Leute kennenlernen / Aktivitäten 60+ alkoholfrei
Ich wäre auf der Suche nach Aktivitäten, Orte wo man Leute kennenlernen kann, Hobbys finden kann, Bekanntschaften schließen kann für Personen 60+ Wichtig, es muss etwas sein, wo es keinen Alkohol gibt. Mir fallt absolut nichts ein, möchte aber einer mir nahestehenden Person mit Alkoholproblem helfen. Wo kann man Anschluss finden, neue Bekanntschaften machen?
submitted by Binchen3010 to wien [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 WindowsCodename996 Locked tf in to name cities in the world
submitted by WindowsCodename996 to iafisher [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 21:30 FawningFaery So it just ended like that?
I was listening to fallen star and it just sounds like a really sad farewell song.
Are we never really going to get any new release from them ever again?
submitted by FawningFaery to TheNeighbourhood [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 No-Detail5551 Got some plants and have no idea what they are
submitted by No-Detail5551 to plants [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 21:30 DionCura Which is the best battery health App?
Hey android enthousiasts can you help me decide which app is the best for battery health tracking? i have used aBattery but i want to have more details.
submitted by DionCura to pixel_phones [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 ketamati ¿Porqué me pone más nervioso una entrevista virtual que presencial?
submitted by ketamati to preguntaleareddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 BlackberryNormal730 How long do you have to work at Kroger to get maternity leave pay ??
My hours have been shorten to 4hr instead of 8 a day for 5 days .
submitted by BlackberryNormal730 to kroger [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 Melodic_War327 World of Darkness: Tapestry of Whispers Session 22
submitted by Melodic_War327 to SoloActualPlay [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 21:30 Dependent-Novel-576 Specialist?
Is there such a thing as a doctor that specializes in HH (not oncology) and its effects on the entire body? And how do I find such a doctor?
I'd love to find one doctor instead of having a hematologist, cardiologist, GI doc... None of whom can tell you about anything other than their own specialty. The cardiologist says Iron doesn't show up in MRI (which I'm pretty sure it would). The hematologist can't answer anything about damage to the heart. And the GI doc was only seen to get the diagnosis then referral to the hematologist. (Liver wasn't that bad.)
I'm really concerned that since being diagnosed in April with a ferritin level of 2500, which has only dropped to a recent average of 1700 with weekly phlebotomies, HH could be continuing to damage the heart. Is there something else that could speed up the reduction? I see so many people on here (and other articles) saying they had weekly phlebotomies for a few months and now are on a maintenance schedule.
submitted by Dependent-Novel-576 to Hemochromatosis [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 Vintagewatchguy (PC) Game suddenly won’t load into Multiplayer Matches
Thank you for your suggestions. I downloaded MWIII yesterday and it was running great all day. Then suddenly this morning, it gets stuck on the loading screen for multiplayer games (the screen with the image of the map). I am able to load into lobbies but not the actual match. I haven’t changed any settings since yesterday when it was running fine. Using a decent gaming tower and have consistently good internet.
submitted by Vintagewatchguy to ModernWarfareIII [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 Happyatlast7191 Looking to do some low star trades to try and close a few sets. I do have other duplicates from the sets prior to these. Let me know!
IGN Jessica https://mply.io/HiOGBw submitted by Happyatlast7191 to monopolygo_fairtrade [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 21:30 grahamcrackerlover Can we agree on parking lot manners?
There’s a lot of us who love Costco but we can’t get through the parking lot because of people who stop and squat in the travel lane for 5, 10 or more minutes at a time
If a parking space has a car in it, the space is not available. Move on.
Nobody is entitled to block the way of other cars. If you are sitting with your car idling in a travel lane and there’s a car stuck behind you, MOVE ON.
submitted by grahamcrackerlover to Costco [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 slight_choice_ Chi si ricorda la canzone "Torino tropicale" (~2019)??
Genere elettronica tipo house (mi sembra), l'avevo sentita all'ultima street parade di carnevale al valentino prima del covid (febbraio 2020). Era stata anche pubblicata online da qualcun* perché l'avevo riascoltata qualche volta, ma poi è completamente sparita da internet e ora è introvabile. Me la sono ricordata da poco ed era fighissima, che fine ha fatto? Non ricordo di chi fosse ma il testo era: "Torino tropicale, chiudo gli occhi e vedo il mare" <3
submitted by slight_choice_ to torino [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 Dark_Aggressive FR4NKIE [Revival Mode] Top SLCTD Grime - Prod. @skepta
submitted by Dark_Aggressive to grime [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 21:30 atang104 Need advice on the FL5
Hey guys,
Used 2024 FL5 with 5,500km selling for ~$59k CAD.. I asked for MSRP $55k but the salesman instantly said no.
I see new FL5’s going for $65-$70k CAD in my area.
A little more info is I own a 2022 civic touring with 30,000km on the odo, paid off, one owner and mint condition. Hoping to get $28-$30k trade in value for it.
Would you guys even consider getting the type r in this situation? Or just keep driving the regular civic to the ground?
Thanks in advance!
submitted by atang104 to Civic_Type_R [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 OWL__27 Bitte dringend Hilfe
Hallo liebe Community,
Folgendes Problem unser Nemo 1 Jahr alt BKH Kater
Er ist super verschmust frisst normal (minimal weniger als sonst) läuft mit gehobenem Schwanz rum und Schnurrt
Nun das Problem kaum wird es abends dreht er ordentlich durch miaut rum (sehr laut) läuft durch einzelne Räume und ruft dort jeweils und legt sich plötzlich ohne Grund mitten in den Raum
Da die Vermutung eh kommen wird ja er ist momentan noch alleine (deswegen auch die Fragestellung) könnte es daran liegen das er Artgenossen sucht zum spielen (2te Katze wäre dann in Planung) und unterhalten oder könnte er gesundheitlich etwas haben (waren auch am überlegen zum TA zu fahren aber wollen auch nicht das unser Kater nachher dann doch unnötig gestresst wird durch den TA obwohl er nichts hat) er ist seit ca 3 Monaten bei uns und war angeblich zuletzt im Juli beim TA zur Vorsorge Untersuchung (Aussage Vorbesitzer)
Gespielt wird pro Tag mindestens 2-2,5std
Vielen lieben Dank an alle die eine Idee haben
submitted by OWL__27 to Katzengruppe [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 21:30 rabidloving saag tofu :) 200 calories
submitted by rabidloving to goodrestrictionfood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 21:30 iBySnow Finanzwirt m.D. - Vorstellungsgespräch
Hi, ich habe eine Zusage zu einem Vorstellungsgespräch für eine Ausbildung zum Finanzwirt hier in Schleswig-Holstein erhalten. Dabei wurde mir mitgeteilt, dass ich an diesem Tag eine kleine Arbeitsprobe erstellen und die Gelegenheit für ein persönliches Vorstellungsgespräch haben werde. Allerdings frage ich mich, was genau mit dieser kleinen Arbeitsprobe gemeint ist. Als ich dort ein Praktikum gemacht habe, wurde mir gesagt, dass man "safe" sei für das Vorstellungsgespräch, wenn man die Broschüre zur Ausbildung gelesen hat.
submitted by iBySnow to OeffentlicherDienst [link] [comments]