答:这类需求和预算就很明确了,支持6DoF的VR一体机是首选,但是又根据细分的需求进一步划分,比如折腾能力强的我会推荐Oculus Quest2,否则我会推荐Pico Neo 3. 需求四:预算5000+,想玩节奏光剑和艾利克斯,有什么VR眼镜推荐。 一、宏碁掠夺者·擎Neo游戏本介绍. 以宏碁掠夺者·擎Neo 2023版游戏本为例,采用了全新英特尔13代酷睿i5-13500HX或i7-13700HX满血处理器,搭配NIVDIA RTX40系显卡,处理器与显卡双满血搭配,其中,处理器还采用了液金导热能有效压得住整机功耗,性能强劲,令玩家在任何游戏中都能够游刃有余;显示屏幕为 ... 复合纳米粒子,功能纳米材料,炭材料, 1、工具>NEo Geo设定>家用机 2、然后按住F2,上下选择难度,这个方向键如果不能选择的话,可以试试26个字母键。 有兴趣的可以先收藏,偶尔兴趣来了玩上一两把回味一下。 高通骁龙8Gen3(处理器排名第二) 2023: 2023年12月 更新:iQOO Neo 9 Pro 跑分 GeekBench 6 单核2258 | 多核7497 ,安兔兔227万跑分,4nm天机9300处理器(综合性能仅次于M1芯片),IMX920 索尼主摄,除此之外相比Neo 8 Pro,Neo9 Pro在屏幕、散热、续航、快充都有大幅提升。 2024年(2月)天玑9300手机推荐攻略 3000 、4000、5000元各价位手机| VivoX100 | Oppo Find X7 | Neo 9 Pro旗舰等 持续更新 DronePlayer 对耳机、手机、无人机等数码产品感兴趣的就一起关注我吧! 宏碁掠夺者擎Neo(预售价8499) 处理器:i9-14900HX,显卡:RTX 4060 屏幕:16英寸,2.5K,240Hz 电池:90Wh,重量:2.8kg. 优点:搭载i9-14900HX处理器,24核32线程, 处理器性能释放激进。显卡是满血140W,支持双显三模技术。高负载情况下,键盘表面温度控制较好。 采用了一块16英寸、165Hz高刷、2.5K高分辨率、100%的SRGb广色域屏幕,游戏起来画面相当的丝滑,响应迅速,延迟低,看电影呢也能有更好的色彩还原。总结来说,无论是作为一款游戏本还是生产力工具,宏碁掠夺者·擎Neo还是不错的。 我是 @沈少Neo,之前也和小伙伴们深度聊过便携屏的使用体验了,没想到大家的反馈非常热烈。 不过更多的还是处于观望阶段,觉得可能有用,又怕真买回来之后用几次就吃灰。 iQOO和realme真我作为vivo、OPPO的子品牌,从出成立以来一直的市场方向,都是中端市场,主要打造年轻人的手机,这也是OV的策略,OPPO、vivo主打线下机型,真我、iQOO打造线上机型,没有这么多营销成本,可以把价格压下来,这也是目前在中端市场有一席之地的原因。
2024.11.25 20:25 Overall_BlueWar Neo or mini 4k
Looking for a drone that’s easy to carry around which one is better
submitted by Overall_BlueWar to dji [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 SignWise401 Help me reorganize my room
This is my current room layout but I can’t throw any furniture away. How can I make it less crowded?
submitted by SignWise401 to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 Sinner51 My Mochi Semaglutide Experience (Referral Code - Z8IAHK for $40 off your first month)
I’m about to start my second month with Mochi Health’s compounded semaglutide, and I wanted to share my experience so far.
It all began on October 10th, when I signed up for Mochi Health and paid $39 for my first month using a referral code. The process was super easy, and I was able to schedule appointments with both a provider and a nutritionist. I opted for a October 21st appointment with my provider, since it worked better with my work schedule. I could have chosen an earlier time, but I wasn’t able to step away from my job easily.
October 21st came around, and my appointment went even better than I expected. It was a virtual meeting, and my provider really took the time to listen to my goals and concerns. We talked about my weight loss journey, health history, and what I was hoping to achieve with semaglutide. After the consultation, my provider prescribed compounded semaglutide and that l just left me to pay for the semaglutide itself and wait. I got a very quick message from a part of the medical team that wanted to ensure I paid the $99 for the medication. I initially used ACH as a payment method and quickly found that it takes Mochi up to 7 days to confirm an ACH payment and will not ship your medication until this has happened. Lesson learned and all future payments will be via a Credit Card,
On October 30th I received a notice that the payment had been confirmed and the prescription was sent to the pharmacy. I received a notification that the pharmacy had received my prescription, so everything was moving along quickly. October 30th, I got another update saying that my prescription had shipped. I was starting to get excited!
Finally, November 1st, my package arrived, I think it would have been there a week earlier if I had used a CC and not ACH. I couldn’t wait to try my first injection. To be honest, I was a little nervous, but the injection turned out to be so easy! The needle was tiny, and I barely felt anything at all. It was quick and painless, and I couldn’t believe how simple the whole process was.
I requested my medication for the 2nd month on November 15th and it arrived in November 20th. I have been extremely happy with the prompt shipping and the experience as a awhile so far.
Now that I’m starting my second month, I can honestly say I’m thrilled with my progress. One of my biggest struggles has always been snacking throughout the day, but since starting semaglutide, I’ve noticed a huge change. I didn’t have the usual cravings or urge to snack all weekend, which has been such a relief. I’m really feeling more in control of my eating habits.
I’m excited to see how the next month goes. The experience with Mochi Health has been smooth and supportive, and I feel confident about continuing this journey. If you’re thinking of giving it a try, I highly recommend it—everything has been so easy, and I’m already seeing results.
41/M SW 238 CW 227 GW 180
And if you want to give it a go, my referral code is Z8IAHK for $40 off your first month!
submitted by Sinner51 to JoinMochiHealth [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 mybadvideos 11.25 Stratton was worth it!
Hope to have video of the run up tomorrow. There was enough snow at bottom of gondola to uphill almost from the very bottom. Gun snow is currently kind of weird texture firm semi breakable crust, was better in the sun. Got some good powder conditions descending over off of Ursa side. Sounds like they are not likely to open Wednesday. Friday? It seems they have just not made enough snow on the lower half of the mountain yet. submitted by mybadvideos to icecoast [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 SympathyForward5845 Just found this gem today.
This going to be the best crypto & have the best music submitted by SympathyForward5845 to Dogei_Club [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 lss_web_1444 Link post title 326
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 Jz_360 Free yes/no!
Doing free readings for next 24hrs. Yes or no questions, I will answer with a pendulum.
No health or legal qs pls.
Please send a request on reddit chat, I will not be responding to comments under this post!
submitted by Jz_360 to tarotpractice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 cavidekozluca My first reaction assumption was pretty wrong
submitted by cavidekozluca to BeAmazed [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 GreenBikinikatyperry Eva Longoria
submitted by GreenBikinikatyperry to CelebritiesArmpits [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 Chemical-Lobster-422 Socks the plushie
Another sona cause one isnt enough submitted by Chemical-Lobster-422 to furry [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 All_my_goats_foreign Father Khatri still on payroll all these seasons in like
submitted by All_my_goats_foreign to FromTVShow [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 Zen_Adventure SF: city van life as a hybrid workplace worker?
I moved to SF a few years ago for a job near downtown and was renting an apartment the entire time.
Long time short, my apt was causing me severe allergies throughout the entire time I lived there that forced me to leave (I suspect mold). After leaving, my allergies mostly resolved.
I wasn't able to find an apt so I tried airbnbs but they were really hit or miss (mostly miss). I started living out of my car to save cost (I'm used to this due to lots of outdoor adventures), and realized it wasn't really too bad, and that a van wouldn't be too much of a stretch since rent is crazy.
I go to a gym that has a shower and bathroom centrally located in city.
For all of you doing this, can you tell me about your experiences?
The main pain I see is parking a 20ft long van, and possibly getting broken into.
I figure once I have an in-van bathroom, I'll have way more options for places to stay.
submitted by Zen_Adventure to VanLife [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 Quirky_Trainer6057 The Marble League Collection Season 1: N.04: Choc - Chocolatiers
He likes chocolate so much every day, his anger given a great punch when he eaten everybody, and his a brown milky, when he gets. submitted by Quirky_Trainer6057 to JellesMarbleRuns [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 Knight-in-Gale 100 Prismverse Deviations are gone within 10-12 mins of resets.
After Winterverse Scenario, jumped back to Prismverse d/t the short PVP…
The whole Prismverse now is so bugged cuz Within 10 minutes of Deviation Reset, ALL 100 deviations are gone. Like wtf?
If I miss the deviation reset, I’m SOL cuz players with their drills and chainsaws can grab 5+ deviations in one go.
People in server are saying, “yeah, when you chop down trees, you get 2 or 3 deviations” or “mining can give you 3 deviations per pop ups.”
This scenario is totally unplayable. I wished I went back to Manibus.
Devs, what have you guys done to this scenario?
submitted by Knight-in-Gale to OnceHumanOfficial [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 mpatton26 When you get the fresh retwist.... 3 years and almost 5 months into my journey
Gotta love getting a fresh retwist. It's part of my self-care. submitted by mpatton26 to locs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 downtune79 Dog yeeted it for you
submitted by downtune79 to LoveTrash [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 craftyclavin this really doesn’t mean anything lol, but i thought it was interesting which players wikipedia denotes as “one of the greatest players of all time” and which ones they don’t
submitted by craftyclavin to NBATalk [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 FallSre Look at my baby!
submitted by FallSre to cats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 AndreaNewsHub https://www.nbcnews.com/news/europe/notre-dame-cathedral-choir-fire-reopening-paris-rcna179757 (orig.: They rebuilt Notre-Dame, now they’re singing inside it) #WORLDNEWS # (orig.: #https://www.nbcnews.com/news/europe/notre-dame-cathedral-choir-fire-reopening-paris-rcna179757 #They #Notre-Dame,
submitted by AndreaNewsHub to ItaliaBox [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:25 chocochampagne Simple Skin-Finisher Previews
I probably am one of the few people in the game who do not enjoy the long finisher previews that they do whenever they put out a new skin bundle. I miss the days where all the enemies were just lined up and the preview guy just shoots them all within 10 seconds and we’re served with what the finisher looks like.
Honestly, we don’t really need a 30-second preview of what the finisher looks like when the bulk of it is taken up by the preview guy just switching between the knife and the unnecessary gunplay. Not to mention that it’s another 30-seconds plus for each variant. I just want to see what the finisher looks like for crying out loud. Am I alone in this? What do you guys think?
submitted by chocochampagne to VALORANT [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 Famous_Release22 Canon MB5450 longevity
I'm looking for a new multifunction printer and have narrowed my search to the Maxify 5450. Since it's a printer that's been around a while...what's your experience with the longevity of the printer? What's the maximum number of copies you've printed? I'm concerned about some posts complaining about Canon printers crashing with various errors a few months after the warranty expires.
submitted by Famous_Release22 to printers [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 First_Composer9717 Dynasty value for Godwin in a trade?
I'm in a rebuild and looking to try to acquire some injured players at a discount. However, the main injured wrs (rice, aiyuk) are not selling at a discount in the league I'm in. I get it, especially with rice. But I'd love the groups thoughts in Godwin. A bit older, no contract but was ha ing a great year before the injury. Should he be a trade target for a rebuilder? Id hope to sell for a profit maybe in a year. What would you trade for Godwin right now?
submitted by First_Composer9717 to DynastyFFTradeAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 JohnSMosby What else to do if I'm having coilovers installed?
I'm finally at the point where I'm ready to pull the trigger on BNE coilovers with Konis. At the same time, I'm going to install:
- BNE Adjustable Swaybar Endlinks
- Adjustable Torque Rods
- BNE struct mounts (either the V5 adjustable ones or V3 Offset Spherical Strut Mounts, if they ever come back in stock).
Anything else I should have the shop do while they are in there? I've had several 240s but never got this deep into the suspension. Thanks!
submitted by JohnSMosby to Volvo240 [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 lss_web_1444 Text post title 551
Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:25 bluehairedzookeeper Enrichment ideas for rhino and red river hogs.
Looking for enrichment ideas for rhino and red river hogs, including some options that can be left in the enclosure over night.
submitted by bluehairedzookeeper to Zookeeping [link] [comments]