2024.11.25 20:30 feelmorgan EMERGENCY COMMISSIONS!!! Please buy i need 200 dollars by November 30th
submitted by feelmorgan to artcommissions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Sarelbar Spotted these pretties reaching for the sun
submitted by Sarelbar to Mushrooms [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Smelly-Cauliflower Is it too hot to go opening day MS?
It’ll be 40-59 degrees that morning. Is it gonna be best to wait until January to hunt here?
submitted by Smelly-Cauliflower to Duckhunting [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 ninjamstr9zx It was a good week last week.
Double 0.1% ranking (on NA server) FeelsGoodMan. submitted by ninjamstr9zx to SnowbreakOfficial [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 jayanti94 I fandubbed a scene from Stone ocean episode 6 in my language (Hindi) TwT check it out if you want to!
submitted by jayanti94 to ShitPostCrusaders [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Jab_91 Boston Fern issues
submitted by Jab_91 to HouseplantsUK [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Antonioilcrimi Qualcuno Riuscirebbe A Trovare Il Bumper Tra Poco Di RobotBoy Di Cartoon network Italiano?
submitted by Antonioilcrimi to Lostmediaitalia [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 Norah01 Is there a way to use SIDs and STARs in slow planes with the new ATC?
It seems they’re only available for planes with faster cruising speeds, but a) how do you tell which ones are enabled and b) it would be nice to disable this restriction. Perhaps there is a way already?
submitted by Norah01 to Xplane [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 LawRelevant8315 RECOMEND BOOKS!!
so um can you people recomend me books specifically novels which are like the guy finds out that the girl is scared to touch and is afraid and vulnerable.. to mens beacuse of some inncidents which happend with her in the past and he helps her out and finds the ppl who did this to her and who cause her all the trauma. it shouldnt be all romance.. i want murder thriller mixed with it and its book cover shld be nice.. plsss RECOMEND SOMEE ISTGGGGGGGG!!!!!!
submitted by LawRelevant8315 to Novels [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 yeetyeet2456 Commander Ideas
Hey y’all - I get that this might be against some of the general principles behind commander but are there any commanders out that that excel at interacting with others while not being that interactable themselves?
Like a commander with indestructible is great like that mono white angel, but becomes enemy number 1 quite quickly due to all the board wipes.
So maybe a deck that doesn’t even rely on the commander that much and just has all the opponents focusing on each other.
The best and only think I can think of is a group hug deck but I was wondering if anyone else had any other suggestions.
Thank yall so much in advance I appreciate it.
submitted by yeetyeet2456 to EDH [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 sonolento0921 As pessoas estão com preguiça de estudar!
É uma opinião levemente impopular. Toda vez que eu vejo alguma notícia de alguém com boas oportunidades alcançando sucesso, eu vejo a maioria das pessoas nos comentários reduzindo todo seu sucesso as oportunidades. Ok, ele teve oportunidades, sim, existem pessoas que não conseguem se dedicar totalmente aos estudos, pessoas com uma péssima educação base. No entanto, eu vejo que a maioria das pessoas que criticam tem um celular, logo eu pensei: "por que você simplesmente não para de reclamar e usa essa ferramenta pra estudar? Existem milhares de conteúdos onlide de graça, é possível aprender muitas coisas sem ter essas oportunidades" Acho que as pessoas muitas vezes esquecem que boas oportunidades não são garantia de sucesso e a falta delas não impede o mesmo. O que acham? Tô falando merda ou realmente as pessoas acabam se apoiando na desculpa de falta de oportunidades para criticar e não estudar?
submitted by sonolento0921 to estudosBR [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 catsgr8rthanspoonies [Daugherty] Philip Tomasino had the 4th best expected goal share (53.6%) on the Predators. Only had 108 minutes at 5v5.
submitted by catsgr8rthanspoonies to Predators [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 AutomaticMagician440 1:1 trade for either gold please
submitted by AutomaticMagician440 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Jackpotrazur Need help light shoping and air filter
Hello , only missing light and a air filter anybody got anytipps on what I need or what I should steer clear from ?
submitted by Jackpotrazur to Hydroponics [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 cartiismyking Balenciaga tracks
Are they real? I paid $750 dollars for them in Mexico from a private vendor
submitted by cartiismyking to BalenciagaLC [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 dannyelfmansleftfoot What kind of film does this use?
I'm very very new to cameras, and know next to nothing about physical cameras. Picked this up from Goodwill today. What kind of film does it use? submitted by dannyelfmansleftfoot to AskPhotography [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 ARandomRedditor2302 Leaving Brazil for New Zealand with a Permanent Residency Visa
Essentially my wife is intending on flying back to Brazil from New Zealand for a holiday in February/March for a few weeks. She has a valid Brazil passport which expires in August 2025 and a permanent residency visa in New Zealand.
It doesn’t sound like getting into Brazil will be a problem and NZ immigration have confirmed they’re fine with her coming back as long as her passport isn’t expired but she’s worried about leaving Brazil itself to come back to NZ with ~4 months left on her passport. Would the airline/Brazilian customs stop her from leaving to come back to New Zealand if she clarifies she’s a resident of NZ? Her intention is to apply for NZ citizenship when she’s back
Edit: she’s also stopping over in Chile both ways as there aren’t any direct flights (won’t be leaving airport). Would they have any issues?
submitted by ARandomRedditor2302 to Brazil [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 FinalVestige617 So Yellowstone's Cole Hauser's Grandfather was a Marine Officer in WWII
So this is kinda cool, old Hollywood connection that doesn't really get talked about, especially with the Marine Corps birthday that just passed.
Milton Sperling Writer Producer
submitted by FinalVestige617 to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 isaiahmnvg Boxing Gym Recommendations 🥊
Boxing Gym Recommendations 🥊 please, I'm a beginner
submitted by isaiahmnvg to fresno [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 RudeHuckleberry7466 Please!!!!
submitted by RudeHuckleberry7466 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 What_am_I_Doing9 Looking for somewhere that sells kosher smoked turkey parts
Like smoked turkey neckbones or wings. Nothing at shoprite or Grand & Essex. I would go Somewhere in Bergen or Rockland county.
submitted by What_am_I_Doing9 to bergencounty [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 BabushkaKompot Fast scrolling option
Have the developers of ABI removed fast scrolling in the inventory? It was in S0 after clicking and holding PPM. Today I played my first game in S1 and I couldn't use this option
submitted by BabushkaKompot to ArenaBreakoutInfinite [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 poetroom TicketNetwork Black Friday Ads 2024
Follow this link for TicketNetwork Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by poetroom to SaleOppurtunity [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:30 YanniRotten character by Rita Fei
submitted by YanniRotten to ImaginaryWarriors [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:30 Fun_Sky_9297 Questions for people who have bought walmart gift cards and gotten cash back /points (paypal, or maybe through your credit card, etc)