2024.11.25 20:21 shoppingbabe ESET Black Friday Ads 2024
Follow this link for ESET Black Friday Ads 2024. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by shoppingbabe to ClearanceBreak [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Middle-Feature-848 What boxes comes with dark angels transfer sheets
Hello brothers, I'm super new and I'm just starting my army, and I don't wanna spend 30 on a upgrade kit if I'm just gonna buy a deathwing squad or a ravenwing squad eventually anyways. So i guess my question is do most boxes with the dark angel symbol come with a transfer sheet? I get if dad, az, or sad bill doesn't come with one because they are individuals but stuff like ravenscares, deathwing termies, or inner circle comps. They should come with enough transfers for my intercessors and dreadnoughts right?
submitted by Middle-Feature-848 to DarkAngels40k [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 s-man77 Don't worry Daddy...
submitted by s-man77 to meme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Anonimato_A25 Me humille demasiado por la mujer que amo y no sé si esté mal
Le escribí esto y le llore.
Perdóneme pq las cage el impulso como siempre me gano y le falle, mi dolor era tan grande y fuerte que me deje llevar por el y te trate mal lo siento, no piense que el te esperaré hasta la otra vida era falso así como dijiste sabía que era mrd no es mrd para mí es algo sincero quise buscar consuelo y en la calle mientras le hablaba a la luna y lloraba y mi madre me abrazó y me dijo vamos a la casa me dijo que porfin comprendía que yo l amaba tanto para llorar, como para derramar lágrimas por una mujer mi madre lo entiendo y me dijo no deje perder lo que ama entonces se lo eh repetido mil veces no llore por mujeres pero veo que esto no es cualquier mujer es el amor de su vida mientras comenzaba a llorar por verme mal ahora estamos hablando y me dice que mucho que pierda todo lo orgullo todo por ud pero no necesitaba que me lo dijera ya lo pensaba hacer me dijo que peleará por esto pero si tú no me dejas entonces será un adiós, pero yo no quiero un adiós quiero un final feliz con hijos y loros:'). Siempre voy a estar para mi único amor, mi princesa, mi niña y mi reina esperándo a qué vuelvas por este vago de mrd que no hace más que irse por impulsos ser un grosero patán y poco hombre heredada la manera de amar de mi padre sigo intentando cambiar con esta me despido hasta que me dejes volver a entrar a tu vida, puede que hablemos mañana o pasadomañana o en la otra vida pero en esta me gano mi falta de respeto, tolerancia y empatia no estoy listo para vivir mi vida sin ti porque tú eres mi vida. Mi complemento y mi mayor felicidad está enojada y triste conmigo me tachará de mentiroso pero yo doy mi vida porque sigo manteniendo el yo te esperaría esta y la otra vida, siento haber prometido tanto y haberte dado tan poco no dar el trato que una princesa se merece es mi mayor pésame y castigo pq a veces prometemos cosas que no cumplimos y esas seran las cadenas que cargare el resto de mi vida a menos que vengas y me liberes pq si no eres tú no es nadie perdón por no haber estado contigo en tus momentos mas bajos en eso llegó otro hombre y te dio la felicidad que yo añoraba poder darte pero no fui capaz. Solo no me olvides entiendo si te vas sin hablar o dar razón al fin y al cabo fue mi culpa tener esta espada en el corazón invisible pero que duele más que 300 balas, siento no haber sido el hombre tolerante y no impulsivo que querías pero ya contenía muchas cosas guardadas y por imbécil me desquite con mi mayor amor y lo siento prometo escribirte un poema todos los días y enviartelo hasta olvidarme de ti que sería 10000 primaveras, y si muero por favor ve a mi tumba y dime que me amas pq aunque mi cuerpo inerte no escuché mi alma y espiritu lloraran y se iran felices. Recuerda que este vago te ama como ningún otro y que daría lo que fuera por ti incluso la vida, me humillaria todo pero depronto mis defectos a veces se apoderan y hacen sentir mal a la niña de mis ojos te prometo aue cada acción que tome de ahora en adelante pensará en ti antes de hacerle estés o no presente prometo esforzarme más como si me estuvieras apoyando y ser mejor persona por ti lo recontra juro que voy a levantarme a intentar ser mejor cada día por ti pq más hipócrita que suene a veces lo hago por ud y no por mi, gracias por salvarme de la soledad y yo mismo volver a meterme a ella por tonto ahora sin más remedio intentare mejorar y no perder la fé de que vuelvas mañana me abrazes y me dejes pedirte perdón, lo siento por el mal trato no lo merecias. Tu mayor defecto soy yo perdón. "Te amo infinitamente montones no alcanzas a contar de aquí a la luna"
Att: el vago.
submitted by Anonimato_A25 to NecesitoDesahogarme [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 TheMisterMan98 After seeing this sunset, Starfield has become and I think forever will be my favorite space game. Can't wait for more stunning DLCs
This game will forever hold game of the year title in my mind and it can only get better 🤙👌 submitted by TheMisterMan98 to Starfield [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Electrical-Land-6449 Just found out I was an IVF baby
Just found out I (23F) was born via IVF from my sister who was also IVF. My mum told her but not me. I have no problem with IVF and starting the egg freezing process next year so am planning to do IVF myself. However, is there a reason my mum hasn’t told me?
submitted by Electrical-Land-6449 to IVF [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 randomguy2453 any tips for bosses?
I'm a new gungeoner and I'm having trouble no hitting bosses and just beating them in general so any tips?
submitted by randomguy2453 to EnterTheGungeon [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Fireblade_1709 Welp cry about it duo
Sooo it’s been a week since i got my freedom from worrying about streak i had a 1600 streak brw submitted by Fireblade_1709 to duolingo [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 allosson What i can do after the elite 4?
I there any other thing to? Or i should start over?
submitted by allosson to emeraldseaglass [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 MysteriousCake2470 need to hear how my busty asian mom will tie me up to see her take bbc. make my little virgin penis so horny and guilty i wont be able to look her in the eye again (kik: jonslay1)
submitted by MysteriousCake2470 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Momshie_mo The most efficient team, Gilas Pilipinas, qualify for FIBA Asia Cup 2025
submitted by Momshie_mo to PBA [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 kjammer06 Skulls, antlers, pests storage...help!
I have a rather large collection of skulls, sheds, and bones that I have kept in great shape up until I moved into a bug infested nightmare cabin too close to a creek. Over the past year here I have been battling mosture, bug activity, and unidentified gunks on all of my larger specimens and there are tiny holes and black spots on the smaller skulls. I'm worried they are degrading fast. I had to toss 14lbs of sheds but can't give up on my largefavorite pieces! I'm in the process of getting out of here, and seeking guidance on recleaning/prepping them for long term storage.
Liquid maceration doesn't seem to be an option this round with the bad weather (its always wet inside and outside here) and the space I am in just seems to immediately reexpose them to both moisture and pests.
I am struggling the most with the 3 largest elk skulls because of the large size, shape, and weight of the noggins and antlers (these were never mounted) but cleaned and coated naturally. I am also not entirely sure what all is getting to them. Looks like possibly several different culprits (elusive bugs and fungi) depending on where on the skull or rack the sign is showing. One skull has random patches of pink spotting and another has this too in identical coloring on the tines. Others have greasy brown sticky looking spots that almost look like spilled maple syrup. They don't smell at all but do appear to be taking a scavenger beating.
Any advice or tips for getting them ready to store and how to best wrap and protect them without causing more damage? Do I need a taxidermist?!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by kjammer06 to Taxidermy [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Free_Fudge5964 Holiday ornaments support local dog rescue - sounds like a win/win
submitted by Free_Fudge5964 to velvethippos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Happihippi11 Turtles Jesse Welles
submitted by Happihippi11 to SturgillSimpson [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Alibium01 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Alibium01 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 IceFirm1346 Landlord has Withdrawn consent from the TDS need help!🙏
The landlord is attempting to charge unfair deductions from the deposit. Since we couldn’t come to an agreement, I decided to raise a dispute with the TDS. The landlord was given over a month to respond, but I have since learned that the landlord has refused to give consent for TDS to handle the dispute. What should I do next?
Information I do know is that the deposit is protected through the scheme.
submitted by IceFirm1346 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Ok-Development7632 └Θ√É ┬ó s€€ ┬ëÈÑ ƒ┌îêñÐs gêττîñ gÅŸ ┬┌ÅÐÈ Ñ └ 05f07a764f4a866016563c62c101aa d0e63e2889c57668c14086e6506cffd4e431
submitted by Ok-Development7632 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 StoneFoxArts New!
submitted by StoneFoxArts to Tokidoki [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 very-creative Unlock Asia's Market Potential with Asia Press Releases -- \ Asia continues to be a powerhouse in th... ...
submitted by very-creative to news_release [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 PissinBullets WhatsApp suddenly chewing up the battery on my M2 MBA
https://preview.redd.it/kvy6l6s8w33e1.png?width=1638&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f7fe2cf6362a93c1d5a27eca3d8f2740e9087a4 Pretty much what the title says. I never had this issue before with the WhatsApp app. However, I had to reinstall it due to a bug that kept making me relogin. Ever since the reinstall, it has absolutely trashed my battery. I ran out of a full charge in 4-ish hours and then recharged it and I'm back down to 50% in around 2.5 hours. What's making WhatsApp maul my battery life? submitted by PissinBullets to macbook [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 biketouringnearby Abandoned sheepfold called Jazzo. Alta murgia national park. Puglia. Italy
submitted by biketouringnearby to abandonedplaces [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 Emotional-Cherry8567 Paragon 300 / 332 hours played / Most fun I've had in diablo 4 / Season 6 Spiritborn
2024.11.25 20:21 ohmy5443 Въпросник за протеинови добавки
Здравейте! Студент съм и правя кратка анкета, свързана с проект в университета. Забелязвам, че тук има доста трениращи, та бих бил много благодарен ако попълните тази кратка анкета за протеинови добавки. Много бих оценил да попълните и отворените въпроси, но не е задължително. Благодаря!
submitted by ohmy5443 to bulgaria [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 20:21 RelevantWorker543 LF galactus
Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/M282naO8oco submitted by RelevantWorker543 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 20:21 Rough-Leg-4148 With the military transgender ban coming soon, how credible is the idea that DADT could be returned or even rolled back?
I mean personally I don't think the political will exists considering that even a large number if Republicans voted in favor of Respect for Marriage and acceptance of LGB is pretty high, but are there concerns of the potential impact?
Let's also add the idea of Respect for Marriage getting repealed and returned to the states. Or, more realistically, if Obgerfell is overturned with RFM still intact. With many states retaining a ban on gay marriage, what happens to licenses issued in those states? RFM retained but Obgerfell overturned only means those states must respect licenses issued by other states.
This isn't meant to be an alarmist post, just trying to foresee what is foreseeable from a pragmatic standpoint.
submitted by Rough-Leg-4148 to centrist [link] [comments]