Taking out Captain Balinda at the beginning of the expansion ... was almost impossible! | TWW # 3

2024.11.25 21:40 Mesostealthy Taking out Captain Balinda at the beginning of the expansion ... was almost impossible! | TWW # 3

Taking out Captain Balinda at the beginning of the expansion ... was almost impossible! | TWW # 3 submitted by Mesostealthy to mesostealthy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Odd-Development5288 Lol we did this

submitted by Odd-Development5288 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 majournalist1 the brutal ritual of youth street battles in indonesia

submitted by majournalist1 to SocietyAndCulture [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 wtshi The effect of patient education and knowledge on the management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (18+, diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus)

My master's thesis group is conducting a survey study on the correlation between patient education/knowledge on the management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
We are looking for participants 18 years of age and older with diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus to complete our survey. Please consider sharing with anyone you know who fits this criteria!
submitted by wtshi to SampleSize [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 bernie075 Songs similar to Warlboro and other old Lithuanian nomad songs??

Songs similar to Warlboro and other old Lithuanian nomad songs?? https://preview.redd.it/f7ezxqmca43e1.png?width=423&format=png&auto=webp&s=3cec6265d7e6909ede527e4f1ea6a489f5c59446
submitted by bernie075 to YABUJIN [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 octoberghosts How to say "I'm nervous" in response to "kei te pēhea koe?"

As the title suggests how can I say that I'm feeling nervous/anxious in te reo Māori. If it makes a difference I mean it in more of a casual way eg nervous for an interview or date rather than in an anxiety spiral lol
If you have any other good kupu āhua that you use let me know 😊 I always automatically say kei te pai lol
submitted by octoberghosts to ReoMaori [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Iwishlcouldscreamrn Idrk what to do?

Hi I'm kinda stuck in a weird situation, so i'm asking other teens for advice what to do. ^ ^
So, I have this friend who i think is problematic. I'll call her N. Recently N has been having trouble mentally and because of that, me and another friend who we'll call K wanted to make sure N was doing alright, because that's what friends do However, any time N would see us she would power walk past us and purposefully not look in our direction and try to avoid me and K as much as possible.
At this point, me and K didn't know what to do so we got one of N's good friends to check in on N and see how she was doing. When N found out her friend was sent by us, she got pissed and demanded an apology.
This is the point where I feel like me and K shouldn't apologize because in N's words, we could have "talked to her ourselves," even tho she literally avoided us and almost ran away when she saw us once. I can understand why she's pissed but we were just trying to help her out?
Another thing to note is that K caved in and apologized to N, but I know for a fact that if I apologized to N she would mock me and say stuff like "OP don't know how to apologize." This is true, but it's not something i can control or do on purpose and I genuinely try my hardest to communicate with N because I feel like the odd one out when talking to her.
I, personally don't want to apologize to N because she is a good friend, but she's kind of fake, and a bad person. Me and K both had personal experiences that make N look bad in our eyes, and the more we think about it, the more we realize N IS a bad person.
Should i apologize?
submitted by Iwishlcouldscreamrn to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Accomplished-Fix3513 Well this is news for me

Well this is news for me https://preview.redd.it/k9kp3mc7a43e1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=721c71b6f1effa2e33762dd5cce7e15915623733
So this actually confirms that Acrobatic Silky's story happened during the early 2000's (according to the urban legends)
submitted by Accomplished-Fix3513 to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Working_Plan_3996 What's the most pointless thing you've ever bought?

submitted by Working_Plan_3996 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 jdsizzle1 Trouble programming built in mirror Garage Door opener.

I have a 2020 330xi with a built in mirror Garage Door opener. I just moved so I'm trying to program the mirror to work with my new Garage. I still have the old house so I don't want to unpair that button so I had 2 open buttons to pair with but I have not been successful. Both are half programmed (they behave like they've been programmed) but they don't actually open the new Garage. So now all 3 buttons are "programmed", but not working. I have two problems now.

  1. I'm not successfully programming my new Garage. The trick where I use my existing garage remote to program ot isn't working, and IIRC didn't work on the other garage but I can't remember how I did it.
  2. I'm not able to reprogram a single button without clearing all 3 now according to the manual, and O really don't want to clear that one that's programmed to my old house because I've lost the remote.
Is there a better video I can use or an alternate way I can go about this? Using an existing remote seems like a convenient way to program a new car, but it's really a pain in the ass in my case since it seems to be the only way.
submitted by jdsizzle1 to BmwTech [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 PhrygianGates Ex refuses to speak after reaching out to me for months

I’m doing ok and at peace with the situation, just trying to understand the dynamics here.
My ex (30f) of 4 years broke up with me (35m) about 5 months ago. She wanted to be best friends, I refused and went no contact. The breakup was awful for me, left me with no place to stay while traveling together. I’m not perfect but I would have never done that to anyone. To sum up a long story, I felt I had been mistreated by that and many other things.
She continued to text occasionally, would follow/unfollow me on social media, like things, I ignored it all.
I hadn’t engaged with her at all, up until about 3 weeks ago. We’re both in a community and I saw her at an event, I thought perhaps we could at least be amicable and on good terms.
I texted her asking to talk, she refused. Said that she has peace without me and that I give her anxiety. The texts came back rapid fire and hostile. Told me she didn’t feel good that I took a vacation? Once she became upset I stopped responding.
Anyway just saw her this past weekend, I kept running into her at an event, and she’d either ignore me or give a mean look before running off.
Why reach out for months and then refuse to talk when I’ve moved on enough to do so? Why is such negativity preferred over briefly saying hello? Why did my reaching out seem to change her attitude completely?
Oddly I feel ok, mostly confused, I’d prefer not to have that drama when she’s around but I did extend a peace offer. I enjoyed the event regardless. Just a shame to have to deal with that negativity.
submitted by PhrygianGates to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 SMUS___ Why is playing fast so hard?

Was it hard for you to learn to play faster tempos? I somehow can´t play faster than 130 BPM.
Sometimes it works, but not for long. I´m currently learning to count steady eight notes in my head, this doesn´t really makes it easier.
Do you have any tips and tricks and how did you learn to play fast?
submitted by SMUS___ to drums [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Longjumping_Till_943 I'm a broke guy who's getting into coding and machine learning. Can someone tell me a laptop within 50k which can support all of that without lags and errors? Really appreciate it.

So yeah as it sounds. I thought about just buying a gaming laptop since they are meant to support heavy games but got to know that not everything goes that way. So can you suggest something which can handle coding and machine learning? Chromebooks work too if they're suitable for that type of work. Thankyou very much for any advice!
submitted by Longjumping_Till_943 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 dris77 Messages Deleted On iMac Stay On iPhone

So I have a 2015 iMac that I've been using for years. Just got an iPhone 13 (iOS 18) and I have it set up to sync messages to iCloud. I also have it linked to my iMac and messages on my iMac are set Enable Messages In iCloud.
It seems to work with an exception. If I delete messages on my phone, they delete from my iMac. Great. BUT, if I delete messages from my iMac, they still remain on my iPhone.
Any ideas?
submitted by dris77 to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 JCwraps GRDMA on DEX

submitted by JCwraps to SolanaMemeCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 PalmertheLlama Ender 3 Max Help Please

Hi Folks,
I have had my Ender 3 Max for almost two years and had no real issues. Was printing fine and dandy until two weeks ago. Ended up having my Bowden Tube blow out and had to replace. It was the original tube so I was pretty happy to get that length of time out of it. I have installed a CR Touch during that time as well.
I replaced the bowden tube, and while I was at it, replaced the springs on the bed with stiffer springs. Using the stock glass bed.
I can use the tramming wizard to get to 0.00 differential on each corner no problem. I have good flow through the nozzle. I have set my z offset to what I believe is correct. (In my case -1.850). I have no wobble in the bed. I have no wobble in the gantry and my gantry arm? is snug, but not too tight, so I don't think I am getting any droop on the X axis.
I print at 60 degree bed and 200 degree nozzle using PLA.
I cannot get anything to stick to the bed. It will lay down OK, but within one pass of the brim, the print comes free and loses its stick to the bed. I have cleaned the bed with soapy water and followed it up with Isopropyl Alcohol to be "sure" the bed is clean.
I find the filament seems to stick better at the front left of the bed, and much worse at the back right. I think is the key bit if information, but I cannot figure out why. The only other thing I can think of is that my CR touch bracket was one I printed myself, so it is not metal. I am wondering if there is some give there during tramming that I cannot see.
Any hints or tips to what to look at would be amazing.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by PalmertheLlama to Creality [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 fboogs The Birds & The Bees

My parents never gave me this talk. I've figured things out on my own, but I was curious about what really goes into it. Is anyone willing to share their experience getting or giving the talk?
submitted by fboogs to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Humble-Tackle-7639 Am I stupid?

Am I stupid? submitted by Humble-Tackle-7639 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Top_Boysenberry_8053 Reg D

How long the security is restricted for sale Reg D? 6 months?
Reg S - 6 months (reporting company) - 1 year (non reporting) - 40 days (debt)
Reg 147 - 6 months
Reg 144 - 6 months (if restricted)
submitted by Top_Boysenberry_8053 to Series24 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 issamaf90 Exclusive Sale: 30% Off Assets or 40% Off a Special Bundle!

submitted by issamaf90 to itchio [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Usual-Ad-594 When will I need to restring my guitar?

submitted by Usual-Ad-594 to guitarlessons [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Hashtagn8te Stuck at 100 followers no matter what I do

So I need help,
I am a drag queen and new make up artist. I just started posting drag/make up in the past couple months. My content ranges from quick weekly trends with trending sounds, my drag performances and just being goofy. I want to say my audience is 18-28 and mostly the lgbtq/ally community. I feel as if I am not growing like I should. I sometimes turn out about 1000-2000 views but still am at the 100 follower mark.
I know content should be engaging but are there any other tips that you can give me? I really am trying to end up with the goal of being able to stream live every night but need to level up in followers/views. I have a schedule created to do daily make up looks to grow but I am open to any suggestions :)
Please look at my tiktok and give any helpful suggestions aye_aid3n
My tiktok account
submitted by Hashtagn8te to Tiktokhelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 SwordguyBuilds A 6 foot American style Signature Nylon Bull Whip in solid teal. I feel like I've been doing a lot of this model lately, and I'm really enjoying doing all this single color patterned braiding in the handles

A 6 foot American style Signature Nylon Bull Whip in solid teal. I feel like I've been doing a lot of this model lately, and I'm really enjoying doing all this single color patterned braiding in the handles submitted by SwordguyBuilds to whips [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Some-Appearance3483 what to get next?

hey you guys i've come to a point where i dont know what the next step is or what to buy next any recommendations? gear especially
submitted by Some-Appearance3483 to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:40 Love_Sports_Live NIL&CHL

How are hockey schools going to change with CHL and NIL. will the rich get richer and better schools get the better prospects from the CHL. Pay them more with NIL money? Which schools benefit which school suffer the most?
submitted by Love_Sports_Live to collegehockey [link] [comments]
