Baffled mind (book app based)

2024.11.26 10:30 rschm19 Baffled mind (book app based)

Can someone explain how you can add a book with a ISBN 10/13 number when there's no database attached to get the books from? They're using this to create their database with new book additions. I'm just wondering how this works (and find the isbn information) to create a database from scratch, as I'm looking all different ways to learn from about this topic for my own project
submitted by rschm19 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 A-Gamers-Fleshlight Do people in humid climates need to hydrate when defecating?

submitted by A-Gamers-Fleshlight to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Samoyed_owner283 Rayman is back

submitted by Samoyed_owner283 to Rayman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Full-Concentrate-933 What is this?

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submitted by Full-Concentrate-933 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Phatnibbabutter Jai:

Jai: submitted by Phatnibbabutter to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 TigerNumerous1585 Jerry as terrorist or in fur coat

Who do you think is the most likely winner of Jerry’s friend? Board of director of susan foundation or CEO of kramerica industries.
submitted by TigerNumerous1585 to seinfeld [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 pashie93 Wordington overseas territory

submitted by pashie93 to wordington [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 karnzaya Jing Yuan with Sunday, what planar should I use?

What planar should I use if I want to play JY with Sunday? I have Inerts for him, but I'm not sure if Bananas will be better??
submitted by karnzaya to JingYuanMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 ReasonablePapaya9159 Dzsudzsák sztorik?tényleg afterokba fiúkat szervez maguknak a barátaival? Szijjártóval együtt van még?

Dzsudzsák sztorik?tényleg afterokba fiúkat szervez maguknak a barátaival? Szijjártóval együtt van még? lapozós
submitted by ReasonablePapaya9159 to talk_hunfluencers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Shadow_Worm Bezahltes Online-Gespräch - Teilnehmer gesucht

Folgende Kriterien müssen zutreffen: • Männer und Frauen 18-64 • Hauptverantwortlicher für den Einkauf und die Wäsche im Haushalt • Kein Nutzer von Single-Use-Dose Waschmittel (zum Beispiel Pods) • deutschsprachig
Das Interview findet am 04.12. statt und dauert 60 Minuten!
50,-€ entweder als Überweisung oder per PayPal.
PN an mich, dann leite ich euch weiter! :)
submitted by Shadow_Worm to Austria [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 musicandotherstuff CRZ owner as of last week. Love this car.

CRZ owner as of last week. Love this car. submitted by musicandotherstuff to crz [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 reddit_lss_2 test post

text for post
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to AutomationLinksRules [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Sea_Butterscotch1116 Wish I was making this up,Worst roommate ever! She lays around the house 24/7 never pays rent ,steals my stuff out of my room, wants me to buy her fancy neck attire,wants a massage daily,always begs me for free food ,expects me to clean up after her and just hides when I try to confront her about it

Wish I was making this up,Worst roommate ever! She lays around the house 24/7 never pays rent ,steals my stuff out of my room, wants me to buy her fancy neck attire,wants a massage daily,always begs me for free food ,expects me to clean up after her and just hides when I try to confront her about it submitted by Sea_Butterscotch1116 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 botman-robin-11 Free tips for cat preparation for dropper

Can anyone here tell me how much question one must practice in order to get 100-120 marks for cat. How much puzzles and rc question and quant question should one solve on daily basis in order to get 40 marks average in each section..
Is it possible in one year.. Is there any cat 99.9 percentiler here who can answer this question???
submitted by botman-robin-11 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 CheeseOnFloor What is this?

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submitted by CheeseOnFloor to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 No-Forever-9922 Hỏi về việc nếu vi phạm ở Việt nhưng lo lót chưa khởi tố thì có được bảo lãnh sang Mỹ không ?

Mọi người cho mình hỏi trường hợp này tí, ví dụ có người đang được người thân bảo lãnh chờ ngày đi phỏng vấn, nhưng trong quá trình người này có đánh gãy ngón tay 1 phụ nữ, người phụ nữ này đã làm đơn kiện nhưng bị thằng này dùng tiền lo lót cho công an nên chỉ hoà giải, người này cũng thường xuyên đánh vợ và đã ly hôn, nhưng khi ly hôn thì chắc thoả thuận không nêu vụ bạo hành vì thằng chồng nó nắm tài chính, vậy giờ nếu báo lãnh sự quán thì thằng này có bị vết đen không đc xét duyệt không ?
submitted by No-Forever-9922 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 goldenshovel12 What is this?

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submitted by goldenshovel12 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 artbyeshia I made a slowburn with a non-binary protagonist in a spy academy!

I made a slowburn with a non-binary protagonist in a spy academy! Secret of the Fox - Grey wants to avenge his father's death by infiltrating the government's spy organization. Being undercover at a spy school is a pretty stupid idea, though - especially when one falls in love.
I started this webtoon this year and it's been so fun to create a cosy, exciting autumn read~ Please check it out if you think this is ur thing!
my main character grey
submitted by artbyeshia to WebtoonCanvas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Nervous_Ad_4254 N was just joking...

N was just joking... submitted by Nervous_Ad_4254 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 T0DEtheELEVATED EU4, Bishoprics, Succession, and some random history

First, Bishoprics were often places where dynasties attempted to install younger children. For example, John William of Julich-Cleves-Berg, was the second son of William the Rich, Duke of Julich-Cleves-Berg. As John William was not expected to inherit the his father's duchies (which were declared to be inseparable in the Privilegium Unionis of Julich-Cleves-Berg, so he wouldn’t receive a cadet appanage like other states, ex Hesse-Kassel/Marburg/Rheinfels/Darmstadt or Palatinate-Neuburg/Zweibrucken/Simmern), John was pushed for an ecclesiastical career. The obvious choice was the neighboring, and powerful, Bishopric of Munster, one of the only states that matched Julich in the Westphalian circle. By installing John as Bishop of Munster, it is likely that relations between the states would improve. (John's elder brother Karl Frederick actually dies, so John becomes heir to Julich later instead of being Bishop of Munster. He will become duke and ends up dying without an heir, leading to the War of the Julich Succession). This is not the only case this happened: In Strasbourg, the death of the prince-bishop led to a succession crisis, in which a Catholic party supported installing Charles of Lorraine, whereas the Protestants aimed to install a son of the Elector of Brandenburg, with support from the Duke of Wurttemberg. Another example is Archduke Leopold V of Austria, who became Bishop of Strasbourg and Passau, and Ernst of Bavaria, who became Archbishop/Elector of Cologne following the Cologne War. Both Leopold and Ernst were from Habsburg Austria and Wittelsbach Bavaria, again supporting the idea that younger children in powerful families were often slated and pushed towards ecclesiastical career
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My idea for Bishoprics in this regard is that Bishoprics (and the Archbishoprics) should have a form of election system, similar to that of the Polish-Lithuanian Electoral Monarchy (which itself IMO is kind of bland). Ways to gain support in a bishoprics heir election could be like this:

  1. You can use a diplomat to support an heir from your dynasty in the bishopric, but slow
  2. Spend a few ducats on a bribe to improve your heir's standing
  3. If you have Papal Influence, you can use it to improve your standing as well, by gaining support of the Pope in the bishopric's election
Eventually, when the bishop dies, the heir with the highest support will win the election and become bishop, similar to how it is in real life. If you managed to win the election and secured someone from your dynasty in the bishopric, relations should greatly improve, making it easier to potentially form a temporary alliance. A bishopric can also try to install local bishop, similar to Poland installing a local king, if the local heir gets more support than a foreign one.
However, if the election is super close, the loser of the election, the closest loser at least, could gain a casus belli on the bishopric to install their heir instead. This is something that would mainly happen during the Protestant Reformation, for example, the aforementioned Strasbourg War. Bishoprics should also have the choice to convert their religion, but if they do, the Emperor should get a casus belli to attack the bishopric and depose the ruler, installing an heir from the country with the previous highest heir support. An example of this was the Cologne War; when the Bishop of Cologne decided to convert to Protestantism to marry, the Emperor (mainly Spain on behalf of their Habsburg relatives in Austria) attacked the Bishopric and deposed the Bishop, placing Ernst of Bavaria in charge (the justification came from the Peace of Augsburg’s Reservatum Ecclesiasticum (1555), that declared that bishoprics were meant to remain Catholic, and converters were meant to resign from their position). Ernst had previously lost the election before, but he was very close to winning and thus was the obvious replacement candidate. This bishopric system could also make the HRE election more interesting, as some of the electorates are bishoprics in 1444.
In addition to this, if you rule a bishopric, you should also have the ability to try to support yourself as heir to another bishopric. Whereas kingdoms can only support an heir, a bishopric should be able to support their own ruler as heir to other bishoprics. Historically, many bishoprics were under personal union of another. For example, Ernst of Bavaria was the Archbishop of Cologne, but also Bishop of Liege and Munster, along with other titles. Archduke Leopold V was Bishop of Strasbourg, but also Bishop of Passau. Of course, unlike with personal unions with monarchies, whenever the bishop dies, the personal union would break down with not chance at maintaining it, since bishoprics don't have succession like a monarchy would. Also, the bishopric under PU would have a different heir election from their overlord
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I have a few more ideas too but these are the main ones regarding ecclesiastical succession. I do think that countries with the same dynasty should be allowed to use the favor mechanic (currently its only with allies), and i think that favors should also have usage with electors (along with bribes). You could spend some favors to make an elector vote for someone for a few years (only if they are already in their top 5 or so candidates). This, if you install a family member as elector-archbishop of Cologne, you can kinda use this to manipulate the election.
Those are my ideas on how to make diplomacy and EU4 HRE bishoprics more interesting. Thanks for reading, feel free to leave some feedback.
For those who want to learn more about the history and the characters I mentioned:
Anderson, Alison D. (1999). On the verge of war: international relations and the Jülich-Kleve succession crises (1609-1614). Studies in Central European histories. Boston: Humanities Press.
Wilson, Peter (2011). The Holy Roman Empire, 1495–1806 (2nd ed.). London: Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 9780230239784
Wilson, Peter (2014). The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy. London: Belknap Press. ISBN 978-0674062313
Whaley, Joachim (2011). Germany and the Holy Roman Empire, Volume I: Maximilian I to the Peace of Westphalia, 1493–1648. Oxford: Oxford University Press
R. W. SCRIBNER, Why was there no Reformation in Cologne?, Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research, Volume 49, Issue 120, November 1976
submitted by T0DEtheELEVATED to eu4 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Accomplished-Tax4530 Little cry when walking

Little cry when walking When walking my little Mabel, often makes little squeaks and a sound similar to crying? Not experienced this before with any of my dogs just wanted to know if anyone has also had this and if the is anything I can do to relax her?
submitted by Accomplished-Tax4530 to MiniatureSchnauzer [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Healthy-Kitchen8572 So..why does Scopley need this info?

So..why does Scopley need this info? submitted by Healthy-Kitchen8572 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 autisticallyfixated feeling sad about friendship ending need some support

My friend is a NEET. We met in college (uk, college is different to uni it is somewhat an extension of high school) I studied hard and tried my best to help him. When I met him he couldn’t even tie his shoes. I pushed him to study for his qualifications and get his GCSEs. He’d go into lessons always screaming about how Steve Jobs was dead cos it made people laughed. (idk) He failed his Maths 3 times, despite me finding him extra help outside of lessons. (which he never turned up to) He liked to blame the teacher but it wasn’t the teacher he just didn’t try. He said he’d like to do music so I took him to talk to the music teacher to ask if there were any groups he could join. There were but he when offered the chance he didn’t want to do it. Eventually I got my grades and I have now got a Uni degree. My friend just plays games 24/7, he doesn’t even leave the house, ever. His mum is not helpful at all because she gives into his wants and pays for all these newest graphics cards and games. I try to get him to come hang out with me but he just complains he wants to go home and play games. He has a successful twitter account about gaming (42k followers) and tells me I have no idea what it’s like because I don’t have an audience that needs me. He also constantly tells me how he doesn’t deserve the life he leads and how did he get so lucky. He thinks the usual way of living is not right. He doesn’t cook or clean, his mum does it all. She even makes doctors appointments for him. He says his body aches, I tell him he needs to eat healthy and go outside sometimes. He refuses to listen to anything I say and since leaving college he has viewed me as some evil nagging being. I told him that maybe therapy would be beneficial for him. He said sure he’d give it a try. He asked me to fill out the forms for him. I tried to push him to do it himself but he wouldn’t. So I did it. He went to therapy and he didn’t even tell her the truth he lied to her. Then she sent him sheets that he was supposed to fill out. He said it was too much hard work and stopped doing it. Ever since then i’ve been trying to push him to lead a more independent lifestyle because I worry about his future when his mum dies. Lately he has viewed me as ‘evil and mean’. He compares me to his online friends who never ever ask anything of him and just let him play games. Two days ago he told me he wanted me out of his life. He wants to play games and do nothing else and he wants me gone. I haven’t spoken to him since. I accept his wishes. I just feel sad. At times I did feel like a mum to him but our friendship was 8 years long and no matter how hard I tried I never succeeded in helping him and now he no longer likes me or wants to be friends. I feel exhausted and quite depressed. I know you can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped but I never expected him to end the friendship. I guess i’m just looking for a place to vent.
submitted by autisticallyfixated to internetparents [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 Affectionate-Poet-90 15 oh one

15 oh one submitted by Affectionate-Poet-90 to BoneAppleTea [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 10:30 probablyjade Lami na turon?

Been craving turon alot latelyy. Ever since we moved here talagsa rako mukaon kay dili ko familiar unsay spots na lami. Any suggestions? Kanang barato rapud haha
submitted by probablyjade to dumaguete [link] [comments]