Take away my rights and I'll draw you whimpering

2024.11.26 12:50 New-Purchase5078 Take away my rights and I'll draw you whimpering

submitted by New-Purchase5078 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Angry_Shy_Guy What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Angry_Shy_Guy to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Allpeoplewilltravel Grey Winter Seasons Unisex T-Shirt - The APWT Gift Shop

Grey Winter Seasons Unisex T-Shirt - The APWT Gift Shop submitted by Allpeoplewilltravel to theyearroundgiftshop [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Zeldalem Nia

Nia submitted by Zeldalem to AnimeSketch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Monk070 Made a discord

I'll post my stuff I have of her later today
submitted by Monk070 to Rosivault [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 PrivateFrank SS ISA currently invested into L&G International Index. Should I switch to Fidelity Index World?

A while ago I started drip feeding my SS ISA with HL buying L&G's International Index. I chose this fund because it only had a 0.08% OCF.
I have noticed that it's an "ex-UK" fund, so I think this means that it's not investing in the UK, but is indexed against the rest of the world.
Fidelity World Index has an OCF of 0.12%, which is higher, but is a whole of market fund.
Should I switch everything into the Fidelity fund?
Is there a reason that someone like me should choose not to invest in the UK?
Would the Vanguard FTSE Global All Cap be better, despite the even higher OCF of 0.23%?
I'm just keeping money there for long term savings. I have no opinions or strategy apart from having my money grow faster than inflation, and I am happy with the risk level of having savings in 100% equities. (Main pension is DB.)
submitted by PrivateFrank to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 PerspectiveGrand716 Nextjs jobs: What is the best approach to match Nextjs developers with employers?

Problem: Normally employers face significant obstacles in the hiring process such as overwhelming number of irrelevant applications, high costs of application screening, and misunderstandings about job requirements.
Analyzing problem:
In recent job postings on Nextradar, I've noticed some common things happening:

Proposed Solution: Concise Job Posting Strategy Force job posts to be shorter e.g. (300 words), will encourage job seekers to read them carefully, which leads to high-quality applications as fewer will apply to the published job, which will reduce the cost of processing job applications.
Here is an example of a concise job post:
Would a more structured, concise job posting approach make an impact?
submitted by PerspectiveGrand716 to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 ProfessorOfFinance Gary Kasparov: “The ICC is following the path of the UN, which has been co-opted into a platform for dictators.” What are your thoughts?

Gary Kasparov: “The ICC is following the path of the UN, which has been co-opted into a platform for dictators.” What are your thoughts? submitted by ProfessorOfFinance to ProfessorFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Key-Concentrate-7434 Which of the 2 is the "original"?

submitted by Key-Concentrate-7434 to revancedapp [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Nemejizz Asia server rampant with speed cheaters

Open beta out for a few days, didn't think it would be this fast.
submitted by Nemejizz to supervive [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 ParkingEcho4347 Celtics team meeting

Celtics team meeting submitted by ParkingEcho4347 to nbacirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Ok-Resist-5821 Anyone wanna come jerk off to my asian girlfriends big round fuckable? 😅 kik: jboyy866

submitted by Ok-Resist-5821 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Repulsive-Ad-8049 Monitor Optix G241V E2 dead

My monitor has been like this since yesterday. I've tested it on other computers and with other DisplayPort and HDMI cables, and nothing has changed.
What can I do? Or should I give up and throw it in the trash?
submitted by Repulsive-Ad-8049 to fixapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 CmdrDTauro Imagine seeing Faithless performing Insomnia in a huge cathedral and Sister Bliss is playing a massive pipe organ to that awesome riff

That would be awesome
submitted by CmdrDTauro to StonerThoughts [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 SMIDG3T Topps Now F1 - What’s worth more, /99 or /10?

So take the same card, roughly, how much more will a /10 get compared to a /99? Lewis specifically too. Thanks. And the “community post” which the mods said to use is useless.
submitted by SMIDG3T to F1Cards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 CodeMan1337 Couple days left before the Heroes banner dissapears, how did your summons go?

Couple days left before the Heroes banner dissapears, how did your summons go? submitted by CodeMan1337 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 coffeenpistolsfor2 Bilingual toddler—should I focus on one language first?

Hi all, I have an almost 14mo baby boy and I’m raising him to be bilingual. We live in a non-English-speaking country but want him to speak English fluently since he’ll go to an English-based school.
Here’s how we’ve been doing it: I speak to him in English 90% of the time (I’m his primary caregiver), and my husband speaks our local language. All the songs and books I introduced him are in English. He seems to understand both languages well—he’ll follow easy commands in both languages like putting stuff in, turning on/off, open and close, up/down—but he only says a few words like mama, dada, book , ball, car, star, pool (some of the words are pronounced not perfectly but close and we know he understands the meanings)
Some family members have commented that he’s a ‘slow speaker’ (he doesn’t babble much) and a teacher at his English-based playgroup gently suggested that normally, parents should focus more on the local language first so he has a base language to translate back to. I’m worried I might have started off wrong by prioritizing English all along for almost 14months.
Should I stick with what we’ve been doing or shift to focusing more on our local language? I’d love to hear from anyone with experience or research-based advice on raising bilingual kids. Thanks!
submitted by coffeenpistolsfor2 to ScienceBasedParenting [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 PumaPaants Itsukushima Shrine and the ‘floating’ torii at low tide ⛩️

Taken in early November, 2024.
submitted by PumaPaants to japanpics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Gaming_Bacon5525 It said it was 1 hour and 7 minutes,

It said it was 1 hour and 7 minutes, submitted by Gaming_Bacon5525 to onejob [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 khalilsoltani10 Suche nach einer Ausbildung

ich bin ein 22-jähriger junger Mann aus Tunesien. Ich habe das tunesische Abitur, das in Deutschland dem Abitur entspricht.
Derzeit suche ich eine Ausbildungsstelle in einem beliebigen Bereich. Ich habe dreieinhalb Jahre Erfahrung in den Bereichen Gesundheit und Hotellerie.
Ich bitte um eure Unterstützung. Gibt es hier Auszubildende, deren Arbeitgeber neue Auszubildende suchen? Wenn ja, lasst es mich bitte wissen.
Falls es Arbeitgeber oder Unternehmen gibt, die eine Ausbildung anbieten, bin ich bereit, meine Ausbildung so schnell wie möglich zu beginnen.
Bitte hinterlasst Kommentare nur, wenn ihr mir helfen könnt, indem ihr mich auf eine Institution oder einen Arbeitgeber hinweist, der einen Auszubildenden sucht.
Ich spreche fünf Sprachen: Arabisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch. Zudem habe ich Fähigkeiten im Kochen und in der Pflege.
Wer mir helfen kann, möge mich bitte kontaktieren.
Vielen Dank!
submitted by khalilsoltani10 to Azubis [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 CrematoriumDweller i just want to pause my life and rest.

i just want to pause my life and rest. submitted by CrematoriumDweller to depression_memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Rickkins1 Protests turn deadly in Pak; army deployed, shoot-at-sight orders issued

Protests turn deadly in Pak; army deployed, shoot-at-sight orders issued submitted by Rickkins1 to FluffyBunnies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 bilal13034 My First ever HOF

My First ever HOF submitted by bilal13034 to PokemonInfiniteFusion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 Spritepike Advice on endgame PVE build

Advice on endgame PVE build This is just a rough build I’ve been using lately for things like nightfalls and dungeons and was wondering if anyone here could recommend ways to make it more efficient for damage or overall buffs. Thanks!
Ember of beams, ember of combustion, ember of char and ember of mercy
For heavy I swap between lament and 1K voices
submitted by Spritepike to destiny2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 12:50 -sigma_male 2 SILVER tickets available for KOLKATA - 30th November. Prices are highly negotiable.

La La La La La...
submitted by -sigma_male to diljitconcert [link] [comments]
