2024.11.26 12:47 Disastrous_Act2135 Day 7: Give me a unique thing about Equatorial Guinea
submitted by Disastrous_Act2135 to JackSucksAtGeography [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Spiritual_Junket_591 Mocks for OMETS available at very low prices!
DM if interested price negotiable!
submitted by Spiritual_Junket_591 to CATpreparation [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 NoAd6851 Sacrifice in the path of God
"Think not that because these things have come to pass after Husayn's martyrdom, therefore all this glory hath been of no profit unto him. For that holy soul is immortal, liveth the life of God, and abideth within the retreats of celestial glory upon the Sadrih of heavenly reunion. These Essences of being are the shining Exemplars of sacrifice. They have offered, and will continue to offer up their lives, their substance, their souls, their spirit, their all, in the path of the Well-Beloved. By them, no station, however exalted, could be more dearly cherished. For lovers have no desire but the good-pleasure of their Beloved, and have no aim except reunion with Him."~Bahá'u'lláh, Book of Certitude
"Banish from your mind, O Mulla Mirza Muhammad, these perplexing subtleties and, freed from their trammels, arise and seek with me to quaff the cup of martyrdom. Then will you be able to comprehend, as the year '80 dawns upon the world, the secret of the things which now lie hidden from you."~Dawn-Breakers These words shine proofing his Eldership:
""And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God…These twenty-four great persons, though they are seated on the thrones of everlasting rule, yet are worshipers of the appearance of the universal Manifestation, and they are humble and submissive,"~Abdu’l-Baha, SAQ
2024.11.26 12:47 Particular_Ad_3298 MEGA AMPHAROS 5785 3268 3607
submitted by Particular_Ad_3298 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Quantisnow Science Applications upgraded by Wells Fargo with a new price target
submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 Bartgames03 FINALLY FOUND THE BASTARD!!!
Last piece of the puzzle. Took me three days. Never thought that multiple would spawn at one station and in these positions, but after seeing posts about multiple demonstrators spawning in/near a station and in these kind of positions I went around each station one or two more times. Now I finally have all the locs and can focus on restoring them. Gotta work the DMU to it's knees pulling this loc. https://preview.redd.it/vwjywxr9s83e1.jpg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b739a6e2b415586131f65d4e5d5b1ee7cb6eded4 submitted by Bartgames03 to DerailValley [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 rhapsodysoblue [MegaThread] ISO Requests
ISO (in search of) requests must be forwarded to this megathread. Future posts made out of this thread will be removed.
submitted by rhapsodysoblue to animatronicsforsale [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Hexaotl The game is all about doomstacks?
Is there any way to avoid the game becoming a game of making the biggest doomstack? It seems that playing “tactical” and more realistic will only results in you getting wiped by a doomstack, which forces you to make your own doomstack.
Sometimes I wish the combat was a bit more Hearts of Iron, and a little bit less StarCraft 2 if you get what I mean. Not saying this game should be HoI, but equally it should not be SC2.
Alternatively, what changes could the devs make to improve the combat gameplay?
submitted by Hexaotl to Dunespicewars [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 PraiseSun What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by PraiseSun to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Pattie79 Best offer
submitted by Pattie79 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 ForeignAd5831 Eylül Lize
submitted by ForeignAd5831 to topsecretarsiv [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 Medium-Theme-4611 If You See This, You Are Screwed [I am the Fated Villain 206 ch]
submitted by Medium-Theme-4611 to Manhua [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 Emebus Autumnal Crowned Crane.
submitted by Emebus to birdpics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 UniversityBest3332 Amy
submitted by UniversityBest3332 to dank_meme [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 ciscorey M16 Plus + Raven
submitted by ciscorey to fightsticks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 WPoptic Validation VS Reality
Hi all,
I'm building a Chrome extension which discovers WordPress plugins that are active on a website.
When I was validating the idea I shared this in multiple groups of WordPress enthoustiacs and I got a lot of positive feedback. At the end of the day I had 77 subscribers that signed up for the waiting list. Enough for me to continue with the idea as my concept was validated.
Now I have built the tool. It's called WPoptic (check wpoptic.com). And I started promotion.
Of course it could be the timing, the copy, the video or any other factor. But after the promotion I got 0 signups...
It is just the start so it's too early to say I have failed. But what do you think?
77 vs 0 is a big difference. And I was hoping for a better start to get some momentum going.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
submitted by WPoptic to SaaS [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Godly-Rancer rainbow six defender bundle
idk if anyone knows this but there is a new bundle in the store that has the outfits of mute, jager and valkyrie for sale
submitted by Godly-Rancer to thedivision [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 UNIVERSAL_VLAD Bob
submitted by UNIVERSAL_VLAD to repost [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 ParaBox_ WHY ARE THEY SO COMMON
I had a chimera appear 3 time on me so far, they take 50 buckshots to kill, is this supposed to be intentional??
submitted by ParaBox_ to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 MERIEGG Părerea mea fiind un elev de 16 ani.
Salutare! De când a intrat Georgescu în turul 2 am inceput sa devin din ce in ce mai speriat de acest personaj, but let's start from the beggining.
In ziua votului nu știam cine este Calin Georgescu, nu auzisem de el fiindcă nu folosesc tik tok și nu știam ce ideologie are. Am auzit că multi din familia mea votează Georgescu, și neștiind cine este, i am încurajat zicând că oricine e mai bun decât ciolacu - I was wrong.
Pe la 10 seara când am ajuns și eu în casă m am uitat pe RoAEP sa vad situația voturilor și sincer am rămas plăcut surprins sa vad că Georgescu, un om educat, cu școala și care își iubește tara (ce am auzit de la părinți) are șanse să intre în turul 2 și chiar sa bată PSD. In acel moment am simțit un sentiment de fericire, dar în același timp mă întrebam "Ba, dar cine naiba e asta până la urmă, și de ce mă bucur că intră în turul 2?".
Am inceput sa fac puțin research and it hit me, e exact ce nu speram sa fie. Un rusofil care sa folosit de manipulare propagandistă tip China și Rusia să atragă oameni ușor manipulabili fara educație de pe... Tik Tok.
Revenind, eu nu sunt speriat de puterea legislativă pe care o poate avea Georgescu, și extrem de multi oameni se focusează pe acest aspect, ceea ce mi se pare greșit. Mie îmi este frica de nivelul de manipulare pe care îl poate exercita pe Tik Tok-erimea noastră deodată ce a dobândit titlul de președinte.
Degeaba o sa avem un parlament contra acestui gunoi daca o sa aibă toate resursele pentru manipulare in masă eficientă. Tot felul de idei extremiste promovate nu doar pe Tik Tok, ci și pe alte canale de comunicare fara niciun fel de filtru. O țară care o să iasă în stradă nu împotriva lui, ci pentru a-l sprijinii când parlamentul i se va opune.
Și nu mă gândesc că chestia asta se va întâmpla în prima lună a mandatului, aceste chestii vor fi implementate gradual in mintea populației și nici nu își vor da seama de asta. Deja incepe să isi exprime voalat intentia lui adevărata față de UE și NATO.
In fine, nu am apucat să scriu tot ce am pe cap că iese un post de o ora, these are my 2 cents scrise Intr o ora de geografie și as vrea sa vad ce credeți și voi despre acestea :)) îmi cer scuze pentru greșelile gramaticale. have a good day și votați cu cap!
submitted by MERIEGG to GenZRo [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Hanayamakaoru_ Baki Spinoffs animated
Do you guys think once the Baki manga series is completed and also animated, the spinoffs will get an adaption too?
View Poll
submitted by Hanayamakaoru_ to Grapplerbaki [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 Special_Honeydew1155 Up if you would smash my gf (26) Kik shibashab91 to jerk to/chat about or degrade her
submitted by Special_Honeydew1155 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 pew--pew-- [OC] Adventurers Wanted - A DnD Student Short Film
submitted by pew--pew-- to DnD [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 12:47 dreambringer6 Phillyda Murphy - Let's Go Below the Rainbow 2023
submitted by dreambringer6 to celebsNcigs [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 12:47 Clepity Ps4 need help wit rykard
Hep please😭
submitted by Clepity to EldenRingHelp [link] [comments]