Learn the meaning and usage of by as a preposition and an adverb in English. Find examples, synonyms, grammar rules, and typical errors with by. Learn how to distinguish between buy and by, two homophones that have different meanings and spellings. Buy is a verb for purchasing, while by is a preposition for indicating agent or method. Learn the meaning, pronunciation and usage of the preposition by with examples and pictures. Find out how to use by for showing how, where, when, amount, result, part, rate, measurements and more. Learn how to use by as a preposition in different contexts and meanings. By can indicate a person or thing behind an action, a way of doing something, proximity, time limit, conformity, or relationship in math. Learn how to use by as a preposition or an adverb in different contexts and meanings. Find out the rules, examples and typical errors of by with time, place, measurements, actions, writers and more. Learn the meaning and usage of the preposition and adverb by in English. Find out how to use by to indicate location, time, cause, method, name, and more with examples and synonyms. By means near, beside, or past. When your friend rides by on her bike, she passes close to you. Learn the meaning and usage of the word by as a preposition, adverb, noun, adjective, and interjection. Find synonyms, example sentences, word history, and related phrases for by. Learn the definition and usage of the preposition by in English with examples and translations. Find out how to use by to show the person or thing that does something, the way of doing something, the amount of something, and more. Learn the meaning and usage of the preposition and adverb 'by' in English. See examples, synonyms, pronunciation, and grammar rules for 'by'.
2024.11.26 14:30 CaioBelluto [RF] Miryang art by Me
submitted by CaioBelluto to characterdrawing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:30 LeoDaVinci-Baws Viitorul tarii e in continuare in mana PSD, daca facem calcule bazate pe numarul de voturi luate in primul tur.
Lasconi ar avea in jur de 3.5 mil de voturi daca insumam voturile candidatilor care au zis pana acum ca o sustin:
Lasconi - 1.77 mil
PNL - 800k
Geoana - 600k
Diaconescu - 280k - presupunand ca tipul de votant care a auzit si ar vota cu Diaconescu e pro UE NATO
Georgescu ar avea tot pe acolo cu tot polul suveranist, 3.5 mil:
CG - 2.12 mil
Simion 1.28 mil
Terhes - 95k
UDMR a luat 416k si daca presupunem ca voturile se impart egal intre Lasconi si Georgescu bazat pe ideea ca o parte vor vota pro UE, pro Bolojan ca in zona aia de tara, Bihor, UDMR a luat procente bune. Restul sa zicem ca voreaza in continuare anti sistem si automat inseamna Georgescu. Chiar si daca estimarea e incorecta oricum diferentele ar fi mici.
Practic doar PSD are puterea sa incline balanta in favoarea unui candidat anume in functine de pe cine alege sa sustina in turul 2, prin influenta asupra votantilor PSD, aparat de partid etc.
Acum apare intrebarea, in ce directie vrea sa duca PSD Romania si cine are mai multa putere in partid acum ca atitudinea moderata nu a adus rezultate si probabil multi membri vor cere schimbari.
submitted by LeoDaVinci-Baws to Romania [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 iNolphin Will we be getting something entirely new?
Over the last few months I've been thinking to myself how Super is going to end. Are we getting Black Frieza, Eoz and that's it?? Since first thinking this we've gotten the first few episodes of Dragon ball Daima where we see a "retcon" happen within the show. Pic related Does anyone think that there might be a high possibility that they're going to give us a new continuity again? submitted by iNolphin to Dragonballsuper [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:30 Accomplished_Ad1684 Review of "And then there were none"
Have been an avid reader throughout my life with a decade long slump. I have always avoided classic whodunit thrillers of every kind, somehow I find them underwhelming at the end. I have always been stuck on classic novels and a modern thrillers of the Sidney Sheldon/Dann Brown kind.
I started reading again this year. I was in the middle of reading A dance of dragons (I've been reading Asoiaf since the last 3 months). However, considering the next book isn't coming anytime soon, I thought to take it slow and read short novels in between. It was today when I stumbled across a few posts praising "And then there were none". Thought to give Christie a chance, loaded it on my kindle and started reading it. After all she's the best selling author in mysteries, and this lauded as her most influential work in the thriller scene. Maybe I need to develop a taste bud for this genre..
The book starts with the rhyme "ten little soldiers"(which was originally "ten little n****ers" and the story carried the same name). This rhyme counts off each soldier in a particular way and ends with "and then there were none". In the story, ten unrelated people are invited to soldier island, which is effectively cut off from the mainland. Each of them has a past crime which they have committed, except the crime is a moral one. It does not stand to be adjudged under the court of law. A gramophone announces their charges, and one by one each of them dies in a manner the soldiers are counted off in the rhyme.
It is a page turner, that I guarantee you. Ive finished it under 12 hours with a few breaks. The tension is palpable. The internal monologues, the little soldier figurines missing one by one, the facade of normalcy they try to bring after each death, is all very thrilling. However, a good mystery is one where the reader should be kept guessing throughout. I never found myself guessing. I was just clueless. The story made a good premise, but it feels written in a way to just keep the readers fed on mystery-pulp and deliberately avoid any hints to come at their own conclusion.
The reveal, JW being the murderer, I found it preposterous. There arise many questions that can be held as plot holes. Why would he receive an invitation from Constance Culmington in the first place? If that was fake to deceive, why was the first chapter written as if he was surprised to receive the invitation? We definitely did not need his internal thoughts on the letter unless he was conversing with someone else. The way his own "fake" murder was pre-planned with Dr. Armstrong is badly written as well. Why would he rely on the fact that only the doctor would be checking on him after getting "shot"? What if inspector Blore had examined his body and exposed his sham? Both the doctor and the judge would get caught here.. The writer definitely owed some explanation here. The sequence where Vera hangs herself is poorly written too. Her transition from a relieved woman to a guilt stricken one just simply hanging herself didn't do it form me.
The payoff isn't worth it at the end. Reminded me why I tend to avoid these books. She wrote the book based on the rhyme, that was a neat idea, but there were less hints and clues and more pulp. No doubt she confesses this as one of her most difficult to write. Don't get me wrong, I felt the book was a good read to spend a lazy day off, but in no way am I compelled to read classic mysteries again. Maybe just on another off-day.
submitted by Accomplished_Ad1684 to Indianbooks [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 Aggressive_Rip_9107 The devs really need to learn to take feedback, and stop ignoring and deleting our posts.
I got banned from the discord server for making a post asking other users if they were happy with the current state of character ai. You'd think the devs would take action after seeing the amount of people that answered "no", but instead, they deleted my post multiple times then decided to ban me from the discord server. Don't that understand that we are just trying to help make the website/app better? They are WAY too sensitive istg. (This post will probably be deleted and I will most likely get banned from the reddit too, but it's just frustrating how the devs ignore and then go and give us another update that nobody asked for. They are ruining the app.)
submitted by Aggressive_Rip_9107 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 GaboDrawings [FOR HIRE] COMMISSIONS - Illustrator / Character Designer. Portraits/Icons to fullbody. More info in comments ❤️
submitted by GaboDrawings to Artistsforhire [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 ViktorRedd Megatronus
submitted by ViktorRedd to TransformersArt [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 iinjury Game crash
So recently I found a program that allows me to extract sprites from the games DBZ Legacy of Goku 2 and Buu’s fury. I am then able to edit the bmp files to whatever I want and therefore put any characters I want in the game. It works perfectly fine for Legacy of Goku 2 but in Buu’s fury the game will crash in certain areas and I get this message (see picture). I tested the game without the modded sprites and nothing happened so I know the sprites are causing some issues. I have zero knowledge on emulators and romhacking so I really don’t know what to do. The program isn’t online anymore so I can send over the rom to you if possible. If anyone knows anyone or anything that would be greatly appreciated! :) submitted by iinjury to romhacking [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:30 EyesOpened50 New 2025 UK Tenere Rally - Birmingham NEC last weekend. £11,400
submitted by EyesOpened50 to Tenere700 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:30 justin_quinnn Randy Fine will leave Florida Senate and run for Congress
submitted by justin_quinnn to Uniteagainsttheright [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:30 Loud_Row4653 Live on YouTube building a card game using ReactNative and rambling on tech stuff
Come join us if you have free time
submitted by Loud_Row4653 to nepali_programmers [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 SignalLet1439 Why do we have "leftovers" from meals, but the term “rightovers” doesn’t exist?
submitted by SignalLet1439 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 krique96 White Rancilio Silvia Owners
How’s the powder coating holding up? I want to buy me a rancilio silvia pro x in white, but thinking long term, will the powder coating hold up or chip? Is it staining yellow anywhere? Does it scratch easily? Are there any concerns with the powder coating? TIA!
submitted by krique96 to ranciliosilvia [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 Vivid_Essay_3111 Lost Evenings ticket prices
Desperately wanting to go to LE8 in Edinburgh. Just seen his post saying info very soon and I'm worried about how close it is to Christmas - anybody got a rough idea how much Lost Evenings tickets cost?
submitted by Vivid_Essay_3111 to frankturner [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 Bellumbern Naming and shaming this dumbass who ignored me trying to usher her inside in favor of feeding the livestock and got folded by a pack of raptors
submitted by Bellumbern to RimWorld [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 Constant-Garbage9192 put on a few lbs, period came shortly after
thanks to this community for constant encouragement. still getting comfortable in my skin, but honestly don’t think anyone but me has noticed the weight gain 🥲
submitted by Constant-Garbage9192 to Amenorrhearecovery [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 GaboDrawings [FOE HIRE] COMMISSIONS - Illustrator / Character Designer. Portraits/Icons to fullbody. More info in comments ❤️
submitted by GaboDrawings to comissions [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 MoochoMaas Patriot Takes: Trump and his granddaughter hanging out with Caitlyn Jenner and Elon Musk. Funny how trans people become ok when they are at Mar-a-Lago.
submitted by MoochoMaas to HumorInPoorTaste [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:30 InevitableLess5850 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by InevitableLess5850 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 gtp89 Wanting a 690 enduro R, going to wait for the '25 model to see what the difference is between the '24
So I'm itching to get a new bike, it's been a few years without one. My last bike was a brand new crf 450rl I did the vortex ecu yoshi full pipe and few other things. Got bored with it within one season. My orgional option was a 500 excf but the oil change intervals turned me off plus the nearest ktm dealer is 125 miles away. My honda dealer is 17 miles away. Anyways I now have my eyes on a 690 enduro R. What I like about it is the power, and also seat height it lower than the crf450rl and 500 excf. I had to put a seats concept lower seat and kouba Lowering link on the Honda to be flat footed. I'm thinking just the seats concept lower seat should do the trick for the 690. Anyways does anyone know what the changes will be? I don't see much info right now.
submitted by gtp89 to KTM [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 Ready_Donut6181 Sa mga nabiktima o nadale ng mga shipping couriers ng mga shopping platforms (ex. SPX, LEX PH, J&T, Flash Express), this is for you.
Discuss and share your horrible experience sa mga naturang couriers here.
submitted by Ready_Donut6181 to ShopeePH [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 Quiet-Report-2678 Guys: based off your interactions… Chinese women or Japanese women?
I’m currently over Nepali Women… majority are just socially awkward and impossible to connect with. I have an opportunity to travel abroad to China or Japan… obviously Japan has the most cultural influence on me.. but I’ve had better interactions with Chinese people.. especially the women. Anyone with experience care to share your experience , if you have any?
submitted by Quiet-Report-2678 to NepalSocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 topredditbot TIL in 2005, Joaquin Phoenix flipped his car. He heard someone tell him to "just relax". Phoenix replied, "I'm fine. I am relaxed." The man replied, "No, you're not." The man then stopped Phoenix from lighting a cigarette while gasoline was leaking into the car... [r/todayilearned by u/Pemulis_DMZ]
submitted by topredditbot to topofreddit [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 14:30 ItsToLate77 Got offered his CMC for my Ceedee Lamb.Should I accept?
submitted by ItsToLate77 to fantasyfootballadvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 14:30 Mediocre_Summer_4275 Loewe Dark Date - Versatile Color
submitted by Mediocre_Summer_4275 to RepladiesDesigner [link] [comments] |