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2024.11.26 16:47 lss_web_1444 Image post title 315

Image post title 315 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 Seikigun Nene Arahata

Nene Arahata submitted by Seikigun to WrestleWithTheJoshis2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 spartacus_flo Illegales Facebook-Schnitzel

Illegales Facebook-Schnitzel submitted by spartacus_flo to SchnitzelVerbrechen [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 HornyDiggler Plasma gun

Plasma gun submitted by HornyDiggler to MujicoCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 Jaded_Watch_2315 Lala’s Post About VPR ending

Lala’s Post About VPR ending submitted by Jaded_Watch_2315 to Vanderpumpaholics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 Few-Butterscotch-511 GYA character creation make

GYA character creation make submitted by Few-Butterscotch-511 to GTAoutfits [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 PommyPogChamp Suggest me a book for my mother

I would like to get her a new book for christmas, as i know she hasn't been reading as much as she used to back in the day, but she loves to read so if i could get her to get back into it with a great book i would be very happy.
I'm pretty sure her favourite author is, or was, Stephen King. He is the one she was talking about the most at least. One of, if not her favourite, tv show is Homeland, i'm pretty sure. But overall I think she particularly loves when a story can be grounded but still has concepts that are "mind blowing" or out of this world.
And I'm looking for a book that is about women, or a woman protagonist at least, a woman author would be a plus too.
Thanks if you can help me out !
submitted by PommyPogChamp to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 meowmeowiii Experience with Schwarzkopf blue berry?

Hello pretty people ✨✨ Has anyone used blue berry shade 059 from Schwarzkopf? I currently have a purple hair in a shade of violets (like flowers) and would like to try this shade to introduce just a bit more of the blue in my color. Has anyone tried it and it is overwhelmingly blue since I can't seem to find any photos of videos of this color online. 🧐💜💙
submitted by meowmeowiii to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 Safe-Conversation539 What age did you stop thinking with your penis

Just a few months away from turning 60, far more control today. Still isn't symbiotic though.
submitted by Safe-Conversation539 to askmenover60 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 anneg1312 Beware the “Hacks”

Test and follow up. They might work for some, but really just a lucky few.
Particularly if you are treating this with diet alone or minimal meds, this is KEY!
This gentleman is not a doctor, but has a lot of wisdom about using ketogenic and low carb eating to treat. Has helped a lot of people in their journey.
submitted by anneg1312 to diabetes_t2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 KroopaLoops Best A&G box I have opened

Best A&G box I have opened submitted by KroopaLoops to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 Ok-Solid32 Birthday rosin suggestions

Birthday rosin suggestions Hello just curious what you’d pick? Going to the dispo for my bday later thanks
submitted by Ok-Solid32 to ILTrees [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 fritoscheez Dog Head #1 - The Comics Journal

Dog Head #1 - The Comics Journal submitted by fritoscheez to altcomix [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 KonoFerreiraDa What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by KonoFerreiraDa to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 NenaricA3 Braulio madau ❤️

Braulio madau ❤️ submitted by NenaricA3 to GatosArgentinos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 Mindless-North1811 Possible reaction to Ostarine

I began taking Ostarine a little over 2 weeks ago and for the past 3 days have been dealing with a great deal of itching and hives on my arms, legs, and stomach. I’m currently taking 15 mg/day. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Urine is normal color. I have also been dealing with some sinus issues for about a week and was wondering if the hives might be related to that rather than the Ostarine it’s self. I feel like if I was having a reaction to the sarm it would’ve shown up before now?
submitted by Mindless-North1811 to SARMs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 BusAcademic3489 Thoughts ??

Thoughts ?? With Vicario out and for 4.3m, it feels like a steal - assuming he is the main sub ofc.
submitted by BusAcademic3489 to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 KannTheGunn What the hell is up with my Spotify

I can't login to my account anymore, yesterday I couldn't listen to any music and today when I try to logout and login to my account it says "you can only use Spotify Abroad for 14 days". Why does a literal music application need to be so complicated for god's sake. I'm thrashing Spotify if I lose all my 1000 songs playlist
submitted by KannTheGunn to spotify [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 Hunterph0neix 8.2 excellent Prowling staff

Selling 5.5m EU server
submitted by Hunterph0neix to albiononline [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 eigo-bunpou 「英単語解説」system-integratorの意味について

system-integratorは【異なる会社から供給された部品から完全なコンピュータシステムを構築する人または会社】の意味として使われています。 和訳:【システムインテグレーター】
#英語文法 #英文法
submitted by eigo-bunpou to omoshiroi_eigo_bunpou [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 seasonweatherpepper Can you download Facebook photos without a computer, and how is the quality?

My Facebook has been deactivated for years, but I haven’t jumped to fully deleting it because it’s the only place I have majority of my photos from the last 15 years saved-as I haven’t really owned a computer for majority of my life. Is it possible to save all of your photos to an iPhone? I know you can obviously when you’re individually saving them one by one, but is “download all” (or whatever it is) an option that’s given on mobile? Also-and this was years and years ago so things might have changed-but my sister told me that when she downloaded her data from Facebook that it made the photo quality TERRIBLE. I think she specifically described them as all being “small and grainy.” Does this still stand true? I was fine with it just being deactivated and ignoring it, but with all of the hacking stuff going on and me also not having a need to get ahold of people on messenger, I would rather do away with the whole thing if I can save all of my photos.
submitted by seasonweatherpepper to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 mpdmax82 For or against: "Capitalism" is just a "progressive/socialist" dog whistle that does not in any way reference a "system".

I think the reason Capitalism is so easy to blame for literally everything is that the term doesn't actually refer to anything; it is just a way for the speaker to identify their dogmatic in-group.
Capitalism Reassessed by Frederic L. Pryor APPENDIX 2-1: ETYMOLOGY OF “CAPITALISM”
“Capitalism,” of course, is derived from “capital.” The latter word comes from the Latin words capitalis, capitale, which in Western Europe in the Middle Ages designated, among other things, “property” and “wealth.” (Berger, 1986: pp. 17-18).
In classical Latin, however, “property” was designated by a different word, namely caput. The Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (1906-12, vol. 3: 43-34) provides examples of this usage: for instance, around 30 B.C., Horace employed it to indicate “property” in his Satire 1 (Book 2, line 14). Several decades after Horace, Livy also employed the word with roughly the same meaning. A common derivation linking “capital” to “head of cattle” (hence wealth) appears to be incorrect.
Berger also claims the word “capitalism,” designating owners of capital, seems to have first appeared in the seventeenth century, although other scholars place the origins of this word a century later. For instance, the Oxford English Dictionary claims that the first use of the English word “capitalism” can be found in William Makepeace Thackeray’s novel The Newcomes (1855, vol. 2: p. 45), where it seemed to refer to money-making activities and not an economic system. The Centre national de la recherche scientifique (1977, vol. 5: 143) cites the first usage of the word “capitalisme” in French in 1753; but at that time the word seemed also to refer to an economic activity, not to an economic system. According to Passow (1927: 2) the first German usage of “Kapitalismus” was in Nazional-Oekonomie (1805) by Friedrich Julius Heinrich von Soden, who referred to “capitalistic production,” again in the sense of an activity, rather than an economic system.
For most of the nineteenth century scholars seldom employed the word “capitalism,” and even Karl Marx used the term infrequently, although he sometimes spoke of “capitalist production”. By the latter part of the nineteenth century the word was, however, widely used in the 3 popular press, usually for polemical purposes; and with the publication of Werner Sombart’s Der moderne Kapitalismus in 1902, other scholars began to employ the word with increasing frequency. Passow (1927) records many scores of different and conflicting meanings for “capitalism” by the 1920s, few of which lead to easy quantification.
submitted by mpdmax82 to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 SpaceMarine1616 Perma Slow and Freeze is lame

I love when I'm unable to play a video game. It's a blast, 30 minutes into a run and bam who do I lose to? A last second crit in the darkest hour? Nope!
Just someone with a build that instant freezes my entire board or perma slows it to the point dooley friends can't overcome it.
It's super fun really just seeing your items do literally nothing while you get pounded into the dirt by whatever singular damage item they picked.
There needs to be a fundamental change to items that interact that way maximums for the amount of slow and freezes at a time or give us the player tools to negate it with skills or items that buff your other items against debuffs.
I'm fine losing to weird instant crit builds or the the ones that break the game and shoot you 100000 times in 1 second, but seeing my stuff do literally nothing is so boring and so lame.
submitted by SpaceMarine1616 to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 Saffran0Spice Jailbird

Jailbird Went to jail for being handsome, but no one can stop me 🐺♥️ //Rossi
submitted by Saffran0Spice to ItalianGreyhounds [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:47 tejufrutilla Productor musical alternativo

Holis, hay contacto de algún productor musical alternativo que pueda ayudar con unos proyectos? La idea es crear un concepto como el de Grimes, Bjork, Eduardo Mateo, Juana Molina
submitted by tejufrutilla to Paraguay [link] [comments]