Found this on Facebook but is true they over hype everything neither give her construction criticisms on her acting or anything

2024.11.26 20:30 Medium-Recipe-4103 Found this on Facebook but is true they over hype everything neither give her construction criticisms on her acting or anything

Found this on Facebook but is true they over hype everything neither give her construction criticisms on her acting or anything submitted by Medium-Recipe-4103 to IndianTellyTalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 fantastic_sticks Crediting people

There are people in this fandom who are able to find every single content. If you ask someone for help, and they help you find the content, at least tell others who helped you unless the person doesn’t want everyone to know.
Irishspice tagged a girl named shellhoed on Bluesky to ask for content someone else in this subreddit asked for. She then posted the sources without even mentioning who she got it from. And she didn’t even thank shellhoed after shellhoed gave her the content.
No. The content doesn’t belong to shellhoed. But it is still fucked up to not acknowledge someone who spent some time to help you find something, and then make it seem like you found it yourself and not even bothering to thank shellhoed afterwards.
No, I am not shellhoed because she is far too nice to complain, but I am her bestie and I know that it bothers her to some extent.
Be a decent fucking person, thank others, credit others, acknowledge that someone took time out of their day to help you.
submitted by fantastic_sticks to RaulEEsparza [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Any-Faithlessness711 Up vote for up vote 🫡🫡

Get to that thread soldiers 🫡🫡🫡🫡
submitted by Any-Faithlessness711 to needkarma [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 J_doll98 Moomin Mug

Moomin Mug This is my first time posting in this group but I wanted to show off the little Moomin mug my grandma got me last year for Christmas. She told me she had found it randomly at a Puerto Rican grocery store she usually shops at. Unfortunately this was a one time find and she hasn’t found any other Moomin merch there.
submitted by J_doll98 to Moomins [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 FutureHendrixBetter Tesla just intentionally hit me, holiday time now wasted

Dude didn’t like that I was infront of him and he recklessly swung his car infront of me, went around him and still made it infront of him, then he intentionally hit my rear bumper and now instead of traveling to my family for the holidays my time is wasted on the side of the road dealing with this pos. He thinks taking pictures of my plates will make him in the right. Dude you literally have a tesla the footage will prove you hitting me. What a mòròn. I guess he didn’t think that through.
submitted by FutureHendrixBetter to driving [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 SubHomunculus 2E Daily Spell Discussion: Sending - Nov 26, 2024

Link: Sending
This spell was not renamed in the Remaster. The Knights of Last Call 'All Spells Ranked' series ranked this spell as B Tier. Would you change that ranking, and why?
What items or class features synergize well with this spell?
Have you ever used this spell? If so, how did it go?
Why is this spell good/bad?
What are some creative uses for this spell?
What's the cheesiest thing you can do with this spell?
If you were to modify this spell, how would you do it?
Does this spell seem like it was meant for PCs or NPCs?
Previous spell discussions
submitted by SubHomunculus to Pathfinder_RPG [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Own_Apartment_1450 Ignis Wraith

Is there anyone out there kind enough to give me an ignis wraith? I'm having no luck even talking to anyone in chat.
submitted by Own_Apartment_1450 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 _Hydrohomie_ Is it a fracture?

Just fell hard on my arm during a football game
submitted by _Hydrohomie_ to AskDoctorSmeeee [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Prince_Wildflower Wanted to dress up a little to go to the bar

Wanted to dress up a little to go to the bar submitted by Prince_Wildflower to TransMasc [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 ypa_08 People who did not attend tution s in grade 10 .. how much did you score and what did u follow?

submitted by ypa_08 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 NomadDaGreatR6 H: Enclave Mod Bundle W: Offers

H: Enclave Mod Bundle W: Offers submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 bambambigelowww Where should one get village pieces

I want to set up a winter village of sorts. Is there a place this community goes to get cheaper pieces? Even if threy arent traditionally train set pieces, are there places people go to buy stuff? Or are there sales right now for Black Friday somewhere? The new price just seems so high on some of the stuff.
submitted by bambambigelowww to modeltrains [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 freakingoutlmao Roast my SoP (PhD Statistics)

Roast my SoP (PhD Statistics) I would appreciate any feedback, thank you!!
submitted by freakingoutlmao to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Different-Cry-7583 Cuéntame lo que sea?

Como dice el título, me puedes contar LO QUE SEA, te puedes desahogar o platicar aquello qué tu crees que no le puedes decir a nadir.
submitted by Different-Cry-7583 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Tildja What should i price this at ?

Whats do you think this is worth. PC is built Nov 2019.

Thanks for any input.
submitted by Tildja to PC_Pricing [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Proper_Safe3610 I got my friends out of the trouble of being yelled at by a mean teacher

I'm a junior in high school, and it was the last day before thanksgiving break. Me and my friends decided to skip class. We were in the cafeteria having the time of our lives, because, we were now joined by 2 other people; they were one of my friend's friends.
We decided to continue skipping class, as it was "Career day", and we didn't want to sit in a classroom to only be bored as they teach us about careers. There was no education, just people talking about their careers. And answering questions if anyone had any.
I am not as much as a trouble maker, I have anxiety, but I did not want to participate. And i played smart about it. We wanted to go to the gym, the gym teacher, was right outside. And, before my friends got in his sight, I told them to back up. I walked up there, and started acting, pleading for him to let me into the gym! That I lost my phone in there! All an act, he isn't the nicest teacher ever, and he said that he'd have to report me.
I was about to leave to find a new way, until he giggled, allowed me in, and, there, I ran into the gym. In the gym, there is a storage room in the back, it has alot of wires and stuff like that. No one's allowed back there, but people do go back there all of the time. The storage room, had another door, that went into the hallway. So, I gathered my friends, and we walked in.
But I was not able to go in, since we had to keep the doors propped open, and I had to continously make up stories about why I was. Luckily, I had an alibi, and I told anyone that my friends were looking for my phone.
I heard the coach yell at them, and I knew they were caught. However, I didn't hear them say anything about me. I did however, hear, that the door was propped open. So, I left, and walked around to the side. I am not a disliked person in school. I am very extroverted, and people like me well. I walk to where I had last seen a cluster of people I know. Not other friends, but we did respect each other. I told them my friends were in trouble for skipping, I immediately saw the school cops over there. And, I knew, they had assumed we were vaping. I looked to everyone, and as they were having fun; I told them that they needed to go to the gym to help my friends.
They obliged, and there I was, with a big cluster of people, boys, girls, women and men, we walked into the gym and started acting like we were SUPPOSED to be there. Being loud, laughing, 3 pointers. And, they had a protective shield around the school cops. It allowed me to gather my friends and leave without anyone knowing I was gone.
I geniunely believe they were targeting us, as thorought the day, even if we were in a room full of skippers, they would only chew us out. And that time, I guess, was the final straw and they assumed we were doing something illegal or nefarious. And we weren't. They were just mad that their disorganized day of "fun" was universally hated by everyone.
submitted by Proper_Safe3610 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 samotsar Luxoft is hiring a Solution Architect (Technical)

🏢 Company: Luxoft 📍 Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 💸 Salary Guide: $70,000 USD - $100,000 USD Tax-Free! 👉 Apply & More Details:
📈 Trending Job Searches: Software Engineer Jobs in Dubai Expatriate Jobs in Saudi Arabia IT Jobs in Dubai Jobs in Abu Dhabi
submitted by samotsar to AbuDhabiJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 gretchenich how can i take on al-andalus? its 889 already and there is no sign of any dissolvement. How could i help this if i just cant take them on (which i dont think i can)

how can i take on al-andalus? its 889 already and there is no sign of any dissolvement. How could i help this if i just cant take them on (which i dont think i can) submitted by gretchenich to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Syzygium_aromaticum Lost Between Borders: A Dentist’s Struggle for a Fulfilling Career and Life

This might seem strange to some people, but I’m seeking advice here because I feel lost in my life, particularly regarding my career. It’s a complex and personal situation, so I kindly ask for no judgment.
I graduated in France and started working there, but I quickly realized I wasn’t happy with the system. Dentistry in France is heavily underpaid, which forces many dentists to compromise on the quality of care or prioritize expensive procedures like crowns and implants. For example: a composite filling costs €20–50, a scaling €28, a tooth removal €33 (and only €16 for the second tooth), root canal treatments €40–100, panoramic X-rays: €20 etc These prices are fixed and cannot be adjusted. To make a living, dentists have to rush procedures—10 minutes for a filling or 30 minutes for a root canal (without a dental dam). Often, crowns are placed on nearly everything with a metal post underneath. I refused to work that way. I used dental dams, spent the time necessary for quality care, and avoided overusing crowns or posts. This approach left me earning a very low salary and feeling deeply frustrated, working hard for almost nothing.2016)
Hoping for a change, I moved to Québec. Unfortunately, the transition was difficult. My relationship ended just three weeks before the move, so I arrived alone. The clinic I worked at was low-quality, and the cultural shock, combined with loneliness, made things worse. However, despite these challenges, I felt at home in Canada and made many friends. But after a year, I decided to return to France.
Nothing had changed in the French dental system, so I decided to move to Switzerland.
Starting in Switzerland was tough. I worked in three different clinics with few patients. Over time, I became satisfied with my work but struggled socially. Integration was nearly impossible—I faced xenophobia and made no friends outside the French community. In 2019, I finally planned to return to Canada in early 2020, which felt like a good compromise. But life took a turn. My mother, to whom I was very close, passed away unexpectedly in January. Devastated, I postponed my move to Canada to grieve. Then COVID-19 hit, putting everything on hold. During this time, I reflected on my mother’s advice: “If you don’t want to work in France but don’t like living in Switzerland, why not live in France and work in Switzerland?” It seemed like a perfect compromise. I started searching for a practice to buy, but after two years of trying, I found nothing. Some Swiss dentists refuse to sell to French buyers, which made it even harder. I also faced a lot of hostility, which deeply affected my mental health. I became depressed but, thankfully, antidepressants worked well. Once I felt stronger, I knew I had to move on. By 2023, I was exhausted and decided to take a break.
I spent six months in the UK, attending an English school to rest and recharge. This experience was incredible. I improved my language skills, made more friends there in 6 months than in 6 years in Switzerland, and felt at home. By the end of my stay, I even considered settling in the UK.
Despite my love for the UK, I temporary returned to Switzerland to join a former boss who had offered to sell me part of his practice. I was just for a few months, the time to buy a part of the surgery and settle in France to eventually achieve my goal. However, he hadn’t prepared anything as promised, and the partnership fell apart. Now, I feel betrayed, disappointed once again by this country, and as depressed as I did two years ago.
I’m unsure what to do next. Here are the options I’m considering:
France-Switzerland Compromise:
Living in France and working in Switzerland still seems ideal, but I no longer have the strength to search for a practice. Nevertheless, I’m ready to act if something comes up. But i'm so disappointed and angry I don't even know if I could accept just work there.
Settling in England:
I was genuinely happy in the UK. Working in a private practice where I can provide high-quality care might be the solution. However, I’m worried about whether it will be difficult to build a patient base.
Returning to Canada:
While not my first choice, Canada remains an option. It’s far from friends and family, but it would still be better than working in France or staying in Switzerland. It could be a good compromise.
I apologize for the long message, but I needed to express how I feel.
submitted by Syzygium_aromaticum to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 erer1243 Currently, it's November 26, 2024 at 03:30PM

Currently, it's November 26, 2024 at 03:30PM
submitted by erer1243 to every15min [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 General-Meaning6477 I can’t stand my dad anymore

My father never understands what he is doing wrong. A couple of months ago I went no contact for two weeks and as much as i missed him, it felt better to not have him constantly in my life. I decided to try again, but once more I am here, angry and frustrated. I told him something in confidence and he told it to the person I was talking of, and than that person contacted me. When I asked my father for explanations he lied at first and then he admitted it but saying what he always tells me "that I get mad over nothing" and "to not ruin the night" because "I was making him upset". It's always the same story. There is no space for my feelings and they are always not valid. My therapist thinks he is on the autistic spectrum (based on the many episodes I told her) but my dad doesn't believe in psychology and would never go to seek help. I am not sure what to do because I am so sick of feeling like this every time I speak with him. I love him, my mother died young so he is my only parent, but it's exhausting.
submitted by General-Meaning6477 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Gazamar Is RockstarGames scamming its players?

Is RockstarGames scamming its players? submitted by Gazamar to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Extreme_Raccoon8269 Due to waitin for drop,I dig…💀

Due to waitin for drop,I dig…💀 It’s real???tf crazy tweet💀😭
submitted by Extreme_Raccoon8269 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 Critical-Anything372 Account lost please help create a new one, I seem blocked from making a new one.

Can someone help me figure out how to create a new FB? My account was taken down. I have it in for appeal but i dont think I will get it back. I try to make a new one but it seems to block me. What other ways can I make a new account ? Any help is sooo appreciated. They dont like coupon posts so thats why i lost my account
submitted by Critical-Anything372 to facebook [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 20:30 jckipps Legal or advisable to use UF in locations exposed to sunlight?

I've done some work in my friend's greenhouses, and will be going back to do some more. Those greenhouses are wired with UF, which is fastened to the sides of the metal greenhouse hoops where it is fully exposed to sunlight. Even though a lot of that UF is twenty years old, it's still in good condition. The small amount of NM I saw used there was falling apart and brittle.
He wants me to run new UF throughout the greenhouses, for updated lighting and gfci receptacle circuits. These greenhouses will never be inspected, since our county flatly refuses to even look at agricultural buildings.
Would you run exposed UF in a situation like this? Why or why not?
submitted by jckipps to AskElectricians [link] [comments]