L.L. Bean Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes

2024.11.27 06:33 zippoinno L.L. Bean Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes

Follow this link for L.L. Bean Black Friday 2024 Coupon Codes. Access the latest deals and promotions by visiting the link, featuring a constantly updated list of coupons, promo codes, and discounts.
submitted by zippoinno to FluentDiscount [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 LTJ4CK- TCG Pocket enemies Concede 80%

TCG Pocket enemies Concede 80% Title say all...
What's up with all these concede?? I don't know if I'm the only one in that situation but at least 8/10 game that I play, the enemy concede and doesn't give any likes.
I've to play like 30 games to get my 6 likes for my dailies.
Most of them concede when I'm on my last attack, which is even stupider... but some concede after 2 bad Misty or when I beat their Mewtwo EX in first kill (I play darkness 😉)
I started to play at night because it's the time where I play mostly against Asians and they are way less salty amd more friendly.
What's your rate?
submitted by LTJ4CK- to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Baaastet What’s your go to mayo?

What’s your go to mayo? I found this in Coles made from good oil! I really like the taste but… at $15 for such a small amount - I need to revisit making my own.
What about you - for when you can’t be bothered to make your own - what brand do you get and where from and is the price ‘normal’ or high?
submitted by Baaastet to ketoaustralia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Magicquest213 December Weekly Calendars

submitted by Magicquest213 to AvakinOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 mbgs130499 Não há problema em fazer experimentos humanos sem consentimento dos participantes, desde que o experimento não lhes cause dano ou nem mesmo por eles seja notado.

Recentemente eu fiz um post aqui sobre cristãos terem inveja do feto a ser abortado e fundamentei essa opinião usando Nietzsche e Freud. Obviamente, se opinião for entendida como uma generalização ela com certeza não vai ter nem pé nem cabeça, mas foi isso oq mais rolou kkkk foi legal.
Deu mó briga kkkk Eu faço pesquisa acadêmica sobre a personalidade autoritária/o extremo da violência humana e fiz o post na intenção de brincar e ver a distribuição quantitativa entre manifestações puramente odiosas e pessoas que iriam discordar educadamente daquela opinião um tanto controversa. Acabei descobrindo um jeito novo de encontrar pessoas educadas e tolerantes - uma minoria mt rara hj em dia -, pela pechincha de ser alvo de ódio dum monte de gnt (achei até barato).
A experiência/brincadeira foi um sucesso. É próprio do fanático "entender" inconscientemente tudo aquilo que dele discorda como uma ameaça à sua vida e isso costuma ser o suficiente pra ele justificar pra si mesmo toda expressão odiosa q emprega contra opositores. Além disso, ler a Escola de Frankfurt é da hora, pq o processo de alienação, próprio do fanático, de acordo com Adorno e Horkheimer, o impossibilita de não reagir odiosamente a uma oposição como aquela do post. Parecem uma "coisa", uma "máquina" vivendo no automático - ah e isso n é opinião, é estudo psicanalítico, histórico e antropológico e boa parte comprovado cientificamente anos depois que fora feito, no século XX. O tipo de fanático estudado por essa galera foi principalmente os apoiadores do Adolf Zé bigodinho. Muda-se a ideologia defendida, a estrutura da psique do fanático é sumariamente a mesma em todos os casos. Na real oq define o alienado é justamente a relação dele com aquilo que ele defende, o conteúdo ideológico q ele defende, seja uma coisa aparentemente boa ou ruim, n tem mta relevância pra ele "conquistar" esse título de "odioso laudado" - "psicopatia ideológica ou secundária" deve parecer um termo mt pesado, por mais q mais adequado. Inclusive é bem provável q esse post seja alvo outra vez desses comentários "amigáveis".
Nenhum grande grupo humano é perfeitamente homogêneo, embora possa ser possível q um ou outro cristão realmente sinta inconscientemente ou até conscientemente essa inveja - a gnt tá falando de um grupo com bilhões de pessoas - , ainda assim, claramente é algo muito improvável a ocorrência desse tipo de coisa. Achei curioso, por mais q esperado, pouca gnt parece realmente saber ou levar em conta que uma opinião pode ser válida ou inválida e n verdadeira ou falsa - isso é uma coisa mt básica pra poder rolar uma conversa ou um debate (em linguagem de bar: o básico, ué: respeitar a opinião do outro). Assumir sempre q a própria opinião é "a verdade" é um negócio autoritário q tem tudo a ver com ditadura, mas nd a ver com uma democracia minimamente saudável. E nem adianta falar q opinião n é argumento, perdi tempo fazendo isso, mas a real é que reverter um processo acentuado de alienação é um bglh mt difícil.
Triste esse negócio de sair cuspindo ódio pra todo lado na forma de opinião, né n? - 0 argumentos, 0 debates. É coisa literalmente de quem não pensa. É um tanto improvável q a robusta oferta de ódio resulte numa conciliação ou, sei lá, flores? S, mas tenhamos fé no ódio! Um dia quem sabe dá certo :).
Sei q paciência tem limite, mas a gnt tem q tentar se ajudar. A vida dessa galera é tb mt importante - é sério.
Agradeço aos envolvidos, em especial quem foi educado e tolerante.
submitted by mbgs130499 to OpiniaoBurra [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Nederland5 Aquafin neemt groene stroom af van twee Luminus windturbines en

Aquafin neemt groene stroom af van twee Luminus windturbines en submitted by Nederland5 to Vlaanderenzakelijk [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 LambdaKraut57 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by LambdaKraut57 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Roman-Empire_net Vibia Sabina: Empress of Rome and Hadrian's Enigmatic Consort

Vibia Sabina: Empress of Rome and Hadrian's Enigmatic Consort submitted by Roman-Empire_net to ancientroma [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 gabeisde0d facial features ? (hair included)

facial features ? (hair included) submitted by gabeisde0d to Subliminal [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Omanjarrez I'll allow it

I'll allow it submitted by Omanjarrez to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Outside-Fan-8553 Rosie

Rosie submitted by Outside-Fan-8553 to vscosloots [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Imprespive-Quit-3620 Your wife away or asleep? I'll feed you amateurs while you stroke on cam. Come enjoy the tight pussies and perky tits your wife used to have while she's not looking. What she doesn't know can't hurt her.05de0dd9f9a20e153cf26a086175a3faef1b9f2ff0baea4f228e38699a70e32222

submitted by Imprespive-Quit-3620 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Geeky_1 How do I Add a Rental to My Phon Key?

How do I Add a Rental to My Phon Key? It doesn't show up in my app. I tried closing and threatening the app.
submitted by Geeky_1 to TeslaModelY [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 djfredgarde Struggling to receive revelation? This fascinating perspective will help

Struggling to receive revelation? This fascinating perspective will help submitted by djfredgarde to LDS_GospelLesson [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Chaosbunny7 Abyss episode MOTD

Abyss episode MOTD submitted by Chaosbunny7 to Sinvicta [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 LilyNovia I just got lipstick for the first time XD

So I work at walmart and someone forgot lipstick in their cart. I was so mentally tired at the time that I was about to take it to the returns section so they can put it back in stock. But then I realized "wait a second, this is lipstick, and I'm a femboy, It's already been paid for and they won't return it to the person who bought it since they bring it back to stock instead, SO WHY AM I RETURNING THIS???" And I kept it, so I'm about to go put it on. Ps this is right after the rest of my family has gone to sleep, I can't let them know. Also I'd like to note that this feels like signing a contract officially making me a femboy(ik im already a femboy without doing this, but it feels this way) IM JUST SO EXCITED XD
submitted by LilyNovia to feminineboys [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 jovialminutiae How do I help my struggling grandparents?

My father was recently jailed and is awaiting trial. It was for something he didn't do, but that's a different story. He was the main breadwinner for my household, alongside my step-mom. My step-mom is taking on the brunt of the bills while my grandma is working part-time at a restaurant chain and my grandpa is recovering from a heart attack. My grandma definitely doesn't make nearly enough to buy a lot of groceries. She barely gets by.
I am 20M, and I am currently attending university 3 hours away. I come down for winter and summer breaks. If my dad is found guilty, I want to help my grandparents out while I am gone.
Beyond buying bulk groceries every month and having it delivered to them, I'm not sure how else to help out. This is a new and foreign situation for me. My grandparents are too stubborn to go to a food pantry (or any social services) and my step-mom is now working full-time. I myself barely make enough to pay my own bills, so I'm not really useful on the financial front.
If it matters: grandma and grandpa are both 80+, my step-mom is 52. I am in the U.S. - Michigan specifically.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. 🙏 I also apologize for the messy formatting of my post.
submitted by jovialminutiae to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 EmphasisExpensive655 Wer will mich an meinen crush exposen

submitted by EmphasisExpensive655 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Unlikely_Boat8166 How many of the same stories do we need??

How many of the same stories do we need?? Almost sad to see how much she feels the need to post considering it just might be her only human interaction.
Next story is more of the same talking as earlier now with “if anyone knows how to strengthen my body” ya. PHONE DOWN, GET SOME ACTUAL REST. We do not need the constant updates on the same thing.
submitted by Unlikely_Boat8166 to pinuppixiesnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 New_Investment5742 Effects of weight and power on ZRS score.

This is 2 parts. First on weight and 2nd on power on seed score.
Race Score heavily bias to light riders.
Look at the stats: 2 riders with the same W/Kg can have huge difference in ZRS score.
Rider A: 176 watts at 57.7kg, 3.05 w/kg = Race Score 22 Rider B: 265 watts at 88.2KG 3.05 w/kg = 132 race score
If we increase Riders A power to 187 watts 3.24 w/kg he still only have a race score of 67. Here is the kicker. This rider would actually pull away from rider B on a long climb. But he won’t have an issue staying on the wheel of rider B’s wheel on the flat. So essentially rider B doubles rider A scores, have no ability to pull away but in certain spots rider A can pull away from rider B.
Part 2 of how broken ZRS is:
If you ride around on erg mode that caps your sprint power. You can win nearly every race.
Check out these ZRS scores if you don’t have a sprint with a flat power.
A rider with 65Kg, at 245 watts 3.784 w/kg would have a ZRS score of 225. B rider with 65Kg, at 259 watts 3.984 w/kg would have a ZRS score of 268. C rider with 65Kg, at 270 watts 4.153 w/kg would have a ZRS score of 303.
If you turn on erg mode and limit your power or just turn trainer difficulty to 0 and keep a constant cadence. You can ride around like a boss in D pen.
Just know if you have the slightest increase in 30s power, it will have a huge impact to your ZRS score. I.E adding a 1 w/kg on 30s power over your 10 min power, will likely add 50% score gain.
Here is an example, a rider @ 65kg with a 8.27 w/kg 538 watts 30s power, plus a 10 min power of 3w/kg 195 watts has a ZRS score of 315.
If we compare this rider to the rider that doesn’t have a sprint. The rider C at 4.53 w/kg have a lower score than this rider. ZRS 303 vs 315.
submitted by New_Investment5742 to Zwift [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Flaky-Carpenter3138 Pant should be traded in delhi capitals from lsg????

As you know pant has shown some regret on leaving dc. And parth jindal as also tweeted for him . Is it possible
Pant coming in dc Kuldeep or axar going to lsg 🤔🤔🤔
Note- this is a hyphothetical scenario (there's a little chance of it being real) just for fun
Would you guyss be happy by this outcome
submitted by Flaky-Carpenter3138 to delhicapitals [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Wellimnotlying Small wins add up to something bigger in the long run ✅🤞🏾

submitted by Wellimnotlying to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 NoBravoClearance Can I become Pylote?

I am crack addict, 3 DUIs, 1 felony assault and battery, 1 conspiracy to commit murder. It has been 9 days since my last conviction and I feel I changed my ways to be better.
Will any of this disqualify for job? I dreamed of this as a kid but I feel like drugs, assault, and planning to kill my spouse might disqualify as an Airbus747Max8 pylote.
Any who know please advise
submitted by NoBravoClearance to Shittyaskflying [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 Luna-DelSol steamy showers are my fav 😌

steamy showers are my fav 😌 submitted by Luna-DelSol to findommes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 06:33 wuteverdafuq Digibyte, as bullish as it gets - A THOROUGH ANALYSIS

Digibyte, as bullish as it gets - A THOROUGH ANALYSIS Hi all,
I've been a long time and silent investor in Digibyte for ~7 years. I never do any social media posts anywhere, as I find it very difficult to live a double life, one on the internet and one in real life, lol. But it's been a while that I've been thinking about dropping a post in this community here, one that has some wild predictions in it, and hope that it gains enough traction and also ages well. In this post I'll try to summarize everything positive I know about the project and why I'm as bullish on it as I am.
MY LITTLE BACK STORY: I got introduced to crypto at the tail end of 2017 bull run, and by the time I made my first purchase the main party was over and I had to listen to the OGs who were hungover and telling me that I need to hodl. And so I did. One of very first purchases was Digibyte, as it was killing it back then, along with a few other top gainers like XRP (Ripple at the time). Rookie move, I know! I bought the stuff that had gone up hundreds of thousands of percentages and was expecting to see them go to the moon and get rich off of them too! Lol, we all have to pay a price to learn!
Anyways, I held and watched my portfolio tank to 7-8% of its value: $100k -> $7700 at the end of 2018. But I never quit and saw the potential. And held through the crazy ups and downs of 2019, and the covid crash, and then the next bull run. During all this time, I've seen my portfolio get dirt cheap, and get as big as 7 figures. I've researched and invested in numerous crypto projects, learned how to do the more nerdy stuff like programming, making smart contracts, mined many coins including Digibyte for a few years, and seen 100x returns and total losses in my investments. One skill that I tried so hard to develop was to do proper emotion-less TA using every tool that is out there. And dare I say, I am good with some of them. Which brings us to this point in time. Digibyte has dropped to rank 300+ and lost steam, so there's no quality TA out there for it. The OGs would do their own things in the background and don't bother explaining to others. I thought about sharing these thoughts, so if you're a newbie in the community can see the potential there is. I see it as a way to give back to the community that I once learned from. Below I will try to summarize all I have to say about Digibyte in two major parts, fundamental and technical:
  1. Decentralized, permission-less, community-driven, longest chain, no down time: yeah yeah yeah, boooooring, what does it matter if the price action sucks?! Well, hear me out. This isn't my first rhodeo, and I'm here to say it does matter! Developers don't get a cut. There's no central/big party that controls the supplies, hence less chance of price manipulation. I don't think it's necessary to explain to someone who has somehow made their way to this post how ridiculous and scammy all those shiny meme coins are out there. In case you don't know, it literally takes less than an hour to launch your own meme coin with most of the supplies in your hand. People do it all the time and dump it on others. I've been there and watched a few of my investments go down to literally zero. Safemoon is a famous example for me. Better invest in something rigid.
  2. Proof of work with 5 mining algorithms: Proof of work as non-sexy as it sounds in the first glace, matters a lot! There is a realized price for producing each DGB token out there, so the miners won't sell them at any price. Just like BTC.
  3. Layer1 you can build on: Of all those OG coins out there, DGB is one of the few that you can actually build real life applications on. It's capable of handling smart contract, which makes it suitable for build Dapps on top of it, minting NFTs, and more. It has the awesome security layer. There's tons of documentation on these stuff, I'll suffice with just dropping some of those names and keywords in here so you can research for yourself.
  4. Regulatory clarity: As an XRP investor, I've suffered the lawsuit SEC raised against the company Ripple. While as the investor I was and am, I cheered for Ripple to win all the time, some of those arguments SEC case raised against Ripple company were valid, too. There was and is a central party that controls a good portion of the supplies, and does a ton of development, either on the network or for the business. While the claim is that XRP is community-driven, it is clear as a day that is entirely true. I'm really glad to see that case finally coming to a closure as it was rather hurting my investment rather protecting it. Don't want to get into that case any further, but the point is on the contrary, for some OG coins such as Digibyte, there is no central party or company that can cause a regulatory crisis! As long as Bitcoin is in the clear, so is Digibyte! As a matter of fact, Digibyte is even better than Bitcoin in that regard! Nobody knows who that Satoshi guy is, whether they're dead or alive, does somebody control all those 1 million Bitcoin sitting in that wallet which is worth ~100 Billion Dollars at the time of writing this. That would send massive shockwaves should that situation change for any reason. Whereas there is no mystery part in Digibyte's history! It's all clear!
  5. Super fast, dirt-cheap fees, truly scalable with real life applications: I encourage you to try the transactions for yourself. Don't just buy on an exchange and leave it in your account. Send it to your Digibyte wallet and play with it. Try the wallet apps. See for yourself how brilliant this tech is for actually paying for stuff! It costs $0.00001 to move money around in a matter of 2-3 seconds! IT IS A FREAKING HUGE DEAL! When I was first introduced to Bitcoin, it was supposed to be the sound money! And I always wondered how can it be that it costs me $50 to move $100 and we're saying that is replacing the banking and payment systems?! Well, Digibyte delivers that promise. YOU CAN ACTUALLY GO TO A COFFEE SHOP AND PAY WITH DIGIBYTE. You don't have to pay any hefty fees and don't have to wait for 10 minutes like an awkward moron waiting for your transaction to go through! It just works!
I'm sure there's way more that can be said on the fundamentals of this great project. I just hope I have caught your attention. The rest is for you to research for yourself. Let's get into the more delicious stuff and wild price predictions!
TECHNICAL: The very basis of my analysis comes from Elliot Wave theory, but I also have other checks and balances as I'll present below:
  1. Digibyte has been in accumulation for 7 years: I have been trying to do a proper wave count for Digibyte for almost 2 years now. Had to entertain multiple scenarios. My take is that the entire 2020-2021 price action was just a retracement
Digibyte's running flat for the past 7 years
Running flat text book pattern
The point above is key to understanding the logic of this analysis. That means Digibyte finished it's first impulsive wave upwards in the late 2017, and has been in accumulation ever since for almost 7 years!
  1. On the brink of its 3rd major wave: Without getting any deeper in the technicals of Elliot wave, I'd suffice to say that I am convinced the following wave count it the correct wave count for Digibyte:
Starting the awesome 3rd wave
Fractals are integral to Elliot wave analysis, implying that waves of the similar count tend to mimic and rhyme with each other. Meaning, wave 3 of the major degree rhymes with wave 3 of the minor degree. Meaning there's a very steep rise ahead of us! Check out below for the waves 3 of different degrees:
24x in 51 days
309x in 91 days
There are of course many more examples of wave 3 in the chart of Digibyte that I could present of the lesser degrees, but I think these two would get the point across in terms of what "steep" really means. So exciting!
  1. Trend reversal signs: The trend is reversing for sure. the monthly candle action with a decisive bullish engulf and the weekly momentums speak for themselves:
Monthly bullish engulfing candle
Weekly momentum indicators showing strength and signs of a bottom reversal
  1. Targets: So, what are we looking at here for the targets?
See the following examples for the price behavior of the third wave I'm referring to:
4.23 linear fib of wave 1
While in 2017 bull run, the same 4.23 linear was nowhere near the top, a meaningful logarithmic 2 level appears on the top of the market:
linear fib 4.23
log fib 2
The examples above for the previous 3rd waves show that as expected, extend of the move is getting bigger, but also in a longer time frame.
Based on the analysis above, and of course EWT, 4.23 linear fib extension is very much expected for a 3rd wave target, which means a glorious targets of $0.78, which coincides with 0.618 log fib:
The red fractal reflects a measured move
But that's not even the best case scenario! As shown above, there was that time that 4.23 linear fib extension was belittled by the massive move. Not saying we should expect that every time, but hey, it is possible. So, the following depicts the log fib extensions. That $0.78 coincides with 0.618 and the measured fractal with the target of $1.5 falls right on the 0.702 fib level:
log fib extension
The $1.5 price mark would give DGB a market cap of ~26 billion dollars. With the total market cap projecting to go as high as 8-9 Trillion in this bull cycle, Digibyte would need to make it to roughly top 20-30 crypto assets to make that happen:
Historical snapshot of the last market top
With the Bitcoin price that I'm projecting to be somewhere ~150K-200K at the top of this cycle, the BTC pair will have to meet it's long term resistance one more time at $1.5:
DGB:BTC Pair to go to ~ 0.00001, or 100K DGB for 1 BTC
Litecoin is another OG coin that has always had a meaningful relationship with Digibyte, both on the network level and the price ratio. 1 Litecoin = 500, 1000, and 2000 DGB are all important exchange ratio marks. With the $1400-$1500 price per Litecoin that I'm projecting, 1000 DGB to Litecoin is a ratio that would make sense:
DGB:LTC pair on the cusp of breaking out of the long term down trend
Now I mentioned $1.50 too many times, just to say that as wild as it may sound, specially at the time of writing this where price action is boring and not so great, there is logic behind this, and it is an actual possibility. It doesn't mean that you need to play your cards accordingly.
There are of course many more lower and even higher possible targets. The purpose of this long essay! is not to give you financial advice. You choose how to manage your risks. From my perspective, these two targets hold the most weight in terms of possibilities. Managing risk is something else that needs another essay of its own, maybe even a longer one. As exciting as these targets sound, and as strongly as I believe in them that I was compelled to come out for the first time in my life and write so much about this, here's a piece of advice: HAVE AN EXIT STRATEGY AND MANAGE YOUR RISK!
  1. Time: While among all the predictions that one can make, time is the worst and most uncertain, I would want to throw out something in the lines of March-April of 2025 for this wave 3 to have fully played out. But take it for what it's worth, it can easily go wrong. I have the least confidence in my time predictions. I would just suffice to say that once fully played out, we can look back at this 3rd wave and say hell yeah, that was very steep! And don't go buy options off of this!
CONCLUSION: Digibyte is a great investment opportunity with a lot of promise even in short term. Go spread the word! Tell your friends, families, neighbors, colleagues, pets, and everyone else! Feel free to share, copy, quote, make twitter threads and whatever else out of this if you feel like it.
submitted by wuteverdafuq to Digibyte [link] [comments]
