2024.11.27 09:40 SeverePhilosopher252 Confronting the Chief of Hills PD about police members sexting minors.
(I know the title is wild but valid) I confronted the chief of police of hills server, player name: Lincoln Lewis, about police members sexting minors in the game, these are guys that are 30+ years old, I have evidence and others saying that john buckley (hills PD member) is indeed sexting young kids. He then went ahead and got his Moderator friend (Moderator Tony) to get me banned for 10 days for RP14 which is sexual harassment. I didn't know Confronting people about sexual harassment is sexual harassment? 🤣 What do you guys think about this? submitted by SeverePhilosopher252 to OneState_Game [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:40 gNgster299 Gacha Super Rare Cats tier list [Discussion]
submitted by gNgster299 to battlecats [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:40 Worldly_Tip_4375 Send me nI tenee bootys while i show off 8 inch thick bwc 056985b832b74e01ffc6adf228ef551aac0c36dee9d373848d199da8d8ee24fd25
submitted by Worldly_Tip_4375 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 Dapper-Archer9590 arrive safely in the destination
It's still snowing a lot, but I'm eating pork cutlet at Gobongmin Gimbap Restaurant before I go to church! Everyone, it's snowing, so be careful when you go home
submitted by Dapper-Archer9590 to Living_in_Korea [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 zusterlautje Voorkeur opleiding
Even een korte situatieschets; Ik (36,V,alleenstaand ouder) ben 15 jaar werkzaam in de zorg. De laatste 4 jaar als zzp, verschillende opdrachten, alles netjes geregeld (verzekeringen/pensioen/alles). Echter; ik denk al bijna een jaar na over omscholing. En nu dacht ik.. Dit is het moment om door te pakken.
Ik zou graag een opleiding volgen en werken in de administratieve wereld. Denk hierbij aan directiesecretaresse, management assistent, medisch secretaresse of iets in die richting.
Ik verbaas mij over de uiteenlopende prijzen bij verschillende aanbieders van de opleidingen... Van 1000 tot 9000 euro 👀
Ik zit helaas gebonden aan een thuisstudie (of virtual classroom) ivm kinderen (alleenstaand ouder). Ik ben hier echter wel enorm gemotiveerd in, geen moeite mee om dit op te pakken.
De vraag; Welke opleider is voor jou als werkgever nu echt een pluspunt?
Ik neig zelf enorm naar Schoevers (het duurdere segment) en natuurlijk kan ik de vraag daar neerleggen maar dat voelt als een wij-van-wceend verhaal...
submitted by zusterlautje to werkzaken [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 Somewhere-No-one Need help on figuring out how to create a part
Picture 1: This is a "curve" on how my solid body is supposed to be wrapped. I cannot change the sketch in any way shape or form. Picture 2: Is the simplified object that is supposed to be wrapping around set curve. I cannot figure out how I can make it follow said path. Any help appreciated. submitted by Somewhere-No-one to SolidWorks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:40 Chubby-Pie-612 Working Student opportunity
I am curious about the working student opportunity in Kaiserslautern. I want to get a job while studying to get more experience.
Thank you!
submitted by Chubby-Pie-612 to rptu [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 amon_likes_pp how dose one become a prop desinger
soon to be highschool graduate here, about three years ago it occord to me that desinging props and stage stuff for plays was an option, ive been set on it since, i just have absultly no idea of where to start, theater and art have always been huge passions of mine and from the reserch ive some it seems like a great choise for me, but like i said i have no idea where to start or how to get stared, anything is appricated, thanks in advance
submitted by amon_likes_pp to Theatre [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 No_Calligrapher2212 What's opinion on experiences at mayo clinic and other clinics and please lmk what campus ? We're you satisfied with your care and has it helped ?
I can only say to those who have Potts see Dr tulle NJ .but if it's oh not potts and neurological I'm praying people will discuss .
submitted by No_Calligrapher2212 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 InternationalRead237 Drowning
I don’t fucking know what we are. I hate having to even put a flair when I post because I have to think about what it is in my head vs yours. Anyways. I drown in my tears tonight. I fucking hate this feeling with everything in me. Something is genuinely wrong with me and I guess I have just managed to hold it together for this long. See the thing is i’m introspective, and so my self harm is mental. Some people cut themselves, inflict physical pain as a juxtaposition to their mental state. As an outlet. Well you see after 7th grade, I learned that cutting myself didn’t scratch the itch for me. It was mental torture. It was all the daydreaming. The hope. gassing that life I wanted. Risking it just to get a taste of those scenarios that I think about in my head. Literally. My psyche is full of thoughts, experiences, expectations, reactions and defense mechanisms to keep me afloat. My perspective of love changes like the stages of Picassos artwork. And i’ve entered a new era tonight. I’m waterlogged with tears. Fluids. Body defenses, protecting me from getting closer to the confirmation that you’re not mine. It’s cathartic but fulfilling and oddly peaceful. It needs to be done. We both deserve to move forward and I still have to grieve. I don’t know her name and it needs to stay that way. I’m so done with you. I’m done saying your name I’m done saying the letter. I sent you a nudge goodbye from me personally. So that you know, I loveD you. But I have to move on now for me which means you can be no longer in my universe. it’s for the best. and you probably don’t even care enough to notice. And by the way…. I thought about taking this as lovers, changed it to friends, wrote it, and now i am changing it to strangers. not in a derogatory way but we will eventually evolve into strangers again right…. ?
submitted by InternationalRead237 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 Born_Rooster9301 Anyone do fak nu? 05b33dd08675e5fd94a588ed88ed01f89af4f46121787208893ccc6f87fb88fa56
submitted by Born_Rooster9301 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 Quickbets1017 Smh 😩
Smh we would have hit 3 days in a row but Markkanen left the game last night in the 4th with a left knee contusion and was ruled out with right under 4 min left. Fanduel needs to be better about injuries to legs cause he would of covered one point 😡
submitted by Quickbets1017 to fanduel [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 bajie90 你有没有注意过挡风玻璃边缘的小黑点,是不是总有种想抠掉的冲动...但是千万别抠,这些小东西可有大作用!
submitted by bajie90 to weibo_one [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 EllienVitan This rat is a merchant, that game surprises me every time
Best game ever ngl
submitted by EllienVitan to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 Friendly_Natural8207 Mazda cx-30 nav sd card problem
Hi, has anyone experienced issues with the SD card for navigation? I tried updating it, but the Mazda Toolbox doesn’t recognize it at all—it just shows the homepage. However, when I use another older program I found, it does detect the card, but it says it’s corrupted. On the computer, it loads normally, but it won’t work in the car.
submitted by Friendly_Natural8207 to MazdaCX30 [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 Nouralta مابعد التخرج
السلام عليكم ، انا من بدا الترم هذا واللي هو السنة الاخيرة لي وانا في دوامة القلق والتفكير لما بعد التخرج، فيني خوف بششششكل وكل ثانية افكر بحياتي ما بعد الجامعة واحس اني ابغى اصور واوثق كل شي بالجامعه مدري وش هذا اللي جاني ! شئ غرييييب ماقد حسيت فيه ! ما عرف وش التصرف مع هذا الشعور ، رغم اني متوكلة على ربي وعندي يقين ان اللي كاتبة ربي خير لي ، بس عجزت ما افكر كل دقيقه ، حالياً رحلة البحث عن فرص التدريب التعاوني ولحد الحين ولا احد رد علي .
submitted by Nouralta to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 bigboynona Is it financially sensible to drop my full coverage
I have a 2009 honda civic ex-l with 184k miles and i pay $197/mth for comprehensive coverage including underinsured motorists coverage and collision. My deductible is currently $750 in the event of an accident. The kbb value of my vehicle is around $3,000. I have $6,000 in savings (not enough for a decent car but greater then the value of my car) the car was paid off this year but it would be only one year to reach the value of my car minus deductibles in premiums. In the event I was in an accident. The money recieved would be ~$2200
submitted by bigboynona to Insurance [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 jrunner02 Imagine a Seinfeld x Friends crossover...
What would've been more likely: 1. Jerry dates Rachel or Monica
2024.11.27 09:40 Wooden-Conference202 Some practical advice to get out of a hole
Hello all, I’m in a desperate situation both financially and mentally and I can’t seem to get my head clear, can anyone who’s been in a similar situation provide me advice? Any at all is appreciated Thank you
submitted by Wooden-Conference202 to Assistance [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 WizeDiceSlinger Don’t say it, Bubbles
submitted by WizeDiceSlinger to trailerparkboys [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 MatthPowerX_6308 Matthew
submitted by MatthPowerX_6308 to portraitphotography [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:40 Rare-Army7647 Erin feeling upset about Roe v. Wade yet voting for Trump….
submitted by Rare-Army7647 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 Yousefsk Is it me or rtx 3080 have issues in this game
I see alot of people who have issues with crashing are useing 3080 gpu Don't know why
submitted by Yousefsk to stalker [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 09:40 candycane_52 Randomly growing out of pot
submitted by candycane_52 to whatsthisplant [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 09:40 AstroWarrior92 Did Brett ever wear a tie while dying of freebasing?
submitted by AstroWarrior92 to deadheadcirclejerk [link] [comments]