ZAMAZENTA RAID! 3 LOCALS W PARTY POWER , 7816 7794 9781 , 3668 6427 6901 or 5469 7085 4718.

2024.11.27 12:30 Sscintillaa ZAMAZENTA RAID! 3 LOCALS W PARTY POWER , 7816 7794 9781 , 3668 6427 6901 or 5469 7085 4718.

submitted by Sscintillaa to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Ayaka72 Travelling to Kolkata from Australia

Hey, I'm travelling to Kolkata from Australia. Any advice is appreciated.
I'm staying over at Bangalore for the first week with a friend, and then going solo (I'm a Guy) to Kolkata for 4 days at end of January, 2025.
Currently I'm scared. I thought about cancelling the leg of the trip and staying at Bangalore to the very end many times. (I've travelled to over 20 countries, but India... is my first time)
My fears are:
- Getting on a taxi/Uber from the airport to my friends' place
- Getting on Air India from Bangalore to Kolkata
- Getting on a taxi from CCU to Salt Lake City (My Hotel)
- Hygiene and food
I'm most concerned in my safety and wellbeing, and honestly the more I think about going to Kolkata alone the more paranoid I am.
I'm a Guy so I know I'm not going to be raped by my taxi driver, but since my flight is landing at 7pm, I'm afraid it'll be too dark by the time I get out to get on a UbeTaxi.
Any advice on the safest method of transport from the airport to the hotel would be appreciated. (I can only speak English)
Any advice on the most safest areas to go to in Kolkata, the most safest places to eat food, any recommended vaccinations etc. would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
submitted by Ayaka72 to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 GirasoleDE Peter Fischers AfD-Schelte von Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt

Peter Fischers AfD-Schelte von Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt submitted by GirasoleDE to afdwatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 BigDutchRabbit Free box of arcade PCBs

I found a box of arcade pcb's in my garage and want to donate it to anyone who's interested. I don't know if they work (tbh I probably put them in my garage bc they don't) and can't test them since I sold my last arcade cab years ago. I also don't know what games are included but one says SNK on it and another says TAITO on it. I'm willing to pay for shipping within The Netherlands or Germany. Dm me if you're interested.
submitted by BigDutchRabbit to arcade [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 ElkNorth109 Mark

Mark submitted by ElkNorth109 to Notorite [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Chemical_Committee_2 Hey, what's better than one Shiny Alpha Rapidash?

Hey, what's better than one Shiny Alpha Rapidash? The scream I scrumpt hearing that shiny noise go off TWICE in succession
I got em both
submitted by Chemical_Committee_2 to PokemonLegendsArceus [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Fragrant-Sale6074 Should we bomb bihar?

They take up too many resources without providing any returns.Their citizens are druggies and rapists
Should we just bomb them and make the world a better place?
submitted by Fragrant-Sale6074 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 AnIdealOfHope I am having fun

I am having fun submitted by AnIdealOfHope to DragonAgeVeilguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 IONUtTsF-66 It was hard but i did it

It was hard but i did it Lvl 4 SH
submitted by IONUtTsF-66 to ShadowFight3_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Don_Pingvin007 Tudtok írni tipik slavic, balkan dolgokat amit csináltok, használtok?

Mikor rendelek olcsó pizzát és iszom hozzá Royal vodkát; tömlős sajt és kifli, műanyag szatyor
submitted by Don_Pingvin007 to askhungary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Aware_Lie428 Is this sort of procedure enough to prove the multi variable chain rule ?

I tried proving the chain rule by rearranging the formula for the inner functions derivative (Newton approximation) : y-y_0 <= (e_1+L_1|x-x_0| I then put that in the equivalent formula for the outer function : g(y)-g(y_0) +L_2(e_1+L_1|x-x_0|)<=e_2(e_1+L_1|x-x_0|) and rearrange to get all the epsilon stuff on the rhs and then I guess have each derivative become like e_2/L_1 steady and vice versa so the composition derivative is e_3 = e_1e_2 +e_1 + e_2 steady
submitted by Aware_Lie428 to learnmath [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 kottekanin jag byggde slott med stamsite tema! :D

jag byggde slott med stamsite tema! :D submitted by kottekanin to stamsite [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 realCLTotaku Anyone in Upstate SC, looks like this is going to be a big week!!

submitted by realCLTotaku to interstellar [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Dungeon_Maker1212 The kind of advertisements Indian news Media articles promote...good for them...

The kind of advertisements Indian news Media articles promote...good for them...
submitted by Dungeon_Maker1212 to indiasocial [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 nerdydude24 Suneo's theme music is so much fun 😆. I can listen to it all day.

submitted by nerdydude24 to Doraemon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Skitcher77 Meika in the snow

Meika in the snow submitted by Skitcher77 to meikawoollardbeauty [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 MGTID Worlds Untold Development Paused After Split with NetEase

Worlds Untold Development Paused After Split with NetEase submitted by MGTID to pcgaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Pumuckl4Life Moderne Kunst

Moderne Kunst submitted by Pumuckl4Life to Lustig [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 jvc72 Buy Signal Chiliz USD - 27 Nov 2024 @ 07:27 -> USD0.0894

Ticker: CHZUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 27 Nov 2024 @ 07:27
Price: USD0.0894
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 black_magic6977 I am new to the DOE and I heard horror stories about what administration in schools do to sub teachers, is that true?

I started working with the NYC DOE two months ago. I am a substitute teacher, I was a special education teacher in Norrh Carolina but since I moved to NYC I need to get my certificate here by taking some exams, I am an exam away (which I am taking soon)
One issue though, I do not have a masters, in NC you can teach with a bachelor's.
I am currently working as sub teacher daily for a D75 school that pretty much gave me my own classroom. My goal is to get hired as an actual teacher once I get my NYS license.
The thing is, I keep hearing horror stories about how they don't want to hire sub teachers that are enter the system as sub teachera, they just milk you until they can and then good bye, or they get out of hiring you by using loop holes etc.
That is obviously stuff I read on Facebook or reddit from people in my situation or who claim to have been there.
I basically have three questions.

  1. Is it true I am not getting hired? The admin in my school is desperate to hire teachers and told me they will speak with me about hiring once I get my license, but I am not happy at that school, that school is like a prison and admin seems to just collect paychecks. From what I hear online, promises to get you hired are often bs to keep you stuck in the sub teacher mode, less money to pay for them.
  2. Do you actually need a masters to be hired? I was told they hire you with a bachelor's in education. As long as you are working toward your masters. They give you time to complete it.
  3. How can I look for schools that would like to hire me once I get my license, now that I am now in the DOE system?
I am a naivr country person with a good heart, never loved in a big coty, all I want is to work and have a career. So I am really trying my best and giving it all but it is hard with so much negativity you read online, and at times is hard to separate from reality..
I keep hearing, They just want to hire you as a sub teacher and keep you like that, it's cheaper, you're the slave, and once you are licensed good riddance. But then I hear how the city is desperate for SPED teachers. It doesn't click.
I am just confused. Thank you for listening and for any feedback, have a blessed day.
submitted by black_magic6977 to NYCTeachers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Rambling-Rooster Pond scum come to life as a cute little booper?! This is a creature custom made for you gobs.

submitted by Rambling-Rooster to goblincore [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 CharlieZipe Regidrago 216553236733 +1 local

submitted by CharlieZipe to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 ExcellentChard48 DAE just listen to conversations and pretend you're apart of it mentally cuz you got no social skills

I just do this all the time.
submitted by ExcellentChard48 to DAE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Formal_Impact642 I want to end it.

I seriously want to end my existence. I can't cope with the loss of my brother and I can't handle my same addictions that killed him. The only thing is keeping life is the hollow existence of other's "caring" But how much does that matter when you hate your life? Everything since childhood has been fucked. Everything would be so much simpler if nobody gave a fuck about I could end myself without a guilty conscience.
submitted by Formal_Impact642 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:30 Lost-Childhood843 Radicalization of Elon Musk
submitted by Lost-Childhood843 to Destiny [link] [comments]