Text post title 544

6 544 Кілька умов, кілька стовпців, будь-яка з умов має логічне значення true Логічний вираз: (Тип = "Овочі" АБО Продавець = "Пустовіт") 6 544 . Формула. Опис. Результат '=dcounta(a6:c10,2,b1:b3) Рахує кількість рядків (3) у діапазоні a6:c10, що відповідають будь-якій з умов «Продавець» у рядках 2 та 3. =dcounta(a6:c10,2,b1:b3) 6 544 грн. Фільтрування тексту за допомогою пошуку з урахуванням регістру . У діапазоні даних (a6:d10) діапазон умов (d1:d2) відображає рядки, які містять ''Овочі'' у стовпці ''Тип'' за допомогою ...

2024.11.27 12:29 lss_web_1444 Text post title 544

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 EmergencyIncome3734 New Viktor

I've already seen comparisons with Malzahar, but it seems to me that the new Viktor occupies absolutely the same niche as Xerath.
1) Sick perfectionism and anti-humanism 2) Obsession with magic 3) Cleated desire to build the world "in his own image" 4) Magic puppets 5) Feud with an old friend 6) "Flesh is weak"
I get the impression that Riot not only removed an important fantasy archetype, but also failed to replace it with something new.
submitted by EmergencyIncome3734 to loreofleague [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Squib32 Losing motivation

Losing motivation On the 120 grind. Holy smokes I'm wore out.
submitted by Squib32 to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 LeadingAssumption932 [online] [other] [flexible][GMT+1] TEETH campaign looking for 1 player on Wednesdays, or other narrative/light games

Hey! Looking for one player for a TEETH campaign I'm doing Wednesdays at 18:00 GMT+1. Technically it's starting today but this post being too early I'm if anything, I'm expecting someone will join for next session This is a fairly narrative game and RP will be a focus. Despite being about "monster hunters" it's mostly a cover and a lot of what players will be doing is intrigue, exploration, diplomacy and so on, as well as the horror elements will be common. . "In the tabletop adventures of TEETH, players take on the role of elite monster hunters, drawn from all corners of the globe to a bleak and remote vale, blasted by an occult catastrophe some fifty years prior. Nothing is as it seems. The very beasts of the land are in thrall to unknowable powers. Desperation among the commonfolk breeds deceit and danger. The nobles harbour secrets more wicked than anything that has crept into our reality from beyond. Whatever their agenda, the Hunters' eyes, like their knives, must be very keen indeed. Some have described it as Jane Austen's STALKER. Or perhaps Blackadder vs The Witcher." https://teethrpg.itch.io/ For some more info.
It's a Forged in the Dark game, which is similar to PBTA, where most systems are fiction-based and so there's no specific subsystems like combat and such, threats are resolved in similar ways, usually with a fair bit of dramatic things happening, and being fiction-first.
I'm also looking for players for other games I might set up of similar kinds, FitD/PBTA/OSR, right now one day I'm aiming at covering is Sunday, but my schedule is somewhat flexible.
PM me if interested with some info about yourself and why it interests you!
submitted by LeadingAssumption932 to LFG_Europe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Top-Competition-6280 Fried eggs [OC]

Fried eggs [OC] submitted by Top-Competition-6280 to BreakfastFood [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 vronica6 yasamak ama aslinda yasamak istememek

oncelikle kendimi bana atanmis olan cinsiyette hissetmeyen bir bireyim, yargilarsiniz veya yargilamazsiniz umrumda degil , sizler kendinizi nasil icten gelen bir duyguyla erkek/kiz gibi hissettiyseniz ,bir secim yapmadiysaniz bende secim yapamadim iste. hic bir zaman kendimi iyi hissetmedim son gunlerde daha da boyle hisswtmeye basladim , kimseye kendini aciklayamamak( gercek hayatimda) , hep bana atanmis olan cinsiyet rolunde olmak artik yoruyor , rol yapamiyorum artik , baska bir deyisle gucum kalmadi ve acisiz intihar nasil diye arastirmaya basladim internette , bunu yapacak kadar cesur degilim ama yapar miyim? neden olmasin cunku yapmamak icin onemli bir sebep goremiyorum. aslinda yasamayi istiyorum ama bu sekilde degil. ve bu sekilde olacagini bildigim icinde baska secenek yok gibi
submitted by vronica6 to Psikoloji [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Emotional_Switch_653 How to prepare for IntroMacro again

Hey so as title says, I’ve failed intromacro this semester, and have enrolled in it for this upcoming summer. I just don’t really know what to do here or what I can really do better considering I failed because of the hurdle. Also how much differently does the summer version run from the semester-long? Appreciate it
submitted by Emotional_Switch_653 to unimelb [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 a-Tired-Faun Quick Self Portrait Icon with my bootleg Blahaj plushie by @tiredfaun (me)

Quick Self Portrait Icon with my bootleg Blahaj plushie by @tiredfaun (me) submitted by a-Tired-Faun to DigitalArt [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Least-Dealer1338 Apparently all we needed was Jet getting water poured on him

Immidiately after the embarassing crashout we got
-first two actual challenges contestants gave a shit about after a week of nothing
-jobe back
-gay porn of burt sent upstairs as an actual good low effort joke
-the testosterone baby incident
Was this really that hard?
submitted by Least-Dealer1338 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Tricky-Parrot Что случиться в следующий раз?

Что случиться в следующий раз? submitted by Tricky-Parrot to KafkaFPS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 bilgesem Antalya Evden Eve Nakliyat Hizmeti

submitted by bilgesem to widenpam [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Tazowskky Training post 8 Decembrie

Training post 8 Decembrie Beholder gratis daca vreti sa vedeti cum e viata de turnator la securitate
submitted by Tazowskky to romemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Forumcarros Uber vai proibir 3 carros no App em 2025...Quem é UBER aí?

Mudança nas Categorias Premium e Comfort da Uber irá impactar milhares motoristas.
A Uber, uma das líderes do mercado de transporte por aplicativo no Brasil, anunciou que, a partir de 2025, três modelos populares de veículos deixarão de ser aceitos em suas categorias Comfort e Black.
A decisão, que promete impactar diretamente motoristas e usuários, foi confirmada nesta segunda-feira, 25, destacando a contínua evolução das políticas da empresa para elevar o padrão de serviço.
Não postei a matéria completa pra não ficar muito comprida a postagem...Matéria completa aqui: https://forumcarros.com.buber-proibe-carros-populares-no-aplicativo-em-2025/
submitted by Forumcarros to carros [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 JaguarToadLamb 🫠

🫠 submitted by JaguarToadLamb to KathDenShippers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 patcheduptapestry Do their traits rub off on you?

I used to be quite a secure person, but I’ve noticed in the past few months that I’ve started over-analysing her texts and assuming the worst in the same way she does to me. This only happens with her. Has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by patcheduptapestry to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 onlyfancharley Missing summer days on the beach

Missing summer days on the beach submitted by onlyfancharley to SwimsuitOutdoor [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Acceptable_Mall665 Daddy in need of depraved f for breeding a new fam

submitted by Acceptable_Mall665 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Maarten-Sikke Domesticim algoritmii v2 - Mobilizare pentru viitorul României! 🌟

📢 E momentul să acționăm împreună și să evităm fragmentarea voturilor!
Hai să ne concentrăm pe susținerea candidaților și partidelor care au șanse reale să facă o schimbare. Nu lăsăm viitorul României la voia întâmplării!
🎥 Resurse și materiale pentru promovare: Am pregătit highlights video cu Ilie Bolojan în format vertical (9:16) + subtitrări, dar și afișe care pot fi distribuite online. 👉 Accesează și descarcă materialele de aici: [Link Google Drive] (salvează la bookmarks pentru acces rapid).
🛠️ Cum poți ajuta?

🔑 Tips pentru TikTok: Ajută mesajul să devină viral! Urmărește acești pași simpli: 1️⃣ Creează sau folosește un cont TikTok. 2️⃣ La fiecare video în limba română care apare în feed, comentează:
📈 Fiecare acțiune contează! Împreună putem amplifica mesajul și sprijini echipa Ilie Bolojan – Elena Lasconi să ajungă în topul preferințelor alegătorilor. E nevoie de implicarea ta acum mai mult ca oricând! 🙌
Distribuie, implică-te și fii parte din schimbare! 🚀
Sunt din Diaspora și NU sunt plătit să fac asta! Tot ce fac e benevol pentru că nu vreau sa ajung sa-mi fie frică să mă întorc într-o țară de tip Afganistan. Mulțumesc - și da, am votat Lasconi în primul tur și deja și în al 2-lea (prin corespondență).
submitted by Maarten-Sikke to Roumanie [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 IllustriousDurian193 Pre build for bo6 warzone

Im looking to buy a pre built on 2k (EUR) budget to play mostly warzone, should I go with nvidia or amd, which GPU would work best here? And which CPU should I go for? With warzone being a cpu bound game from what I read, should I get more expensive better cpu or should get a better more expensive gpu?
submitted by IllustriousDurian193 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 saeilyna hi i’m trying to figure out what song this sounds like

genuinely sounds so familiar but i can't put my head around it
submitted by saeilyna to krnb [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 bil-sabab Jamie Lee Curtis in The Fog (1980)

Jamie Lee Curtis in The Fog (1980) submitted by bil-sabab to The1980s [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Sscintillaa ZAMAZENTA RAID! 3 LOCALS W PARTY POWER , 7816 7794 9781 , 3668 6427 6901 or 5469 7085 4718.

submitted by Sscintillaa to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Mirror_of_Madness Evo X MAF failure?

I think my MAF sensor is dead, but I would appreciate some opinions. I have an occasional lean code, but nothing current. AFR is super rich in startup, 10-13. AFR is mostly normal when cruising, but after 20 minutes of driving AFR goes crazy lean(16-18), especially at a stop. Car can barely take off. My MAF voltage from revving in my driveway shows a constant .024414 V. MAF frequency does move, but bottoms out after letting off the trottle, then the idle becomes rough and the car tries to die. Fuel pump was replaced, FPR replaced. Anyone have a similar experience or recommendations?
submitted by Mirror_of_Madness to MitsubishiEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 Gradinterface Crypto investing’s hidden obstacles that Blokiments attempts to overcome

Crypto investing’s hidden obstacles that Blokiments attempts to overcome Crypto markets promise lucrative opportunities, but these often come with daunting challenges. The average investor faces:
Information Overload: Sifting through endless Telegram calls, Twitter threads, and unverified influencers is not only time-consuming but also risky. Many platforms offer fragmented or outdated data, leaving investors scrambling to connect the dots.
Inconsistent Profits: Without real-time insights or reliable strategies, capitalizing on emerging tokens becomes a game of chance. The window of opportunity is often too short for manual analysis.
Fraudulent Projects: Honeypots, rug pulls, and other scams are rampant in the crypto space. Relying on unfiltered data makes investors susceptible to catastrophic losses.
Missed Opportunities: While institutional players leverage advanced analytics, retail investors are left with rudimentary tools, putting them at a significant disadvantage.
submitted by Gradinterface to CryptoCurrencyMAX [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 12:29 StedeBonnet1 Dems Urge Biden To Sabotage Trump

Dems Urge Biden To Sabotage Trump submitted by StedeBonnet1 to BreakingTheNarrative [link] [comments]
