2024.11.27 17:40 roguetrader3 A Jew that only knows how to talk to retards about gay sex
submitted by roguetrader3 to fishtanklive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:40 divazzworld Meine Mutter hat ein Problem mit Alkohol
Meine Mutter hat vor 2 Jahren angefangen täglich Bier zu trinken, davor gelegentlich und am Wochenende, von Monat zu Monat wird es immer schlimmer. Damit ihr hinterherkommt vor nem Jahr hat sie täglich 1-4 Bier getrunken und eventuell auch Wein. Sie geht nicht arbeiten sondern hält das Haus schön und macht der Familie essen, jeden Tag hatten wir was zum futtern und man konnte noch mit ihr reden ohne das es Stress gab oder ein Streit angefangen wurde. Seit 4 Monaten ist alles eine Katastrophe sie trinkt bis sie keine Sätze bilden kann und das täglich sie macht nix für die Familie egal über was man sich mit ihr unterhalten möchte es wird immer laut und sie fängt wegen jedem Müll einen Streit an nicht nur das aber wenn man sie fragt was sie gemacht hat oder ob sie den was getrunken hat den man riecht es kriegt man eine Antwort die man sich in arsch schieben kann wie (ich???! Ich hab heut Nix gemacht garnichts, ich hab heute garkein Schluck Alkohol getrunken was soll die scheise!!) mit ihr ist nicht zu kommunizieren vorallem ab 12 Uhr weil sie da schon meistens was getrunken hat und das ist unvorteilhaft da ich der erste bin der nach Hause kommt um 18 Uhr und mein Vater erst um 21 Uhr heute kam ich um 18 Uhr nach Hause und ich komm rein sag hallo wie üblich und bekomme keine Antwort da meine Mutter mit nem Glas Wein auf dem Sessel eingeschlafen ist. Ich und mein Vater wissen uns nicht mehr weiter zu helfen er will sich trennen ich will mich am liebsten enthalten, mein Vater meint wir müssen sie ins Krankenhaus bringen aber ich glaube das kann ich meiner eigenen Mutter nicht antun. Hat einer vielleicht ähnliche Erfahrung gemacht oder hat mir jemand einen Rat ?
submitted by divazzworld to Ratschlag [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 JeffreyVest just wanted to share my 91 hour Space Age disaster
https://preview.redd.it/ve83n3pjch3e1.jpg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4b573dcdfe50849eac4acc71b06ee0b64011f0 I've been to Vulcanus and I'm on Fulgora now trying to get it up and running. I've spent way too many hours sucked into the Quality void and hated every result from that so far. Now I realize I'm out of copper back home and my tank is now useless as I'm hitting Behemouth everything's everywhere I turn. Started trying to lean now on Vulcanus to help bootstrap Nauvis lol. Trying to send some artillery and crying at how slowly it's coming. So that's what happens boys and girls when you forget that Nauvis has needs while you're off flirting with all the other planets. submitted by JeffreyVest to factorio [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:40 MemeAsylum Join Meme Asylum
submitted by MemeAsylum to DiscordAdsKingdom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:40 Lost-Edge-8665 Maxed Mané
Honestly pretty happy overall. Probably decent supersub submitted by Lost-Edge-8665 to DreamLeagueSoccer [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:40 sugar_straw What eye color do you all see?
My legal stuff says green, but I've also been told they look Grey sometimes, depending on the lighting. I'm just wondering what people here think. submitted by sugar_straw to WhatisMyEyeColour [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:40 Neo_Prime_12 Beginners violins and guide
I'm going to learn violin, so if there's any guide please recommend me.I want to learn the basics and foundation strongly, so very much appreciated if you're willing to give me guidelines. Also I'm planning to buy a beginner violin so recommend me a few based on your priorities. Would be grateful if you let me know that I want to learn something more on this topic.
submitted by Neo_Prime_12 to violinist [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 rad_rogue2 Can someone please explain to me what’s going on with this dupe thing happening? As it’s got me really confused and made me concerned so I stopped playing..
submitted by rad_rogue2 to WildHorseIslands [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 ropeblcochme What are your favorite small businesses to shop at this Christmas season?
We all know of Target and other big box stores.
What small business do you want to plug? What do they sell?
submitted by ropeblcochme to memphis [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 North_Extent_9000 Work
Cinelli Mash Work v1. submitted by North_Extent_9000 to FixedGearBicycle [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:40 HeroDarkyDark What was Misasa's favorite game to play with Yumi?
Got your nose!
submitted by HeroDarkyDark to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 thewickerstan John Robb’s writing a book on Oasis.
He just finished interviewing Brian Cannon for it. Robb’s always a nice talking head when I’m watching docs on the band so I’m curious to see what he’ll say. It’ll be interesting if he covers the band’s shenanigans well into the 2000’s because I haven’t read many books that cover that stretch of time. submitted by thewickerstan to oasis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:40 thatboifromtwitter What could be the source of this clunking?
2016 Mazda 3 GS. I work on my own cars but I don't really know how to diagnose this problem. If there isn't a clear answer then I'll absolutely take it to a shop to be identified. When driving, the clunking noise only appears in two ways.
One way is when i go over a bump or decent separations in the road. As I go over the bump, there is a clunk coming from my front wheels.
The other instance of which it occurs is when I shift gears (manual transmission). If my shift is smooth, there is no problem, but If i downshift, or have a rough shift, the motion from the car causes the same clunk in the front wheels.
Wheels are properly balanced, brake rotors and pads were replaced this summer
submitted by thatboifromtwitter to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 kragonn Część nauczycieli już w drugim progu podatkowym. "Jesteśmy wreszcie klasą średnią"
Nauczyciele już za dużo zarabiają i aż tyle to nie chcą - nie będą brać nadgodzin
submitted by kragonn to Nauka_Uczelnia [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 raconmax Ayuda con cbc (actuario)
Hola buenas, saben cuando empieza la cursada del cbc presencial? Y quería saber si ya al ser alumno de uba 21 ya con presentar la constancia del título secundario y DNI ya es suficiente para entrar al cbc. Gracias
submitted by raconmax to UBA [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 thespearagain What’s a completely harmless secret you’ve kept for years that you’ve never had the chance to share?
submitted by thespearagain to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 NParsons22 [Help] Journey. Looking people to help with 2 trophies in Journey.
The two trophies are,
Reflection - Sit and meditate with another player for than 20 seconds.
Wonder - Meet 10 or more unique travellers.
I can also help anyone complete the game with a companion if they need the Companion trophy.
submitted by NParsons22 to Trophies [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:40 Dependent_Pepper_925 Montu / alternaleaf
Thought I’d put it here incase people miss the email submitted by Dependent_Pepper_925 to ukmedicalcannabis [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:40 EsseNorway ... Slid Her Panties ...
submitted by EsseNorway to Snorkblot [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:39 FAU_Owls_Nest 🚨BREAKING🚨 Former #FAU OL Coach Garin Justice has emerged as a candidate for Owls Head Coach vacancy. Currently #SMU AHC OL, Justice coached and produced arguably the Owls' most successful offensive lines during the 2017 season (285 YDSS RUSH, 16 TSA) FRC College Football Scoop
submitted by FAU_Owls_Nest to FAUOwls [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:39 Right0rightoh Miss this place and fetching food and libations in the buff!
submitted by Right0rightoh to SXM [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:39 kamil1811 wb ZAMAZENTA 642778776147
submitted by kamil1811 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:39 EndPsychological2541 Whats a tip you wished you knew as a beginner to excel?
I've thrown myself into the deep end at work.. It's taking me so long to do anything as I need to constantly google/watch tutorials. My job is generally physical so I have 0 experience with excel and now I'm in charge of a whole project revolving around data and performance.. Its a rough ride so far.
What are you random tips?
submitted by EndPsychological2541 to excel [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 17:39 sidebyside09 Ready for school
submitted by sidebyside09 to outfitsOnly [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 17:39 Appropriate_Diet9360 Cerco per interpretazione di gruppo solo F
submitted by Appropriate_Diet9360 to tiktokersITA_ [link] [comments]