Sly 2 and Sly 3 announced for classics catalog!

2024.11.27 16:40 ThingusRacamagoocus Sly 2 and Sly 3 announced for classics catalog!

Sly 2 and Sly 3 announced for classics catalog! submitted by ThingusRacamagoocus to Slycooper [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 gone-4-now Spend 2500

M56. Took me a lifetime …. 4 inpatients (approx 50 days each time to regroup) …. Resorted to AA. What other choice? I was broken. Got a sponsor. Did the whole hang around long around enough and I will get a hair cut thing….. was a greeter… started feeling like I should start knocking on doors with pamphlets. This wasn’t who I was. I went for a private MRI. Showed early stage fatty liver. Dr told me no problem. Just stop drinking. “It’s poison”. And I did just that 2 years ago October 9th. My liver is fine now. I still do gummies on occasion. Am honest …. Have a normy gf who knows my past. Easy peasy? not at all for the first year. 2500 dollars was the best investment. I dabbled with AA for years. It was only when I got a hardcore sponsor that I realized I was just not made from the same cloth of this religion.
submitted by gone-4-now to recoverywithoutAA [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 BOBO1602 Korg pa300 clap performance

So i have my performance with bass from the lowest key to B3 and guitar from C4 to last key, but i want to add a clap noise to play at the same time as a guitar, but I don’t know how to isolate it from the drum kit… Please someone help.
submitted by BOBO1602 to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 DeletedDoomer Преодоляване на страх от ходене по леда през зимата.

Здравейте, имам следния проблем. Миналата година си счупих крака, след като се подхлъзнах на леда до Сердика. Там зимата е изключително хлъзгаво и заледено, и това преживяване беше много неприятно. Оттогава развих параноя, дори и при малко натрупване на сняг. Преди нямах проблем с ходенето по снега, но сега изпитвам страх. Можете ли да ми дадете съвет как да се справя с този мой проблем? Купих си обувки с грайфери, но въпреки това не се чувствам сигурен.
Благодаря предварително
submitted by DeletedDoomer to bulgaria [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 roguetrader3 Wow really going to miss this jew do absolutely nothing but bully a retard

submitted by roguetrader3 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 standardbananabread Am I an average player?

FYI - I’m a proud member of the employed player base lol
submitted by standardbananabread to BO6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 parishhills Every Influencer Is Lying To You

submitted by parishhills to daddyistheissue [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Complete-Ad-1920 Am I cooked ?

Am I cooked ? submitted by Complete-Ad-1920 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Iginlas_4head_Crease For those 4 wins or less teams that are out of contention, do you keep scouring the waivers and trying? Or do you coast to the end and just make sure you're fielding a full team?

I'm 3-9 this year with some horrible defeats. I've never been out of contention this early before, just playing out the string. I know I need to be a good loser and keep fielding a competitive team, but beyond making sure they're not injured or on a bye, I have no desire to try with the team anymore at all.
submitted by Iginlas_4head_Crease to fantasyfootball [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Competitive_Pack_481 Looking for PS5 with 4 back buttons

Hello I'm looking into getting an aim with the black Friday sale. Is it worth it to get hall effect joysticks? Im worried about paying that much for a controller and it getting stick drift in 2 months like a scuff lol
submitted by Competitive_Pack_481 to AIMControllers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Ok_Assistant143 What do you call this in you local language?

What do you call this in you local language? submitted by Ok_Assistant143 to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 DragonWritter What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by DragonWritter to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 AemonQE Low saturated fat carnivore?

Since long covid caused my paresthesia I'd like to try the ultimate elimination diet - without deranging my blood LDL levels.
But carnivore is the complete antithesis of "low saturated fat". I mean, I can eat lean meat (like game), heart and liver. But you can't base everything on protein alone, you need some calories.
Even adding fruit won't push me to the desired amount of calories. And I want to reach ketosis.
So now I don't really know what to do. Do you guys have any ideas?
submitted by AemonQE to PeterAttia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 DragonStarWithPasta What to add to my campaign (bearing in mind that I only have a night to add it into my ideas book)

So as the title says, what do you want me to add to my brand new campaign (only one person, they are human fighter, and I want to do the story basing around monster hunter).
submitted by DragonStarWithPasta to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 SpaceCatDiscovery Help! Employer FSA and Marketplace Insurance?

Can you do this combo? Everything on the internet is vague and makes it sound like you cannot get/use FSA through marketplace, but there's nothing I can find that specifically says you are not eligible for an employer FSA or that having an FSA with your employer will affect your eligibility with marketplace insurance.
FWIW, my employer nixed the PPO and only offered an expensive HDHP with horrible coverage for this year's insurance plan, and my husband is not offered insurance through his work at all. We were found eligible, with an offered tax credit, to use the marketplace instead so we went that route.
submitted by SpaceCatDiscovery to HealthInsurance [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 PaceBeginning5445 Seeking advice: Does this count as "out of the kitchen"?

Seeking advice: Does this count as submitted by PaceBeginning5445 to Rottweiler [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 atsee1278 ¿Me aburrí? ¿Que hago?

Bueno no se por donde empezar, digamos que hace algunos años en lo que trabajaba tenía contacto con muchas chicas, pero en especial una era con la que más me enrolé, con la que más tuve contacto muy seguido debido a que iba mucho a donde yo trabajaba y era mi clienta más habitual y bueno nos pasamos teléfonos, comenzamos a salir y empezamos una relación.
El problema acá es que yo ya no me siento agusto, no vivimos juntos y eso no es problema, el problema soy yo que ya me aburre tener sexo, inclusive ella me pide que le envíe nudes todos los días y ya tampoco me apetece hacerlo. ¿que hago? no la quiero dañar, no es mi intención
submitted by atsee1278 to EmparejAR [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 SilentSergal Pretty much what the title says 23M, USPS

Pretty much what the title says 23M, USPS submitted by SilentSergal to okbuddydenis [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Aggravating-Sugar261 Pakistan Inst.

I’m working in a new facility and they have Pakistan suture scissors in their T&A trays. I did some googling and I can’t figure out if a Pakistan scissor with a number on it is surgical grade? It has the number HS 8116 on it. I know Pakistan does make some surgical grade instruments. But I come from a facility that used zero Pakistan instruments unless they were disposable. Can anybody help me on this? The scissors look a little rough so they need replaced either way. Unfortunately, this hospital does not pay for one source.
submitted by Aggravating-Sugar261 to sterileprocessing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 yellow_grape47 how should i get started?

hi guys! i’m thinking of starting project pan and i wonder if anyone has any advice for getting started? any tips are appreciated! 🫶
submitted by yellow_grape47 to ProjectPan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Aaapdibuja99 BORUTO AND HINATA CARTOONS 😵‍💫

look ,i draw hinata and boruto with my cartoon style for my social media
i draw hinata with havenly curves because... why not 😎
contact me for design your characters o your comics 🎨😃
submitted by Aaapdibuja99 to characterdesigns [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Repulsive_Panic8356 Starters

In ur opinion what's the best and worst starter. The worst is obviously Skrappy but the best could be the cat or snake due to their op hts.
submitted by Repulsive_Panic8356 to DoodleWorldRBLX [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Baku_17 24, 6'2 Male Fit - Offering services, depends on you what kind od service :)

submitted by Baku_17 to PHR4Rhookups2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 Snappy_Darko (Novice Q.) Best/cheapest payment method on Phantom?

Noob buyer here...what the best/cheapest method of purchasing Sol in Phantom wallet? - are they all pretty much the same? My options are apple pay, cc/db or PayPal and then within them i get a list (Transak, Moonpay, etc)..are they all the same? Moonpay was asking to Upload ID i noticed..
submitted by Snappy_Darko to solana [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 16:40 YanniRotten The Encounter by Frank Frazetta (NSFW, nudity)

submitted by YanniRotten to MilitaryVStheUnknown [link] [comments]