2024.11.27 16:40 RandomHuman29454 ISO Independent Dispo w/ Homegrown Product? - Chicago
Do we have any? A shop that happens to have a grow operation of their own and sells their product alongside the bigger names that we're all used to? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by RandomHuman29454 to ILTrees [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 BanjosAndBacon Night Forms
In the hollow of evening Where shadows bend themselves Against bedroom walls I watch the shape of you changing A pale winter light through curtains Everything dissolves
This is how we fade Into different forms
Memory holds its breath In the space between What we were And what remains Your hands leave traces On everything they touch Until morning comes undone
Sleep carries you away In waves While I count the hours Between breaths Between heartbeats Between being and becoming
The room fills with quiet Like water rising And I am learning How to drown In all these versions Of what we mean
submitted by BanjosAndBacon to poetry_critics [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 ScienceNerd1001001 This is my brain 24/7
My camp is a perfect representation of my brain on a daily basis. I fixed it all up about a week ago after almost a year of not playing. Then I played a few events and wanted to upgrade my portal and messed it all up again and now have no room for anything else 😂 so now i gotta go back, see what I can merge and bubble and make it nice again lol. At least I got something to do for the holiday! submitted by ScienceNerd1001001 to MergeDragons [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 DebtySpaghetti PSA: Target Online Honoring $20 ETB Price Match
Just a PSA, I contacted a Target CSR via the chat function on the website a few minutes ago and they happily adjusted the price on a number of ETBs I had ordered at full price a few days before the $20 sale.
Final prices were: ($20) Lost Origin, ($17) Astral Radiance, Brilliant Stars ($20) and Silver Tempest ($20).
submitted by DebtySpaghetti to PKMNTCGDeals [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 TheManager_1 The silence after is SO loud
Via (@lifewithkaybs on TikTok) submitted by TheManager_1 to KarenGoBrrr [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 CareerColab Anthropic: Stop screwing us paid pro account holders over.
one documents, 7 messages and I hit my limit.
Absolutely ridiculous.
submitted by CareerColab to ClaudeAI [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 shadosharko I just wanna be part of your symphony~~~
submitted by shadosharko to BPDmemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 anonymoushehehee Help needed: Electricity bill not in my name for over a year
Hi everyone,
I moved into my current house on the Gold Coast about 1.5 years ago, and due to my negligence, I never changed the electricity account from the previous tenant's name to mine. I'm really worried now about how much the overdue fine might be and how I can fix this mistake.
I'm still living in the property, and neither the landlord nor the property manager has asked me about the bill. However, my lease agreement says that I am responsible for paying for electricity.
I don’t want to get into trouble, so I would really appreciate any advice on what to do in this situation.
Thank you!
submitted by anonymoushehehee to AusLegal [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 No-Zombie4282 Multiple issues with straight talk
Even though my phone is due sim card capable and e sim capable straight tow says that I am only allowed to have one phone number. This is the provider doing this, not my equipment. They won't tell me. Do I need to buy another phone to have to phone lines? Could this be the result of surveillance since day accidentally told me there's an easem. Already hooked up even though it doesn't show on my phone.
submitted by No-Zombie4282 to StraightTalk [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Busy_Feeling_9686 Is it rare?
submitted by Busy_Feeling_9686 to PokemonPocket [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 DatDirtyDawG 3 way splitter, 2 are DC and 1 is PWM
Ok so I have six case fans running, 3 and 3 on two motherboard headers using a 3 way splitter for each. The motherboard headers are 4 pin. Each set of 3 consists of two, 3 pin fans and one 4 pin. The 3 way splitter is made for it too as the two slave connectors are the 3 pins and the master a 4 pin (and the one that connects to the motherboard header.
Motherboard: Gigabyte B650M Plus WIFI
Fans.....ok this is batty as well....each set of three, have 3 different brand fans but they are the same different brands in both setsm so in essence I have 6 fans 2 of each brand. (I know this all sounding more ridiculous as I write it).
The two 3 pin fans are static pressure (I think, both have the same wide tight blades) The 4 pin should also be a static pressure because they came from an old AIO BUT the blades are shaped a little differently, a bit thinner and these jagged edges on each of the blades.
MORE battiness explained:
The 3 pin fans number one are some generic brand. The 3 pin fans number two are corsairs that came with the case. The 4 pin fans are Enermax from an old AIO.
Question 1 (finally, right?)
Does this set up work and I can adjust speeds on all of them because the master is a 4 pin? Or, do all 6 have to be 4 pins?
Question 2....is having 3 different brand fans as dumb as it sounds? (it all seemed fine as I put it together, as I wrote all this it started to feel absurd)
Don't yell at me...I'm just a guy who didn't want to throw away perfectly functioning fans...but I am asking for advice and guidance and if I have to throw em all out and get 6 new I will do it
Thank you so much in advance
submitted by DatDirtyDawG to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 dreadie91 Are the cuffs supposed to be big?
I'm 5'6 220 pounds.. chubby. Chest 44.5 I brought a size large grateful dead bomber jacket. But when I put it on.. It seems a bit big.. the cuffs slide across my hand.. Is that normal for their brand? submitted by dreadie91 to schott [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 Over_Caramel5922 Dwarves that use reddit
submitted by Over_Caramel5922 to DeepRockGalactic [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 hopefullythisisgood Song Bracket Day 38
View Poll
submitted by hopefullythisisgood to swans [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 TasMk Beef or Pork Ribs?
submitted by TasMk to stonerfood [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 DigLean Ajuda de custo dos filhos para o pai doente
Meu avô recentemente começou a apresentar sinais claros de Alzheimer, não tem laudo comprovando mas está no caminho pra fazer os exames mas tudo indica que está com Alzheimer, ele também não anda pois tem problema no ciático e por conta disso meus avós vivem com a minha mãe, a minha avó não dá conta de cuidar do meu avô sozinha o que acaba dando um certo trabalho pra minha mãe que sempre que tá em casa tá cuidando dele(dando banho, levando de um lado pro outro porque ele não para quieto, hora quer estar na poltrona hora quer deitar e como falei anteriormente ele tem mobilidade debilitada) e pra minha irmã que sempre que tá em casa tá ajudando como pode.
então minha mãe me pediu pra perguntar aqui no sub se ela tem direito a pedir judicialmente uma ajuda de custo para ps outros filhos para ajudar a cuidar do meu avô, seja pra contratar um cuidador de idoso , comprar remédios ou fazer exames e também queria saber como que judicialmente isso pode prejudicar ela, uma vez que os filhos já demonstraram claramente ter interesses na casa que meu avô mudou pro nome dela enquanto ele estava lúcido e trabalhando, agradeço desde já.
submitted by DigLean to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 ArchieBLUE1878 What song is this for you?
For me it gotta be I've Seen Footage submitted by ArchieBLUE1878 to deathgrips [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 IrishMamba1992 Cap breaker suggestions for this center build?
submitted by IrishMamba1992 to NBA2k [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 soficherry ex terminou e eu estou radiante
a situação foi pesada mas simples: ele me trocou (uma relação de 4 anos e uns meses, já noivos e morando juntos) por uma menina mais nova que era colega de sala dele na faculdade KKKKKKKKKK faz mais de dois anos que não tenho contato mas chegou essa notícia pra mim ontem, eu fiquei um bom tempo dps do nosso término sem ninguém e ele logo de cara pediu ela em namoro, eu estou atualmente numa relação maravilhosa, me sinto respeitada e amada como nunca antes, mas confesso que não deixo de sorrir desde que descobri que ele não está muito bem assim... É isso, Ótima Semana pra vocês KKKKK ❤️
submitted by soficherry to desabafos [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 AverageOpposite2798 Looking for a bud to help you get off for my favorite ig slut as if she’s my mom Kik dizopko
submitted by AverageOpposite2798 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Artistic_Ad8729 are my eyes hazel? i’m
i never got a response what color they were last time. after looking around this is what i think, anyone confirm? submitted by Artistic_Ad8729 to eyes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 16:40 agencyregister $5000 for a recommendation letter!! This is so cringe and unethical! Trademark violations / Ethics / ...
submitted by agencyregister to mit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Clerkle Devs! Update "Get code" button text' to "Send code" so the instruction matches the button. Re: Password Resets
The password reset prompt instructions are worded as follows:
"To verify that this is your phone number, enter the last 4 digits including 30, and then click "Send code" to receive your code."
The confirmation button on the same page is not titled, "Send code". It's actually titled, "Get code".
I'm not a developer, programmer, or coder, but I graduated from childhood toddler games well enough to very clearly know the the visually identifiable characteristics of an identical match in shapes, sizes, symbols, and words.
Basically, Send code is clearly identical to Send code, and Get code is NOT identical to Send code.
It takes a real dumb**ass to write out "click "Send code" " when the confirmation/proceed button is clearly titled "Get code" right there at the bottom on the same page.
Who f**ucks up that blatantly on basic grammar in a corporate job that necessitates years of professional competence following years of academic technical proficiency?
Does Microsoft require its Outlook team to possess any sort of proof of academic proficiency?
Is personal integrity a total fairy tale anymore?
Is occupational team accountability only a foreign concept at most anymore?
Are Microsoft employees really this mindless?
What a bunch of idiots!
The worst part is that some highly competent and highly literate candidate with enough humble honesty to voice issues in chain of command directives of "[write this, and make the button titled as that]" was screwed out of those jobs so this dumba**ss paid to publish illiteracy could go into debt on an overpriced home and new sports car while continuing to show up to this job on a braindead diet of sugared cereal, fast food, pizza, beer, and "medicinal" dank. This guy. . . "[duh, yup...looks good to me. Whatever you say, boss.]"
Hey, Microsoft, you're no better than your internal lowest common denominator, regardless of however much the payroll spares by allowing third-party remote hires of underqualified entry-level ding dongs. You suck!
submitted by Clerkle to Outlook [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Full_Passenger_2298 What should I do. Psu only has one pcie cable
I just bought a psu off of a guy on Facebook marketplace. The psu is supposed to come with two pcie 6+2connectors but it only has one. I already contacted the guy he said he only had one of them and couldn’t find the other. I can’t find replacement cables anywhere and I’m scared to get the wrong cable and fry my gpu. The psu is the MSI mag 650BE.
submitted by Full_Passenger_2298 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 16:40 Snoo_174 Living small
Iv ( 20 male) have been moving house th house in foster care with all abusive parent from birth to now.iv finally moved into my own studio apartment and I now feel as if I can see any here for the rest of my life but I have a girlfriend and a lot of people that tell me that I should go ahead and move on with my life and strive for something bigger but in my mind I feel as if since I've been through so much abuse and ridicule I now feel that the peace and quiet of this small apartment could be My Life but I also don't want to disappoint the people in my life that think I can move on to bigger and better things but I am comfortable where I am right now. I'll take any advice possible.
submitted by Snoo_174 to venting [link] [comments]