38-pound Russian cat was found unable to walk due to being overweight

2024.11.27 20:42 wowparrot 38-pound Russian cat was found unable to walk due to being overweight

38-pound Russian cat was found unable to walk due to being overweight submitted by wowparrot to InterestingToRead [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Narcreo Help identify queen

I found this queen and and want to know what species she belongs to! And help would be great appreciated as searching doesn't seem to find her species. I live in Texas and this ant was found outside if that helps.
submitted by Narcreo to antkeeping [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Beautiful_Pause_5258 Curso de Comportamento e Soft Skills - 160 Horas

Curso de Comportamento e Soft Skills - 160 Horas submitted by Beautiful_Pause_5258 to ecursos [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Lamatooo Is that Wonhee variety show still happening?

I remember there was talk about Wonhee hosting a show a little while back and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about that. Was it just a false rumor or something??? Im a little confused about it
submitted by Lamatooo to illit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Overall-Meeting-2914 Who To Start?

Need whoever has the biggest potential to go off, 3 WR League.
Currently have in Zay Flowers and Brian Thomas Jr.
View Poll
submitted by Overall-Meeting-2914 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 shoujii- Какие по вашему мнению парни нравятся девушкам?

submitted by shoujii- to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 oviforconnsmythe If the price is the same, is there any reason NOT to choose an 14th gen i9 cpu over an i5? Eg heat management/battery life

I've been shopping for laptops over the last few weeks and I think I'm settling on the Asus vivobook S 16. The config comes with either an Intel i5 ultra 125h or a i9 185h.
Price is sort of the same due to a discount I have available ($130cad). But in practice it may as well be the same bc it seems stupid not to go for the i9 when it's only an extra $130.
That said, my concern is that the i9 will run much hotter than the i5 and some of the gains I'd get would be mitigated by thermal throttling. Especially since this is a fairly thin and portable laptop. Likewise, I feel that the i9 would be more power hungry compared to the i5 and battery life is important to me (especially since the laptop has an Oled screen).
Im not sure I really need the i9 honestly. The only cpu intensive tasks I'll do would be using it for data analysis (microscopy images primarily). But I have a good pc at home that I could always run my analyses on. An i7 155h would be a nice in between solution but it's not available with this laptop bc I don't want to limit myself by getting the i5 laptop.
Any thoughts here? Has anyone used this laptop before and can give some feedback? I'd also welcome other recommendations with a $1500cad budget (need 16gb of ram minimum, an Oled screen and a replaceable ssd)
submitted by oviforconnsmythe to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 OkTrainer8351 B2 Visa Romanian Citizen

Hello everyone,
I need an advice, so if you had similar experiences please share. I am a Romanian citizen, 23F, living in London. I have been living here for four years now. I have completed my studies in the city. My family is not with me, I am alone. I have a full time job and I rent my flat here. In September I applied for the B2 Visa since at the time I didn’t know if they would have approved the ESTA for Romanian Citizens. Now, I have my interview in two days. I do not know if it’s safer to cancel it and to wait until the ESTA will be available for Romanians (April/March 2025) or if my ties are strong enough to proceed with it. Since I have already paid both the interview and the flight tickets (for February) it’s truly a waste!! I am going to visit my boyfriend (not US citizen) who recently moved there and I have never been to New York so I truly just want to visit, plus I have to come back to the office soo!!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by OkTrainer8351 to immigration [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Sykolewski Is there any list of mods that's should be avoided and why?? Aka blacklist of mods

I wondering if have such mods wich make game unstable
submitted by Sykolewski to KerbalSpaceProgram [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 ThePinnaclePlays MacBook m3 air or MacBook m4 pro?

Hi all,
I’m looking at buying a MacBook.
I’ve see a MacBook Air m3 for £849 and a MacBook m4 pro (not the pro chip) for around £1500.
Usage will be standard stuff like streaming, light gaming (nothing too extensive), and overall life admin.
Which of these should I get?
Thank you!
submitted by ThePinnaclePlays to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Acrobatic-Tadpole-60 Benjamin Linus is Thom Yorke’s evil twin

Just rewatched the whole series for the first time since it was originally released, and I couldn’t stop thinking this the whole time. Am I the only one?
submitted by Acrobatic-Tadpole-60 to lost [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 reddit_lss_2 Test Title 27-November-2024 20:42:42

Test body 27-November-2024 20:42:42
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 barnercart Fondo pensione metalmeccanico?

Ciao ho quasi 30 anni, lavoro da 3 e attualmente con una RAL attuale di circa 32K su settore metalmeccanico. Per adesso ho sempre tenuto TFR in azienda e non mi sono mai interessato troppo all'argomento PersonalFinance infatti so poco e nulla. Vorrei iniziare ad entrare in questo bagno di sangue pian piano.
Pensate che convenga sempre andare su Cometa? Leggo molteplici pareri che però partono sempre con un "se hai reddito alto allora...". Ma quando si può considerare di avere un reddito "alto" quindi? Chiaramente non pretendo la formuletta magica ma almeno qualcosa di più concreto per farsi un'idea.
Che ne pensate invece di Fondapi rispetto a Cometa? Ho visto che il comparto di Crescita che offrono è abbastanza simile (50/55% azionario e il restante obbligazioni). Un'altra cosa che ho letto a giro è che essendo ancora giovane e avendo solo 3 anni di contributi alle spalle forse potrebbe convenire di buttarsi su qualcosa di più "aggressivo" che sulla lunga appunto permetta di avere una rendita nettamente maggiore (quindi immagino fondo aperto?). Però anche qui ho letto di chi diceva che "fondo negoziale sempre > fondo aperto" ha torto.
Altro dubbio che ho riguarda il TFR depositato attualmente. Da che leggo dato che l'azienda ha meno di 50 dipendenti posso richiedere il trasferimento solo se c'è un'accordo con il titolare. Ma questo di preciso cosa significa? Che devo sentire il board e chiedere "posso trasferire il TFR nel fondo?" "Si / No".
Grazie mille per le info e chiaramente se servono più dettagli sono un libro aperto!
submitted by barnercart to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Acenegsurfav Which duo Wins?

Which duo Wins? Prime Garp and current Aokiji
Current Akainu and Mihawk
I'll let you guess who I'm betting on.
submitted by Acenegsurfav to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Sandstorm400 N.J. worker loses job after objecting to surveillance camera pointed at her desk, lawsuit says

N.J. worker loses job after objecting to surveillance camera pointed at her desk, lawsuit says submitted by Sandstorm400 to newjersey [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 warriorspark1 Why has Garrison Mathews fallen out of the rotation?

He is shooting 47% from three point range this year.
submitted by warriorspark1 to AtlantaHawks [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 StillHere357 What interior color is this? Med blue or dark blue?

What interior color is this? Med blue or dark blue? Guy I bought it off of has mismatched panels in the rear and doors, trying to get everything uniform based on the dash color
submitted by StillHere357 to GBody [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Watchex_Enterprises [WTS] Grand Seiko. Snowflake. Spring Drive. Titanium. Very good condition.

[WTS] Grand Seiko. Snowflake. Spring Drive. Titanium. Very good condition. submitted by Watchex_Enterprises to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 ariixbaa How to learn physics derivations?

Bhai nahi ho raha ab jaan ja rahi hai🙏🙏why are there so many derivations in physics how do you even keep all of them in mind wo bhi step by step?? Need tips that you guys use to remember all of them.
submitted by ariixbaa to CBSE [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Zuthilios Scripts trigger on all but SOs. How can I debug?

I've moved to a new company and have been asked for some enhancements on a Sales Order form that requires scripting.
However I can't seem to get any scripts to trigger on an SO neither in production nor sandbox. I've created the most basic pageInit function that simply logs 'script initiated' and this will trigger and log correctly on everything I've tested when the deployment record is deployed to all records and deployed to specific records (PO, IR, IF, TO..) but not on Sales Orders whether deployed to all or specifically Sales Orders.
I have heard there's a limit to the number of scripts that can run on a record? I tried turning off about 5 and still couldn't get any of mine to work. Could it perhaps be a specific script blocking this? I'll attempt to turn off each other script tomorrow (on sandbox) when I have more time to see if I can get something.
But what other things in your experience should I consider that could be causing this? I would appreciate your insights~
submitted by Zuthilios to Netsuite [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Intrepid-Hurry-4525 Might be bleach in eye

so my family was cleaning bath with bleach the heel of my foot touched a bit of it 10 mins later it started to feel weird so i took a shower after putting lotion on it.i took a shower to scrub my foot as precuation and to wasg myself to just incase. after the shower there was a itch in my eye so i itched it then i realized bleach can harm eyes my eyes never had any symptoms of bleach burn but felt weird after rinceing with water for a couple seconds its been 14 hours sence then and i feel perfecrly fine in my eyes and my heel of my foot is feeling alot begger should i worry or check with docter?
submitted by Intrepid-Hurry-4525 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 TurtleBox_Official The Tall Dog or whatever

submitted by TurtleBox_Official to creepcast [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 SaltyAdminBot Army Air Apache Helicopters possibly en route to Lakenheath

submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 SaltPersonality784 Ehi pls check plsss i didnt do anything and they ban me for spamming

submitted by SaltPersonality784 to uhmegle [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 20:42 Pineapple_Gamer123 Probably gonna go to my local microcenter for this build soon. It's basically finalized, but I guess you can never get too many people to check it. What do you guys think?

submitted by Pineapple_Gamer123 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
