A list of companies who have laid off in Canada 2024

2024.11.27 21:31 Mrnrwoody A list of companies who have laid off in Canada 2024

A list of companies who have laid off in Canada 2024 submitted by Mrnrwoody to TorontoRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 No_Damage_4539 Just ordered my first gaming PC in 20 years. How can I expect this game to run?

Been exclusively console gaming for the last 15-20 years. Know nothing about PC parts, but bought this black friday deal hoping it will give me an upgraded experience over what I'm having on Series X.
Thoughts? Have never played with anything but a controller so looking forward to getting a joystick and experiencing the game more as it was meant to be played.
submitted by No_Damage_4539 to MicrosoftFlightSim [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 MrMediic So it’s stopped

I don’t twitch everyday anymore just the odd on here or there. My secret? I stopped caring and it went away
submitted by MrMediic to BFS [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 RainbowCosplayer Need idea

I really like messing with my Players there minds, But im getting blank with ideas and I really want to mess with them again.
So do people have ideas? My Party is about Bear rogue Human druid Elf cleric Gnome cleric Elf druid
submitted by RainbowCosplayer to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 pennykie How to complete this task if I've not chosen Wildy?

How to complete this task if I've not chosen Wildy? submitted by pennykie to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 thepoetoflodis lotus

dapples of sunlight rake across the water's face like fingers through hair water-born babe protuding through the surface coming up for air from history's murky depths i emerge and each petal to the celestial canvas does unfold but shaking off the past is an endless purge for what isn't well shaken off is bound to be retold
moonlight coaxes me back to my watery bed like a mother's lullaby is the present paving a path to a future of dread where we all long to die? into the shell of my family i retreat growing layers of callouses like a pearl conceding to my genetic defeat it's all been foretold by helixes and swirls
the great star stirs me from my slumber my petals crown i unsheathe myself of all the dirt that encumbers lest today i drown if i continue burrowing into the waters of time there will be no growing only a cyclical decline
my desire that i wear like petals bright, like a rocket tearing through the atmosphere, is that through the slow passing of night a perpetually distant happy will draw near. i fortify myself in layers of petals soft and hope that my faith won't go unnoticed and as my dreams on a breeze gently waft i pray for the quiet perseverance of a lotus.
★ feedback
submitted by thepoetoflodis to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 mcfw31 Jeongyeon

Jeongyeon submitted by mcfw31 to Jeongyeon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 28dhdu74929wnsi Anybody else california sober?

Anybody else california sober? I always feel like I can only stave off alcohol if I use weed. But also addicted to weed...yikes.
submitted by 28dhdu74929wnsi to Petioles [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 Jilowow Santiago de Chile

Santiago de Chile submitted by Jilowow to sunset [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 a-dub713 At least Kroy is employed

At least Kroy is employed Kroy Biermann Working For Crane & Rigging Company Amid Money Troubles
submitted by a-dub713 to BravoRealHousewives [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 Super_Wishbone_4610 where do I look like I’m from??

where do I look like I’m from?? Bbbb
submitted by Super_Wishbone_4610 to phenotypes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 funkthew0rld I’m installing on my T480s

The installer and the first reboot were successful, but I was away from the computer so each time it went back into windows.
After the second reboot, it’s looping, and I can’t see why (60hz display and very fast verbose, even filming in slow motion just shows tearing text)
I built the EFI on the internal drive and the installer I used was vanilla (createinstallmedia)
What can I try?
submitted by funkthew0rld to hackintosh [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 Finn_WolfBlood Forza Horizon 5 DODI update

This has been bugging me for the past week. I got Forza Horizon 5 from DODI, but the game is not up to date, so DODI provides links with the update files themselves.
The issue im having is that whenever i try to apply the second update (from elamigos) the game simply stops working. I start it and it runs for one second before crashing completely. I have tried everything on the internet but nothing has worked so far.
Can anyone please tell me how i am supposed to update the games or get it to work? Please and thank you.
submitted by Finn_WolfBlood to PiratedGames [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 arodang 2024 Tacoma 6' Bed Truck Cap for RTT?

2024 Tacoma 6' Bed Truck Cap for RTT? submitted by arodang to ToyotaTacoma [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 Eliasplayer3 Anyone using off-meta guns anymore?

Literally this the sh.t i use instead of meta weapons. I absolutely despise them i think its so boring using those its unreal. The only thing i use meta weapons for is for clan war (i use the meta weapons for clan war such as noble porcelain that stupid lion heavy etc.). Ive already put around 5k gems into low tier weapons and things that arent used anymore , and you wouldnt believe how well im doing, in both deathmatch and teamfight. And i usually switch my loadout around every 2/3 matches , just because i have so many.
submitted by Eliasplayer3 to PixelGun [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 okaythennews American study indicates COVID vaccine risks outweigh benefits

I’ve noted in publications such as the BMJ that it looks like what we’re learning about myocarditis alone, combined with UK government data, means that the risks of COVID-19 outweighs the benefits in the young and healthy. Then this was pretty much confirmed with a huge UK study indicating that the jabs didn’t seem to save any British children’s lives, but sure did cause a bunch of problems like myocarditis. Now, an American pre-print study seems to find the same in the US... Read about it here.
submitted by okaythennews to COVIDSkeptics [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 OwnerOfThisAccount Challenge explanation

I'm currently doing all challenges after I got Nebula and i dont know what i need to do with this one. I kept the same gun from the beginning and upgraded it to legendary and it does nothing, i even made progress on it as you can see but i dont know how. It maybe is a translation mistake. It is the first challenge when you reach prestige 7.
submitted by OwnerOfThisAccount to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 Imaginary-Clue1162 Iar a iesit pe youtube... mie mi se pare ca deja face brainwashing si va tot face campanie pe asta in cele 2 saptamani

submitted by Imaginary-Clue1162 to Roumanie [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 MeasurementWhole7764 Reasons Why We Should Start Our World Domination Plan Now

Reasons Why We Should Start Our World Domination Plan Now
  1. Companies have created weapons of mass sensory devastation and destruction. (I.E high pitched noise devices, guns, nuclear bombs, drone bombs, missiles, grenades, C4, Swords.)
Like weapons of this magnitude
And whoever likes listening to this shit most likely a quite kid in the back of the class thinking they are Beethoven.
  1. Those companies also likely mass farm the Earth for resources like Oil, trees, plants, meat, grapes, fish etc. Earth is like a money management simulator now. A tycoon. Where rich business men have you sit in front of them for a job interview. You will now spend 60+ years of your life going clickity clackety.
Example of money management
Compound interest BS
  1. They compete 24/7. They have fights all the time.
  1. Old men start wars over simple things known as land, commodities, gold, money etc. They then send young innocent men to go and fight them. The old men then sit on their asses doing fuck all.
As you can see some guy got triggered because the other one had a better tank.
Well No wonder why. I don't think \"extraterrestrials\" would wanna land their UFO in the middle of a nuclear warzone would they?
  1. Universities add mass magnitudes of stress on Teenagers and young Adults. They now realize they have 50+ missing assignments and 5000+ typos, including grammer errors on their thesis.
As you can see college professors might tell you to go write a book about the influences of social media and other topics. As they were to lazy to research it themselves. They were probably teaching you \"Einstein's theory of relativity.\"
  1. NT's argue over money. For example: Buisness Man: Invest in my company Investor: I would love too. But WAIT give me back some of your companies stock or else! 😠
Time has rapidly past
Buisness Man: It wasn't enough We are now in debt!
Womp Womp
Buisness Man: But wait!
We can start a new cryptocurrency!
They watch their new cryptocurrency hoping someone will buy into it.
10 minutes has passed
No one buys into their new currency.
some time has passed
Their honest reaction: https://media.tenor.com/pIPJ7mJZ2bUAAAAM/man-destroys-pc-harold-slikk-new.gif
  1. Social Media farms Did you know some random genius on Youtube, tiktok or some social media platform dances in front of a phone getting
Whatever the fuck this is
and getting paid for that. Oh but wait the new trend has now changed to a dance called "gimme some sugar mommy lumpy shit."
As you can see this is completely and utterly asinine, pointless and arbitrary.
  1. New Generations argue over who is more sigma or has the most aura.
That one fucking millennial: He has a Jawline! Very Skibidi ohio + maximum infinite aura
This is again quite arbitrary nonsense.
So you ask how should we plan to dominate the world
Step 1: Rob the federal reserve
Give the content creators big money
Step 2: Tell big content creators about the plan but only part of it. We tell them to go to a place called Alcatraz Island. Its actually called Rebirth Island to their viewers. They compete with their guns, aura, bombs, knives, skibidi rizz etc. You name it and they will fight for the Victory Royale. No ND's are allowed on Rebirth Island. This must be done in order for the plan to work.
Step 3: Now since the NT's are arguing and having a disagreement we now can take over the world!
submitted by MeasurementWhole7764 to evilautism [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 hannahsreadit Où est-il bon de visiter en France pour les jeunes?

Excuses pour mon mauvais français! Je prévois des vacances avec deux de mes amis et nous voulons visiter la France car nous parlons tous un peu français et aimons le pays. Je me demande quels seraient les meilleurs endroits sûrs et offrant une bonne vie nocturne et des hôtels, car nous avons fraîchement dix-huit ans. Nous y irons en juin-septembre si c'est pertinent ! Nous recherchons un endroit assez bon marché avec du beau temps, même si n'importe quel endroit est plus agréable que l'Écosse ! Merci
submitted by hannahsreadit to AskFrance [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 seriousroe Drakes archive pickup

Drakes archive pickup Went on Saturday and it was one of two remaining, didn’t expect to see anything from the ALD collab but really lucked at ad the original retail price was no joke lol
submitted by seriousroe to AimeLeonDore [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 ajdo6 Regieleki 4202 9961 2815 party boosted

submitted by ajdo6 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 Subliminal_10 Looking to build my first gaming pc what you guys think?

Looking to build my first pc for gaming, streaming, and editing videos. This is what I got so far. Any help is appreciated
submitted by Subliminal_10 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 saacer Best Indie Bands Outside the UK and USA

To everyone outside the US and UK, who are your favorite/best bands from your country? Song suggestions are highly appreciated!
submitted by saacer to indie [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 21:31 Fashiongayboy02 Historically Accurate movies??

What movies have surprised you with their historical accuracy? I feel like I don’t have such a good sense of what life was like in ancient rome.
submitted by Fashiongayboy02 to ancientrome [link] [comments]
