I use chatgpt to bounce off of, it doesn't work. But it feel lonely to do it... well alone.

2024.11.28 19:41 ad-undeterminam I use chatgpt to bounce off of, it doesn't work. But it feel lonely to do it... well alone.

I just write for myself don't worry, just telling myself sorry to put myself to sleep.
I always go "(let's write a story) write my story until i'm out of idea on how to follow up or do transitions" and then chatgpt respounds. It kinda works sometimes for simple plot. But then whenever i'm actually planning something more complex obviously it never fits, never works... chat GPT doesn't get ulterior motive and stuff like that that only need to be hinted at. It either doesn't get it, or, if you hold it's hand or literaly adds what you want in parenthesis... well then ChatGPT just spills it out instantly ;-;. Like that was meant to be a reveal in like 5 chapters from now... or like it was only meant to be percieved, never outright said !
Anyway I need maybe to start writing without it. But every time I try I feel oddly lonely. But I know I would be way more free ;-;
submitted by ad-undeterminam to writingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Armand85Lai Vinyl remaster

About 6 months ago I read something about the entire catalog being remastered for modern vinyl rerelease. Has anyone heard anything about a timeline?
submitted by Armand85Lai to ToolBand [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 The_Real_Tea2 I never thought I'd be here..

I have been dreading this year my entire life. This is the year that my Dad had his last Thanksgiving. Had one more Christmas with us, kind of. And he was gone by January. I want to wake up on my 38th birthday. That was always the goal.
But right now I'm struggling so much that tomorrow is actually a milestone. Make it through the holidays, leave town, have as much fun as I can, Then January 19th I just want to be here celebrating.
I worked through my teens& played every sport there was just like my Dad. I was a little 8th grade politician. Lol I published my first set of writings and opened my first business by 21 just like my Dad.
I fell in love three times. It was beautiful. And I say here at 37 feeling heartbreak at the same time he did. He was going through a separation after 15 years. As I am.
Maybe this is where I break free.. Maybe that goal and stigma will lift..
I just want it to be a January 19th.
submitted by The_Real_Tea2 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 No-Macaroon4365 I really thought I could be a vlogger back in 2012 and be big on Youtube. I was just 11 then.

I really thought I could be a vlogger back in 2012 and be big on Youtube. I was just 11 then. submitted by No-Macaroon4365 to blunderyears [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 reddeer97 What book do you wish they would turn into a movie?

submitted by reddeer97 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 WorldlyDoughnutFX 68K for $70 and 8K for $30 (message me if interested)

68K for $70 and 8K for $30 (message me if interested)
submitted by WorldlyDoughnutFX to TikTokBuySellTrade [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 18SCOOTA Looking 2 Cash On 3Day Free Trial?? Dm/Comment For Invite Or Link In Bio🎰🤑

Looking 2 Cash On 3Day Free Trial?? Dm/Comment For Invite Or Link In Bio🎰🤑 submitted by 18SCOOTA to PRIZEPICKSBESTPICK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 SourceConsistent6234 JORDAN 3 - 29$

JORDAN 3 - 29$ submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 DragonOfLuckyness Quick! To the _______Mobile!

submitted by DragonOfLuckyness to AskOuija [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Katussska Zkušenost se studiem VŠE-FIS

Obor: Vývoj informačních systémů (Informační systémy a technologie)
Ahoj, blížím se ke konci mého bc. studia na VŠB-FEI obor Informatika a čeká mě volba mgr. Ráda bych to minimálně zkusila, než se školou seknu a začnu chodit full time do práce. Problém však je, že mgr Informatika na VŠB je plná algoritmů a předmětů, které sice přetrpím, ale pokud by byla šance ty 2 roky být někde, kde mě to bude aspoň trochu bavit, byla bych radši.
Chtěla bych tedy obor, který se aspoň z části věnuje web developmentu. V této oblasti bych si také chtěla hledat práci.
Pokud máte tipy na jiné mgr obory, určitě budu ráda. Každopádně bych se chtěla vyhnout školám, kde bych nechala duši aka ČVUT, VUT, atd.
Každopádně co by mě především zajímalo ohleďne oboru na VŠE: - náročnost studia (je možnost práce u toho atd.? Porovnání s jinými VŠ, pokud můžete) - je to jen informace na papíře, nebo tam nějaké to programování opravdu je? Tím, ze se jedná o ekonomickou VŠ, tak mi trochu té ekonomie nevadí, ale nerada bych, aby převažovala - formu studia jsem našla, že je (i) distanční, ale na stránkách jsem to možná přehledla, neviděla jsem - ohledně příjmaček, jakou jsou formou, zda se dá někde podívat na starší ročníky - popřípadě jestli vás něco napadne, budu ráda
Předem děkuji všem, co dočetli až sem nebo nechali nápomocný komentář 😊
submitted by Katussska to Prague [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Jakobstrom13 Why cant i give titles to him?

Why cant i give titles to him? submitted by Jakobstrom13 to CK3AGOT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Vory333 Can’t find a song

All I remember is the song saying
“You still rocking comme Des garçon, that’s only $80 a tee”
or something like that. — unreleased.
submitted by Vory333 to yeat_ [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 rosepetalxoxo Pretty ways for window privacy?

I know of self adhesive window film / stained glass, and I like it but haven't rly found one I like. I also feel it wouldn't let the full natural colour in?
I will be moving homes soon and I feel the windows cause a lack of privacy, I won't be able to just leave my curtains open without anyone walking by seeing in and I don't want that 24/7..
I think I'm just too used to having an upstairs, but I will be moving into a home without upstairs.
I don't like blinds and window things like that, I'm honestly not sure what to do yet.
For the kitchen, I don't mind people sometimes seeing in but I definitely want more privacy.
The kitchen window is very small, I would much prefer to use a pretty cafe net on it's own but that won't provide much privacy.
Perhpaps I will get used to it all and not mind as much after a while...?
I would like to have some pretty floral window stickers on some windows, but I want natural light too. I feel having them covered in film would make the light not so natural? (If anyone has used it, please let me know if that's the case)
submitted by rosepetalxoxo to HomeDecorating [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Derpballz What do you think about John Rawls?

submitted by Derpballz to Utilitarianism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Merlienator Advice moll

Advice moll What do you guys think? No symptoms
submitted by Merlienator to skin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Sethoria34 stalker 2 brain scorcher. can you get in?

had a look around and the train entrance from the OG is blocked off completly.
Im assuming main quest line leads u inside?? anyone got that far?
submitted by Sethoria34 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Memorandum5 Getting AC to work in engine swapped Mercedes.

submitted by Memorandum5 to projectcar [link] [comments]


THEY’VE GONE AND TURNED MAGGIE THATCHER INTO A CYBERMAN submitted by LiterallyThatGuy_07 to DoctorWhumour [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 lucivaryas Drew these today with procreate!

submitted by lucivaryas to lucivaryas [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 The-Bread-Master New Sivkit and Nevok lore just dropped

New Sivkit and Nevok lore just dropped submitted by The-Bread-Master to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 OldCopy1697 Beach | Relaxing | Small Town > Suggestions?

This summer I would love to spend one or two weeks by myself in a nicer hotel by the beach ideally connected to a small town. My goal will be mainly to relax, read, eat good food, maybe sit by a bar one or two nights.
I am based in Europe but this destination could be anywhere in the world.
If you could go anywhere (solo) to enjoy nice weather, relaxing by the beach, great food that's not too crowded - where would you travel?
submitted by OldCopy1697 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 KnoobLord Found this old set in my parent's attic, still has all the pieces!

submitted by KnoobLord to lego [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 CrazyKingMax Termine scaduto per risposta ad interpello AdE?

Termine scaduto per risposta ad interpello AdE? Ciao a tutti,
il 16/08 ho presentato un'istanza di interpello ordinario all'Agenzia delle Entrate, nella quale chiedevo conferma sulla possibilita' di applicare un certo regime fiscale alla mia situazione.
Ieri (27/11), 103 giorni dopo la mia richiesta, ho ricevuto una risposta con la quale richiedono della documentazione integrativa.
Tuttavia, sul sito dell'AdE e' indicato che "La risposta deve essere notificata o comunicata al contribuente entro 90 giorni dalla presentazione dell’istanza. [...] Se l'Agenzia non si pronuncia, si forma il silenzio assenso sulla soluzione interpretativa indicata dal contribuente."
Dunque, a me sembrerebbe che il termine per la risposta fosse gia' scaduto (e che quindi potrei procedere con la mia soluzione), tuttavia nella risposta che ho ricevuto dall'AdE vi e' indicato "Scadenza dei termini per la risposta il 29/11/2024". Non capisco questo punto: 90 giorni dovrebbero essere gia' passati il 14/11, come mai loro hanno calcolato il 29/11 come termine per la risposta?
Grazie in anticipo :)
Oggetto della risposta ricevuta dall'AdE
submitted by CrazyKingMax to commercialisti [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Ok_Wing_2579 Mouth and throat paresthesia

Ffs, it drives me mad when it hits! The nerve endings in my teeth, gums, throat and tongue suddenly just tingle and itch. It almost feels like I have metallic taste. And the teeth itching, it’s ridiculous! Rant over, omg.
submitted by Ok_Wing_2579 to smallfiberneuropathy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 19:41 Pike_The_Knight Some cool eldritch monsters in pathfinder you guys know about?

So, last session my players made a pact with a fiend and they have to release a really old and powerful "soldier" (aberration). I come here asking if you know any interesting aberration monster (interesting both in concept and abilities) I could use. If it it has a level higher than 10 the better
submitted by Pike_The_Knight to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]
