2024.11.28 22:46 werrenard12 Vize olası kopya muamelesi
Gizlilik için belirtmek istemediğim bir üniversitede lisans 1.sınıf öğrencisiyim. 2 gün önce ilk vizemize girdik. Vizede yaşanan şeylerden bahsetmek ve önerilerinizi almak istiyorum. Sınav başlamadan önce sınıfa geldiğimde arkalarda bir yere oturdum. Akademisyen geldiğinde beni ve birkaç kişiyi önlerdeki boş yerlere yerleştirdi keyfi olarak. Ardından sınav başladı. Sınav esnasında kopya çekmedim. Sınavda perspektif düşünmeyi gerektiren birkaç soru vardı ve kağıtta hem yeterli alan yoktu hem de kağıdı kirletmek istemedim, teknik çizim sınavıydı. O an akademisyenden müsvedde kağıt istemek aklıma da gelmemişti o yüzden sıraya sorularda bana gereken perspektifleri çizdim. Akademisyen imza attırmak için geldiğinde masaya baktı ama herhangi bir şey demedi, normal olarak imzamı atıp sınava devam ettim. Sınav esnasında birkaç kişi farklı zamanlarda hocanın yanına gidip akademisyene kağıtlarını göstermeye başladı, akademisyen de onlara kişisel olarak "3. ve 5.soruda hatan var, tekrar bak" gibi öneriler verdi. Ben kağıdım sıraya bantlı olduğundan hocaya onlar gibi sınav kağıdını göstermek yerine oturup sınavıma devam etmeyi seçtim. Sınav 2 saat gibi bir şey sürdü ve sınav sonunda hocaya kağıdımı teslim ettim. Hoca kağıdımı alır almaz kağıdımın sağ altına 0'a benzeyen bir işaretleme yaptı. Bunu fark ettim ancak o işaretin olası bir kopya işareti olduğunu fark etmem günün sonraki saatlerinde oldu. Ardından sınavdan çıktım. Çıktığımda konuştuğum diğer öğrencilerin neredeyse hepsinin kopya çektiğini ve hocanın 'tavsiye' verdiği kişilerde öğrencinin cinsiyetine göre ayrımcılık yaptığını duydum. Özellikle yanına gelen kız öğrencilere hocanın kendi sınavında kopya verdiğini söyledi sınav sonrası da konuştuğum 5 öğrenci de ve konuştuğum öğrencilerin 3'ü kız, 2'si erkekti. Şunu da belirteyim ek olarak: sınav harici normal derslerinde de akademisyen geçen yıldan kalma online kayıtlardan hareketle ders işliyormuş gibi kendine kendine konuşuyor ve sonuç olarak kimse dersinden bir şey anlamıyordu. Yani üniye yeni başladığımdan ne yapmam gerektiğini bilmiyorum. Kopya çekmediğim halde kopya muamelesi görmek istemiyorum. 1.sınıf olduğum için belki affedilebilirim hocanın insiyatifiyle ya da çekmediğim kopya için kopya yargılanmasına maruz kalacağım gibi duruyor. Bu durumda ne yapmalıyım? Hocayı sınavda yaptıkları için şikayet etme yolum var mı? Şikayet edebilirsem bir etkisi olur mu? Kopya muamelesine maruz kalırsam nasıl bir süreçle karşılaşacağım? Bilgisi olanlar aydınlatırsa sevinirim.
submitted by werrenard12 to UniversityTR [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 TreesuzakiGod What do you do when asked to leave the room by your partners?
I'm not looking for a "LEAVE!!!". I don't want to, as far as PMDD can go she doesn't have it bad.
She has fallen into a depressive ( anxious and bored and annoyed) and is annoyed at my presence and gets angry at me trying to help. She asks me to leave, which I respect and so I go upstairs.
I usually knock on her door to give her a foot massage an hour later. I'm wondering what you guys do?
submitted by TreesuzakiGod to PMDDpartners [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 Dacian24 BIG HAUL, +18 KG! to SPAIN (Part 1) Only accessories
submitted by Dacian24 to SpainReps [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 Hot_Drawing640 Odin 2 mini on sale AliExpress
submitted by Hot_Drawing640 to OdinHandheld [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 hughes_a2 Time For Some Fucking Danish Beer
Super rare “Unofficial” Metallica Double LP. It was part of a record collection I bough earlier this year. It contains their 1986 Roskilde set + the No Life til Leather demos. Looking for a new home!
submitted by hughes_a2 to Metallica [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 OkAd6109 P.S. I love you
submitted by OkAd6109 to howimetyourmother [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 magleby Away Luggage - $40 off + 25% off + 2% Cash Back Black Friday Sale
Still have all 5 referrals left!
Away is offering 25% off, this stacks with the $40 off via a referral. You can also receive an additional 2% cash back from Rakuten as well. If you need a referral feel free to use mine, I’d appreciate it :)
Personally I like the The Carry-On Flex, allows for quite a bit of room when expanded but when collapsed it fits on basically any airline which is great.
submitted by magleby to referralcodes [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 Limao_8 Lucky?!
submitted by Limao_8 to warthundermobile [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 Round_Way8732 do boykissers like things that go pew pew :3
submitted by Round_Way8732 to boykisser2 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 TapesFromLASlashSF Best history books assigned in college - ones that changed historiography.
I’m specifically looking for books that changed historiography of various modern events or wars. I mean any event or war - WWII, decolonization, Cold War, Civil War, U.S. Slavery, U.S. history, etc, etc.
submitted by TapesFromLASlashSF to HistoryBooks [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 Puzzleheaded_Form143 Here is all the content from Piper Rockelle, also in the first comment: https://t.me/+YyI2vQiBs0MwNjMx
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Form143 to piperrockelle16 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 DorkSideOfCryo I want to be able to automate posting on social media of events that occur on an Android phone such as movement of the phone or log on of the phone etc
So I want to help a group of people who are worried that they may die at home or have some incapacitating medical event. Now most of these people would have phones and they use them everyday ..everyone uses their phone every day, so they log on and they pick up the phone and so forth and of course every time they pick up the phone and move it we get accelerometer and gyroscope events that are I believe recorded somewhere in the operating system files.. so I would like to install an app or maybe two apps one that would access a file and post it to social media such as Facebook. In that file would be some sort of occurrence or notation relating to an event that occurred in the phone such as a log on of the phone or the phone being picked up or moved etc. Can anyone give me any clues as to what I might be able to use to do this? I know that there are a number of apps on Google Play that will automatically post on social media such as Facebook etc.. I wonder first of all can I configure these apps to obtain a file on the phone and post the contents of the file on social media? Second of all, how can I get some of the event related data from the phone on to that file?
If I could post phone events data on social media, anyone reading that social media page would know whether that person had picked up the phone during that day and that would tell them whether the person was alive or dead or incapacitated etc. If the event data was non-existent, then the reader of the page could contact that person to see if they're okay
submitted by DorkSideOfCryo to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 cerezaypastel I want to introduce you to my new grandchildren, they are my fourth litter, my chickens and my rooster don't waste time, I'm thinking about giving them funny names, and if each of my birds has their name hehehehe
submitted by cerezaypastel to chickens [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 fluff_shi any doable games?
i was wondering if yall had any recommendations on doable games that dont require you to reach level 500 in 3 days lol ( a joke)
submitted by fluff_shi to SwagBucks [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 OrdinaryEducation431 https://youtu.be/noCwWf3q7Fc?si=fPg0TBhI3Ke-Shmm
submitted by OrdinaryEducation431 to denpa [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 PretendGuard6931 Cat in Hanbok style by Somi
submitted by PretendGuard6931 to cosplayers [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 Moist_Man69420 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Moist_Man69420 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 VeterinarianFamous28 Can i ise this for Ethernet?
So my house has these ports on the wall, and im pretty sure it is connected, however i heard cat 3 ethernet isnt the fastest, and its usually used for landlines. Is it going to be an improvement from wifi? Thank you
submitted by VeterinarianFamous28 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 hermest51 En divertido porque es cierto
submitted by hermest51 to Rakkun [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 Financeandbehavior Need help with picking a grinder
I have a Breville Duo-temp pro which is now an older machine around $400 but works great still. I have a Breville smart grinder that has served me well but my pallet is getting stronger and I’m realizing the differences in coffee grinds and roasts. Should I just wait to upgrade my espresso machine before I go on to the grinder since any grinder that I find is more expensive than the espresso machine itself ? Are there any grinders out there that are worth exploring and still affordable compared to the machine I have?
submitted by Financeandbehavior to espresso [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 reimsenn Glow up si Jed Madela ngayon ah..
Ano latest sa kanya? submitted by reimsenn to ChikaPH [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 Mikey_VT Build first PC 1year, 10m & 11d ago, today i became a Q3 Owner + do it yourself Cable Ceiling Holder
submitted by Mikey_VT to Quest3 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 ParsleyNo6986 Thanksgiving
Today is thanksgiving, and today I choose happiness.
Happy thanksgiving
submitted by ParsleyNo6986 to deathofastarfish [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 22:46 Fine_Huckleberry9983 Soooooo beautiful ❤️
submitted by Fine_Huckleberry9983 to HunterSchafer [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 22:46 Abbre408 Alguém conhece?
submitted by Abbre408 to Girls_Sexybr [link] [comments] |