
2024.11.28 23:41 Letsrollone Mitra-9

Mitra-9 Don't Miss this! Link below!
submitted by Letsrollone to KratomExtractReview [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 yuvalid how do i upload a file over ssh to a server that runs qemu

essentially title - but ill be more precise about the problem. this isnt an ssh server on qemu, but a ssh server that once a connection is established, runs qemu, and connects it to the ssh terminal. the qemu machine itself doesnt have any sort of compiler or internet access.
im trying the kcrc challenge on, and i want to upload a binary i compiled to the remote ssh.
what can i do? i tried writing a python script that slowly writes commands that write the file using base64, but the binary is too large and this fails with pretty high probability, some lines just get cut off and stuff like that. there might be a very standard and easy solution that im missing, help with this is very appreciated!
submitted by yuvalid to hacking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 Aradharc Me_irl

Me_irl submitted by Aradharc to me_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 CommercialEvent5209 I’ve looked online and I’m pretty sure it’s irreparable but I just wanted to post it to make sure. Is this a monitor repairable or should I just get it replaced. There is no outer damage on the outside screen.

I’ve looked online and I’m pretty sure it’s irreparable but I just wanted to post it to make sure. Is this a monitor repairable or should I just get it replaced. There is no outer damage on the outside screen. submitted by CommercialEvent5209 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 Ok-Reindeer4394 How would you re-write Nuka as a competent villain without making him a rehash of Scar? (Serious Answers Only!!!)

How would you re-write Nuka as a competent villain without making him a rehash of Scar? (Serious Answers Only!!!) submitted by Ok-Reindeer4394 to lionking [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 Potential-Play5443 Just played around with the new iPhone settings

Just played around with the new iPhone settings submitted by Potential-Play5443 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 Ragedpuppet707 How should I customize?

How should I customize? I have the AF1s in pic 1, but I ordered the ones in pic 2. Only $55 so it was hard to pass up. I want to customize them to differentiate them from the other pair I already own. What should I do?
submitted by Ragedpuppet707 to Nike [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 Secret_Hair83 Starfield Space Exploration

Is it just me or does anyone ever see Starfield like a hub based game that doesn't explicitly say its a hub based game?
submitted by Secret_Hair83 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 DreamPirates Tejashree Pradhan Marathi Actress #TejashreePradhan

Tejashree Pradhan Marathi Actress #TejashreePradhan submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 Ok-Title-8666 Finalize or nah

Hi! Wala pa rin akong section sa isang subject na bumagsak ako last term. Should I finalize it na since it's the last day of enrollment?
submitted by Ok-Title-8666 to mapua [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 HoldMySoda Help me decide on a GPU for Nvidia Broadcast? RTX 30-Series vs 40-Series

I'm currently in the market (EU/Germany/€) looking for a GPU that can handle Nvidia Broadcast without breaking my bank. I'm talking full-on greenscreen/background removal, denoising/noise removal, and whatever additional render effects (i.e. fireworks) on top. Budget is around €300 tops, I'm not willing to spend more.
I simply can't decide on a GPU, because I've owned an RTX 2060 6GB in the past, which felt a little too weak with everything going on at once (noticeable stutters here and there), then switched to an RTX 3060 12GB, which worked without any issues, despite having fewer Tensor Cores (but newer architecture). This was like 2 years ago, I no longer have said PC. I'm once again opting for a dual PC setup for reasons, and all that is missing now is a GPU.
I do need an RTX card for the AI effects that I actually use, otherwise I'd have just used QuickSync. The tech appears to suck on 20-series cards, so it's 30-series and up for me. Not a fan of the poor efficiency of the 20-series, and they are around the same price anyway.
My options are: RTX 3050 6/8GB, 3060 12GB, 3060 Ti 8GB or RTX 4060 8GB. Whichever I can currently get cheaper.
A few questions I have:

To clear a few things up: I do not care much for AV1 encoding (40-series), I'm fine with regular h264. I had great results with 900p 8000 KB/s in the past.
I plan to use multiple effects at once; background removal, noise removal, special effects and so on.
I sent an offer to a guy of €180 (I have to pay extra fees) for his used RTX 3060 he has listed for €200, but in case he declines, I might have to get a new GPU to avoid all the extra hassle (I have a 1 week deadline). A 3050 6GB is around €180, a 3060 is around €260, and a 4060 is around €300.
Thanks in advance! :)
submitted by HoldMySoda to nvidia [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 DreamPirates Sonalee Kulkarni Benodekar Marathi Actress #SonaleeKulkarni

Sonalee Kulkarni Benodekar Marathi Actress #SonaleeKulkarni submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 vadpribalt Count Bloodula

Count Bloodula submitted by vadpribalt to Transmogrification [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 burrcook Remains of cp biltmore in Asheville after hurricane Helene. The maintainer gonna have a hell of a time with that

Remains of cp biltmore in Asheville after hurricane Helene. The maintainer gonna have a hell of a time with that submitted by burrcook to SignalMaintainers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 PurdueJohn TV Series Recordings

I'm probably missing something, but I can't seem to see anywhere where it shows that I've watched an episode, and am not able to delete an episode. I can only see an option to turn off future recordings. Is there an option for these?
submitted by PurdueJohn to youtubetv [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 DreamPirates Tejashree Pradhan Marathi Actress #TejashreePradhan

Tejashree Pradhan Marathi Actress #TejashreePradhan submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 OWT_wales Scrimmage Liv at the SAA meeting (Scrimmage Addicts Anonymous)

Scrimmage Liv at the SAA meeting (Scrimmage Addicts Anonymous) submitted by OWT_wales to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 IgnicionDigital Estrenando un flamante flair nuevo en honor al Gabardinaposting

Estrenando un flamante flair nuevo en honor al Gabardinaposting submitted by IgnicionDigital to ArgentinaBenderStyle [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 Sweet-Blackberry634 Sims missing father

I’m on gen 3 of my legacy save file. Gen 1 had a children with 1 sim and then married someone else. Gen 2’s dad is missing suddenly from the game and is no longer on the family tree. She also had brothers from her dad’s side and they suddenly are not showing up as her brothers. And Gen 1’s husband is listed as Gen 2’s dad, but, he’s not. I have been wracking my brain for days and have googled over and over but can’t remember the dad’s name! Either the first name was Prince or the last name, almost certain it was the last name. I have some families with the surname Prince, but again, sims are missing from my game and some sims have no parents listed in MCCC. Any ideas who this could be?? He was a black guy with curly looking hair.
submitted by Sweet-Blackberry634 to thesims [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 Specific-Cry6264 Analyse phenotype and guess nationality

Analyse phenotype and guess nationality submitted by Specific-Cry6264 to phenotypes [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 BargeeDX Test

submitted by BargeeDX to Krosito [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 aishxki Burnt out bad. Need advice on cutting hours.

Im currently doing around 45 hours a week and I am physically disabled with 2 conditions. I initially asked to do maximum 40 but I have had to do more. These hours typically consist of 10+ hour days and I am seriously burnt out. It’s only been 2 months. We are severely understaffed with only 5 of us and 1 of our staff being unavailable for at least another month.
I don’t know what to do, I’m seriously in a lot of pain from these shifts and dreading doing a 12 hour shift tomorrow, but I am sort of a people pleaser. My manager and coworkers are somewhat nice people especially my manager and I don’t want to put more pressure on them by asking to cut my hours to maximum 30, or even less. I really need advice on how to go about this as I think if I keep just going like this I will end up quitting my job straight up.
submitted by aishxki to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 BluePirate79 Eu sou contra a escala 6x1

Eu sou contra a escala 6x1 submitted by BluePirate79 to brasil [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 bloke_with_no_face Any programs that can run the classic IBM-7094 voice from 1960s?

I'm looking for a tts program that can run the same voice as the computer that sang 'daisy bell'. Anyone know a guy??
submitted by bloke_with_no_face to VSTi [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 23:41 shovel_is_my_name Y'all are just annoying

Is your character good rn? Not really but is she still annoying? Absolutely and that's what a lot of people don't understand on both ends. Your hack is disruptive which is the point but it's still annoying as shit to deal with. Flashbang just removes movement now which stills allows for someway to fight back with other abilities. Virus i feel like most Sombras agree it was a mistake and for those who don't it feels very cheap to be on the opposing end especially for a "skillshot." Translocatostealth was a mistake for sure but also still very annoying to deal with but perma stealth and having an infinite translocator is also annoying as shit for enemys. This probably sounds like a rant at this point but it's just frustrating to deal with Sombra despite how bad she may be. Call it a skill issue if you want but your kit is just built to be an annoyance. Anyway talk shit or have a discussion with me if you want in comments
submitted by shovel_is_my_name to SombraMains [link] [comments]