2024.11.28 23:41 bloke_with_no_face Any programs that can run the classic IBM-7094 voice from 1960s?
I'm looking for a tts program that can run the same voice as the computer that sang 'daisy bell'. Anyone know a guy??
submitted by bloke_with_no_face to VSTi [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 shovel_is_my_name Y'all are just annoying
Is your character good rn? Not really but is she still annoying? Absolutely and that's what a lot of people don't understand on both ends. Your hack is disruptive which is the point but it's still annoying as shit to deal with. Flashbang just removes movement now which stills allows for someway to fight back with other abilities. Virus i feel like most Sombras agree it was a mistake and for those who don't it feels very cheap to be on the opposing end especially for a "skillshot." Translocatostealth was a mistake for sure but also still very annoying to deal with but perma stealth and having an infinite translocator is also annoying as shit for enemys. This probably sounds like a rant at this point but it's just frustrating to deal with Sombra despite how bad she may be. Call it a skill issue if you want but your kit is just built to be an annoyance. Anyway talk shit or have a discussion with me if you want in comments
submitted by shovel_is_my_name to SombraMains [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 Pristine-Student-863 Need help boys
Hi i shipped my package a time Ago. When i used pandas app i was ussing 17track od packages on this apps i can see whats going on with my package. Its my first time using cn fans on both apps i have „order data transmited elec” im a bit scared that package will not come to my house any1 can help ? Linę - DHL F YLD SHIPMENT - poland submitted by Pristine-Student-863 to CNfans [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:41 Mrpink131211 Why are ppl running 5x without the shd exposed event?
Do you not want free stars? Out of every 5 groups I get 1or 2 that actually run the event. Why not take advantage of the stars dropping like candy grim s piniata?
submitted by Mrpink131211 to Division2 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 LividRun799 In which style I need create clothes that girls will buy?
HI everyone. wanna ask girls but everyone can answer, which clothes and style I need create on my items that girls will liked it and buy. i try to do something like y2k... u also can check my items: eternal exhaustion girls, rate last t-shirt, would you like to buy things in this style?
my brand
submitted by LividRun799 to AskTeenGirls [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 KFCBUCKETS9000 Is there a high chance that steam os 3 will be available to download for pc's?
I heard It is available for another hand held pc besides steam deck, so that got my hopes a little higher. I have always struggled with regular Linux like ubuntu or Linux mint. And steam os, I pretty much treat it like windows.
submitted by KFCBUCKETS9000 to linux_gaming [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 Embarrassed-End-1083 Forgotten Werebear Druid.
Call me super crazy, but I think, and it's a leap, I think that they should bring the Werebear glyph in line with season 7 werewolf glyph. Crazier still, I think insatiable fury should be brought back in line with mad wolfs glee, like they always were before. I'm sure this is so game breakingly overpowered that it would normally warrant a nerf
submitted by Embarrassed-End-1083 to diablo4 [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 Ok_Zone_7635 What other large predators coexisted with tyrannosaurus rex?
Currently writing a sci fi horror story of someone getting stranded in the late Cretaceous.
T Rex is my favorite dinosaur, but I want a variety of other predators.
I already plan on making triceratops more scary than the t rex (which they probably were), but i still want another carnivorous adversary.
I want to use Utah Raptor, but I don't think they existed in the same time or location as t rex.
I want this story to be accurate. Anyone got any ideas?
submitted by Ok_Zone_7635 to Dinosaurs [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 EfficientCoconut2739 Swift implementation of Kotlin coroutine like launch scope
Kotlin has the coroutine concept where you can launch tasks in different scopes,
Swift does not have it out of the box but is there a way one could implement something similar in Swift ?
submitted by EfficientCoconut2739 to swift [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 BlueBird1120 Vape pen Thanksgiving
Let's get high fellow stoners!! submitted by BlueBird1120 to weed [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:41 Apprehensive-Shop472 Love
submitted by Apprehensive-Shop472 to RandomPics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:41 hltkrgz No pack gear
Hey guys i came to my first game at lambeau but i just became aware that i dont have packer gear on me, and my coat is light blue 😁. Is the pro shop open today?
submitted by hltkrgz to GreenBayPackers [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 wattersonscalvins Mega ALTARIA Raid 910301278251
submitted by wattersonscalvins to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 CarmelChew Eyeliner and Lipliner
Can I use them interchangeably? Does anyone use them interchangeably?
submitted by CarmelChew to Makeup [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 HomeCooked Is this furniture too big for my living room?
I’m working on furnishing my living room. I picked out a few pieces from rove concepts.
I already have an upright brown piano.
2024.11.28 23:41 Green_Honeydew_949 Otherscape Kickstarter ended
Otherscape Kickstarter finalized. What do some of you think?
submitted by Green_Honeydew_949 to TheTrove [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 KikouJose Why do so many of you make online rooms and not battle at ALL for hours?
The amount of rooms I’ve joined that have been opened for 3+ hours and the host has had 0 battles is absolutely insane. 😧
submitted by KikouJose to SparkingZero [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 Pristine-Extreme-168 Makaron
submitted by Pristine-Extreme-168 to DessertPorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:41 SpectreSancto Zacian 056650536420 3 local
submitted by SpectreSancto to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 KhalidSharifSurgeon Powerful hip warmup in seconds
Powerful hip warmup in seconds Try it before workout and forget injury
submitted by KhalidSharifSurgeon to FitnesProgramsSharing [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 posterchild66 Spatchcock Sucker! Today's submission.
DIL dressed her up. I'm sad about symmetry. But she was tasty! She slayed with a pomegranate glaze!
submitted by posterchild66 to Traeger [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 Optimal_Community356 How do you keep your chickens warm in winter?
I live in middle east, and I do have lots of experience with summer and heat but not winter. We don’t have snow in my country so it isn’t that cold. But I am actually scared for my chickens life in the winter. I’ve heard from others in my area that their chickens die from the cold…but never heard them say from the heat…put in mind that the temp where I live can reach 60 Celsius.
What do you guys do to keep your chickens warm?
submitted by Optimal_Community356 to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 IlTosi How did we get "Still Day Beneath the Sun" and "Pattern Ok the Ivy PT.2"?
I don't know how many of you know but these two tracks were recorded for "Blackwater Park" but never got released. You can still find them on YouTube but not on the band's official channel, so how did we get them? Did they actually get released? Were they leaked somehow?
submitted by IlTosi to Opeth [link] [comments]
2024.11.28 23:41 Jaiden_the_fatty_ Need help identifying this Australian badge.
My dad gave it to me sometime last year,and I can’t make out which era it’s from. submitted by Jaiden_the_fatty_ to Militariacollecting [link] [comments] |
2024.11.28 23:41 phatrise Novica Black Friday Sales 2024
Check out the link for Novica Black Friday Sales 2024. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by phatrise to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]