2024.11.30 01:48 InternationalDare862 Popcorn art
https://x.com/astronomerozge1/status/1861366664350073305?s=19 submitted by InternationalDare862 to popcorn [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 lethotep What's this mineral?
So this is a rock belonging to my dad, from Southern Africa (not sure of the region or specific country. Either South Africa or Namibia). But I'm not 100% sure on our identification of it, and thought I'd open it up for options. submitted by lethotep to whatsthisrock [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 PutImmediate3920 I think I traumatized myself at 18
Not sure why I am sharing this or why its even on my mind now but female 23 and I think I traumatized myself or maybe allowed myself to be traumatized when I had just turned 18.
So when I was 18 I was very lonely as I had just started college still in the brunt of covid. With all of the restrictions and limited socializing it was really hard to meet people. Because of this, I began reaching out to people over various social medias. Most of these were harmless and some I was friends with for quite a while but there was this one guy (we’ll call him M.Y.) who I had a sexualized relationship with. It was fine at first we did some stuff over the phone and there were photos involved which I was semi-okay with but mostly sent the photos because I thought I had feelings for him and I didn’t want him to stop talking to me. As time went on the sexual requests got weirder and weirder like things in public places for example (which I ofc declined). The weirder the requests got the most he would mess with me. Once he pretended to be his mom and told me he had passed at his own hands due to substance abuse; another he told me he was in danger of getting pewpewed while we were on call together, another he told me he was in my hometown and looking for a friend of mine and scared me shitless enough that I called the police. That was my last straw and I told him I would no longer be speaking with him since he scared me. He then blew up and told me about how gross and ugly he found me to be more specifically he told me that he found my weight to be disgusting and that he was going to share my photos online. As far as I am aware he never did that but it has stuck with me sense then and I have never felt the same about myself (I used to see myself as a super confident thick woman but its not like that anymore). I blocked him after a lot of harassment and he would occasionally still call or text me from new numbers pretending to know where at I was or pretending to be someone else saying horrible things.
I know this doesn’t seem like a big deal but my sex life and my body image hasn’t been the same sense and in my current relationship I constantly worry that my girlfriend doesn’t actually like my body and would be happy with someone smaller or if I were smaller and I feel guilty asking her for sexual acts for me when we are already doing things and I am always giving and almost never receiving because of it (totally not her fault). This has ruined my sex life and my body image still years later.
submitted by PutImmediate3920 to confessions [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 sieepybears Canada post strike
I had a package I sent to Canada the 13th of this month, but now when trying to access tracking there's a big red error saying postage to Canada is suspended. What does that mean for my package...? The last I saw anything of it was the 23rd. I'm not sure if usps informs you of any updates once's it's left the country....?
submitted by sieepybears to usps_complaints [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 sunnycat- going solo to the game
howdy y’all!
so, maybe all of this is hypothetical since I’m still hoping to get a last-minute ticket tomorrow lol, but I was just wondering, what’s the experience like going to a game by yourself, especially if you’re a girl?
also, if I manage to get tickets, it’ll be my first-ever game, so any tips are welcome! :)
submitted by sunnycat- to aggies [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 Noise_Loop Ant Simulator
submitted by Noise_Loop to comedyheaven [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 Comprehensive_Bat980 Oh Mary!
Does anyone have an Oh , Mary! boot? I saw it this summer and I often find myself laughing at lines I remember. Would love to experience it again w/o paying $200
submitted by Comprehensive_Bat980 to BootlegGifts [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 shnooooooooo The optimal way to play Spirit of Justice is to use the DLC costume because why would Phoenix fully wear his lawer get up to a vacation? Is he stupid?
submitted by shnooooooooo to AceAttorney [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 Ok_Zookeepergame9000 Mega altaria 2 locals 857358142054
Plz add for inv
submitted by Ok_Zookeepergame9000 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 snxtgspgt Playing chess
submitted by snxtgspgt to clevercomebacks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 Successful_Knee_2356 dreams
i went to bedy bye one night to have a HORRIFYING dream of Danny Gonzalez i was trapped in a room with him and a child there were two sets of stairs and a hole between then a long deep narrow hole Danny kept telling me to jump down and see whats down there i didnt do so then he started to threaten me with throwing the child down while smiling grimily he had a psycho look in his eyes and then he picked the child up and i couldnt speak or stop him so then he proceeded to throw the child down the hole i heard screaming and then a crunch then Danny looked over to me and said "i guess his bones werent squishy enough to save him" then i woke up confused and disturbed then made breakfast and life went on havent dreamed of Danny since but i am still haunted by it and that face he made...
submitted by Successful_Knee_2356 to DannyGonzalez [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 Dr_Saws Sas Juul pods
I'm considering starting a collective fundraiser to help fuel Sas' nicotine addiction. I think if we can get enough support we can devise a way to cross enemy Russian lines where there is a large stockpile of Mango flavored Juul pods.
DM me if you'd be interested in this very important work.
submitted by Dr_Saws to SonofaBoyDad [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 Select_Anteater7186 Fiz um esquenta antes do show do Linkin Park e não lembro de nada do show
Basicamente é isso.
O que era pra ser um esquenta, se tornou quase que um pesadelo para eu e um amigo.
A ideia inicial era tomar uma vodka antes do show para entrar “calibrado” e evitar gastar lá dentro.
Ocorre que nenhum de nós percebeu que 1 garrafa de smirnoff pra somente duas pessoas seria o suficiente para deixar ambos completamente bêbados.
Pra piorar, a gente chegou “atrasado” pro esquenta e tivemos que beber a vodka com refri cada vez mais rápido pra não perder o Linkin Park (afinal, na hora nem percebemos que tinha uma banda antes).
Nos copos finais, a proporção era 70/30: 70% vodka, 30% Fanta laranja.
Então viramos o restante da vodka antes de entrar e “bateu” somente quando entramos no estádio.
A única coisa que eu me lembro foi de estar em uma roda aleatória do começo ao fim do show, mas não lembro de música nenhuma, nem mesmo da performance ao vivo.
Enfim, fica a dica pessoal, saber a dosagem do esquenta é essencial.
submitted by Select_Anteater7186 to MetalBrasil [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 ChaosCrafter908 Am 12.12 Gehe ich mit der Gewerkschaft Ver.di als Azubi-Stellvertreter nach berlin zu einer TK Sitzung. Was sollte ich da ansprechen?
Bin selbst zwar elektriker azubi, aber so viele beschwerden habe ich nicht auf meiner arbeitsstelle, deswegen frage ich lieber nochmal nach :D
submitted by ChaosCrafter908 to Azubis [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 Lowes_Depot_1776 Potentially upgrading my 2013 Cooper S for a 2015 Cooper S.
As the title states I am currently looking at potentially trading in my 2013 for a 2015 Cooper S. Any advice on what to look for It’s a 6-speed with roughly 90k miles. My 2013 is a 6-speed with 80k miles but I don’t want to worry about all the issues my N18 engine might have in the not-so-distant future. Any advice is much appreciated. Thank you my 2013 pictured above submitted by Lowes_Depot_1776 to MINI [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 Delicious_Walk_8087 Hmm
submitted by Delicious_Walk_8087 to ArianaGrandeSnark [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 inrainbows043 Anyone know what’s going on here?
Stumbled upon this cool utility pole and I was wondering if there’s some sort of backstory to it. I love weird little community monuments like this. I can’t remember exactly where it was… I believe it was somewhere in the highland park area, but I could be wrong. I don’t remember there being any text on the pole, besides a black box that says “WiFi”. Anyone know what it is, or how long it’s been there? Even if it has no meaning, seeing stuff like this always makes my day submitted by inrainbows043 to Birmingham [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 Yiddish_Dish Erratic and rough idle when starting cold - [2007 Toyota Rav4/2AZ-FE 2AZ]
A friend's 2007 Toyota Rav-4 (engine: 4 cylinder 2AZ-FE 2AZ) starts with erratic/fluctuating RPMs and idles rough. It has been sitting about a week, but ran fine prior.
submitted by Yiddish_Dish to mechanic [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 Fe_tan Who would you rather ( or rather not) be handcuffed to for a day: Musk, Trump or Zuk?
And why
submitted by Fe_tan to BlueskySocial [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 Fuzzy_Lumpkiins 15yr old rescue
Hi! My GFS grandmas pupper passed away this year, so she ended up adopting / rescuing this old man (I call him slick Rick, he’s only got 1 eye)
He’s 15 with arthritis, but he’s got a loving home!
Just wanted to share this old fella here, figured yall would enjoy him(he’s not very photogenic)
submitted by Fuzzy_Lumpkiins to DOG [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 NWContentTech My notes of the Sitecore Symposium 2024
submitted by NWContentTech to sitecore [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 greepy_pleas hard rock live etess arena
Has anyone been to Estess arena? Pros? Cons?
submitted by greepy_pleas to WidespreadPanic [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 bruhmomentoof86 Just got my first tattoo today
submitted by bruhmomentoof86 to lies [link] [comments]
2024.11.30 01:48 v8b8 Some sad shit. Motherfucker said He didn’t want to ramp no more.
submitted by v8b8 to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.30 01:48 Tedorado Results of a day in the woods
Tree day turned my girls into the tired Corgis of the day, 10hrs in the snow cooked em pretty well. submitted by Tedorado to corgis [link] [comments] |