question about LTE's

2024.12.01 00:43 BlockLiving9015 question about LTE's

so i know that there are the limited time events for certain characters. what i want to know is will there ever be a rerun of those events like lets say miss Desiree, Renee , and many others?
submitted by BlockLiving9015 to crushcrush [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 povsquirtle How unsafe are sugar free foods for toddlers?

I grabbed some yogurt then other day at the grocery store (Oikos Triple Zero) and my two year old wanted some. She’s had it a few times and I looked it over tonight and saw that it had stevia leaf extract - my assumption had incorrectly been that the yogurt just had no added sugar, I did not realize that it had an artificial sugar substitute added in. My bad, I should’ve read it better before buying and serving - I do not give my child (purposefully) sugar free things or artificial sugar substitutes. She’s definitely stolen a sip of my sparkling waters before, so it’s not like this is the first time she’s had it. The internet saws there isn’t a lot of research and to avoid if possible - but is this more of a long term concern? My daughter is clearly fine but my anxiety has my interest peaked.
We normally use plain old Greek yogurt and will be returning to that. :) I was just apparently not paying attention at the store. But I’d hate to have hurt my baby with YOGURT.
submitted by povsquirtle to ScienceBasedParenting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Dangerous_Bit9051 japanese historical/fictional books or movies about boys

I’m looking for books/films about taikomochi/geinin (japanese male geisha)or kagema.
submitted by Dangerous_Bit9051 to JapaneseHistory [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Own-Blueberry-1916 First pulls in 10 years

First pulls in 10 years Decided to start collecting after 10 years. Here's what I got for 30$
submitted by Own-Blueberry-1916 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Patchzx Best way to personalize a basketball?

Buying my son his first "expensive" basketball, the Wilson Evolution, since it seems to get great reviews for indoor play and the rest of his teammates seem to have that ball themselves. What is a nice way to personalize it besides just writing his name on it with a sharpie pen? I tried to look for some letter stencil, but hard to find one that you can use on a round ball.
submitted by Patchzx to Basketball [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Seppe-353 I can finally go to sleep

I can finally go to sleep submitted by Seppe-353 to CreaturesofSonaria [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 whoknows2138 Get to snap or something then ghosted or blocked

Nothing serious just we’ll be texting and talking about random shit and then I get left on read and I’m like hey what happened what’d I do and blocked or blocked already wtf is it me or is this some conspiracy at this point I feel like it’s bumble paying people to text you and get your other socials and then keep texting you to get your interest and then boom blocked over and over again so you keep getting hope and never find anyone obviously even if that is true it can’t be true for every single person and interaction on the app so just what the hell yk I don’t get it is it a conspiracy or do I text to much or what im confused as fuck.
submitted by whoknows2138 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 perfectmat Just pure joy and wagging tails!

Just pure joy and wagging tails! submitted by perfectmat to Awww [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Due-Employer-4472 Practice

Practice Shading practice
submitted by Due-Employer-4472 to TattooBeginners [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 SpiritualWest7072 unsure

hi! i’ve been looking this up for a few months now but i just can’t seem to find an answer that resonates with me, and i thought this would be the right community to ask for help. i’m a male, and i like men both romantically and sexually, but as for women, i only like them romantically and the furthest i would go is kissing. i’m not sure what to label myself as. (and i don’t just wanna use ‘bi’ because i don’t think that term correctly represents how i feel.)
submitted by SpiritualWest7072 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 skawtage Does Temu sell 40 foot Santa Claus?

Biggest blowup I’ve ever delivered to .
submitted by skawtage to AmazonFlexDrivers [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 PartIntelligent5622 If the book does not sell... there is a sequel

There is days when the words do not flow, where I need to return to my local language to write better. But today is not the day, I find myself invaded by words, by flows, by meanings to ever be discovered. It is quite strange to find something so unusual. Was it all I ever was supposed to do? To spend all my life roaming through the costal waters, to navigate more than twenty years with doubts... How could I ever find my own home…
And please do not get my wrong, where I was born is quite beautiful. From there you can see the mountains when there is no fog around. You can even walk into the forest and you will not find another soul around. That can be the description of peace for some. I know it all too well.
I have always been told that you seek what you do not have. And that can be true, I just feel I have been missing you my whole life? Like this, what I am feeling right now, these contagious emotions that I just can hope that can be delivered to you; somehow.
I had several hypothesis growing up… I thought when I was some years younger, that all I needed was to reside in a busier place. That if I dared to escape those silent trails, I would find meaning walking around. So that I did. That small town girl, went to live in a city phony, false and frail. It worked for sometime.
I found myself mesmerized by the eloquence of the people. Those residents were so full of life, so diversified. To this day, it still all amaze me… how colorful can a place be? How can you get bored when you see everyday new scenarios, each day one to discover.
But there was I, surrounded by some, but feeling lonely as ever before. I thought that I had to go further. That I had to reside abroad. So that I did, maybe no need to repeat the story this time. I went oceans apart, where the miles did matter.
There was I… happy in my new found home, but I never dared to call it my place. I knew it was temporary or, if I extended my stay for some time, I would be deported. And that we all know is something we never wanted. But when the final day was approaching, the final trick disappeared: the excitement of the first days slipped away.
I had to figure out another plan. So I went back to my homeland. Where everyone spoke and I understood them. But still to this day, I used to find myself alone. I know probably I am repeating this word too much, but that does not make it so less true. There was no human in that very remote part of the world that did not know who I was. They all knew my name, my origin, all the stories I ever dared to tell. The secrets were spilled, the anecdotes were all well received.
Maybe I should have listened more… maybe, just maybe, the antiques were right all the time. And that lonely girl, from that small town world, just needed to find what she was never cared to look for. She never attempted to fall for a boy, less for a star that was yet to be born. And do not get me wrong, dear reader, I am not saying that you were not running around this earth just yet. You were; probably just doing the bare same. I guess what I am trying to say, if you ever let me tell is that you were still to be recognized by many. Including this same exact old soul.
And there she is writing very simple words. I just do not know. Every time I attempted something in my life; I found myself changing plans. But here you are breathing, brighting, shinning. You wear your long Superman cape, is that how it is called? I guess I would never know, but you have imprinted your stamp in my forehead. Saying here I am, here I am to stay. And me… this little girl, who never was scared, who attempted to go to everywhere just to find their so well known home. The one she knew existed, the one she always seemed to seek. It was there all along. Just she could not see it, just not yet. It is not that she was not wearing her contact lenses, the reason was far stranger than that.
To find her new found home, she will have to first understand that it was never a place. It was not about the localization, the coordinates measuring the dreamed land. It definitely did not have a fence to paint or enough backyard to plant some flowers. That could never happen. Her dreamed home never existed in this realm. It was by far deeper than that.
It was a pair of eyes, looking back at her; seeking her all the same. Wanting to know her name, waning to know her embrace. And the day they both had to met, the day it all went to plan. They did not feel more alone, the tears no longer flow. They were just there next to each other, mirroring each other.
And as all our stories to ever been told, in this time and in the very next decade, we all know how this will end. So dear reader, do not get frustrated if I do not tell you how this ends as you know far too well. How a love that was ever designed according to the briefing had its own timings. They had to met for the first time to understand the very next steps.
And as the plot twisted with each moment passing by, they did a grand gesture of love. They found a mid term, a word that was still yet to be invented. They never wanted an end. And as the pages continued to unfold, they decided that there would be a next time. That in the very next life, there would be a new story to be told. Maybe with a renewed cast, maybe in a new land. But hey, the main two characters remained, it was just their memories that needed to be transformed. Their essence would remain, but it was mandatory for the next sequel to elaborate new hardships to make these dear readers stay.
submitted by PartIntelligent5622 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Historical-Salary-73 JP Morgan Launches Own Blockchain! (2024 Crypto TAKEOVER ...

JP Morgan Launches Own Blockchain! (2024 Crypto TAKEOVER ... submitted by Historical-Salary-73 to CryptoExchange [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 RoboChemist101 Voice reveal

submitted by RoboChemist101 to lies [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 chezznul Has anyone deciphered this yet?

Just wondering if any one has figured out this cryptic note yet 😂
submitted by chezznul to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 HuTaosTwinTails New to the series jumping on with Infinity

Just like the title says, the magical girl dress up and exploration style is very appealing. I think it looks beautiful. So I just want to ask, anything I should know before the game releases?
Will it be possible to do everything as an F2P? Will I still be able to get pretty outfits? Etc
submitted by HuTaosTwinTails to InfinityNikki [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 aaki2 Most likely BS, but anybody seen this?

Most likely BS, but anybody seen this? I guess there’s a small chance they prematurely released info, but it’s probably fake. Would be an interesting name for the tour and premise for the album though.
submitted by aaki2 to MyChemicalRomance [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 doktorhladnjak All posts here are being copied to

I noticed that all posts here (and in several other cycling subreddits) are getting copied to a "blog" at Not links or any credit, but posts copied wholesale. This includes original photos, text, and even the comments left by all of us! Links to these are then posted on other social media, presumably to give this site some sort of credibility for some scam purpose. They can all be easily seen at
This site is hosted by Linode. You can file a complaint about the infringement of your content at Unfortunately, you can only file a complaint about your own content, not everyone's, but if enough people complain, hopefully Linode will shut down this scam site.
submitted by doktorhladnjak to Brompton [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 scooterdabs710 [USA-TX] [H] PayPal/cash [W] 7800X3D

Looking to buy a 7800X3D and finally upgrade my system. Looking to pay $360. Can pickup locally if possible. Local to 78705.
submitted by scooterdabs710 to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Grand_Keizer I'm moving out for the first time in my life. What movie should I watch to mark the occasion?

For my entire life, I've loved watching movies. For my entire life, I've lived at home with my parents. The former remains the same, the latter does not
For the first time I will be moving out into my own space, sharing a two bedroom apartment with my sister. It's scary and exciting, and since I tend to attach certain movies to certain milestones, I've wondered long and hard about what should be the first movie I see in my new home.
It doesn't necessarily have to be about moving out in that specific sense, and it doesn't have to be in the criterion collection either, but I do want to watch something poignant. To give you an idea, I've considered the likes of My Neighbors the Yamadas, the Double Life of Veronique, and Doctor Zhivago as potential candidates. Again, the genre is quite variable, I just want something that will "fit" this very big occasion in my life.
submitted by Grand_Keizer to criterion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 EpicEmera I’m you, who can do this

I’m you, who can do this I can change trex and mammoth, negotiate w me
submitted by EpicEmera to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 whatislife--8 What experiences has anyone had with buying vinyls from merchbar?

submitted by whatislife--8 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Ivarov8 Busco PS4 NUEVO

Alguna tienda o persona que venda ps4 nuevos y sellados?
submitted by Ivarov8 to TicosMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 DutyOk183 H: Leather coat W: 1300 Leaders

submitted by DutyOk183 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:43 Awkward-Ad-3752 Just got 92 over Travis hunter out of daily recruit pack

Just got 92 over Travis hunter out of daily recruit pack Just got 92 over Travis hunter out of daily recruit pack, how rare is that ?
submitted by Awkward-Ad-3752 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]