2025.01.18 07:32 Then_Marionberry_259 Got these from glasspanthers whatnot stream
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 07:32 Upvote_4_Shadow Resturant/Fast Food workers
Resturant and fast food workers, or ex.. What was your scariest experience?
submitted by Upvote_4_Shadow to scaryeddie [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 CapKharimwa Thirty years ago, the United States persuaded Ukraine that it does not need nuclear weapons and gave Ukraine "security assurances." Today, the United States is persuading Ukraine that it needs to give up territories, forget about NATO membership, and lower the conscription age.
submitted by CapKharimwa to ukraine [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 07:32 Expert-Tart-5584 What is something that has gotten worse with so much technology around instead of better?
submitted by Expert-Tart-5584 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 Apprehensive-Cow829 New hiphop/lofi Music for relaxation
New hiphop/lofi Music for #relaxation!
submitted by Apprehensive-Cow829 to youtube [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 Hanzo186 [PC][WTS][Price check][lich] funny name
Wanting to sell probably, stats aren't great, but not sure what to price at. submitted by Hanzo186 to wartrade [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 07:32 othernames67 Does feeding feral cats really contribute to the coyote population?
https://preview.redd.it/yvhvka8yfpde1.jpg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4473884c23c59a2d7de2cc319d6bccedf3ceab26 On the Ring app, someone made a post about a coyote that had killed a cat and small dog near my house. In the comments some people were commenting about how people need to stop feeding stray cats to deter coyotes, so I asked about it, but the response I got still has me questioning this. I recently started to feed a small colony of about 5 cats. One is spayed through TNR, and I plan on TNRing the others as well. I feed in the afternoon, and then again in the evening, and put the food bowls away after that last feeding to avoid attracting other animals. I don't really see how not feeding them would mean less coyotes, they'd still be around whether they are fed or not, no? And the cats don't really stick around after they've eaten, they tend to leave immediately afterwards with the exception of one cat that sticks around until the sun sets. A lot of people make posts and comments on Ring to not feed the ferals/strays because of coyotes, so I'm curious, does feeding ferals/strays really contribute to the coyote population? submitted by othernames67 to Feral_Cats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 07:32 oneiros10 What's the theoretical maximum value of pepe coin in 10 20 years
Just theoretically how much price.
submitted by oneiros10 to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 KrumbleKat I’m a CROB player idk if this is accurate or not
submitted by KrumbleKat to Cookierun [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 07:32 OutsetRiver Someone drew a cat face on the back of this bus seat.
submitted by OutsetRiver to notinteresting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 07:32 Beneficial_Trash9708 Don't know the artist but I found this
submitted by Beneficial_Trash9708 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 HyrinShratu Went to her YT at the perfect time
Saw the subscriber count and had to grab a screenshot of it
submitted by HyrinShratu to Hells_Belles [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 TheFourthZoa Things I liked about Arcane season 2
Piltover and Zaun:
The “resolution” of this story was hinted at the end of season 1, when Jayce mentions to Silco that what brought the two cities together in the first place was the threats beyond their walls. In this sense the story of the two cities comes full circle. I’ve seen criticisms of this resolution, but I suppose I see things differently. I come from a country that, once upon a time, had a civil war. It was, to put it simplistically, the rich versus the poor, or the capitalists versus the socialists. The capitalists won. The war left deep scars in the psyche of the country, but it was a foreign invasion that unified it, to a degree. Fast-forward to the present, and the country is, by some metrics, the happiest in the world. You can perhaps appreciate why I see historical parallels with the story of Arcane. Sevika getting a seat on the council is both a lot and not enough, and there will surely be a difficult road ahead for the two cities. But it’s a start.
Viktor and Jayce:
Viktor and Jayce’s storyline was always about the ethics of science, and I found it compelling. Much of what was set up in the first season comes to fruition in the second, like whether they spent enough time testing before going full-scale, whether they lost sight of potential and actual casualties in their pursuit, and whether they lost touch with their own humanity in the process. Their story tells the viewer what (the show thinks) is wrong, but it doesn’t tell you what’s right—other than taking more time. I don’t think it could have. We haven’t exactly solved these issues in real life either. But it asks the questions, and for me that was enough.
Viktor’s attempts at “improving” humanity have horrific connotations within human history. That said, it’s not a simple question of yes or no. We use science to improve human lives all the time and the future of humanity’s relationship with technology appears blurry. Viktor’s pursuit of healing himself is human and even admirable. At once it’s understandable why Jayce and Viktor wanted to hurry their research, on the other, it’s also not inconceivable that it led to the Anomaly.
I liked the story of the failure of the commune, reminded me of the Paris Commune in some ways. I liked the visuals of the barren wasteland devoid of humanity once Viktor had “fixed” things. It’s not a novel approach to telling this kind of story, but it was well done.
Cait and Vi:
I love these two goofballs, so bear with me while I go into detail. Their story, or rather their tension, was left unresolved at the end of season 1. They already “broke up” in season 1, due to the class tensions, among other things, and it was only the chaos that is Jinx that brought them together. At the same time, Jinx introduced a new tension into their relationship—or rather, made it more personal. Cait was already antagonistic toward Jinx, because Cait is an enforcer and Jinx a mass murderer and killer of enforcers. But now Cait had been kidnapped, and worse, her mother killed, by Vi’s sister. Cait asked a lot of Vi—to put on the Enforcer uniform, despite Vi’s trauma associated with it. Presumably this was at least partially to test Vi, to see where her loyalties lie and whether she could be trusted. As we know, she refused, but a few words of encouragement from Cait via Maddie (it’s ambiguous whether Cait actually said those things, this could have been part of Ambessa’s plan) and a savage Zaunite attack in Piltover (orchestrated by Ambessa) and Vi folded. It’s both an interesting development for her character and something clearly mandated by the source material. Vi, in turn, asked of Cait the impossible: that she wouldn’t change. We all do, all the time.
Things needed to be resolved and when Cait got angry at Zaun, she took it out on Vi. First they tried to paper over their tension with a kiss, because they still wanted each other, but it didn’t work for very long. I was heartbroken to see how hard Vi took the breakup, but Cait had her own downward spiral in the form of banging a subordinate she wasn’t that interested in and falling for Ambessa’s schemes that seemingly promised her grief some kind of relief.
Speaking of Caitlyn’s “dark arc”, she actually had something to do this season beyond being naïve. In her grief and anger, she went too far, and that was the point. Vi helped her snap out of it, although she had already started to question things by that point. Vi just gave her an option. It was satisfying to see the lovers get back together and Ambessa get gut-punched, but then it all went to shit. Once again. As is the modus operandi of the show.
I know some people felt like the prison scene was out of place or jarring, but I think that’s by design. What we got was more interesting than if they’d simply had a moment of tender affection on Caitlyn’s bed—that scene, after all, already happened in season 1. It’s certainly not the first time people have had sex in a prison cell, but it’s also not that inconceivable simply because Jinx had just left to kill herself. Either Vi sought comfort in Cait, or just felt horny at an inopportune time (God knows I’ve been there…). At the same time, it functioned as a more powerful or lasting resolution to the enduring tension in their relationship. Cait gave up her anger and showed she trusted Vi and accepted her fo who she is. That would make me melt too.
Cait and Vi’s story is in some ways like a microcosm of the tensions between Piltover and Zaun: The two sides are in tension, but find common ground, and have a hopeful if not entirely happy ending. Their relationship is very melodramatic, but then all of Arcane is. It’s not supposed to be a role model relationship, but it is romantic and dramatic and entertaining. Which is what the whole show is to me.
Jinx, and the found family:
It’s interesting and entertaining to watch Jinx go from terrorist to hero in the span of the season. It doesn’t happen overnight, and relative to the pace of the storytelling of the season, they take their time with it, in terms of screen time. It was also heartwarming to see her unite with her family—Vi and Vander—for a brief moment.
Ambessa and crew:
Ambessa is probably the closest thing the series has to a traditional villain. And I think the show needed that, a face to the invasion and the scheming and plotting before it. She’s smart, strong, and ruthless. I also liked Maddie as a Noxian spy, it threw a nice wrench into things and gave us a surprising twist. Rictus was annoying, like he was supposed to be, and you wanted him to die horrifically, which he did.
Ekko got to have heroic moments, and mirroring Ambessa, he’s probably the closest thing the show had to a traditional hero. I also found the alternate universe episode beautiful and touching, carried by Ekko and Jinx’ relationship. It relied on everything that had been told about the characters beforehand, especially during season one.
Overall, I found season two to be very good, and even with its faults, a satisfying enough conclusion to a great series. It didn’t blow me away like the first season did, and part of that is down to familiarity with the characters, the world, the art style, everything. But it's only grown in my estimation as time has passed by.
submitted by TheFourthZoa to arcane [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 DAEDRICJEDI Is It True They're Gonna Be Adding A 1911 To 76?
I keep hearing rumors in-game and around the Internet that a 1911 might be coming to 76. I don't know if it's true and quite honestly it sounds like bull but the last time I seen't it (the only time) in a Fallout game was Maria in New Vegas. Could be fun to have some variety in semi-auto pistols besides just the 10mm.
Even if it's a lie, I hope they add some more historical guns. We have a handheld gatling gun for crying out loud 😂. I really want that 1911. I would also really like to see a trench gun or maybe some M1917s. I'm just spitballin' now but they got MG42s in there so why not a Lewis Gun?
Call it something else. I don't care 😂
submitted by DAEDRICJEDI to fo76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 DanielTheAkita Would i let you pet the dogs?
https://preview.redd.it/xtbsumvggpde1.png?width=717&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6b25d787b8bfed84d2dbac375fedd2ab48c662c submitted by DanielTheAkita to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 07:32 4D4M-ADAM Hands Up! EDM
submitted by 4D4M-ADAM to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 Gigisprettyfeet Quelle reine ❤️
submitted by Gigisprettyfeet to AngeleVanLaeken [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 07:32 lgmase Met a fake homeless “hobo runner” Ken Skrien
Ever meet someone who makes you question everything about humanity?
Well, I did at the NYC Marathon and again recently in Miami. This dude called "the hobo runner" Ken Skrien started running next to me.
At first, he seemed cool. Just another runner sharing war stories about marathons and miles.
But then things got weird. Like really weird.
This guy claims to be homeless while bragging about running races all over the world. (Last time I checked, plane tickets weren't free.)
Turns out he's got houses in both Florida AND Boston. So much for being homeless.
The worst part? He scams his way into major marathons by pretending to be a pacer or guide for disabled runners.
He literally brags about getting free entries into World Major Marathons while actual runners pay hundreds of dollars and wait years to get in.
The running community is supposed to be about support and authenticity. Not whatever this dude is doing.
Makes me wonder how many other "homeless" runners are actually living in beach houses in Florida.
P.S. If you ever meet a homeless runner with multiple houses, maybe don't offer them a ride to Boston. Just saying.
submitted by lgmase to Strava [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 lonelyassmf My last day as a teenager
So do I leave this subreddit tomorrow? I have enjoyed my years on here even though I found nothing overly relatable buuut I believe it would be weird to stay. Thanks for the entertainment 💕
Farewell 👋👋
submitted by lonelyassmf to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 EmilSPlayz666 tminterface not opening
so i yesterday accidentally clicked always on the popup before the game starts that says which setting do you want to play with or something like that and to open tminterface you need to use trackmania settings instead of the normal one but i clicked the normal one and then "always", it says you can change this later in the settings but i have not found where i can change it again.
submitted by EmilSPlayz666 to TrackMania [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 drybhai Women participation in workforce is only 37% in India, what is the reason behind it?
Even if we take into account the lack of safety for women in some states/areas and orthodox families who don't "allow" women to work, but still there's a large chunk of women who just don't work at all?
submitted by drybhai to AskIndianWomen [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 HoneyGrassOnSunday Can someone carry me through hard mode
Progression is so slow, I’ve attempted to get past wave 40 on hard mode 50+ times and I can’t progress
submitted by HoneyGrassOnSunday to luckydefense [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 samanthalaboy Dad, abuela is acting mean again
[Context: I was adopted by my abuela at age 2 because my bio parents were idiots and couldn't raise me or my siblings financially.]
Dad, abuela is really getting on my nerves. Everything she gets home, it's like the mood shifts. It becomes almost unbearable to br around her sometimes. And to night, she pissed me off. She came home late from work and started scolding me for cooking late because she hates the smell of fish (im pescatarian). While trying to make food at 2 pm in the morning isn't probably the most appropriate time, I was trying to get over a bad tummy ache from drinking half a bottle of moscato. I put it away as she demanded and I just microwaved some soup. She keeps muttering to herself about this and that, making jabs at me for stuff that wasn't even my fault. It escalated and I asked her why is she always miserable. She replied that she wasn’t, and that I was the one. It irked me and told her that she always comes home and always has something to say to me. She gives dumb excuses as to why, putting the blame on me. At thar point, I'm annoyed at her and my usual good mood was ruined. After eating, I washed the dishes and went to my room.
I can't fucking stand her sometimes. It's like she doesn't even care that she makes me feel like shit. She thinks that just because her day is hard, she has to make everyone miserable. God, no wonder why nobody at work likes her. She's just as much of a puta as she is as an emotionally immature motheabuela.
submitted by samanthalaboy to DadForAMinute [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 YALINAGA24658 How do I access this fight
submitted by YALINAGA24658 to angrybirdsepic [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 07:32 DesertGamer65 Defense deoxys 505721913819 or 651143506520
submitted by DesertGamer65 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]