Why are these Americans so easily brainwashed by Rednote?

2025.01.18 12:31 Kooky-Evidence6006 Why are these Americans so easily brainwashed by Rednote?

I’m Chinese, but I can’t believe how easily people are being brainwashed by those on Rednote in the recent events. Don’t they realize that Rednote is selectively showing them the good side of China? What about you—where are you from? What’s your perspective on these people and this situation?
submitted by Kooky-Evidence6006 to fucktheccp [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 AKK_1733 Dating as ravidassia/chamar

Let's just end the charade
I am tired of meeting up with girls in my own locality or on bumble and later they tell me about their unrealistic 'preferences' as an excuse to ghost me once they learn about my caste
Is there any way to find any girl from my own community that will see me as another human being and not see me as some inferior subhuman
This is what I dislike about our city, i had never earlier met such shallow minded and judgemental people who I lived in delhi
submitted by AKK_1733 to Chandigarh [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 phoenix890_ I wanna relive my high-school Era because I never got to

Idk maybe this is just gonna be a vent post or sum but back when I was in high-school I was dealing with tons of mental health issues that made it literally impossible for me to actually have the typical "fun" high-school life. Everyone around me were living their life to the fullest and on the other hand i was regularly finding it hard for every second to survive any longer. I came far in life I would say, but It still hurts me to know that I never really had a high-school life so to speak. It's disheartening to see teenagers being teenagers and having the best of their teen eras. I envy those teenagers. God bless em, but I envy them a hell lot. I wish i were them and I just wish I could go back in time and ACTUALLY live my high-school life and make bunch of memories like there's no tomorrow. I just wish, I could, yk make different choices and have a different life.
submitted by phoenix890_ to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 flattenedbricks Which rapper has the most toxic fans?

Definitely Kendrick Lamar or Kanye West
submitted by flattenedbricks to rap [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 DotProfessional7597 VTX to speedybee f405 question

i just started an fpv drone build and ive got to the point where i need to solder on the vtx and camera and ive got a bit stuck. the vtx i have is a AKK FX2 ultimate mini and i cant find any tutorials to solder it on to my flight controller (speedybee f405) can anyone can help with where i should solder the 6 wires
also, the lables i have on my vtx above the wires:
the words next to each cable going left to right
red cable 7-24v_in
black cable G
yellow cable VI
another black cable G
red cable 5V
green far right TBS
i fyou could help with where these go i would be very gratefull:)
submitted by DotProfessional7597 to fpv [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Fourkhanu Kyk oda

Kykda kalıp odasını degistirmek isteyen var mi? Bahar dönemi staj dönemim olacak dolayısıyla meşgul ve yorgun olacağım gibi duruyor. Topluluk içerisinde nasıl yaşayacağını bilmeyen insanlara anne babalık yapmak istemiyorum. Uyan varsa dm atabilir.
submitted by Fourkhanu to AkdenizUniversitesi [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 SimpleArgument5465 Top/Best VFX Teaching College? For bachelor’s

Asking for a friend he 21M wants to basically wants to become travel blogger, but his parents said that he should have some kind of degree that will back up his career ! His parents think that learning editing and VFX will help, and at least he will have a back up!
submitted by SimpleArgument5465 to IndiaCareers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 DarkKnight0011 How do I stop the Xbox Store notification from appearing every time I launch it?

Hi everyone,
I’m having a really annoying issue with my Xbox One. Every time I open the Store app, I get this pop-up that says:
"Do you want to receive notifications about deals and special events?"
It gives me two options: "Yes" and "Not now."
There’s also a checkbox that says "Don’t show this again." But even if I tick that box, the pop-up comes back every time I restart the console and open the Store again.
Does anyone know how to get rid of this pop-up for good? It’s driving me crazy. Any advice would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by DarkKnight0011 to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 The_Gobi_1 EVERYTHING could be inside?!

submitted by The_Gobi_1 to NewYouTubeChannels [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 berackyobeme How far in the rift are you guys? Is there anyone who ever completes all 200 tiers?

How far in the rift are you guys? Is there anyone who ever completes all 200 tiers? submitted by berackyobeme to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 l1consolable Commit a crime, use religion as your defence....not surprising

Commit a crime, use religion as your defence....not surprising Im wondering what people like this would say if they ever admit to their wrongdoings.... ? Act pf god ? Gods will.
Hang in whatever hell your lord deems fit.
submitted by l1consolable to kolkata [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Ambitious_Orchid01 Was I in an abusive relationship?

Hi all,
For a bit of context, I (27F) was in a LDR (with M27) for 1.5 years. We met in person through a friend, and since day one we texted daily. The beginning was amazing (first 3-4 months), nobody had ever shown so much interest in me and my emotions before.
A couple of weeks before meeting in person he became a bit distant/hot&cold and it turned out to be a pattern.
Some of his “annoying” behaviours:
· Comparison with exes/ talking a lot about exes --sometimes positive, sometimes negative-- (e.g., all my exes were blond, all of them took the pill, all of them had big boobs, all of them had small feet, …/ it’s good that you don’t smoke like my ex, you are fitter than my ex).
· Repeated out-of-context comments about my body without further explanation (e.g., you’d be perfect if you had bigger boobs, your skin is terrible you should get a facial, you smell bad, you have bad breath, you dress like an old lady…)
· Not following through his words (e.g, I’ll plan a date to do X, but he never did; I’ll save 50% of my free days to visit you in your country, but he spent it on boys trips).
· Emotional cheating (at the beginning he confessed he was in love with a friend, and he would hang out most weekends with her, plan trips with her etc., then go to parties and add girls on Instagram, go on suspicious “dates” with coworkers, e.g., solo dinner+drinks Friday night kind of date).
· Treat me like a second option (e.g. when I visited him in his country, he would leave me at home to go out with friends, only schedule videocalls when it was convenient for him; ask me to check his social media if I wanted updates on him while he was on trips or parties).
· Financial abuse (?). He expected me to pay for everything, even though he made more money and I was always travelling to his country. He would ask for gifts, but he never gifted me anything. He would even complain about going for an ice cream. He even asked me to buy a bedside table for my side if I wanted one. He had no problem spending LOTS of money on himself.
· He wouldn’t show up to scheduled videocalls (without letting me know in advance), or if he did, he would be on his phone/watching tv.
· He was very passive, never planned for anything, never initiated sex, he even ask me to reverse roles and give him the engagement ring…
Etc. You get the idea.
I tried to break up with him about 5 times before. I would tell him that I wasn’t happy in this relationship, that my needs weren’t being met and it was better if we parted ways but he would start crying and always promised he would make an effort. I loved him so much and I was so addicted to the intermittent reinforcement (just a single good morning text from him would make my day). That deep down I hoped he would change for good.
It reached a point in which he didn’t care about my happiness and I felt like I was abusing him (complaining all the time, negging, asking him to do stuff, I was very reactive). I didn’t like myself and my health started to deteriorate, so I broke up about 3 months ago. He reacted very angrily, deleted everything and blamed me for the relationship not working (me not speaking his native language, me having less money, me living abroad…). He said that maybe he couldn’t develop feelings for anybody.
During this time, I’ve tried to figure out whether he was a narcissist, or avoidant, or just immature and selfish, but the other day, my therapist said that his behavior was abusive and that I should stay away from him. To me, that’s a very strong affirmation. What do you think?
I recently met a guy that’s very sweet and makes me feel calm. Everything is so predictable with him, no playing games, and I was starting to develop feeling for him. However, my ex and I had scheduled 3 months after no contact call, and seeing him again had a terrible effect on me, I’m so confused right now. I know I don’t love him and that I was miserable with him, but at the same time I see a future with him and want his attention. He seemed desperate to get some attention, apparently the grass isn’t greener (on dating apps haha). Now we aren’t talking, but we have started updating again a shared playlist that we had.
Thanks a lot for reading such a long post.
submitted by Ambitious_Orchid01 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 manut3ro I used to apply a rule incorrectly out of ignorance, but now I apply it incorrectly out of rebellion.

I used to apply a rule incorrectly out of ignorance, but now I apply it incorrectly out of rebellion. Just realised that the Bow adds ranged just to the arrow attack events NOT to the regular attack.
I’ve been applying the ranged to even my regular attacks like … always
Then today I realised the wording against Zola (cause the retaliate)
And I’ve decided to ignore this discovering. I’ve always pictured that his regular attack is throwing regular arrows , like not an special one but just regular shots.
Do you choose to ignore further rules like this one ?
And I
submitted by manut3ro to marvelchampionslcg [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Dry-Persimmon9141 Applying for a managerial position

Hi everyone, I want to apply to become a manager. I’m currently a trading assistant. How does one do this. Do I just apply for the managerial position on inside move or is there a specific role I pick. I saw somewhere where it said I had to apply for a retail trainee position. What does that mean. Is that its own job positing? I couldn’t see that for the life of me
submitted by Dry-Persimmon9141 to SainsburysWorkers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Longjumping-Car-6679 Live Scenes from USA

Live Scenes from USA submitted by Longjumping-Car-6679 to inazumaeleven [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Log_Plus Why Is the Average Wage in Egypt So Low? Really Really Low?

I was browsing the cost of living data on numbeo - cost of living and got really curious, so I went through information for about 50 different countries. Eventually, I looked up Egypt—specifically Cairo—and I was absolutely shocked. It’s the true divine definition of the literal meaning of the word "fuck-up".
It was the only country where the cost of living was literally double the average wage. And I mean literally double. ALSO NOTE THIS, the cost of living does NOT even include the rent costs:
|| || |A single person estimated monthly costs |340.1$ (17,140.3 EG£ ---> without rent)| |Average Monthly Net Salary (After Tax)|161.32$ (8035,2 EG£) |
. I would like to point out something, for example: in a country like India, which is heavily populated, the average wage across the entire country is approximately $400. However, in the capital, the average monthly net salary is around $800, while the cost of living (excluding rent) is about $380.
I have so many questions now .. but I will try my best.
Why is it this bad? I understand that the system is corrupt, and the value of the Egyptian pound compared to the USD is pretty much insane. But how did it get to this point where people can somehow agree with this? and how and why do people manage to keep living under these conditions?
submitted by Log_Plus to Egypt [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 AriadneStringweaver BROTH OF STEAM ELEMENTALS - Spite the Winter Gods by eating this elemental-packed soup!

BROTH OF STEAM ELEMENTALS - Spite the Winter Gods by eating this elemental-packed soup! submitted by AriadneStringweaver to codexofstrings [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 VieraMakeMeRabid How much better is a pen siena bracelet compared to bracelet of sage +8?

Title, if the siena bracelet has pen but only a mid roll, like 4% amp and 4% crit, how does it compare? Is that +50 pen that much stronger?
submitted by VieraMakeMeRabid to cabalonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Pristine_Dinner_7265 YURI!! we need YURI or we are DEAD!!

submitted by Pristine_Dinner_7265 to RDR2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 PetPhenom New USA Stamp Release: Lunar New Year Stamp

submitted by PetPhenom to StampPhenom [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 ayakkabitasarimi Klasik ayakkabı olarak tabir edilen iskarpin ayakkabı, deri ya da deri benzeri malzemelerle üretimi yapılmaktadır. Avrupa'dan Türkiye'ye ulaşmış olan bu ayakkabı, 'scarpin' adıyla Türkçeye çevrilmiştir.

Klasik ayakkabı olarak tabir edilen iskarpin ayakkabı, deri ya da deri benzeri malzemelerle üretimi yapılmaktadır. Avrupa'dan Türkiye'ye ulaşmış olan bu ayakkabı, 'scarpin' adıyla Türkçeye çevrilmiştir. submitted by ayakkabitasarimi to ayakkabitasarimi [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 HandofDawn Blake Lively and Selena Gomez

I know this snark sub started mostly to discuss the Ends with Us drama, but I wanted to know what y'all think of the rumored feud between Blake and Selena.
Over the past year, there were a few articles like this one that dropped which focused on Taylor's friendships with Blake and Selena and how the two of them allegedly don't get along and this is why you barely see Taylor and Selena hanging out anymore. Whoever's PR person was sent to push out these articles (I suspect probably Blake) basically disses Selena by claiming she's "seething with jealousy" over Taylor's friendship with Blake (💀).
So then I tried to think of the last time Taylor and Selena were seen hanging out together and I remembered that they mostly hang out at award shows. And that had me thinking... what if Blake sees them getting nominated and going to these award shows and she's burning with jealousy that she's not getting invited to these award shows along with them because neither she nor her husband are award-nominated talent? And she's like desperately DESPERATELY trying to force her way into these A-list award events? But both Blake and Ryan have the emotional depth and creative vision of a pinecone so producing popcorn films through hostile takeovers won't get them anywhere near the awards circuit. They're both simply too narcissistic to know what is required to make a quality piece of art: heart and soul.
submitted by HandofDawn to blakelivelysnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 caeveur Need advice on minoxidil, not sure what to do

So my derm told me I don’t have hairloss and that I have a mature but dense hairline. He then told me I can start using minoxidil every other day and maybe that will cause some extra growth, maybe even act as a preventative. Now I have been using it for about 2 weeks, no shedding yet, but I am really afraid that it will cause major shedding that will be visible, which i just can afford in the next few months. If I were to stop now, will this have any negative effects, like will the shedding phase still start as I have been using it for 2 weeks? Alternatively, if i continue using it, is it likely that the shed will be that bad? sorry if these are dumb questions i’m just really trying to pick my best option , thanks in advance 🙏
submitted by caeveur to minoxidil [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 VysperzKicks GX Jordan 4 Orchid [¥450] [SBP] [*HUBBUYCN]

submitted by VysperzKicks to repweidiansneakers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 12:31 Affectionate_Hat_384 Hello guys, I am selling my qb fivem server that was working for a some months but I can't deal with managing it anymore

If you want more information add me on discord: rkdimitrov
It was working for the past couple of months and there was at a time 40+people online. However due to cost and time consumption I am selling it.
There are a couple of versions of the server and I can change it to whatever language you want and rebrand it.
It is ready to play, if you want to see it in depth add me on discord and I can share screen or even let you join.
submitted by Affectionate_Hat_384 to FiveMRPServers [link] [comments]
