200 hours in and tech research is still one of the most confusing aspects of any strategy game that I have played so far.

2025.01.18 18:39 Aegonblackfyre22 200 hours in and tech research is still one of the most confusing aspects of any strategy game that I have played so far.

200 hours in and tech research is still one of the most confusing aspects of any strategy game that I have played so far. Can someone help? I'm on turn 86 and since i'm Kush I started with Stonecutting. Never in the 86 years of gameplay have I gotten the ability to research Polis and then Forestry which I could really use by now to start making my Medjay Archers. They are not listed as being ijn the discard pile, but it doesn't matter because I never had a scholar ruler so I can't redraw techs anyway. How exactly am I supposed to go back and grab the techs that I still need? If you see, I have techs that are so advanced so it's not my science flasks that are the problem. This happens in almost every game unless I am lucky, why so much RNG around getting technologies? (Even when you have a scholar ruler and redraw from discard pile, it can take many turns to get what you want because it's again random what techs you can research from the pile after redrawing)
submitted by Aegonblackfyre22 to OldWorldGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Different_Course_494 Dime Evo weird noises

when I put my dime evo earbuds in the case they make weird noises like pulsing. why is it doing that?
submitted by Different_Course_494 to Skullcandy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 YoureWeToddDid [USA-GA] [W] RTX 4090 [H] MSI Ventus 4070 super + cash

Willing to drive up to 5 hours one way. 4070 has been used for about a year for gaming exclusively. Open to either just cash or trading the 4070s plus some cash.
submitted by YoureWeToddDid to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Mysterious-Neutron Sexism goldmine

Sexism goldmine submitted by Mysterious-Neutron to youngpeopleyoutube [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 DoubleExercise7 Mod for "double" relic bar?

Is there a mod that adds a second relic bar row instead of them overflowing the screen and requiring the arrows to view the rest?
Is something like this possible?
submitted by DoubleExercise7 to slaythespire [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Soft-Individualism A graffiti of Lucy made by Scorns

A graffiti of Lucy made by Scorns submitted by Soft-Individualism to Edgerunners [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 HorrifyingTits My best GL speedrun vs Gold Rathian

My best GL speedrun vs Gold Rathian Made some fk ups and could have gotten a better time with capturing but thought I’d share anyway
submitted by HorrifyingTits to MHRise [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 TheMasterBryan3 I was watching SeeReax and i just noticed that in this shot piccolo is in his base form which means he can transform into orange from his base form too. I thought it was only in his power awaken state

I was watching SeeReax and i just noticed that in this shot piccolo is in his base form which means he can transform into orange from his base form too. I thought it was only in his power awaken state submitted by TheMasterBryan3 to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 TheClassics- '93 Dodge Power Ram

'93 Dodge Power Ram submitted by TheClassics- to 90sVehicles [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 LemurPal_ Heya Mobius!! I think it's about time I should do this so AMA

Heya Mobius!! I think it's about time I should do this so AMA submitted by LemurPal_ to CharacterAMARoleplay [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Majorin_Melone Core 2 duo or phenom II x4

Hello there, I'm currently building my windows vista gaming pc and I'm not quite sure if I should go with an core 2 duo 6600 or an phenom II X4 965, any of you have some advise about period correctness and performance?
submitted by Majorin_Melone to WindowsVista [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Gabe-Morgan Amanda Christmas Baking with her mother.

Amanda Christmas Baking with her mother. submitted by Gabe-Morgan to AmandaMcknight [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Mostly_failing Cold compress that works for cheek/top of head (without having to hold in place)?

My husband has ACC, and like many folks, he has nonstop headaches. Apart from medication, of course, cold compresses seem to help, but they're a pain to hold in place if he's trying to do other things. We do have a Headache Hat, which is great for a normal headache, but we can't seem to find something that includes the top of the head where he often has pain.
Is there, like, a super giant ice compress headache thing that covers everything except, I dunno, his eyes, nose, and mouth? TIA!
submitted by Mostly_failing to HeadandNeckCancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Alienshah888 [Homemade] Pasta

[Homemade] Pasta submitted by Alienshah888 to indiafood [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 klepto22 I want to start collecting but don’t know what set to get and what’s currently available

I’m on a budget and as far as i’ve realized everyone suggests that absolute beginners should start off with buying an ETB or tins but i don’t know which one should i go for and what set. I’m mostly looking for cards that just look cool over anything else (bonus points if the set includes some of my favorite pokémon) I’m open to suggestions but it’s important to note i’m not planning on spending over 55€ on this purchase
submitted by klepto22 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Formal-Traffic-5717 Balloonerism listening party!!

Balloonerism listening party!! I live in south korea and a bunch of people around here opened a balloonerism listening party to honour mac. It was like super crazy and after spinning the whole album they played all the hits of mac, and i rapped the spins and weekend bar 2 bar and everybody was cheering. It was awesome and super dope. Just letting u guys know Mac is missed worldwide. He's my number 1 artist and I miss him a lot. Thanks Mac for such an unforgettable night. RIP 💙
submitted by Formal-Traffic-5717 to MacMiller [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Aggravating_Menu_552 Now, since we got our first Succession unit that goes from tag to solo, how about a unit that goes from solo to tag?

Now, since we got our first Succession unit that goes from tag to solo, how about a unit that goes from solo to tag? …Or a unit that goes from tag to another another solo character?
submitted by Aggravating_Menu_552 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 LondynRose TT Surgery complete

TT Surgery complete Hello everyone,
I had multiple nodules on both sides and grave’s disease diagnosedin September 2024. One nodule was toxic, the two that were biopsied were negative for cancer. My TT was yesterday on 1/17/25. I spent the night in the hospital, and I am waiting to be discharged. I have the jp drain in my neck still and will have it in until my follow up appointment. Overall, I feel good. My left vocal cord is not moving as easily as the right side but there was no damage. The doctor said it may be due to the swelling. Hopefully my voice returns to normal sooner than later. Immediately the first difference I noticed is my blood pressure is back to normal. For last year it had been running 140’s/90’s. Which is way above my normal 120/60’s. I don't feel too much pain just when swallowing.
Thanks to this group I got my neck pillow and throat lozenges. They put me on 125 levo. I'm glad to be done with methimazole. Looking forward to learning what my new normal will be like.
submitted by LondynRose to thyroidhealth [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 EpiQDuck I can finally play poco again after 2 months

I can finally play poco again after 2 months submitted by EpiQDuck to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Budget_Advantage_319 Klaus

Klaus Moden mand mo man sige 😒😒
submitted by Budget_Advantage_319 to tiktokdramadk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 PauloDybala_10 When did Choso teach Masha piecing blood??

When did Choso teach Masha piecing blood?? submitted by PauloDybala_10 to LobotomyKaisen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Asleep-Isopod-4090 I'm 15 and I have 3 ex.

Yeah. I'm 15 and I have 3 ex boyfriends. Do you wanna know why? Because they hit on me, I accepted, because I never wanted to see anyone hurt because of ME. And it messed up every single time. Who messed it up was THEM and they hurt ME when my heart was pure. They hurt ME, and I? I spent my nights overthinking about how much I'd hurt them if I rejected them. They all turned out to be playboys EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM 🙏🏻
submitted by Asleep-Isopod-4090 to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 jessicailutz Found JLab earbuds in Squirrell Hill

Found a set of JLab earbuds in their case at Wightman and Aylesboro on the ground, like maybe they fell out of someone's pocket when they were getting into their car. I just turned them in to the zone 4 police station. If they're yours, call zone 4 and ask about them and mention what color they are.
submitted by jessicailutz to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Hot_Tangerine8594 1014210742 vem ver a minha mãe

submitted by Hot_Tangerine8594 to punhetassoprafamosas [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:39 Important_Ticket1017 Bikini Warriors reference

Bikini Warriors reference submitted by Important_Ticket1017 to Isekai [link] [comments]
