Now I'm travelling light

Most native speakers aren't going to bat an eye if you say, "Hello, I'm David." It's normal, idiomatic conversational speech. Moreover, there are times where "Hello, I'm David," might be the most natural way to say your name. Suppose you are one of four people are seated in a circle in a classroom. Your name is John Smith. I'm Indian, born and bred. That has a slightly different meaning. To be bred means to be brought up in a specific way, so this sentence means that you have very strong characteristically Indian habits due to being brought up there. I'm a friend of Stephen's. It's British English, period: around 1970's. Do we need that 's at the end of the name? I can see why it is there when you say, for instance, "I was at Stephen's." Here you omit something; you can put something after Stephens's and complete the sentence: "I was at Stephen's home." I'm working for XYZ company. It points out that you consider yourself a dedicated employee. I'm working at XYZ company. has a similar meaning, but I would more likely use it to say you just work somewhere, maybe at a job you don't like a lot. You are just there. If referring to a company location, at can also be OK. I'm working at XYZ company ... In person in a small group, you'd say "Hi! I'm James!" and probably extend your hand to shake. If you are in front a of a room of strangers introducing yourself, you might be more formal, with "My name is James". However, if you're joining a conference call, you'd say "Hi! This is James." In all of the examples you provided, the usual preposition in contemporary speech (that I'm familiar with) is "by". If something surprises you, then you are surprised by it. However, other propositions are also in use, sometimes based on preference. There are several discussions about this topic that you may find in a simple search of the web. I'm unsure (sorry, I'm not really a gambler) but there may be other similar gambling expressions which mean that you wish to leave the game and for your winnings to be counted. In your specific quote a man and a woman are making an arrangement to go out to a bistro/restaurant. I'm heading for the door/car/barbershop. This version is correct. It has slightly more urgency than the example below. For example, you might say a soccer player is heading for the ball, because they are in a hurry to get there. I'm heading to the door/car/barbershop. This version is correct. It implies a longer distance than the other versions. I want to apologize for some mistake in official mail and want to make them sure I will not do that again. "I will take care of this next time" . or "I will take care of this onwards". I'm on it means that you have already began the task. And, probably, you are doing it now! Hey, what about the essay? Well, I'm on it! This means the other person has already started writing the essay. However, this also depends on the task! Say, if the project is very big, you may have started it but currently, you are not doing it!

2025.01.18 18:40 hustlercoolie Now I'm travelling light

Now I'm travelling light
Was packing for a business trip, need to keep it light with my carry-on. Really happy how light the minipc is. Are all the mini pcs this light or it's just the right weight it should be?
submitted by hustlercoolie to MiniPCs [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Vitamine_E_F508 Ethics and MSK resources?

Please help me out. How can I be strong in ethics? I only read Mehlman and FA . But everyone saying it’s not enough
Also I get MSK questions 50% wrong. I only read FA uworld and now thinking about Mehlman. Any advice would be helpful guys
submitted by Vitamine_E_F508 to step1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 AutoModerator Mia TikTok Viral Full Video di Twitter! Aduh, bikin penasaran netizen nih 🤔✨ Yuk, cek infonya sekarang! Jangan sampai ketinggalan! #MiaViral #TikTokViral #NetizenHeboh #TrendingTwitter

Mia TikTok Viral Full Video di Twitter! Aduh, bikin penasaran netizen nih 🤔✨ Yuk, cek infonya sekarang! Jangan sampai ketinggalan! #MiaViral #TikTokViral #NetizenHeboh #TrendingTwitter submitted by AutoModerator to Vincentlaim [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Direct-Recording977 Root Login Invalid

Hello, I’m having an issue with my Proxmox server, and I hope someone can help me.
I wanted to make my Proxmox server accessible from the internet.
For this, I created an LXC container for a reverse proxy using Nginx. The setup is working, and I was able to reach my Proxmox server from the internet.
Next, I wanted to apply some security updates. I created a couple of user accounts (two) with permissions to start virtual machines (e.g., for my game servers).
Additionally, I enabled 2FA for the root@pam account using my authenticator app.
I also added a group in which I intended to include the two new users. When setting up the group, I was prompted to choose a path, and I selected the path to a previously created pool.
I tested whether I could access Proxmox from the internet via my domain — and it worked. I was able to log in with my test users.
Around the same time, I noticed that my root session had been disconnected.
When I tried to log in again, I received the message: “Login failed. Please try again.” I am using the Linux PAM realm since it involves the root@pam account (though it also fails when using the Proxmox user management).
I tried Login via Web UI and tried By connecting Keyboard to the Server itself. As user i tried root and root@pam Both dont work.
I suspect the issue is related to 2FA. I can still log in with the test users, but they have limited permissions — only to access one VM for a game server, where I have full control over the VM.
I hope you can help me, as I currently have no access to the root account.
Additional note: I also cannot access the root account via SSH. The message I get is: “Permission denied, please try again.“
(At The beginning sometimes i had the Error 401 Invalide Ticket)
submitted by Direct-Recording977 to Proxmox [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 leakz_plug why when I make posts in my community they are not showing up

I'm on android
submitted by leakz_plug to modhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Ok-Midnight8862 Important

Has anyone studied Creative Writing from Dr Sabiha Mansoor? Is she nice? Does she give a good grade easily?
submitted by Ok-Midnight8862 to LSE_Lahore [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Zestyclose-Switch462 Is this a bug?

Is this a bug? submitted by Zestyclose-Switch462 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Jfisher54 Harry Flashbacks

Im loving the show, as I did the og and NB but I just think the harry flashbacks last too long. Its interesting to see harrys past but it just feels like we barely see The actual plot to the show due to their length
submitted by Jfisher54 to DexterOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Ordinary_Tax_6109 WISTLEING PARANORMAL SOUNDS

Hey everyone, I’ve been experiencing something really strange, and I’m not sure what to make of it. I wanted to share my story and see if anyone has had similar experiences or ideas about what’s going on.
It started recently while I was recording my Call of Duty gameplay. My computer was OFF, but I heard a distinct whistle. It was so clear and out of place that even my mom, who was nearby, heard it. At first, I thought it might be some weird background noise or maybe even something from outside, but things got stranger.
A couple of days later, I stepped outside, and I heard the whistle again. This time it came from my right side. It felt like it was directed at me, but there was no one around. Then, just today, I heard the whistle for the third time, but now it came from my left side.
Here’s where it gets even creepier: My cousin mentioned hearing strange voices in the same area before. We’ve all noticed these sounds at different times, and they’re always unexplainable.
I’ve tried thinking logically – could it be the wind, animals, or maybe someone playing a prank? But it feels different. The whistle is so deliberate, and it only happens when I least expect it.
I’m starting to wonder if this could be something paranormal. I know some cultures say whistling can attract spirits or even be a sign of a presence, and honestly, I’m not ruling anything out at this point.
I’d love to hear your thoughts! Have you ever experienced something like this? Could there be a natural explanation I’m missing, or is this something I should look into more deeply?
If it helps, I’m thinking of setting up a recording device next time I hear it to capture the sound. Any advice on how to approach this would be appreciated.
And that I hear these things when I play some orthodox Christianity chants like Agni parhene .
submitted by Ordinary_Tax_6109 to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Gazozial Hoffentlich nutzt Pro7 die Chance und realisiert eines Tages ein "Fler stiehlt mir die Show"

Hoffentlich nutzt Pro7 die Chance und realisiert eines Tages ein
submitted by Gazozial to FLER [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 C4tCvrse ⠀ FLAIR TEST

submitted by C4tCvrse to C4tCvrse [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Nyum_Nyutts Camp Pets

Camp Pets
submitted by Nyum_Nyutts to FO76ForumRefugees [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Gillzter10 Otter Dentistry

Otter Dentistry submitted by Gillzter10 to Otters [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 digno2 Smartphone Speicher wird von alleine voll, lässt sich nicht zurücksetzen, Factory Reset klappt nicht mit lauter Fehlern: E:Can't open /cache/ E:Failed to mount E:Failed to format /cache: Permission denied

kann jemand bei meinem alten Smartphone Hafury A7 mit Android 9 helfen? Es gingen plötzlich im Betrieb ständig Fehlermeldungen auf diese oder jene App wurde beendet. Es sei zu wenig Speicher vorhanden. Ich habe Apps gelöscht aber statt mehr freiem Speicher wurde der Speicher immer voller! Ich konnte leider keine Fotos machen, musste mir erst ein anderes Telefon leihen. Aber in den Einstellungen bzw. der Drive App sprang der belegte Speicher nur so beim Zuschauen von 80% auf 83%.
Dann wollte ich in das Recovery Menü und konnte aber erst nicht hinein weil das Telefon mit einem "toten" grünen Android Roboter stehenblieb mit der Meldung "Kein Befehl". Dann habe ich es anhand dieses Videos geschafft aber jetzt komme ich wieder nicht weiter.
Ich habe einiges gegoogelt, aber finde keine weitere Lösung. Der Hard Reset bzw. Wipe oder Factory Reset bricht ebenfalls ab. Ich habe alte Forenposts entdeckt in welchem von defektem internen Speicher geschrieben wird.
Kann ich das Gerät von Micro SD Karte booten und dort ein Betriebsystem installieren?
submitted by digno2 to de_EDV [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Gatestormer92 Week 2 of training, and not matching suggested pace for my long run. Too early for concern?

Week 2 of training, and not matching suggested pace for my long run. Too early for concern? Training for London. Attaching my Coopah results.
My longest run ever by 20 minutes, but much slower than the plan suggests I should be doing. (For context though I also ran my easy 25 minute yesterday at 7:00/km, alongside a little strength training)
I ran a 5k race last September in 32:10 at 6:32/km, and haven’t ran much since, so it seems unreasonable to expect my body to manage 6:55/km for an hours run.
My target finish time for London is 5hr, and I’d love to finish under that, but wondering already if it’s too ambitious for my body.
Or maybe it’s all too early to tell, it’s only week 2 of my plan after all.
What do you folks think?
submitted by Gatestormer92 to Marathon_Training [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 DeadPixelX Keep Driving

Keep Driving submitted by DeadPixelX to DarkArtwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Clear-Examination-87 Z offset setup in klipper/fluidd

hi all
really struggling getting my head round this to get a first layer.
can someone please describe how the heck to adjust the Z offset in fluidd as there is no seperate probe on the k1 series? i can't adjust it live as it just instantly globs around the nozzle, how do you get it ball park before a print?
submitted by Clear-Examination-87 to crealityk1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Acceptable-Fruit8484 Kanapka z pesto z suszonych pomidorów i słonecznikiem, zielonym ogórkiem, serem camembert, polana olejem chili.

Kanapka z pesto z suszonych pomidorów i słonecznikiem, zielonym ogórkiem, serem camembert, polana olejem chili. Pesto i olej chili własnej roboty, pyszne i pożywne, doskonałe na każdą porę dnia, polecam każdemu.
submitted by Acceptable-Fruit8484 to kanapki [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 ukinaminamo APT SONG GIGAMIT SA SINULOG KABATAAN

I'm sorry but I saw a TikTok vid nga naay group ga sayaw ug APT while nag perform for sinulog sa kabataan, they were evern wearing star wars costume. I get it na free interpretation but I think it's not proper man to use that song then dancing for our Senior Santo Niño.
Here's the link:
submitted by ukinaminamo to Cebu [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 donofdebt Fitzgerald Advisors - Post

Fitzgerald Advisors - Post submitted by donofdebt to SellingMortgageNotes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 FoundationSimple111 My BF (32) broke up with me after my health problems, is he a narcissist?

TLDR - My BF broke things up with me abruptly after 2 years after going through health and career issues (that lasted 4 months).
Me and my BF (32) were together almost 2 years. We met randomly through working in the same company, started texting, then going out and finally dating. From the beginning it looked like a fairytale - he filled all the checkboxes - same age, smart, handsome, foreigner, intelligent, same hobbies, same humour, same preferences for the future, sex, serious relationship etc.
We hit it off instantly and a month into dating we went for the trip to Italy, where he was already telling me how he will marry me one day. I was infatuated. Everything was going crazily beautiful, we travelled a lot and after 6 months we started living together and even adopted a cat.
We had our differences of course as any couple - he is an introvert, I am an extrovert, I need time, he acts quickly and instantly. But somehow we were able to navigate it through without many major issues. He was even telling his friends how he wants to marry me, or how we will have children and that I will be an amazing mother, that I am the only person he can truly relax around and put his guard down next to me. I met all his friends and family, we had plans to move aboroad and I thought the relationship is going stronger day by day.
Year and a half in our relationship I was diagnosed with a pre-cancerosis and with all the tests they recommended me the surgery. He told me he cried like never before when I broke him the news and he texted me we will stand together through it like a strong family. Unfortunately, I contracted an infection, had to go for the biopsy and I couldn't not really engage in sexual activities like before. We still had sex but not that often due to medical limitations and my libido going down due to stress and thoughts about possible cancer. Few days before my surgery next month I contracted flu and I was bound to bed for 2 weeks, after that they rescheduled my surgery and because I didnt get my period, they put me on hormonal medicaments that really left me in the state of PMS and my body hurting. After surgery all went well and week after I flew to see him and his family to his home country for Christmas. There was no change, he was still affectionate and we visited all friends and family like a couple and I was finally happy my health struggles are coming to an end (had to wait 4-6 weeks after surgery to have proper sex again).
Apart of my health issues, 2 months into being diagnosed and going from doctor to doctor, I was promoted at work and suddenly all big project fell down on me, my manager took 2-months absence leave so I was basically like a deer in the headlights trying to DYI every project I had to meet the deadline and not fuck up, and I was very stressed and emotional. This stabilized before my surgery, so it was all just temporary adjustment, caused also by health stress.
While visiting his family, on Christmas day after the dinner he told me he is not in love with me anymore and that he doesnt see us going long run, or have kids/family, that we have our differences and his needs are not met. I cried my eyes out and did not understand, since he never showed any behaviour like not feeling in love, he was caring, affectionate, just like always, and he said lets see how its gonna be once we go home after the holidays. I cried and he told me to get up and go see his friends, to enjoy our time here as were on holiday. The following days I was like walking on eggshels, but his behaviour was still the same - kisses, holding hands, touching me, I even gave him head. Once we returned home after New Years, he confronted me again telling he is not in love anymore - I asked what does it mean? As I kind of was unsure, we were already living together for 2 years so yeah, butterflies were not there that often. After that I asked him if that means he doesnt want to have sex with me, he said yes, that he no longer finds me attractive. All this happened after I gave him head again. I started screaming like a hurt animal and didnt understand.
The following days were a rollercoaster, I didnt know how to act next to him or what is going to happen, he told me he would need to decide soon. We went to cinema where he was holding my hand, caressing me, kissed me and cried throughout the movie.
The next day he came back from work and broke up with me telling me that it is over because I did not work on any things he wanted me to work on in 2 years, and that if he wasnt patient as he is, he would break up with me already after 6 months, but he was in love. I asked him if he meant that he wanted to marry me, he said yes, at that moment. I started questioning why he allowed me to give me head, he said that he didnt want to tell me no and make me sad. He said that it is in him already for few months and sometimes he is awake at night asking himself "what am i doing here?". He cried and told me he doesnt want to lose me from his life, that he still loves me and I am one of his favourite people ever, and that I am a love of his life. Of course, I couldnt do that so I told him we cant be friends under these circumstations. I begged him to not leave us, my and our cat, our home we created toghether (were both foreigners in our city), that we will work this through somehow, but he said he is already checked out, he just had a hard time deciding on if to stay or to go, but he said he cant no longer prioritize my happiness over his and his needs are not met.
This all happened a day before I got to know the results from my surgery, if there is, indeed carcinoma. I asked him if there is another woman in there, but he said no. However, I found out post-mortem that he met somebody who infatuated him, but he didnt do anything since he was still in the relationship. I was devastated, also after he told me that if I didnt have my surgery or us going to see his family for Christmas, he wouldve broken up with me much earlier. So - he told his buddies he wants to marry me late August, my surgery was scheduled in November, so I really dont understnd what happened in the meantime. In September we also signed a new lease for our house for 1 more year, and I asked him why he didnt tell me all this before signing it, he said he was still "partially in love". Overall, he said that he didnt tell me anything to not stress me as I had other issues and that he wanted to find it within himself and fought until the end, but he couldnt find it anymore, and that he doesnt know if his attraction got fucked because of lack of sex, or because of the things I didnt work on.
He left me with the house I can barely afford, devastated after my surgery results (I couldnt wait to have sex with him normally after all this turmoil is passed), and heartbroken as I am still in love with him. And then he left, most probably telling everybody how he stayed with me during my health struggles and how he supported me through it, even though he didnt want to be there anymore. I am devastated and dont know how to move on, as I really took this relationship seriously and invested shit ton in it (emotions, money, time). The things he wanted me to "work" on were quite weird - he claimed I say I will do things and then I will do them 3 days later (fe vacuuming, while he rarely vacuumed himself), that I am a person who waits and he is the person who acts, that he is more dynamic than me, that we agree on something and I do something different (which was not really true since I just added a mis-step into the action). It seems all so fabricated to me and I suspect that he is indeed infatuated with somebody new and his attention is already there.
I am wondering if I didnt have health issues (no lack of sex) and work problems (stress), if we would be still together and the relationship would work. He also said that I would never leave this relationship because I got all a woman can ask for, that he treated me the best he ever treated anybody in his life and what loosers I dated before him that didnt tell me I need to work on a relationship. However, I ignored many things he did during the relationship and just simply didnt find it a big deal.
He overall has a name of being a fuckboy, he slept with many women in our company and overall in the city, and before where he lived, that he was just fucking and had 4 relationship (including with me) that lasted 2-3 years max, the rest was just casual sex, one night stands, or short-lived relationships that never got serious, going from one to the other and sometimes even at the same time. He said that when he is single, he can do what he wants, but when he is in relationship, he is commited.
I expressed all this to my friends and family and they suggest he is a narcissist, and after reading about it and self-reflecting, I think it might be the case. What are your thoughts please on this situation? Was I indeed trapped by the narcissist? Now that I am 32 I feel like it brought intense trauma on me, too old to date to find the "right guy" for life.
submitted by FoundationSimple111 to NarcissisticSpouses [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 Euphoric-Street201 Error Message when starting Proxy in Steam Mode for SW Exporter.

Error Message when starting Proxy in Steam Mode for SW Exporter. I've had this issues for a couple of months now and I stopped using the Optimizer because of this. I've tried many things but I'm not sure how to fix it. Any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Euphoric-Street201 to summonerswar [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 maxru85 Turkish rice (I hope I cooked it right) and korvstroganoff

Turkish rice (I hope I cooked it right) and korvstroganoff Korvstroganoff is a Swedish dish a-la beef stroganoff but made from sausage (Falukorv) with onions, tomato paste, milk and cream, mustard and some flour, dill, and soy sauce (optional).
submitted by maxru85 to decentfoodporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 StreetAssistant9117 Trovato amici?

Mi ritrovo a 26 anni senza nessun amico e la fidanzata mi ha lasciato da 2 mesi.
Non ho idea di come riniziare, e dentro di me vorrei aver tutto risolto domani ma è impossibile.
In questo momento mi piacerebbe sentire la vostra storia se qualcuno di voi si è trovato in una situazione simile e soprattutto come ne siete usciti.
Grazie a tutti. Un abbraccio.
submitted by StreetAssistant9117 to Relazioni [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:40 ashmaps20 The RMS Titanic sunk closer to November 28th 1838 than the day the ship’s wreckage was found

The RMS Titanic sunk closer to November 28th 1838 than the day the ship’s wreckage was found 11/28/1838 - 4/15/1912 : 26,801 days
4/15/1912 - 9/1/1985 : 26,802 days
submitted by ashmaps20 to BarbaraWalters4Scale [link] [comments]