When brainrotted American tiktok addicts scream how much things are cheaper in China

2025.01.18 18:41 DaVietDoomer114 When brainrotted American tiktok addicts scream how much things are cheaper in China

When brainrotted American tiktok addicts scream how much things are cheaper in China submitted by DaVietDoomer114 to EnoughCommieSpam [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 argonaut0 Love, Andante – Can Love and Harmony Grow in Peace Village?

Love, Andante – Can Love and Harmony Grow in Peace Village? submitted by argonaut0 to popgeeksnet [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 RW_K My character throughout the years

Wilds ready!
submitted by RW_K to MHWilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 rusakovic 📩 Claims Examiner - Auto - Commercial Trucking I Remote (Pacific or Mountain Time Zone) Salary: 💰$64,000 - $89,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 Claims Examiner - Auto - Commercial Trucking I Remote (Pacific or Mountain Time Zone) Salary: 💰$64,000 - $89,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Kusari-zukin My experience [and science] of [trying to] water fast safely 10 days as a T1D

TLDR: Insulin sensitivity went up so much that I can eat a modest meal without bolus insulin based on my own remaining insulin production (with the CGM readout looking normal-healthy, 1.5-2h peak at <8mmol and back to baseline in 3-4h). It was also nice not having to think about insulin or blood sugar at all for a week after I got my basal dose dialled in - just like the good old pre-T1D days.
Obligatory Disclaimer & Caveat, in 4 acts:
Act 1: I realise this post is controversial, and fasting is contrary to the advice of medical professionals for T1 diabetics. None of this post constitutes medical advice, just sharing the results of a curious n=1 experiment for the T1D community, which is obliged to self-experiment by definition. But please, as they say, do not try this at home, or seek professional medical advice.
Act 2: There is a pilot clinically supervised study with T1 patients https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0899900721000319 demonstrating feasibility and safety of water fasting for 7 days. It is really an excellent piece of clinical research.
Act 3: I am experienced with prolonged 5-10 day water-only fasting prior to T1 diagnosis, and did around a dozen such fasts with no notable negative side effects over the years (any mild side effects such as malaise were mitigated with electrolytes/minimal food where critical), and, critically, after my first one or two fasts I suppose I acquired decent "metabolic flexibility" and have since never experienced any of the various unpleasant common side-effects of going into ketosis, such as nausea or orthostatic hypotension, which very helpfully allows me to be more confident of perceiving the difference between normal ketosis and DKA symptoms, which otherwise could be mistaken for each other. If you as a T1D are planning to embark on fasting for the first time in your life, do expect some nasty side effects, and be familiar with and extra mindful of the specific symptoms of DKA.
Act 4: Human biology is complicated and while trying to explain some of the concepts and my motivations I will be simplifying things a lot. I will leave some references where required. Please understand there are omissions and errors by definition of the endeavour. The whole thing is for entertainment purposes only, and so on.
My Background: M43y, Nov 2024 was diagnosed DKA & LADA (BG 25mmol/L, ketones 5.5mmol/L, 14% hba1c) in emergency care after a month+ of substantial weight loss progressing to polydipsia/polyuria and dehydration, no classic DKA symptoms and thankfully at that point still no cardiac symptoms. In terms of the diagnosis, DKA presentation and C-peptide of 240pmol/L (tested a few weeks after starting treatment), together with 2 positive antibodies would suggest my immune system hit squad did a thorough job before I could be diagnosed - bummer.
After diagnosis: took a week to get the treatment basics down on MDI, and another couple of weeks to fine tune basal and bolus dosages. Dropped average blood glucose to <6mmol according to the CGM.
Motivation for fasting: Therapeutic fasting for autoimmune disease is now a large and growing field, with some notable successes. No human data for T1 yet due to the next level difficulty of doing such a study. There is one mouse study https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5357144/ indicating specific pathways which could benefit T1d (release of growth factors that induce differentiation of beta cells from pancreatic stem cells, and cycling of alpha cells into beta cells), however: no human trials exist. There is general data showing a remission from acute autoimmune attack while fasting (across several autoimmune diseases but not T1D specific), and conversion of the memory part of the immune system to a more naive state, suggesting the possibility of a cessation of immune attack that endures past the end of the fast, so there's at least a few mechanisms of interest.
I used to fast one to two times a year, and it would quiet my eczema/dermatitis so I have good reason to believe it worked for those autoimmune issues for me. Have not fasted in recent years due to work, kids, their constantly infecting me with viruses brought home from school, life stress, poorer diet, etc. Perhaps I could have avoided my present predicament if I had - who can now say?
Newly diagnosed T1 and immune attack remission: Clinical presentation as DKA happens when only about 10-20% of the original beta cells remain, in medical staging terms that is the 3d stage of T1. It's also known that the fact of severe hyperglycemia itself stuns the beta cells (see PMC4396517), which is why some improvement is observed once treatment with insulin commences, and some people then go on to have a honeymoon/remission, before the immune system eventually finishes the job.
In my case, because of my test results and presentation, I fear i am far along but still have more own beta cell function than someone with a long-standing diagnosis, so to the extent that I could halt further attack, it would preserve my remaining beta cells. It’s known that any endogenous beta cell function improves glycemic control and makes t1 easier to manage, and importantly, results in fewer dangerous hypos.
Insulin sensitivity and long-standing T1: Due to sustained autoimmune attack, people several years out from diagnosis have little beta cell function remaining (as indicated by <200pmol/L c-peptide). Therefore if there is any recovery effect as the mouse study would indicate, it's premature to assume any clinical significance until proven otherwise.
What is likely to be relevant is insulin sensitivity. Most T1s likely have features of T2 (what's called Double Diabetes), 50% of T1Ds in the US are overweight or obese. From clinical literature we know that an average daily dose for a person of average insulin sensitivity (again, this is in the context of studies done in western countries) is 0.55 units of insulin per kg of body weight, so about 30-50 units total per day, I'd assume lean athletes would be dosing a lot less than that, sedentary overweight people a lot more.
Body fat is known to be causal for insulin resistance, and weight loss for increasing insulin sensitivity. In fasting, there is a preferential hierarchy of substrate use, and one of the first to be utilised is fat in and around the liver, and general visceral intra-abdominal fat. Fat droplets stored in the muscle also impede sensitivity, and they are used up for energy pretty quickly, within the first couple of days of fasting. These changes should theoretically increase insulin sensitivity pretty quickly, which encompasses not only the raw quantity of units of insulin used per unit of glucose, but the overall dynamics of the regulatory system, which should make it more responsive and easier to dose correctly/flatten spikes. On its own this would seem to be a goal well worth pursuing.
Note on glucose physiology and basal insulin: the liver stores sugar and releases it constantly and peaks at times e.g. in the morning due to stress hormones to give a kick of energy. The basal insulin T1 diabetics take should be tuned to counteract this normal level of sugar release throughout the day, and the bolus then deals with sugar received at mealtimes. While fasting the liver completely depletes its stored glucose then together with the kidneys starts producing a smaller amount from stored fat and scavenged protein for certain tissues that cannot function on ketones but glucose-only, so as a result two things change: insulin sensitivity and the baseline amount of glucose being released, which reduces basal needs markedly.
After fasting, the amount of sugar being released throughout the day may or may not revert to exactly the prior level, and the sensitivity is likely to stay higher, so finding the correct basal dose again is another challenge.
My fast: with average insulin dosing of 0.55u per kg, at 70kg I ought to be around 38 units a day, and it was indeed 38 most regular days (18 basal, 20 bolus, also in line with clinical lit suggesting a 45/55 split). The challenge for an MDI regimen in fasting is that one doses a basal amount once a day that may be incorrect and have to live with it until it is used up. Someone on a pump gets fractional units as they go, can get more in the morning and less in the evening automatically, etc. and would have a much easier time with fasting vs an MDI regimen.
That now said, this is a good place to add a trigger warning that if you are uncomfortable with discussion of hypoglycemia, stop reading here.
During my fast it was challenging to parse out the real risks of hypoglycemia versus the readings from my CGM and finger pricks for the BGM, so let's address that first.
The non-diabetic level for hypoglycemia is noted as <3.3mmol, and the transitional limit is not a number (e.g. the 3.9mmol/L / 70mg/dL diabetics are given) but a range (3.3-3.9mmol/L, 60-70mg/dL). People also vary in how and when they experience hypoglycemia, some people reportedly function fine even near to 2mmol/L. Of course 3.9/70 makes sense for T1 management, so that we can be on the alert for a plunging blood sugar indication and treat it, but isn't indicative of any hard physiological limit. I've personally only experienced early symptoms of hypoglycaemia when moving below 2.9mmol/L - shaky legs as if I've had a fright, some sweating, that kind of stuff. But I am aware that this is highly personal, and also that endocrinologists have a category of patient they see who presents with a steady, well managed, but consistently high BG because they are afraid to manage it lower, so realise that the concept may be traumatic to some people and I am by no means taking hypoglycemia lightly.
Day 1 dosed 18u basal but started going low-ish (3.5-3.8) in the evening and at night. Did not treat. Truth be told, this was after I attended a social event where I drank a non-alcoholic beer, which had 10g carbs and as I later discovered, 17g (0.5%) of alcohol.
Day 2 dosed 13u basal, often dipped into non-symptomatic hypos (3.1-3.3mmol/L as per the CGM & finger pricks). Snacked on 5-10-15g carbs periodically, overall BG ranged between 3 and 6 throughout the day.
Day 3 dosed 8u basal, had two palpable hypos (2.9), for one of which I ate a larger vegetable-only meal, maybe 500cals total, and then needed 1u rapid to deal with it. BG ranged between 3 and 6, except for the meal, which I flattened at 9 with 1u rapid and exercise. Ketones still measured low <1.0mmol, and unsurprisingly nearly disappeared after the 1u.
Day 4 dosed 5u basal, experienced higher BG variability between 3 and 9 - would snack a bit and go high, flatten with exercise/daily activity and quickly fall precipitously back to 3mmol, no bolus insulin used.
Summary days 1-4: very choppy, high basal insulin suppressed glucagon/GNG, low ketones <1.0 mmol/L, had to correct with low glycemic food periodically which possibly interfered with the fast via nutrient sensing. Definitionally something closer to caloric restriction or a fasting mimicking diet than a water fast. Not sure what if any effect this had on the key indicators of therapeutic efficacy.
Day 5 dosed 2u basal, night between days 4 and 5 BG was very steady at 4.1mmol all night, so was finally starting to feel confident. Daytime BG ranged between 4-6, ketones finally went past 1.5mmol indicating expected level of ketosis for the duration, no more food to correct.
Day 6 dosed 2u basal, the night between days 5 and 6 was spent steady at 3.2-3.6, but I felt fine when I woke up to wee, so left it without correction. Then BG rose to 5mmol in the morning with physical exercise, falling back to a steady 3.8 when inactive, rising when active.
Day 7 dosed 2u basal. All pretty much the same as day 6. Night between days 5 and 6 was spent steady at BG 3.3-3.6mmol. Ketones 3.6mmol/L in the morning. BG rose to 5 during the morning. fell back to 3.8 in the afternoon as before.
Day 8 dosed 2u basal. All pretty much the same as day 7.
Day 9 same as day 8.
Day 10 same.
Summary days 5-10: Pretty straightforward, 2u basal, BG ranged 4-4.5 when active, 3.5-4 when inactive and at night. Energy steady, did all my usual activity and moderate exercise (mostly cycling). Mood great.
Summary & Conclusions: Felt fine the whole time, similar to previous fasts. That's aside from the rocky start and tricky basal dosing. I was very cautious in reducing the dosage as putting it too low too quick could have caused high sugars and/or be a risk for DKA, so instead I impeded the fast with too-high an insulin level for my sensitivity, which in fact increased very quickly. In the German T1 fasting safety trial, they had reduced the basal dose by 70% by the end of the study (mine was a 90% reduction), and they decreased the dose slowly, and their sugars were well controlled/steady all the time. 3/4 of the cohort were on pumps. Whatever they were advised to do was working for them apparently, but did not work for me - my reduction should have been heavily front loaded to avoid lows and impeding ketosis. The other thing that struck me was the group's blood sugars of 6-7mmol over the fast, possibly that was part of their clinical management target (so a conscious choice in the study's design to maintain safety), plus the flexibility of the pump vs MDI, and possibly the biology of the actual cohort, who were (compared to me) heavier with average 28 BMI (mine is 23), older at 56 years (I am 43), 19 of the 20 were women, and 11 had Hashimotos (though hypothyroid is usually associated with lower BG rather than higher). For me, I made the conscious choice to get comfortable with remaining - at least according to clinical guidelines - hypo as long as it didn't dip below 3mmol and I didn't experience symptoms. Would dropping basal to 1u have been better? I know that it would have raised DKA risk, whereas I could always raise BG by doing some physical activity or worst case, snacking. That's about it for this experiment, see some further concluding speculations in the comments.
submitted by Kusari-zukin to diabetes_t1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Sirenoas Until dawn movie

Guys I know we’re upset it’s not the same plot but I feel like that would be a sort of copy paste?? There’s the OG game and the remake with that story. I’d be so happy for something new with a similar premise. I’m hesitant on the whole time reverse loop thing but maybe they’ll pull it off. The movie looks like it has a decent budget! I’m pretty excited for more until dawn content, hopefully they do it right, but we should hold the hate until we see how it turns out. Maybe it’ll be really good, maybe it won’t, but based on our little information I feel like we’re being too rash.
I personally love the wendigo design and MAYBE we will get some game references. What if one of the wendigo that goes after them has a butterfly tattoo? Or a character finds hannahs diary? It could be similar?
submitted by Sirenoas to untildawn [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Jimmy885 concept ideas for nintendo switch 2 games

concept ideas for nintendo switch 2 games submitted by Jimmy885 to BattleForGoldRefined [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Low_Bag3958 Im looking for a song in suits

I believe the song was arround season 6-7 and it was about two people who at the end of the day one sleeps alone and the other sleeps with another partner. I thing its a famous song and I cant find it anywhere.
submitted by Low_Bag3958 to suits [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Public-Alfalfa-1708 Help Wojtyla my winter deck

Hi guys! I nessi some help work this golgari deck, to improve his power. This deck is focused on mill/self mill. How I can make that better? Is good the number of card card for Every type? Thanks for the help.
submitted by Public-Alfalfa-1708 to EDH [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Mewsyk Your not you’re

Your not you’re submitted by Mewsyk to yournotyoure [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 sir_lavale Is there any way of telling what's in this picture? [Eastern MA, USA]

Is there any way of telling what's in this picture? [Eastern MA, USA] submitted by sir_lavale to whatsthisbird [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 engimain69420 ..........

submitted by engimain69420 to trollge [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 BlackTemplarKNB Trying to make Ayato viable. Tried every team i could think of. This one deals the most damage in single rotation. But that's probably just Yelan and i can replace Ayato with Xilonen or something

Trying to make Ayato viable. Tried every team i could think of. This one deals the most damage in single rotation. But that's probably just Yelan and i can replace Ayato with Xilonen or something submitted by BlackTemplarKNB to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Figglypuff2504 Looong Boy

Looong Boy submitted by Figglypuff2504 to longcats [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 NewRefrigerator4162 [WTT] 1970s Seiko Day-Date automatic

[WTT] 1970s Seiko Day-Date automatic submitted by NewRefrigerator4162 to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Additional-Share4492 Heck yeah!!! Workers at Dairyland Power Cooperative in La Crosse have filed to form a Union

Heck yeah!!! Workers at Dairyland Power Cooperative in La Crosse have filed to form a Union submitted by Additional-Share4492 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 MRChipmonk08 Yard Sale Today

🌟 Yard Sale Today! 🌟 🎉 Come find treasures, bargains, and more!
📍 Location: 621 Bursting Sun Ave ⏰ Time: 9AM - 4PM
🛍️ Items for sale:
Furniture Clothing Electronics Home decor Toys & more! Don’t miss out—everything must go! Spread the word and bring a friend! 🎈
See you soon!!!
submitted by MRChipmonk08 to vegaslocals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Objective_Sandwich47 Is This Crazy?

Is This Crazy? submitted by Objective_Sandwich47 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 123Thundernugget J_Ai_son is debuting today!

submitted by 123Thundernugget to ArtificialVTubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 dolphin_trash Newly-added event this Friday in Consoles. Where are my low-effort wrestling cosplayers?

submitted by dolphin_trash to Magfest [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Creative-Assist2500 Short term pleasures and long term side effects.

We often jump into things thinking that we shouldn't bother about the future, we should live in the present and enjoy it till it feels good, it's a good perspective too but another side of the coin is hurtful, full of pain. When the happy phase does end, we see the suffering if brings with it.
For example, we see ourselves falling for someone, we know we don't have a future together but we feel good being with that person, we enjoy the moment, we keep talking, we spend more time and the person keeps growing on us and we fall a bit too hard but then we part and it's when the pain starts to begin, we always knew this was meant to happen but now we experience it. The short term pleasure it gave us, makes us feel deprived of all of those same feelings and emotions and we feel starved, we feel weak and it hurts, your heart aches.
When you hook up with someone for that short lived pleasure, that high, that adventure, you just go for it, but a lot of people later feel guilty, if not that then emotionally empty, feeling like people need them for their body but not for who they are.
We also often crave for what we don't have and when we get it, the craving stops.
But if we talk about romantic relationships here, will you stop loving someone just because of the risks it brings? Or because it's going to end someday or because you know it'll hurt later? Maybe you shouldn't because yolo my dear, we don't have forever, maybe someday you just need to be ready to experience the pain if you want to taste the joy and peace that person brings for you.
submitted by Creative-Assist2500 to nagpur [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Beaneater541 Glitches?

Why does wealthsimple charts seem to glitch out every time I add money? It makes a huge spike every time I add money, and says I lost money even when I gained it
submitted by Beaneater541 to Wealthsimple [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Super-Wrangler-4999 O importante é o jogo rodar, o resto é detalhe

O importante é o jogo rodar, o resto é detalhe submitted by Super-Wrangler-4999 to jogosbrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 daniyargilimov Formula to Mix RGB Color Using Basic Oil Colors

I’m trying to create/find a formula or method to mix any given RGB color using a set of basic oil paint colors. These colors have specific RGB values:

The goal is to calculate the proportions (percentages) of these basic colors needed to produce a specific target RGB color.
I cant find anything in the internet aslo chatgpt is not giving correct answer, but it seems so simple
submitted by daniyargilimov to oilpainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:41 Electrical-Ride7073 Drawknife Etchings?

Picked up an 8"(?) straight drawknife at an antique store today, and started taking rust off looking for a makers mark. Nothing clear yet, but I think as I work in slowly with 1000grit and windex, I'm starting to see what looks like a pretty huge etching going all the way across, and at top center a fairly clear down arrow (like a long V with a small V under it). The letters look to be big block letters, in a banner arrangement, biggest letters far left near blade, arching up to top center before meeting the arrow).
Parts of the knife might be down to ~30% shiny metal, mostly 15/85 shiny to black patina.
Not looking for a positive ID or anything, but more discussion about how much to chase this. I feel like I could definitely be hallucinating, and could also be heading towards destroying the etch.
Any Tips or experience with etchings on Draw Knives?
submitted by Electrical-Ride7073 to handtools [link] [comments]
