Rok 2024: skomírající Intel, parádní Plasma 6 i čtvrt století serveru 25 let serveru Nelze opomenout, že koncem ledna to bylo právě 25 let od chvíle, kdy na Rootu vyšel první článek. Zavzpomínali jsme a už za měsíc budeme moci vzpomínat s 26 svíčkami znovu. GIMP to nestihl. Zatímco mnohé GTK-čkové projekty běží jako po másle se sou železnou pravidelností, jiné nikoli. Linuxový desktop poskytuje úžasné možnosti a je každým rokem lepší a lepší. Je však řada oblastí, kde kardinálně zaostává, nezřídka i o desítky let za komerčními produkty. Kolik věcí stihne v roce 2025, je otázkou. Na Linux jako primární OS, resp. nějakou tu linuxovou ... Dnes Eben Upton oznámil Raspberry Pi 500, tedy Raspberry Pi 5 s 8 GB RAM uvnitř klávesnice, podobně jako bylo Raspberry Pi 400. Navíc byl představen i Raspberry Pi Monitor 15,6" Full HD 1080p IPS LCD s vestavěnými reproduktory. Monitor je napájen přes USB-C a je možné jej napájet ... Vznikl projekt, komunitní platforma pro sdílení videí, postavená na otevřeném softwaru PeerTube. Ze SvarDOS se díky implementaci vlastního jádra stal samostatný open-source operační systém. Ze služby YouTube se stal naprostý monopol v hostování videí. Stal se z něj ... Fórum - úvodní stránka fóra. Toggle navigation Fórum Domů Nápověda Vyhledávání Přihlásit Registrovat Fórum + Nové téma; Poslední příspěvky Re:V akom stave je Windows 11? od 푾푰푭푻 (Windows a jiné systémy) Dnes v 19:35:07 Re:Prodám mITX ... V žebříčku oblíbenosti linuxových distribucí na serveru DistroWatch došlo ke změně na prvním a druhém místě. Nyní je první Linux Mint a druhý je MX Linux. Obě distribuce se soustředí na začátečníky. Na dalších místech je EndeavourOS (založeno na Arch Linuxu), Debian a ... Autor: s využitím DALL-E Ve vývojářské praxi se prakticky každý den setkáme s nutností zpracování dat uložených v binární podobě, tj. například v binárních souborech atd. Nový zákon o kybernetické bezpečnosti. Z informací publikovaných v uplynulém týdnu se zdá, že se poslancům a Národnímu úřadu pro kybernetickou a informační bezpečnost (NÚKIB) podařilo najít kompromisní řešení mechanismu pro prověřování bezpečnosti dodavatelského řetězce v připravované novelizaci zákona o kybernetické bezpečnosti. - informace nejen ze světa Linuxu Fedora KDE Plasma Edition jako systém pro tvůrce digitálního obsahu Fedora hodlá cílit oficiální variantu s desktopem KDE Plasma jako systém pro multimédia a digitální obsah.
2025.01.18 22:50 NefariousnessOk1741 The root of drinking
I’ve been considering my relationship to alcohol for a few years . I’ve had spans of sobriety for 3-6 mos at a time. I don’t feel addicted which led me to stopping AA after 6mos. I didn’t like the I’m an alcoholic bit. I am sensitive to alcohol. It hurts my stomach and I get drunk fairly easily. It makes me loose lipped, but otherwise I don’t have bad stories to tell about consequences. I feel like our society is so built up around booze. Our environment really affects what we do. I think a lot of people drink bc it’s common and seen as fun. And since alcohol is a drug, it makes most ppl act different to some degree. This is where I’m at. I don’t say I’m an addict bc I’m not. I think if I were living in a low stress environment where no one drank I’d never drink. It always struck me as odd that society looks at drinkers like they have a huge issue when it’s like, of course they do, the drug is everywhere. That’s what drugs do! Make you different. I’m obviously not trying to discount the harm and violence that comes from it or absolve personal responsibility. Alcohol runs in my family. I’m just saying that a whole culture surrounds alcohol which is inherently mind altering and then we act like ppl who use are crazy bc they act different and can’t control themselves.
Kinda rambling and just wondering if anyone else feels like this? I’m actively quitting now because it hurts my mental health.
submitted by NefariousnessOk1741 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 CemYigit987 WetRacoonTrump (WRT) – The Meme Coin Turning $7 Billion Dreams into Reality | Launch Now
What is WetRacoonTrump (WRT)?
2025.01.18 22:50 Liljendals Great polish one🍻
submitted by Liljendals to beerporn [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 22:50 Scared-Piglet280 Big Brother: A Votoni për Banorët?
Sa prej jush votoni për banorët e Big Brother, pavarësisht se çfarë mendimi keni për programin? Sa persona, efektivisht, që përdorin Reddit, i votojnë?
submitted by Scared-Piglet280 to albania [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 Over-Item6899 Time Cut -
submitted by Over-Item6899 to ApkModders [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 PristineHour5464 What can i do about these cards?
Im pretty sure theyre worthless now, is there any use for them at all? submitted by PristineHour5464 to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 22:50 PaleWendigo Using Power Armor Frames to collect 4 Star Vulcan Armor drops
Power Armor pieces are very heavy. And while it is possible to get a mod box or crafting from scrapping them, the chance is very low. What I’ve been doing is keeping extra Power Armor frames to put the extra pieces in them. Usually a power armor frames to put weighs less than a single piece of power armor. This also means that you can test out various four star effects before you settle into a build.
I certainly didn’t come up with this but I don’t remember where I got it from.
submitted by PaleWendigo to fo76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 ComplexKate New pattern blanket. Moon Fairy Boy. From Ashlee Brotzell.
submitted by ComplexKate to interlockingcrochet [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 22:50 Elegant_Document11 I accidently manifested something I need to undo
I've been so stressed about not wanting something to happen I've manifested it happening and I kept telling myself I need to stop because I'm thinking it into existence.
How can I undo this please because this thing isn't good
Thank you ♥️
submitted by Elegant_Document11 to Manifestation [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 Kind_Goddess Is it legal to reading books out loud and post it on patron?
2025.01.18 22:50 Silver-Fault43 Need advices
Hello, I've been trying to stop vaping for more than 2 years that I vape, I used to smoke cigarettes before vaping for 2 years too, today I asked a friend to keep my vape so I can see if I can stop it, and I can't fall asleep, I had a crisis, so I went to the store and took snus, do you think it's a good idea to keep the snus now ? i really need a advice to stop being a slave for that .
submitted by Silver-Fault43 to QuitVaping [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 Odd-Equivalent735 I need some 40 year olds pls
If you see any, tell them I'm an innocent little girl who needs attention 🥺
submitted by Odd-Equivalent735 to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 TotallyNotZack (Minor Spoiler) 100% sure there was supposed to be romance route
The fact that every character regardless the gender ends up with a variation of that makes me think your character was supposed to date them (Possibly even choose between Ziluan and Zhuhe as a protagonist)
submitted by TotallyNotZack to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 spngplayer spngplayer - Deep End of the Pool, live tonight 9PM ET
submitted by spngplayer to foodtooth [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 22:50 Lodeon Giving away one invite code for The Bazaar via Referrals
I recently purchased The Bazaar, and I have an invite code that I don't need.
I'll be giving it to one of the registered accounts via my referral link:
I can see a list of verified registration names on my end, so please post your registered account name here so that I can connect the two. Once I have enough referrals, I will roll a die and send the code to the winner.
submitted by Lodeon to gamecodes [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 wupxs Nice little hard krypt drop
submitted by wupxs to mkxmobile [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 CemYigit987 WetRacoonTrump (WRT) – The Meme Coin Turning $7 Billion Dreams into Reality | Launch Now
What is WetRacoonTrump (WRT)?
2025.01.18 22:50 Pizza_Party13 TMOS ain't got no...Merch???
submitted by Pizza_Party13 to raccoon_tweeties [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 22:50 iazztheory Mcdonalds Happy Meal
A nice surprise with the Traumatic Evolutions release choas submitted by iazztheory to PokemonTCG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 22:50 Pure-Mud-8050 Teaching opportunites
looking at the recent drop in students on platforms like preply and Italki. I have been searching for other teaching jobs. Feel free to check them out
Wish you all the best
submitted by Pure-Mud-8050 to OnlineESLTeaching [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 ConsistentCoyote5262 Why
Why is Japans economy so bad? Why is Japan getting worse?
submitted by ConsistentCoyote5262 to japan [link] [comments]
2025.01.18 22:50 PCnoob101here "What's antifurrycringe going to do, report us for posting ohio memes?" Yes, yes they are JosephMcCarthy.
submitted by PCnoob101here to FurryHateAssociation [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 22:50 dizzi800 I was fortunate enough to have photographed some of Helena's looks for Canada S5! She's a star!
submitted by dizzi800 to rupaulsdragrace [link] [comments] |
2025.01.18 22:50 StructuresAmongChaos Arturia Minilab Mk2 with Reaper
I've seen a few posts asking about setting up the Minilab Mk2 in Reaper, but no one seems to have the specific issue I'm having.
I have a Minilab mk2, trying to get it to work in Reaper. Here is what I've done so far (see screenshots for more info):
2025.01.18 22:50 asexymanbeast Pricing
Hey all,
I took a step back for the last 6-8 months and have not been bidding jobs. One of my old clients convinced me to do some work for him and I realized that a lot of materials are easily 25% more expensive than it was a year ago.
I am guessing I should be charging 25% more for my time as well?
I specifically stopped working with this guy because I was already undercharging and I am not going to make that mistake again. Previously I was aiming for $400/day.
submitted by asexymanbeast to Contractor [link] [comments]