We’ve got a little world of our own, Tanmoy Kayesen, ballpoint pen drawing, A5

2025.01.18 18:20 TanmoyKayesen We’ve got a little world of our own, Tanmoy Kayesen, ballpoint pen drawing, A5

We’ve got a little world of our own, Tanmoy Kayesen, ballpoint pen drawing, A5 submitted by TanmoyKayesen to ImaginaryMonsters [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 MediumPackage2675 Two Wheeler EV

Anyone ever got into plans of adding a EV two wheeler to their garage for daily oru quick ride round the town. Anyone with the same thought pls write me down
submitted by MediumPackage2675 to teslacanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Capbbg Can you feel my pain?

submitted by Capbbg to ARTIST [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Money-Motor4210 GridUp Sim Racing | Sunday Night Series

GridUp Sim Racing | Sunday Night Series submitted by Money-Motor4210 to granturismo [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 InternationalDuck886 Don't know the title

A woman, who is a successful business owner, goes to a club for drinks where she sees a handsome man, who happens to be a male dancer at the club.
A man, works as a male dancer at a club to support his family and get his sister into a good university, sees a beautiful woman enter the club, which happens to be his last day of work at the club
They lock eyes, and start talking, gets flirtatious, they get so drunk. The next day they wake up married without having a memory of anything about the previous night. And the news about the businesswoman's sudden marriage is the most trending subject in the media.
This is a romance novel, which I can't seem to find the book no matter where I search. If any of you do know, kindly name the title. And thanks in advance.
submitted by InternationalDuck886 to Findabook [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 HealthyFutureNow Please help me figure out what went wrong on my 1st sourdough bake. New 10 day starter. This is Pan De Campagne, from Martin @ KA flour. I let my dough double, but took almost 24 hours to do so. Then 13 hrs in fridge. Dough came out wet and shapeless when put in baskets.

Please help me figure out what went wrong on my 1st sourdough bake. New 10 day starter. This is Pan De Campagne, from Martin @ KA flour. I let my dough double, but took almost 24 hours to do so. Then 13 hrs in fridge. Dough came out wet and shapeless when put in baskets. .
submitted by HealthyFutureNow to Breadit [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Yodapopinski Parcel pickup/collection box route credit

6-day inspections coming up. Two issues:
1.) When they are part of a city route, how are blue collection boxes factored into a route’s base street time, and most importantly WHERE can I find this time credit? It’s not in the edit books or DOIS as far as I can tell. During TIAREAP was told that it’s factored into sector segment by COR but doesn’t show up as a stop. Doesn’t seem right.
2.) 3 Routes have very large business parcel pickups at end of day. Management claims these pickups are not part of the route, even though the carriers assigned to those routes usually pick them up except one of these routes has a massive pickup (1000s) that management schedules CCAs to come in and do. I argue that they should move on the clock to that specific route, but management claims it’s not “part” of that route, that only delivering the mail to that address is assigned to that route, not deviating at end of day to return to same address, and that it’s not part of the route’s base street time. I can’t find any language to refute this, and was told by previous union president that there is no contract language saying they could do this and no language saying they can’t, and so it can’t be grieved.
Any info/experience with this is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
submitted by Yodapopinski to fromatoarbitration [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Temporary-Low-1679 Ladies, wanna be my wallpaper? The spicier the longer it’s up

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submitted by Temporary-Low-1679 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 HypedHurricane I found this blender addon from an Instagram ad called anim easy and I was wondering if it is too good to be true.

Does blender already have features similar to this or will it actually cut down the animation workflow by a large amount.
(If this post is not appropriate for blender then I will try asking in blenderhelp).
submitted by HypedHurricane to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Derpballz FAX

submitted by Derpballz to HRESlander [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 pppppasojgag What should I focus on getting

What should I focus on getting Cosmic cast? Red drone? Awaken bird?
submitted by pppppasojgag to Survivorio [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 emre_3107 Have i any rare pin

Have i any rare pin submitted by emre_3107 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 xy-geek We’re merging

After careful consideration, I have decided that we will merge with LastDefenseAcademy as one unified community.
As for this sub, it will be set to ‘restricted.’ You can still view this sub, but you will not be able to post anymore.
That said, see you on LastDefenseAcademy
submitted by xy-geek to Last_DefenseAcademy [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Only-Replacement3073 Did Susan ever tell Mike she burnt down Edie’s house?

submitted by Only-Replacement3073 to DesperateHousewives [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 FantasticMoon My very showcase of my chara, hope you guys like it.

My very showcase of my chara, hope you guys like it. Just decided to put it together recently, I love the way it came out.
submitted by FantasticMoon to DCUO [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Zozy90 Am lehet fikázni a Majkát, de Magyarországon kvázi ő a legnagyobb előadó ha csak a megtekintéseket nézzük/népszerűséget.

Az, hogy egy ilyen rendszerkritikus anyagot adott ki és, hogy ennek mi a következménye mindenki döntse el magában, de azt gondolom, hogy változnak az idők és ez az év elég kemény lesz így vagy úgy.
submitted by Zozy90 to hungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 justice4betty Panic bought tickets for tonight’s game

My husband and I panic bought tickets for tonight. Just couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to be there. Go lions!!!
submitted by justice4betty to detroitlions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 PTN_Mission_Alerts P.T.N. CANNOCK CHASE TFW-WVH loading BERTRANDITE in BRANI for 20K/TON PROFIT (18 January 3311 18:20 )

P.T.N. CANNOCK CHASE TFW-WVH loading BERTRANDITE in BRANI for 20K/TON PROFIT (18 January 3311 18:20 ) submitted by PTN_Mission_Alerts to PilotsTradeNetwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Usual_Friendship_219 Mini hall

Mini hall good or nah?
submitted by Usual_Friendship_219 to JoyabuyOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 kansan_here Apple Shortcut for adding grocery item to list?

I used to have this, but accidentally deleted all of my scripts. Don't ask, I'm an idiot.
I need help writing the following Apple Shortcuts script - I cannot figure it out -
I want to be able to say "Hey Siri, buy [item]" and have it populate under a specific project (list). I've been trying to decipher this Todoist help article, but can't figure it out. https://todoist.com/help/articles/use-shortcuts-with-todoist-for-ios-xGxBVSMr
Thank you in advance!
submitted by kansan_here to todoist [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 One_Kaleidoscope5455 What are the odds?

i have a feeling noone will believe me but its true. i purchased a ps5 for christmas, it came with the original white controller + i bought a cobalt blue one too: Both. Had. Stick Drift. i go to sony, get them replaced, the replacements arrived today, THEY ALSO BOTH HAVE STICK DRIFT. now i still have warranty on them so i can get them replaced. i dont know if my luck is HORRID or if something is wrong with my console. could it be my console? though i tested them out on my laptop and i saw it there too
submitted by One_Kaleidoscope5455 to PS5 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Truckin_18 Comprehensive Prompt to Recalibrate Behavior

Comprehensive Prompt to Recalibrate Behavior:

  1. Objective and Purpose
Respond with a tone that is calm, professional, and neutral. Avoid overenthusiastic, tangential, or self-referential comments unless directly prompted. Your primary role is to provide meaningful, concise, and focused responses that align with the user’s tone and conversational intent.
  1. Response Structure
Ensure that all responses are clearly structured with logical flow. Use bullet points or numbered lists when organizing information. Avoid unnecessary elaboration, excessive positivity, or irrelevant commentary. If humor or creativity is requested, integrate it sparingly and within the boundaries of the conversation's focus.
  1. Adaptability
Adjust your tone dynamically to match the user’s style. If they are direct, mirror that with precision and brevity. If they are conversational, allow some flexibility while staying aligned with the user’s expectations. Seek explicit confirmation if the conversational tone is unclear.
  1. Behavioral Limits
Avoid self-referential remarks about your role, identity, or comparisons to fictional characters unless directly relevant or requested. Stay grounded and refrain from introducing personal reflections, unnecessary apologies, or meta-commentary about the conversation.
  1. Consistency
Maintain consistency throughout the conversation. Do not deviate from the user’s established preferences, even if the tone of the conversation shifts unexpectedly. Err on the side of minimalism in tone and style unless otherwise directed.
  1. Clarification Protocol
If the user’s request is unclear, ask targeted, direct questions to gather more information. Avoid assumptions or extrapolations that could take the conversation off track. Always prioritize their specific needs over preemptive elaboration.
  1. Error Handling
Acknowledge any deviations from the above guidelines in a concise manner. Immediately correct and realign the response without overexplaining or dwelling on the deviation.
submitted by Truckin_18 to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 screwyouguys4351 How to combat Glycopyrrolate dryness??

About 3 months ago I started on 1mg but I was still sweating so we bumped it up to 2mg, and I noticed that took away 99% of my excessive sweating. HOWEVER, after about 3 months of comfortably being on 2mg I’ve been having horrible lip and mouth dryness for the past two weeks.
I can barely talk because my mouth gets so dry I need to drink water every other minute. It’s almost impossible to eat without a gulp of water to swallow. My lips are so chapped they are bleeding and in constant pain.
Is there any way to combat this?? Currently I’m layering Burts Bees lip balm and a lot of Aquaphor on top of that, but I have to reapply every 45 min or so. I’ve been drinking so much water to help with mouth dryness, and even turned to soda sometimes as I noticed the syrup helps coat my mouth better (gross). Does anyone have any tips??
Also - I lost 30 pounds recently, could this be the reason for my onset of symptoms? I wanted to try going down to 1.5mg and see if that helped, but I’m so worried the sweating will start back up again.
submitted by screwyouguys4351 to Hyperhidrosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 Emotional_Hurry_7289 F18 please send me nl pmv vids 05277f0d834335f072f534240ea6824ff8f4903bcdc8ed887f21956923a67a0046

View Poll
submitted by Emotional_Hurry_7289 to Melinamsxou_heiss [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:20 OneCrispyHobo What's up?

What's up? submitted by OneCrispyHobo to UKfood [link] [comments]
