
2025.01.19 10:20 Practical-Flight451 عتلر

يجب تجميع كل الاسكندرانية ونقضي على النساء في كل انحاء العالم البقاء للذكور فقط
submitted by Practical-Flight451 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 Imaginary_Course1526 How does dagger extra attack work?

How does dagger extra attack work? On stun: trigger an extra attack. The battle log shows 10+ stuns from the bees. So my daggers should have dealt for an extra 10+ hits, right? But the stats only show 9 hits. Am I missing something?
submitted by Imaginary_Course1526 to BackpackBrawl [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 InitialElectrical816 Est-ce envisageable de se promener en culotte dans le métro à Paris?

submitted by InitialElectrical816 to HotSpotQR [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 flintlocklogics [28/M] Hello everyone! Would love some company, long term if we click!

Hello everyone! As the title says, I would love some company, Long term if we click! I am a 28 year old guy from Europe! Right now im pretty much just enjoying my sunday, probably gonna go to the gym in a bit, and I would love some Company! My hobbies are pretty basic. I love to hit the gym and lift weights, and I do so every day if i can get the time. I love doing stuff in my garden and greenhouse, hanging out with friends and sometimes play computer if I Can get the time! I hope to hear from you!
submitted by flintlocklogics to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 Ivoga The side eye, by me.

submitted by Ivoga to drawings [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 passagerprincess123 片方だけが燃えている / 初音ミク

片方だけが燃えている / 初音ミク submitted by passagerprincess123 to Vocaloid [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 Aroundwandering Looking for ironwood dresser!

I’m also looking for a cutting board if you can help me I would be so happy!
submitted by Aroundwandering to acnh [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 dothematchacha If a spouse consistently refuses intimacy in a marriage, do you think the other spouse has a right to expect it as part of their marital duty? Why or why not?

What do you guys think?
submitted by dothematchacha to AskIndianWomen [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 81adv Shaking for hours after od

I overdosed last night and today I have been shaking for hours non stop. Mostly my arms and my head. Should I be worried? I also can't eat anything, but I drink just fine. I have multiple myoclonic jerks. By now it's all absorbed so I think hospital is pointless.
26 female, diabetic, MS, epilepsy, polyneuropathy , dont smoke or drink.
Using Copaxone, Tresiba, Hummalog, Zoloft, Seroquel, Vimpat
submitted by 81adv to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 n_o_x_7 The last thing you see before death's embrace

The last thing you see before death's embrace https://preview.redd.it/2on9j04bfxde1.jpg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ca6af86d3848e7bf5d4438d78b8b54e56e972b
Fought Alatreon (ice active) yesterday with a friend of mine. Got too cocky and lost the fight. This was the screen I was greeted with lol.
submitted by n_o_x_7 to MonsterHunterWorld [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 Nervous_Claim_1820 This is bad because of Klassic Liu Kang (bro is Resale)

This is bad because of Klassic Liu Kang (bro is Resale) submitted by Nervous_Claim_1820 to ImmortalGamersMen [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 hg1007 3d scan and edit for body composition analysis

Hi there guys,
I am a dietitian and would like to, in my office, make body composition evaluation using 3d scan and measurements. There are some new machines that do that, like the one on the image called "Styku", but I wanted to do it on the budget so I can also maintain the prices on the consultations. That being said, I've been downloading some body objects scanned by other people (even if not to scale) so I can define a methodology before investing in the 3d machine (I'm thinking about the CREALITY Cr-Scan Ferret Pro) but I've hit a wall. I can't seem do be able to measure a girth/perimeter of, lets say, the waist of any of the 3d models I've downloaded. When I can measure something, I can only measure straight distances, not circunferences. I've tried Blender, Shapr3D, Daz 3D, FreeCAD, MeshLab and Mesh Mixer but can't seem to be able to the this types of measurements.
Can someone help find a software where I can to this types of measurements? I'm thinking about girths/perimeters, distances and even volumes (lets say, volume of the whole leg for example).
Thank you!
submitted by hg1007 to 3DScanning [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 jaehaerys48 A mountain, from Shirakawa-gō

submitted by jaehaerys48 to japanpics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 No_Hippo_1965 Thanks to someone misreading, I now have a theory that Jayce is twitch

Twitch is, well, a crazy mouse with a crossbow that goes around murdering people. Jayce is a crazy guy with a cannon that murders people. Twitch is potentially Mr Tails. Awfully similar to Talis. And in-game twitch holds his crossbow pretty similar to how Jayce holds his cannon. So, if Jayce is twitch in disguise, that would somewhat explain what he does (cause psycho killer rat)
submitted by No_Hippo_1965 to jaycehateskids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 vFALL Use Star Citizen Referral Code STAR-VRFT-7FNM for 5,000 UEC

Use Star Citizen Referral Code STAR-VRFT-7FNM for 5,000 UEC https://preview.redd.it/kzb3ciq7erdd1.png?width=3505&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b8f6245e94bcc4a1fd0cca665c73a2b7dc28b7a
submitted by vFALL to StarCitizen_Codes [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 TWSB_Milli What is the most bug resistant gaming/pc console?

Ok to start I have roaches yes… but it’s bc my brothers gfs family owned the house forever and she said her sister used to feed roaches to their pet snake (supposedly) plus they’re slobs (not I) jus to be clear. but no seriously I have gone through 2 ps4s now because of roaches and I’ve read multiple Reddit posts that say ps4s are cockroach hotels. my power in my room is low because my room is an extended room on the back porch and it’s tiny (I like it I choose it over being in the house.. don’t worry I have a heater) I jus bought a 360 for about 100$ and the power goes out when I use it so it’s clipped with that so I’m looking for something preferably with low power usage I do have a laptop hooked up w my tv and that is what I’m using rn and it gives me no problems. my brother also has 2 Xbox one s digitals and they’ve never given him a problem (his room is infested the most) so I think that’s what I may get or a laptop idk what’s your opinions???
submitted by TWSB_Milli to PS4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 Due-Test7848 Freelancer moderators

Contact me if you want to be a moderator
submitted by Due-Test7848 to FreeLancers_Here [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 Meircur Is it a bug ? Flush Five.

Is it a bug ? Flush Five. submitted by Meircur to balatro [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 palletwoodcamper I Truly Found Gold Music Video ( Country Folk )by pwc music

Can I ask you to support me as a creator on youtube by asking you to kindly watch this comment like or dislike and sub if you like on the youtube platform, your help as always is appreciate and of course I can do same for you as a creator
submitted by palletwoodcamper to YoutubePromotionn [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 justdonttalk69 squat check- first time doing squats, any tips or suggestions on how to better my form.

squat check- first time doing squats, any tips or suggestions on how to better my form. submitted by justdonttalk69 to formcheck [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 ForeverDM2002 Tyrannosaurus rex family

Tyrannosaurus rex family I am currently working on becoming a Paleobiologist and decided to draw a senerio in which a female rex pulls triceratops quills out of her mate after a failed hunt while theyir hatchling play around them (work in progress)
submitted by ForeverDM2002 to DinosaurDrawings [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 kiraisswag228 Mods

can you recommend interesting mods for warband? and where can I download them? have someone video tutorial or smth like that?
submitted by kiraisswag228 to mountandblade [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 Zealousideal_Bed7898 Gym in Nusa Dua

Hey folks,
Can you recommend a modern gym in Nusa Dua? It seems to be difficult to find one.
submitted by Zealousideal_Bed7898 to bali [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 thisismyorange Karma scrub

Picked up a lil pot of the new Karma body scrub yesterday. I just used it in the shower, followed by Posh white chocolate and rose body wash, and now out of the shower and dried all I can smell is Karma. SHE STROOOOOONG!
Also thanks to whoever recommended Violet Cream conditioner for non blondes, I hadn’t even considered it and it’s GORGEOUS 🥰
submitted by thisismyorange to LushCosmetics [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 10:20 Minute-Life4628 Is there a way to make a block look like something else while retaining it's function?

i want to make a missile controller smaller in order to make it fit with the design of my plane, any way i can do that?
submitted by Minute-Life4628 to FromTheDepths [link] [comments]
