My GPU has no output

2025.01.19 18:58 throwaway88282828228 My GPU has no output

My 2060 doesn't have any output - it lights up and the fans turn on, but has no display. I've tested it on two monitors, both with DP and HDMI.
As I don't have an old/spare GPU or integrated graphics, I can't mess with the drivers.
It was in transit prior to that issue, if that helps at all.
Help is appreciated.
submitted by throwaway88282828228 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 More_Panic_4688 Need help cleaning my Uniqlo parka

Need help cleaning my Uniqlo parka I bought this Uniqlo hybrid down parka a few months ago but it’s developed these black stains on it which I’m guessing is from my commute on the tube but I’m really not sure how to remove it. Should I just get it dry cleaned?
submitted by More_Panic_4688 to CleaningTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 anselbukowski AITAH for taking my daughter's bf to small claims court for breaking my tv?

My (48m) daughter's (18f) boyfriend (20m) was at our home during Hurricane Milton in October. He lives in Orlando, and the area around his apartment was predicted to get hit pretty hard, and he was nowhere near prepared to be without power or water for multiple days. We are 45 minutes east of Orlando and were expected to be on the clean side of the dying cell (as it shifted, we actually ended up being in the direct path but faired well compared to others). My wife is an overpreparer. We could easily go without power for a week if necessary. For reference, there were 120 granola bars and 100 gallons of bottled water, so one more person wasn't going to make that much of a difference. So my wife and my daughter drove the 2 hours round trip to pick him up and bring him to our house.
The Saturday following the storm, my step daughter, my daughter, and I were in the kitchen and heard, "Oh shit!" and several other indecipherable phrases from the living room. I run in and see my television dangling from the mantle where it sat supported only by its power source. He is standing there with this deer-in-headlights look making no attempt to correct the situation. I grabbed the tv and put it back in its place. All looked fine, until I turned it on. The entire display was destroyed. After I lost my cool, calmed down and had some discussions, I agreed to wait for repayment, as he is currently in trade school, his parents are footing the bill for everything. He even they'd pay for the tv, but I told him that they didn't break the tv so it wasn't their responsibility to post for it. At the time this occurred, my daughter was 17, less than 2 months from her birthday. Fast forward to that day. Woke her up the same way I had for 15 years on her birthday - the Beatles' Birthday playing full blast and her requested breakfast on the table. Everything was as anticipated. Until she didn't come home from school. Her phone was in her room, but gone were her guitars, PS4, vr game, etc. I've not spoken to her in 6 weeks. She did complete the semester of school and is now in virtual school to graduate in a month. She has ADHD and was diagnosed bipolar with bpd a little over 3 years ago. She left all of her meds. My wife try up arrange a meeting to get them to get 3 different times. She blew all of them off. The bf has absolutely no respect or appreciation for anyone or anything they do for him. His parents asked him to find a pt job to help cover some of the expense. He got a job at McDonald's and quit the second day because it was "too stressful". I was the warehouse manager at a farm and garden supply store. Prior to starting school, my daughter and me to give him a job so he could save money for classes started. So I did. He "worked" for me for 8 months. He saved NOTHING. He's repeatedly lied to my wife and I. He supplied thc and tobacco vapes to my daughter, one of which she got caught with at school and suspended for a day. He's also previously broken a machete and an $80 motion sensor garbage can lid that he just flipped off the top of the can when my daughter asked him to help her take the trash out.
AITAH for suing him in small claims court for $762.48 to replace the television and cover the associated court fees?
submitted by anselbukowski to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 put_on_a_happy_face_ GAMING4YOU/G2A SCUM OF THE INTERNET

Recently bought some codes hoping to grab a deal with what I thought was a trusted amazing seller l.
Long story short the seller refused to refund me even after me telling them they sent me the 3 same game codes that I had already got from them. So I spoke to my bank and got a refund as digita goods weren't delivered as requested I got my refund then G2A banned me
£18 ain't alot but to a gamer it's something. I'm name and shaming the G2A and GAMING4YOU
sort your buyers protection out.
Pictures 5 6 7 have the codes on.. enjoy people
All codes for metro exodus
submitted by put_on_a_happy_face_ to g2a [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Mental_Garage728 "German Germany"

submitted by Mental_Garage728 to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Prize_Temporary_9998 Zombie spawn

Hello, i tried to create a Zombie apocalypse mod pack (on fabric). But for the zombies part i can't find a mod that allow only zombies to spawn (Bad mobs isn't in my game version) or a mod that allow me to easily control mob spawn. Is there any mod, datapack or even gamerule that i can use ?
submitted by Prize_Temporary_9998 to MinecraftMod [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Remote_Ad_4618 How do you like the Pygmy Seahorse Concept(If not it can be a skin for the squid

How do you like the Pygmy Seahorse Concept(If not it can be a skin for the squid submitted by Remote_Ad_4618 to deeeepio [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Euphoric-Ad-3267 Ok which one of you is fenix :3

Ok which one of you is fenix :3 submitted by Euphoric-Ad-3267 to TheRatEmpire [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Jacketsforpresident Can anyone ID? Central Ohio near a creek

Can anyone ID? Central Ohio near a creek Thanks!!
submitted by Jacketsforpresident to AnimalTracking [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 CashSmall3829 Help pls

Help pls Can someone please help me on how i can make this sun transparent so that it doesnt block the novella text ? I tried using transparent bsdf but dont look good
submitted by CashSmall3829 to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Lawfe pixelmatorPro to Motion - booleans

Does Motion recognize a boolean shape when exported as a Motion Project? Am I 'doing it' wrong?
Thought I'd ask here as well as in the PixelmatorPro subreddit...
exported as a Motion project and didn't work.
exported donut as SVG from PixelmatorPro- imported back in and then exported to Motion. No joy
I can only hope that Apple does something on 'complex' shapes when it gets to Cupe.
submitted by Lawfe to applemotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 readingraccoon47 ISO 2 Khruangbin tickets

Is anyone selling their Khruangbin tickets for the show at Shelburne Museum on June 24th? Looking to buy two. Thank you!
submitted by readingraccoon47 to burlington [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 No-Card-6746 Ain’t no way

Ain’t no way Saw this on Twitter dont kno if its real or not
submitted by No-Card-6746 to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 RiotIQ What is the IQ bar for a 2e diagnosis and what other assessments are administered?

Our team is new to the community, and we've enjoyed observing the discussions. However, this question in the title ☝️ arose during our research team's recent weekly video call. We're asking this question to determine if our IQ assessment can be used by psychologists (if they deem the assessment fit) to diagnosis 2e.
submitted by RiotIQ to TwiceExceptional [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 KookyOffer4181 Mtx satire (the rs3 sub downvoted this alot because there miserable people) (so osrs sub it is since you guys aren't like them)

Shes A mtx witch! A mtx witch! A mtx witch! We found a mtx witch! We've got a mtx witch! A mtx witch! A mtx witch! We have found a mtx witch. May we burn her for confributing in the decline of runescape? - How do you know she is a mtx witch - She spends like one. - Bring her forward. - I'm not a mtx witch! I'm not a mtx witch ! - But you are spening as if your one. - They brought mtx into this world. - No, we didn't. - And this isn't my wallet. It's a false one. - Well? - We did do the fake wallet. - The wallet? - And the gold partyhat But she is a mtx witch ! - Did you allow her to be like this? - No, no! - Yes. A bit. - She has got a premier membership. - What makes you think she's a mtx witch? - She gave me a treasure hunter key token that i cant redeem because of having a cap! - A treasure hunter key token? - I got better. - Burn her anyway! - Quiet! Quiet! - There are ways of telling whether she is a mtx witch. - Are there? What are they? Tell us. - Do they hurt? - Tell me, what do you do with mtx witches? - Burn them! - And what do you burn, apart from witches? - More witches! - Wood! - So why do witches burn? - 'Cause they're made of magic logs? - Good! - How do we tell if she is made of magic logs? - Build a bridge out of her. - But can you not also make bridges out of stone? - Oh, yeah. - Does wood sink in water? - No, it floats. - Throw her into the pond! - What also floats in water? - Bread. - Apples. - Very small rocks. - Cider! Great gravy. - Cherries. - Mud. - Churches. - Lead. - A mega duck! - Exactly. - So, logically-- - If she thinks the same as jagex... - she's supporting jagex - And therefore? - A witch! - A mega duck! A mega duck! - Here's a mega duck. - We shaIl use my largest scales. - Burn the mtx witch ! - Remove the subscription!
A mtx witch! submitted by KookyOffer4181 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Fried_out_Kombi reject modernity, embrace tradition

reject modernity, embrace tradition submitted by Fried_out_Kombi to Suburbanhell [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 jpconcept10 Abel might have already told us how HUT will be, and no one is talking about it.

Remember when Dawn FM was about to drop, that Abel literally mentioned the concept of the radio station that guides you through purgatory?
Well, Abel mentioned something similar in his latest interview with variety. Quote: "This album feels almost like an opera to me,” he concludes, “this gothic, operatic finale to the trilogy.” This means, that we are going to be imersed into a new story. Maybe the story of The Weeknd, but in an opera concept.
So, an opera is divided in acts. In those acts, many of this elements can be seen.
Libretto: The text of the opera

So, could it be possible that we see some of these elements in the album? a Big overture maybe? cadenzas being abel or a feature singing ?
As i said, operas are divided in acts. The purpose of acts is to divide the plot in different important sections. Operas usually have from 2 to 5 acts. The double album theory makes sense here, but.... WHAT IF THERE ARE 3 ACTS IN THIS ALBUM (3 Discs). Lets not forget, that HUT has been promoted also as an ODDISSEY. So, maybe we are going to see the Oddissey ot see the end of The Weeknd.
So maybe, my concept of the album could be something like this.
Disc 1 (First act): Abel, after the purgatory of DAWN FM, is now in the afterlife, but sees that he has the choice to go back to life, to being the Weeknd. And so his demons and past demons try to pull him down to Earth (or the AFTER HOURS arc). This could make sense for songs like Sao Paulo or Timeless.
BUT, here is the trick. He HAS ONE DAY TO DECIDE, because TOMORROW, his decision will be final.
Disc 2 (Second Act): Abel is shown the possibility of heaven, but with one consequence: He would go there but he would forget his life as The Weeknd, so he is unsure if that is what he wants, because he has been The Weeknd for so long. Maybe he is not really ready to let go this character. So we see him struggle with the decision. This could make sense for songs like take me back to LA, the Crowd maybe, wake me up.
Disc 3 (Third act): We see Abels decision, he decides that is actually time to let go The Weeknd, even tho if this kind of hurts him but he know its for the good. He is finally in peace with The Weeknd and ready to reborn in heaven, but as Abel. So the time for the finall call comes, the end of the day. He says "hurry up tomorrow" because his choice has been taken. and "In heaven everything is fine" because he knows he will be going there. This could be the gap for songs like runaway, Open Hearts, or dancing in the flames.
This is my theory, we will see a full opera. Maybe 7-8 songs per act, making it a 21-24 track album. It would be beautiful to see him retire with something like this. Let me know what do you think ! HUT
submitted by jpconcept10 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 ghostflu Current stack

Trying to focus on hair growth, joint knee pain, and general health. Any other recommendations that can boost my current stack of supplements ?
submitted by ghostflu to Supplements [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 nfrmiga Gillovny mentioned in public

Y’ALL!!!! so i put “gillovny” as my name in the coffee shop and the barista yelled “SOMEONE WITH TASTE?!?” and i said “YESS! THAT’S ME!” and then everyone around me started to recite the entire gillovny podcast. omfg i’m crying 😭
submitted by nfrmiga to XFiles [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 CanadianW The Only 4th Down in CFL History

submitted by CanadianW to CFL [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Own_Charge2366 What can I do to make the dreams better, if not go away?

I've just recently stopped drinking which has caused my already vivid dreams to enhance to a more regular occurrence. I'm talking every night or morning I'm waking up and remembering the dream. Now I've been having these dreams for months already just not as often. It's always about my late boyfriend coming back to life. We had a lot of issues and I never was able to leave him when I should have. I see how my dreams are like my subconscious reporting back to me to tell me that I've finally been able to gain control and leave the situation when it occurs. Cause that's what it is always. Me and him in such hifty situation I could never leave and now I'm leaving. My issue is, it's now every night. It's effecting my mood in the morning. Do I just wait it out? Until my subconscious is done reliving the situation.
submitted by Own_Charge2366 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Soggy-Bat3625 Time for a trim, I know.

Time for a trim, I know. Barber appointment on Thursday.
submitted by Soggy-Bat3625 to beards [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 otodudespine Rate meee F17

Rate meee F17 submitted by otodudespine to RateMeTeenager [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 HYJUBARAH Aternos deleting servers

I heard that if aternos catch you doing an afk strat for afk farm or anything else so you wont get kicked for being idle, they might delete your server. Is it true?
submitted by HYJUBARAH to aternos [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 18:58 Accomplished_Mobile7 The Atlanta Falcons Mascot

The Atlanta Falcons Mascot submitted by Accomplished_Mobile7 to DestinyFashion [link] [comments]