My first scindapsus: HELP

Scindapsus je velmi známá a oblíbená pokojová rostlina s českým názvem potos. Domovinou této rostliny je Indonésie, Malajsie a Šalamounovy ostrovy. Jestliže si koupíte mladou rostlinku v květináči, mívá obyčejně kompaktní tvar, nejeví známky „plazivosti“. Scindapsus je skvelou voľbou pre každého, kto hľadá nenáročnú, no atraktívnu izbovú rastlinu. Dodržaním uvedených krokov a správnou starostlivosťou môžete dosiahnuť, aby sa váš Scindapsus rozrastal a ozdobil váš interiér svojimi krásnymi listami. Scindapsus je nádherná liána! Jak rychle zakořenit scindapsus?! Péče o scindapsus doma. Teplotní podmínky. Nejlepší ze všeho je, že v teplé sezóně scindapsus roste a vyvíjí se při teplotě vzduchu 20 až 25 stupňů. V zimě musíte zajistit, aby místnost, kde se nachází, nebyla chladnější než 12 stupňů. Osvětlení Scindapsus patří mezi rostliny, které efektivně čistí vzduch. Jeho příbuzný Scindapsus officinalis se používá v tradiční medicíně zejména k léčbě respiračních onemocnění, proti parazitům, proti průjmu a také k léčbě revmatické artritidy. Ako vznikol názov scindapsus? Ako vyzerajú scindapsusy? Je scindapsus a epipremnum to isté? Aké odrody scindapsusov poznáme? A ako sa o scindapsus starať? Odpovede na všetky tieto otázky nájdete práve v tomto článku, rovnako ako aj podrobný návod na starostlivosť. Scindapsus, šplhavník: Pěstování, zalévání, hnojení a množení. Tipy pro zdravé a krásné rostliny. Vyhněte se škůdcům a chorobám. Objevte druhy scindapsusů. Scindapsus je liána, která v přírodních podmínkách šplhá podél kmene stromu směrem ke slunci. Různorodost a nenáročnost v obsahu učinily rostlinu atraktivní pro pěstitele květin. Článek popisuje vlastnosti péče o tropickou krásu doma. Co je rostlina Naučte sa, ako sadiť a pestovať scindapsus, odolnú a dekoratívnu izbovú rastlinu. Získajte tipy na správne podmienky, polievanie a starostlivosť pre jej zdravý rast. Scindapsus je nenáročný na svetlo, no čím viac bude na svetle, tým výraznejšie bude panašovanie a tiež bude rýchlejšie rásť. Priame slnko je nevhodné, mohlo by mu spáliť listy, ideálne umiestnenie je na rozptýlenom svetle. Scindapsus je popínavá rostlina, která zaujme oválnými, lesklými listy s barevným vzorem, který oživí stěny, balkony, příčky. Tento nenáročný interiér (nikdy nekvete) květina je díky rozmanitosti barev a nádherné malebnosti listů jednou z nejoblíbenějších v domácím květinářství.

2025.01.20 03:00 Otherwise-Arm-645 My first scindapsus: HELP

My first scindapsus: HELP Been looking at a lot of scindapsus online and came across some at my local Lowes. I decided to choose this one, but I wasn't sure what exactly the ID is on this guy.
Anybody know how to care for the good ole devil's ivy? It came in a a hanging pot with zero air holes and it seems to be thriving however, I'm thinking about repotting it into something w some drainage at least... any objections to that? And would aroid mix be good for them?
Hows the watering schedule like for a scindapsus? Thirsty or love to dry out before waterings? I'll be doing some research. Any advice is welcomed. Thank you.
submitted by Otherwise-Arm-645 to IndoorGarden [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Nova_E1 I think my character sheet looks off

I think my character sheet looks off I’m in the process of drawing a character sheet for my OC, but the face from the side doesn’t look right to me. Can someone help?
submitted by Nova_E1 to arthelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: daughter

English: daughter

  1. the female offspring of the human species
  2. a female child of any age
  3. a female descendant
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Duke-Str4t0sphere_ Rina

submitted by Duke-Str4t0sphere_ to NewYorkNineMild [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop

⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 SuchDogeHodler 40 M, Looking for a friend for the end of the world!

Ok, nothing that dramatic. I'm a right of center guy looking for someone to chat with and watch the presidential inauguration with.
I'm a very open guy and really don't even care who you voted for, or why.
can chat about anything, I have numerous hobbies and interests. Just DM me and we will get to know one another.
submitted by SuchDogeHodler to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 OleninaGaming My first block design - Did I cook?

My first block design - Did I cook? submitted by OleninaGaming to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 metareflection Prozzak - Europa (Official Video)

Prozzak - Europa (Official Video) submitted by metareflection to MBTIRadioStation [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 brotheringod777 Was religious oppression really as bad as most people say? Please reply with a credible historian

submitted by brotheringod777 to MedievalHistory [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | ⬆️ Up Game Shop

🛍️ eBay Video Games | ⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Master-Chieftain Sauron after his defeat in LOTR is sent to the world of Runeterra 3000 years before the current timeline. He gains access to his full power as a Maiar but he is alone. How would all events in Runeterra play out with Sauron on the shadows? Assuming he becomes EXTRA careful in his conquest?

Would Sauron make Noxus his main faction? Would he even interact with Leblanc, Vladimir or Mordekaiser?
Considering his background as a smith or a maker, what would Sauron think of Piltover and Zaun?
Would Sauron help Lissandra on keeping the void at bay if he knew just how much alot of a threat the void is to his conquest?
submitted by Master-Chieftain to loreofleague [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 FaZe_poopy The DanDaDan cast’s favorite movies, but if they were all pretentious ass film majors

Ok yeah almost all of these
submitted by FaZe_poopy to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 edushow ciencias economicas

boa noite pessoal, eu estou com uma duvida em onde fazer ciencias economicas, muitos dizem que é melhor fazer em sp e tal pelas oportunidades, mas n fiz fuvest por vacilo mesmo, e a unifesp em osasco me da calafrios por causa de uns acontecimentos ai
tava pensando na ufmg ou na ufjf, seria uma boa ou eu seria engolido por qm estudou/estuda nas uni de sp?
submitted by edushow to faculdadeBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Ravenlilyy [18NB] Bored & lonely femboy wanting to chat with people :3 (DM’s are always open ^w^)

Really just title. I play video games, shoot competitively, and play the violin. I speak 3 languages, and I’m studying aerospace engineering in college. When dming me, add your ASL please :3
submitted by Ravenlilyy to discordfriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 rtbot2 Lenovo has removed its iconic TrackPoint nub from new ThinkPad laptops

Lenovo has removed its iconic TrackPoint nub from new ThinkPad laptops submitted by rtbot2 to realtech [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | ⬆️ Up Game Shop

🌐 24/7 Video Game | ⬆️ Up Game Shop submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 metareflection M83 - Oblivion (feat Susanne Sundfør) - audio

M83 - Oblivion (feat Susanne Sundfør) - audio submitted by metareflection to MBTIRadioStation [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Jawa999 Court Footage Shows The Foolio Murder Suspects Checking Out Of A Tampa Airbnb The Afternoon After They Executed The Murder!

Court Footage Shows The Foolio Murder Suspects Checking Out Of A Tampa Airbnb The Afternoon After They Executed The Murder! submitted by Jawa999 to worldstartalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 THEOGCHE WWE Champions have entered the Impact Zone to get a closer look on the tag team title match

submitted by THEOGCHE to TNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 SnoopVee Void Errosion vs Everybody

So, im at lvl 9 on Void Erosion and what I've realized is this is probably the most balanced content we have. We all know who the Big 3 are right now, usually when you see them in any other mission you expect insta-clear the entire session. However, running Void Erosion and encountering so many yellow bar enemies i finally felt like I was able to contribute to the fight. Enemies weren't dropping as soon as you enter the room and it makes a much more enjoyable experience.
it doesn't look like the pattern of OP characters are going to change anytime soon (I have a feeling Serena is going to be INSANE). I'd love it all of the content had more yellow bar enemies or even buffed the rest of the enemies HP to become more tankier. It felt really good
submitted by SnoopVee to TheFirstDescendant [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Dry-Jeweler4812 Big hoops mv

You guys remember when people went wild when she did triangle signs in the big hoops music video and people accused her for being part of the Illuminati? Has she ever addressed the rumours?
submitted by Dry-Jeweler4812 to nellyfurtado [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Affectionate-Bid4152 Lucky is annoying

I swear idk how people like Lucky.Hes spoiled,he has a massive ego and his lazy.yry all they see from that is OH that is a metal cat how cute.
submitted by Affectionate-Bid4152 to TheMechTouch [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Dense-Shape-677 Gusto ko na lang iyakan 'yung recruiter tas mag-open up ako kasi grabe, hirap maghanap ng work! 😭

Although may full time pa naman ako, kaso gusto ko na ng new challenge. AU bookkeeper pala ako, pero want ko ng new challenge like want ko ma experience ung payroll and BAS lodgement tasks huhu.
Since Nov 2024 ako nagstart maghanap, 10+ recruiters na ata kumausap sa akin kaso lahat "UNFORTUNATELY" 'yung email huhuhaha.
Pero siyempre walang susuko, A NEW JOB IS ON THE WAY! Claim na natin. 😭🥰
submitted by Dense-Shape-677 to AccountingPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 Justwondering_2023_ Nervous help

22 year old male
So I got a chest rash on my chest followed by pain like right under it, a day or 2 later i had shoulder and arm pain and it felt like it was in the crease of my neck a little. Went to the ER scared to death he told me i looked okay all those things could come from me sleeping on my right side. Then i also start experiencing joint pain and body aches. But Tuesday after work while I was smoking my chest felt funny on the right side like the right under the rash.So i went to Md. express where she gave me a higher dose of an antiviral i take for hsv2 and told me to use ointment for the rash. So i still had random joint pains and body aches not so much at home but at work where it is cold. But on Friday one of my legs was clearly colder than the other and i went back to. ER where she told me i was oaky and just stay warm. Next morning i had crazy pain in my left leg so i went to a different ER and he gave me MethylPREDISOLONE 4 MG saying it sounds like nerve problems and ATARAX due to how scared I’ve been feeling about the situation. So today I’ve been okay so far, still chest and shoulder pain and a little back pain, he mentioned i could have a bad back and tweaked a nerve. I haven’t felt sick far as throwing up,fever,runny nose, nor cough just lost of appetite due to stressing about this for almost 2-3 weeks. I also had been in a car accident back in September 2024 so is these pains from that? It’s honestly been a body aches thing outside of the rash i just want answers. My whole body would itch in random places but no bumps only the ones that popped up on my torso it was like 1 with the rash then one on my back and one on my belly that was kind of itchy but wen away that could’ve came from stress.
submitted by Justwondering_2023_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 03:00 jrsnlstrk iPhone 15

submitted by jrsnlstrk to iPhoneography [link] [comments]