The Verholy Trinity

2025.01.20 13:50 ArmsOfKamaji The Verholy Trinity

The Verholy Trinity submitted by ArmsOfKamaji to okbuddycinephile [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Dangerous-Local9430 Undead MP40

Undead MP40 submitted by Dangerous-Local9430 to girlsfrontline [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 AshariShafi3i Sarf (9): The Present/Future Tense Verb (Fi^l MuDaari^)

Sarf (9): The Present/Future Tense Verb (Fi^l MuDaari^) submitted by AshariShafi3i to Ashari [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 chocolategodess97 What was your Rock bottom moment and what happened?

submitted by chocolategodess97 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 rflo24 Uber has decided there will be no business today

Uber has decided there will be no business today While you’re sitting there in an empty parking lot in South Florida today wondering why Uber isn’t sending you rides, understand it’s because they’d rather price gouge their riders instead of properly utilizing their drivers.
The prices I’m showing here are more than double from last night and Friday. Uber is taking advantage of their customers because it’s MLK day (there is no shortage of drivers).
Uber wants its company to fail so they can have the ultimate excuse to usher in their driverless fleet.
submitted by rflo24 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]


submitted by loeilsauve_ to SUBREDDITNAME [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 anxrchyx My favourite Mimikyu card - Rendered & Modelled by me

My favourite Mimikyu card - Rendered & Modelled by me submitted by anxrchyx to pokemon [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 edvsa Bit of a melting pot

Bit of a melting pot submitted by edvsa to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Outrageous-Gold-9039 ID and legit check?

ID and legit check? These were my grandpa’s passed down to my dad and now me. Tried searching online but can’t seem to ID the frame. They kind of look like caravans but not really? What kind of Ray Bans are these? Are they legit? I’d love to have it restored and wear them again.
submitted by Outrageous-Gold-9039 to sunglasses [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 highelite097 What parameters to use while buying a luxury car?

I’m a newbie to car purchase. Looking to buy a luxury car. Want to know exhaustive metrics to consider while comparing cars- including technical/ non technical features and any points of consideration for a long term buy decision. Pls help me with what should be considered along with possible explanations of what those things mean !
submitted by highelite097 to whatcarshouldIbuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Secure_Feedback1054 Looking for Good Perm or Dragon Token

Looking for Good Perm or Dragon Token submitted by Secure_Feedback1054 to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 s2rdin17 What backpack is this?

What backpack is this? Can anyone help me identify this backpack? Saw it on a temu ad on instagram.
submitted by s2rdin17 to backpacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Key_Purchase6153 We Will Never Quit

Presidents have always been monsters Oligarchs have always been bastards The “others” rights are always under threat Economic war has always existed Still we have always made it and always will. There will be horror and tears along the way, but losing hope is what these fuckers want. Fuck them all. I celebrate all those who fight and sacrificed for kindness, love, equality, and respect. Nothing will break us. In Luigi’s name...
submitted by Key_Purchase6153 to behindthebastards [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Metro-UK Penguins get divorced (but may regret it later)

Penguins get divorced (but may regret it later) submitted by Metro-UK to Wildlife [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 RovakX R5 3600 vs 5600 questions

Hi all,
Does anyone have experience with both chips? I have a 3600 installed, and a free untested 5600 sitting on my desk. It would be paired with a 7800xt in this build. I have no issues with my build atm.
Now, I have on average less then 1 evening a week of time to just sit down and play games. I don't really want to waste an evening swapping out the chips if the in game upgrade isn't really worth it. I'd rather play a game.
What would you do? What uplift can I expect? Just looking for opinions.
submitted by RovakX to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 PresentationPlus9322 Another great lineup this year at ASGTG Amazon Sellers event. Ritu Java is the latest to join this year's all-star lineup. All info

Another great lineup this year at ASGTG Amazon Sellers event. Ritu Java is the latest to join this year's all-star lineup. All info submitted by PresentationPlus9322 to AmazonASGTGSellers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 wizardofthefuture Dollar dips, stocks creep higher as second Trump term dawns

Dollar dips, stocks creep higher as second Trump term dawns submitted by wizardofthefuture to economy [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Creepy-Agent2951 [6119-8090] Has anyone seen or heard about of this Seiko 5 model?

[6119-8090] Has anyone seen or heard about of this Seiko 5 model? I bought this watch at an antique fair. I found the dial's color quite beautiful, even though it shows some signs of oxidation. However, I’m curious to learn more about the watch. It's a Seiko 5 6119-8090, with the serial number 954765. I tried searching for information about this specific model on the internet but couldn’t find anything. The strap it came with is not original, and I would like to see how the original model looked so I can try to purchase a similar one.
Does anyone know or have heard about this model?
submitted by Creepy-Agent2951 to Seiko [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 lovvvelyy Wb mega gallade 3 local 901851158521

submitted by lovvvelyy to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Dark-Lark Republic Transport Shuttle (Battlemap/Token/Handout Picture)

submitted by Dark-Lark to SagaEdition [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 frozenpandaman Japanese architect Hiroshi Hara, designer of Kyoto Station and the Umeda Sky Buiding, has died at aged 88

Japanese architect Hiroshi Hara, designer of Kyoto Station and the Umeda Sky Buiding, has died at aged 88 submitted by frozenpandaman to japannews [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 Sad_Ad5269 Dato psicólogo/a psicoanálisis/humanista

Buenos días Estimados, me gustaría consultar si tienen alguna dato de un psicólogo orientado a psicoanálisis o humanismo que ojalá atienda por isapre o en alguna clínica (si no igual me sirve)
Muchas gracias!
submitted by Sad_Ad5269 to chile [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 lfcbatwho Is it reasonable to hold out for a dark crisis omnibus or is that an unlikely scenario?

Didn’t bother looking into dark crisis much upon release as was hoping for an omnibus like with metals and previous crises. It seems like it was released quite a while ago now and haven’t heard about one at all. What do people think? The tpbs/hardcovers seem a little messy to collect
submitted by lfcbatwho to OmnibusCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 HealthyLet257 What causes car battery to go bad after only a year?

I noticed that whenever I get a new battery at Advanced Auto Parts, it needs to be replaced after a year. They offer 2 year warranty. I notice this after getting my car inspected. Is it because I get the cheaper battery (DieHard) or something else?
submitted by HealthyLet257 to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 13:50 SnooDrawings5837 Is doge getting sued??

Just heard somebody talking about this on the subreddit… not sure if it’s completely all lies tho 😂
submitted by SnooDrawings5837 to dogecoin [link] [comments]