FOL vs GON swap?

la scorrelazione dei titoli in portafoglio , non serve tanto a guadagnare maggiormente, quanto a ridurre la volatilità rischio complessivo del portafoglio, ovviamente la percentuale dei titoli in portafoglio, sarà proporzionata alla rispettiva volatilità intrinseca, basterebbe inserire 1 percentuale del 5/10% di bitcoin, per aumentare esponenzialmente il rendimento complessivo. FOL. Forum. Nuovi Messaggi Cerca... MENU. Mercato Italiano Euronext Growth Milan Small Cap Futures, CFD ... Il forum di riferimento italiano per quanto riguarda finanza, mercati, economia FOL. Forum. Nuovi Messaggi Cerca... MENU. Mercato Italiano Euronext Growth Milan Small Cap Futures, CFD ... Il thread parla di investimenti di lungo periodo in MEGA e BIG CAP in ottica di buy and hold , in genere si punta a titoli e settori che offrono uno storico di crescita utili constante nel tempo , bilanci solidi e caratteristiche che rendano l'azienda avvantaggiata rispetto alla concorrenza... Obbligazioni, Titoli di Stato . FinanzaOnline è ora su Telegram! FinanzaOnline ha lanciato un nuovo canale su Telegram, aggiornato quotidianamente con le notizie più importanti dal mondo della finanza. Discussioni, appunti e notizie dal mercato italiano. ... FinanzaOnline è ora su Telegram! FinanzaOnline ha lanciato un nuovo canale su Telegram, aggiornato quotidianamente con le notizie più importanti dal mondo della finanza. Le novità, le occasioni e le domande sui conti correnti, conti deposito e carte di pagamento. Un confronto con altri utenti sui servizi bancari Discussioni riguardanti la politica italiana ed estera e fatti internazionali L'informazione economica e finanziaria: approfondimenti e notizie su borsa, finanza, economia, investimenti e mercati. Leggi gli articoli e segui le dirette video.

2025.01.20 17:51 ProfessionalIce6960 FOL vs GON swap?

Has anyone ever done an ER where you used half FOL and swapped to Gonal F midway? Idk but this makes me wonder about the outcome
submitted by ProfessionalIce6960 to IVF [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Chance-Mind-7926 Introduction: Xodavisduhnay

Hello everyone!
I’m Davis D’Néé, and I am a multifaceted entrepreneur who loves fitness, healthy eating, outdoors, rock & EDM music, AND God!
I’m a curious open minded person who loves to learn new things and genuinely help people.
If we have aligned values, aspirations or interests please let me know and I’ll give yah a follow. 😊
submitted by Chance-Mind-7926 to instagramfollowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 BornWriter81 Why do so many put trust in Paul's letters when he added things that Jesus never taught?

For me personally, I read the Torah (Old Testament) and the Gospels+Peter, John and Revelations. I don't trust the Pauline letters because he added so much to what Jesus taught and said things Jesus or HIs disciples never said. Plus, Paul never met Jesus and only saw Peter and James once or twice. My biggest issue with Paul is saying that believers are not under the OT law. We most certainly are. Jesus Himself said He came to fulfill the law, not abolish it.
submitted by BornWriter81 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 No_Statement8631 Is this dialogue TOO unrealistic or laying it on thick or whatever?

Is this dialogue TOO unrealistic or laying it on thick or whatever? submitted by No_Statement8631 to writers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 MiraEiji Character sheets /OC presentation

Character sheets /OC presentation Hi !✨✨ I was wondering if any of the readers are interested in the characters presentation or OC sheets ? When you read a Webtoon, do you like having the infos or not ? Bcs right now, I'm at my 10th episode and I haven't presented my character yet and I was wondering of either: - not doing it - putting it in the end of the 10th episode (next episode in the making) - making a proper "episode" with just the sheets - putting it at the end when I will be finished with my webtoon (episode 20)
WHAT DO YOU THINK ? I need your opinion as a reader of many webtoons !
Thank you in advance! 🖤🖤🖤✨✨✨
submitted by MiraEiji to WebtoonCanvas [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 AngieMyst got a macro lens, I can't stop taking pictures! What would you name him?

got a macro lens, I can't stop taking pictures! What would you name him? submitted by AngieMyst to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Igennem X, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube sign EU pledge to tackle hate speech

X, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube sign EU pledge to tackle hate speech submitted by Igennem to NewsWithJingjing [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Millskytrades Request $1000 payback $1500 1/29

submitted by Millskytrades to LendingP2P [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Vivid_Database551 UAM

its been mentioned that the 'UAM' being offered is just the CAD image. the vendor is not actually selling a 80% physical product. whats being sold on the site is just the CAD image.
please clarify...
is the vendor selling a CAD image or is the vendor selling a physical/metal product ?
submitted by Vivid_Database551 to RugerRXM_UAM1s [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 ohkritter how do you guys preserve your receipts? 🧾

how do you guys preserve your receipts? 🧾 hello! first time poster here and wanted to show off a few of my journal pages i’ve done recently. just curious as to how you guys preserve your receipts? i tried packing tape over it but that didn’t seem to work (see last slide). any recommendations welcome!!
submitted by ohkritter to JunkJournals [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Ken789gh Willa Holland

Willa Holland submitted by Ken789gh to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 typical_gamer1 What are some changes you wish Facebook would make?

Report bad ratings
I wish we could report any ratings you felt was unjustified where you can have it remove if you can show screenshots proving you didn’t do anything wrong. Or at least it wouldn’t affect your overall rating because make it so that only the ratings from confirmed buyers would be added. The unconfined can still rate but their ratings won’t have any impact.
Make it so if you rate and review enough people like this, you can get booted off the marketplace if you got reported.
Ban for the right reasons
One of the common issues I seen people complaining about on here are people getting banned or shadow banned on the marketplace for doing nothing. They should consider only banning those who scammed (attempted and or successful, doesn’t matter).
But also those who rated negatively for no reason, those who had threatened you, rude, etc.
Remove “Hi, is it still available?”
Personally I don’t have a problem with people asking as I understand, I just have a problem with people asking then they say nothing.
They need to make sure they ask by creating their own, so we know they have a better chance of being interested and not just an accidental press.
submitted by typical_gamer1 to FacebookMarketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Anans15713 New Party Idea: "Shirts vs Skins"

I recently had an idea of dnd party that all chose not to wear shirts or at least loose tops. So far I'm thinking there would be a Barbarian, a Bard, Monk, Wizard. with honorable mentions coming in from Dragonborn and Warforge. what can we do with this
submitted by Anans15713 to 3d6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Tight_Ad3867 Graphics card problem?

So I have everything installed in my pc but it seems like the gpu is just to high up for the case. I’m not sure what else to do. the hdmi is blocked. I attached pictures
submitted by Tight_Ad3867 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 rovfoel Paracasei Yogurt

I haven't been able to find any good posts on this subject, so I here report my findings.
I used a brand named Optibac. The strain is called lactobacillus paracasei CASEI 431 (yes - it has both casei and paracasei in its name)
I used a coconut milk I have had luck with before - nothing but water and coconut extract in it. I added table sugar and inuliin, and it appears the bacteria preferred the inulin as the final "yogurt" was remarkably sweet, and I did not find residual inulin. This is the first time I have ever produced a sweet yogurt.
40°C or 104°F, for 24 hours. Yielded a tasty "yogurt", akin to most other strains I have tried, but markedly better taste than my recent Rhamnosus GG experiment.
Please note that I'm just a happy amateur. I have no means of measuring meaningful data. Nor do I want to. Just wanted to add to the record that this yogurt is tasty and viable. And not producing histamine, for those of you who wonders.
submitted by rovfoel to fermentation [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Outrageous-Wheel-248 Took my X-T5 to Barcelona, got some pretty cool shots!

Took my X-T5 to Barcelona, got some pretty cool shots! submitted by Outrageous-Wheel-248 to FujifilmX [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 ContributionWide7669 1300+ hours in, this crap still gets me...every...time...

1300+ hours in, this crap still gets me...every...time... submitted by ContributionWide7669 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 HHooverwasright Donald Trump Offshore Banking

Greetings good people! Since it's Trump's inauguration day, I made a video showcasing how Donald Trump and the CIA are destroying small country tax havens, even though they were the prime benefactors of them 30 years ago. The moral of the story is that no matter what country - Panama, Dubai, El Salvador - is only a temporary haven, until the CIA calls it quits. Enjoy!
submitted by HHooverwasright to Offshore [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Traditional-Ad2697 BBQ grind points b098wk

submitted by Traditional-Ad2697 to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:51 Valuable_Afternoon13 Does HR give warning letter for HR?

Because in my company this hr admin should be given a warning letter.
Every freaking time she lost all the documents.
submitted by Valuable_Afternoon13 to ask [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:50 _Hyst3ric_ Got my vinyl signed

Got my vinyl signed I was the only one at the Richmond show to get something signed
submitted by _Hyst3ric_ to DestroyLonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:50 synonymsfortired He pulled a muscle patting his back this time

He pulled a muscle patting his back this time submitted by synonymsfortired to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:50 HeartDoc90 Got rejected and now I'm being accused of online harassment.

Is it harassment if someone is talking shit about you online and you respond?
Hey guys I have question if someone is talking shit about you online for something you apologized about and respond, is it harassment ? This is someone who supposedly was interested in me, turns out she never was she was just using me to soothe her loneliness. All I wanted was some empathy and all I got was rejected.This happened two times first time she blocked me so I changed accounts and responded, now I'm being accused of stalking.Is it justified? I feel really sad that this is happening now. Please some advice I'm trying to be better. To be clear I blocked her when I got a response.
submitted by HeartDoc90 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:50 _Linkiboy_ F2P (No 5 star cons, no signature weapons) Platinum Full clear

submitted by _Linkiboy_ to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 17:50 trupoogles Wanklacus at it again.

submitted by trupoogles to rickygervais [link] [comments]