Dazed and Confused: What Makes Teenage Rebellion Timeless?

2025.01.21 09:59 ShamelingPod Dazed and Confused: What Makes Teenage Rebellion Timeless?

Dazed and Confused: What Makes Teenage Rebellion Timeless? submitted by ShamelingPod to Hella90s [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 Significant_Mine5585 IUI success with borderline sperm count?

My husband and I have been TTC since September 2023. I fell pregnant around this time last year, which ended in a pretty traumatic loss at 18 weeks. Yesterday I got two coloured convincing indents on tests, only to discover today that everything is stark negative. So we are moving into cycle 9 since my loss. My husband’s parameters were not great, originally about 4-5 million count which we managed to get up to about 12 million with lifestyle changes although we did manage to conceive once. His motility was good, but morphology very bad 1 - 2 %. He has since had a varicocelectomy and goes in for his repeat analysis next week which we are hoping will show improvements. Our clinic are saying we should go straight to IVF with ICSI but I’m wondering if his numbers have improved if we can try IUI first. Mentally and financially I just feel like I need to try it before I move on to IVF. Did anyone have success with IUI with borderline numbers and if so could I ask what they were?
TL;DR - for those who had success with IUI, what were your husbands semen parameters like?
submitted by Significant_Mine5585 to whatworkedforme [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 jvc72 Buy Signal ABG Sundal Collier - 21 jan 2025 @ 10:41 -> NOK6.94

Ticker: ABG.OL
Exchange: OSL
Time: 21 jan 2025 @ 10:41
Price: NOK6.94
Link: https://getagraph.com/OSL/stock/live-signals/ABG.OL/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 StolenOfficeSurprise Celene Nox, Bromley Latex Dress

Celene Nox, Bromley Latex Dress https://youtu.be/fF5TPhu1UjM?si=rt4PurRbgJC3ecTt
submitted by StolenOfficeSurprise to fetishfashions [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 smmullen Wellbeing Survey

We're a group of volunteers building a health & wellbeing app and would appreciate a few minutes of your time to complete a survey
Health & Wellbeing Survey
Thanks in advance!
submitted by smmullen to Meditation [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 android_tests_pac Empty comment test for 21/1/2025 09:58:02

submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 rvps2001 UPDATE: Ukraine attacks Russian oil depot, aviation plant, command post overnight, military says

UPDATE: Ukraine attacks Russian oil depot, aviation plant, command post overnight, military says submitted by rvps2001 to RussiaUkraineBriefing [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 Natural_Willingness7 Help me please! (TSPC / TSXW FFB)

I'm new to LMU. I have played AMS2 a lot, especially in LFM, and when I get to this game I feel that the driving sensation is totally different. The one I've ridden with the most is the LMP2 and wow... It's much more complicated than in AMS2. I would say that this simulator does not allow any error in braking, you have to be extremely precise. Without a doubt the learning curve is much greater.
I also feel that the ffb (which I don't dislike) does not transmit all the information about the tires compared to AMS2 and I have a question about it: Could this be due to a bad configuration of this one? Could it be due to how complicated it is to put and keep the tires at their optimal temperature? I would like someone to comment on their experience and help me better understand why it is costing me so much and if any TSPC/TSXW user wants to share their FFB configuration I would be delighted.
submitted by Natural_Willingness7 to LeMansUltimateWEC [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 Inside-Onion3021 5 Steps to Get Rid of Credit Card Debt

submitted by Inside-Onion3021 to YoutubePromotionn [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 MingMingus Well it's a start

Well it's a start submitted by MingMingus to Anbennar [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 NoCod8979 ENVTEX for P3D v4?

All links are down on other websites
submitted by NoCod8979 to flightsim_pirate [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 Minos_Primeeee The watermelon is 100% eaten

The watermelon is 100% eaten submitted by Minos_Primeeee to notinteresting [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 BigBoi_X why do i gain muscle easily?

so im not ripped or anything infact kinda chubby but the im the gross beginning part of being chubby that it looks disportionate on me. im not always consistent especially in winter (i hate the cold) but ive been working out here and there since i was 8. when when i barely eat and fucking up my metabolism by eating big and small meals inconsistently it doesnt matter if im working our for 3months straight or 2yrs straight i always tend to gain roughly more or less 1lbs a week (depends how othen ive been eating and how much of it was meat and milk). i do research on google and noob gains are supposed to end after 3months but even after noob gains it tends to be the same per week. for more information i tend to do supersets, i start out with plain old isometrics, then calisthenics, then using makeshift weights at home via concrete bricks, then roughly a long enough jog for 1 family guy episode. i take beef liver pills daily only 3 pills. im also 5'5 and naturally dense as with me being justtttt under 25% body fat (ik its gross) im 207 on a good day and 217 on a bad day but rn i weight 220lbs after 3 weeks of exercise. anyways if someone can explain this for me id be really appreciative because i dont wanna get super big but im trying to get a certain physique.
submitted by BigBoi_X to bodyweightfitness [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:59 Amargo_o_Muerte Prison Break is the worst best show I've ever watched

I just finished watching S5E9 of Prison Break. I had originally watched the show back in 2015 or 2016, but dropped it shortly after Season 4 began, and I never quite got the interest to pick it back up. Now that I'm mature, I began rewatching the show from the start a month ago and watching it from start to end with the experiences I've had from other shows and movies that I've watched, I feel like I can hand out an opinion on it.
Quite frankly, Prison Break is bad. Yes, bad. No, it doesn't mean it is not entertaining or that it's lacking in absolutely all of its aspects, but my personal opinion is that for any piece of media to be good, it has to be consistent and to be able to support its own weight, and I feel like Prison Break fails to do this rather often.
Let me start off with one of the problems I've got with the show: the characters. They're simply static, they really kind of lack any development. The only three characters that manage to stand out in my opinion are T-Bag, Mahone, and Bellick. T-Bag is amazingly played out, and he provides a very good character which is intended to cause conflicting emotions on the viewer as his role throughout the plot is constantly swaying, so he's the perfect wildcard and the character with the deepest background and emotional investment. Mahone and Bellick are interesting because they are the characters which turn sides and in while doing so redeem themselves, which give them a much better storyline than other members of the cast.
Now, T-Bag has a background which explains, partially, why he is the way he is, and he has arcs of pseudo-redemption and the ability to actually be a normal, likeable person, which is all topped by him finding (and immediately losing) his son, which crowns him as a tragic villain-turned-anti-hero of sorts. This is as far as the writers cared to develop the characters. Everyone else is the exact same from Season 1 to Season 5. Michael is always the same manipulative, Stoic, "I can't kill a person" protagonist, Lincoln is always the brute force berserker, Sucre is always that one trusty companion who wouldn't betray his best friend for 5 million dollars... it's honestly tiring, because these characters feel void of any development, and their main features are overplayed cards through almost 100 consecutive episodes.
Maybe the characters can be excused, after all, they do work, for the most part, but one thing that in my opinion can't be excused is how convenient the plot gets at many points. When writing a story, you make it convincing by nullifying suspension of disbelief as much as possible. How? By providing a logical justification to the development of the plot. Prison Break is a story about, well, breaking out of prison (as well as breaking into prisons) and being on the run as a criminal while dealing with a shadow government, so, given this premise, you'd expect things to carry out in a way they'd likely carry out in real life, but it doesn't happen, because the entire script is written taking shortcuts. Let me tell you what I mean:

These are just some examples, but frankly, the show is filled with such mistakes that make you go "wait, this feels very forced". Not to mention that the way Michael carries out his plans very often end up relying on sheer luck because of things going wrong. It makes sense for it to happen once or twice, but it happening every single time just makes things extremely predictable.
Predictable. Prison Break is predictable. I mean, really, most of the time you know where things are going, specially after Season 2. You know that Michael always planned things ahead, you know that when characters about to get caught that they won't, you know that a certain plan is going to fail because of a certain character. I mean, at some point you already know what's gonna happen next, and that kills the thrill a lot since things get massively overdone.
Then, let's just focus a bit on the technical aspects of the show, shall we? I mean, look at Season 1, it's PLAGUED with errors. A scene in Episode 9 (IIRC) has a hair or artifact on the camera which is quite visible. When Kellerman kills the other agent he worked with, when the camera focuses on his body, you can see the actor still breathing and moving his eyes around, which also happens when a few other characters get killed. Some scenes, like one that takes place in a small American town (IIRC it was at Oswego), end up with, like, dozens upon dozens of people walking around even though you'd never see such an amount of people all in one place in any random countryside town. Another recurrent issue is that apparently everyone speaks English in Prison Break's universe. The protagonists go to Panama, and suddenly Panamanians all speak English, even amongst themselves. They go to Yemen, and fucking Yemeni ISIL members start speaking English between themselves instead of speaking Arabic. That would make sense if it was done like in Vikings, where conversations in one language are carried out in English by the actors, but when there's a language barrier, the actual languages supposed to be spoken are used, but Prison Break is inconsistent with this: you'll sometimes have characters speak their native tongue with each other, and sometimes they'll speak English. Also, like, Season 5... god, the moments you get to see T-Bag's bionic hand are so fucking hilarious because it's CLEARLY a sloppy CGI job.
As an additional note to the previous body of text, another issue I have with Prison Break is how it sometimes just has its characters use completely unrealistic technology. Like, in Season 5, when Michael sends that photo while on that computer in Yemen, Jacob uses it to decipher a code embedded into the tattoo. First, this is practically non-existent, entirely made up, but what's even funnier is that the picture that gets analyzed basically has an 8K resolution given how far in they can zoom, even though it was taken as a screenshot of some camera out there in a computer at a gas station in Yemen, where luckily the best camera you're gonna find is hardly going to have 480p resolution in 2012.
And let me focus a second on Season 5... it was really unnecessary. I don't think it was too bad, but it was clearly a cashgrab. They just skipped 7 years, decided to so some anachronism for the plot with the whole ISIL thing, threw in a few new characters, and built the plot around them. This was really convenient because they simply could skip almost every single thing that happened in that time, and how Michael ends up in a Yemeni prison with Whip, or how he meets the Korean guy and Sid, how he gets T-Bag out of prison, or how he gets a million dollars for his new hand, that's never really explained. The story ending on Michael's sacrifice was good enough, because it basically left an idea on the viewer: that someone might be willing to lose their own life to save the lives of those he loves. Season 5 basically makes every single event in the previous seasons feel suddenly pointless, because they all go back to square one and there's no longer some sort of sacrifice arc to end the show on a high note.
Well... yeah, those are my thoughts. Prison Break was really entertaining, and I did like it, but it is, in my opinion, considerably flawed, and I don't think I'd watch it again. There are more things that I could say, but I've been writing this for almost an hour now, so I'll close it here.
submitted by Amargo_o_Muerte to PrisonBreak [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 WisdomSeeker101 Why do gay guys find vaginas so gross?

I guess I might be a bit biased as a bi guy, and I know that gay guys obviously are attracted to men who have a dick and ass. I get it, pussy is not your thing, but why be so grossed out about it that you wouldn't even watch straight porn that has a cute guy fucking a girl.
If you really think about it, a vagina is just another hole like the anus. The only difference is that the vagina has more flaps of skin around the hole that's it.
When I was first discovering my bisexuality I actually found anuses kind of gross, but over the years got conditioned to like them.
The thing I still am grossed by is a gaping anus. Its a huge hole with skin flaps protuding out. A fisting video grosses me out.
submitted by WisdomSeeker101 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 InternationalWeb2165 Arrived it!!!

Arrived it!!! submitted by InternationalWeb2165 to CommunismMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 zante2033 Are any major news outlets reporting on Elon's sig heil during his center stage moment?

To clarify, for future indexing and search (I don't care how many times you've heard it already): during Trump's second inauguration, Elon Musk performed two, very deliberate, nazi salutes (the "sig heil"). This hasn't been condemned by any official sources and that, quite frankly, takes us beyond the notion of red flags.
This raises the following points, yet again -

Are we at the point accountability should not be expected from the current administration?
This was day 1.
submitted by zante2033 to EnoughMuskSpam [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 SpeedyGo55 My place for this week

My place for this week submitted by SpeedyGo55 to techtheatre [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 rabbilewin Parshat Vaera 2025: Why God's Masterpiece Looks Like Chaos | A Life-Changing Perspective

submitted by rabbilewin to YeshivaofReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 Dear-Kitchen-9392 got one of my favourite haircuts i’ve ever had yesterday!

got one of my favourite haircuts i’ve ever had yesterday! Hair care routine:
submitted by Dear-Kitchen-9392 to longhair [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 luxurious_creation AI DROP of morden witches

AI DROP of morden witches This drop has an modern era of 21st century witches they have unique ability and spell castings also handle wands mint now!
submitted by luxurious_creation to NFTsMarketplace [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 Proper_Tumbleweed458 https://www.sport24.gr/football/olympiakos-metagrafes-pro-ton-pylon-oniemaetsi-kai-orta.10445929.html

Να χαρώ ή θα χαρώ τσάμπα?
submitted by Proper_Tumbleweed458 to OlympiakosFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 Capital_Amphibian_51 Help contrato tour o lo planeo yo?

Hellooo chic@s quisiera que me dieran sus recc, voy a finales de mayo a egipto, turquia, grecia y dubai, que me pueden decir acerca de si lo contrato en tour o yo lo armo sola, plis denme todos sus tips 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
submitted by Capital_Amphibian_51 to TOURS [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 AHY00 Results Published (Rescheduled Speaking)

Results Published (Rescheduled Speaking) Hi
I had LRW on 11/1 and Speaking on 16/1 (Rescheduled). Got the results just now!
submitted by AHY00 to OETforECFMG [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 09:58 PBS13Rid3r Thought?

Thought? Seen this in a post, wanted to see what the community thoughts were and do you believe that it will be a good game? My favorite is the original Splinter Cell.
submitted by PBS13Rid3r to Splintercell [link] [comments]
