Trying new technique. Is this contaminated? I've never had it look like this. It just started getting a yellow tint today.

2025.01.22 06:44 braindeadmushrooms Trying new technique. Is this contaminated? I've never had it look like this. It just started getting a yellow tint today.

Trying new technique. Is this contaminated? I've never had it look like this. It just started getting a yellow tint today. It's ape. I've had about a 25% success rate but this is tub 8. I have micropore tape on the sides but haven't opened the tub. This is the 1st time I've tried this method, all other attempts I gave it manual fae.
submitted by braindeadmushrooms to ContamFam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 iAreButterz proof of H

proof of H submitted by iAreButterz to TheLetterH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 One_Bear_9797 $1Million for Every American

$1Million for Every American
American Population = 340 million people USA Investment into AI = $500 Billion
So, $350 million is equivalent to only $0.35 billion.
The USA Government could GIVE Every American 1Million Dollars and STILL have Billions$ left over to Invest in AI that will only benefit the Rich!
Think about it.... wouldn't THAT Make America Great Again!!?? Just a thought.
submitted by One_Bear_9797 to MAGAnonsense [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 SourceConsistent6234 represent tee - $19

represent tee - $19 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 AzAZAZAZAZAlalalala Que hacen?

Me desaparezco unos dias y la comunidsd revive
submitted by AzAZAZAZAZAlalalala to conversaciones [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 sanguine2202 Where do I begin?

Where do I begin? This is an example of a suggestion from the manager. I get that they recommend i do skewing with the vault, but what?
submitted by sanguine2202 to IdleBankTycoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 ChemicalSyllabub9631 How did he ban buzz lightyear

How did he ban buzz lightyear submitted by ChemicalSyllabub9631 to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 TownFluffy161 Would someone be able to remove the text from the Car Seat Thanks!

Would someone be able to remove the text from the Car Seat Thanks! submitted by TownFluffy161 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 altigra3 Chicco USA Discount Code for January 2025

Click the link for Chicco USA Discount Code for January 2025. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by altigra3 to ZapSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 DifferentWatch4451 How do I cope with feelings of loneliness at night?

I’m in a bit of a transition period right now. I’m figuring out myself and my boundaries, quitting weed, prioritizing the gym and healthy eating, cut off all my casual relationships in pursuit of something more, and both my managers at work have left and the work environment is uncertain.
I don’t have many close friends. At night after I do my routine after work (eat, gym, shower, watch tv, have tea, do yoga, read) I get this restless feeling. It sounds kinda pathetic, but I just want someone around. I live alone, and it just feels sad sometimes at the end of everything, be left by myself. I do like my own company sometimes cause I’m an introvert, but recently I just feel lonely at night.
How do I stop feeling lonely and overthinking so I can sleep peacefully?
submitted by DifferentWatch4451 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 First-Action-1141 27[F4M] #online/anywhere - It's old outside, let's keep each other company

Hi lovely people,
Life has been pretty busy and a little chaotic lately. Most of my friends are far away or caught up in their own lives. I don’t have much time or interest in going out to meet new people, but I’ve realized I do miss having someone to joke around with and share random conversations.
I’m a curious and open-minded person. I like to think I know a little about many topics, though I’m always aware of how much more there is to learn. I might not be the life of the party, but I do my best to keep a conversation going. These days, I feel pretty comfortable and secure with who I am. If you’re just looking for someone to listen, I’d be happy to. I’ve been told I bring a comforting presence to others.
I’m not actively searching for a boyfriend, but I wouldn’t mind some lighthearted flirting. I’ve included the NSFW tag because I’m open to discussing topics in that realm if the conversation naturally goes there. I’m even open to a potential friends-with-benefits situation, but with a strong emphasis on the “friends” part. I believe it’s important to see each other as real people first.
I value kindness and respect, and I promise to be nonjudgmental and understanding. I’d expect the same from you.
A little about me: I’m of East Asian descent, 160 cm (5'2") tall, and on the slimmer side of average. I’d be open to exchanging pictures eventually if we get along.
I know I might seem unsure about what I’m looking for, but honestly, I just want to start a conversation and see where it leads.
I’d prefer if you’re around my age, but as long as you’re over 23, that’s not a dealbreaker. If this resonates with you, send me a message with your age, where you’re from, and what your favourite comfort meal is!
One last thing, I don’t like talking to too many people at once, so I apologize in advance if it takes me a little while to reply.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by First-Action-1141 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 Anirudh11327 Jyotish and Dharma

Concept is simple. Universe acts like a simulation.
In the starting there is 0 (God of destruction, otherwise known as Shiva)
And then there is 1 (God Of Creation, otherwise known as Vishnu)
Then From 1 came forward consciousness (Brahma)
And the power source to all of these elements, the birthgiver of these is considered AdiShakti (Energy source of all there is)
and the rest of the components are Grahas. Different components of the simulation. Grahas control different aspects for everyone and their activation period is also different. And as we are directly influenced by this power source, we have to decode the simulation and create a better reality or maybe even more.
From a kundli standpoint,
KaalPurush (Entirety of chart, all that exists) is Mahavishnu. Src - Astrologer Hemant Left Side - Danav Right Side - Devta
submitted by Anirudh11327 to kundli [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 Hot-Cryptographer560 Need Help Visualizing Pavers for My Driveway

Need Help Visualizing Pavers for My Driveway Hi everyone,
I’m in the process of replacing my concrete driveway and walkway with pavers, but I’m having a hard time deciding which option to go with. I was wondering if anyone could help me by Photoshopping the two options onto my driveway to give me a better idea of how they’ll look.
Here are the options: • Option 1: Grey-Moss-Charcoal • Option 2: Grey Charcoal
I’d really appreciate any help or advice to make the decision easier. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Hot-Cryptographer560 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 MyViolentPleasure We are not the same

We are not the same I'm not the biggest Blink fan, I like or love some songs, and I'm not trying to throw shade at MGK, but despite my meme being dumb, I hope it has a little potential of being funny for blink fans. If this offended someone just because a reference to MGK was mentioned, I am somewhat sorry.
submitted by MyViolentPleasure to Blink182 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 PetterssonsNeck Is it normal to feel that becoming a public servant sucked away your soul?

I used to have passions and hobbies but then I became a public servant and now I’ve just been working to afford to pay bills.
I’ve become hopeless and apathetic and just am questioning whats the point…
Public servant for 5 years. I feel I’m wasting life away in an office and I don’t know what I can do. I can’t go to school because I can’t afford to save for tuition nor pay rent and expenses like groceries, phone, gas, insurance, and to take care of my dog.
I am scared to even go on a mental health leave because the STIIP pay isn’t enough anymore and I’d be letting my fiancée down, my coworkers down, and myself down. I’m just constantly sad and want to finish my degree so I can do something I want to do as a career.
I live with constant migraines now because of stress preventing me from sleeping because of the existential dread I’ve gained, and from the goddamn fluorescent lights that can’t be turned off.
submitted by PetterssonsNeck to BCPublicServants [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 NoProtection5044 Yuji has tried his best.

Yuji has tried his best. submitted by NoProtection5044 to LobotomyKaisen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 krumpliboglarka Mikor lesznek jobbak az éjszakák

A kisfiam most lesz 8 hónapos, kb 2,5-3 hónapja óránként-kétóránként kel éjszaka, pár hetente van h összekötünk akár 3 órát is, de ez ünnepnap. Cicin alszik, mellettem, ha felébred cici, vagy cicit váltunk, van h azonnal vissza is alszik, van h 20 perc múlva felcsapja a fejét, rakom át másik cicire. Ritkán sikerül apának elaltatni este kézben, és akkor be tudjuk tenni a babaöbölbe, de az is 1-1,5 óra szokott lenni, és ébred is.
Anyatejes főleg, de éjszakára szokott kapni tápszert, és hozzátáplálunk, elég jó az étvágya, szívesen, örömmel eszik.
Napközben általában 3x30-40 percet alszik, vagy babakocsiban összejön egy óra, de egy ideje már ez se mindig teljesül.
Mikor lesznek kicsit jobbak az éjszakák? Meddig kell még kihúzni? Minden nap úgy kelek, hogy nem bírom már tovább. Vagy van bármi tanács/praktika, ami segíthet a túlélésen kívül?
submitted by krumpliboglarka to csakmamik [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 karatekidfahim Do trains still run like this?

Do trains still run like this? I was looking through some old videos made by thesubwaynut from 2007 and found this. I swear I’ve seen it operate in other parts of the subway system. (Train Configuration: AA-BA)
submitted by karatekidfahim to nycrail [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 No-Fuel-8886 Recommendations for great Black hairdresser in CT

Really need a great Black hairdresser in ct. I'm in hartford county but willing to drive anywhere. I haven't been to a hairdresser since 2020 (went every 2 weeks before that) and I relaxed my hair myself during the pandemic and overprocessed and then started wearing wigs and lost my beautiful long hair. It's short and natural now and I wear wigs but really want to go back to a great stylist that does amazing hair and can help get my hair healthy again. I am looking for protective styles, quick weaves, relaxer, really cute hairstyles. Totally want to get away from wigs which damaged my hair and edges. Any great suggestions?
submitted by No-Fuel-8886 to Connecticut [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 Similar-Jellyfish263 Any Mw2019 players in PAK?

I really miss playing this game during covid and post covid times.
submitted by Similar-Jellyfish263 to PakGamers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 bambosc Internet decided to go for a walk

Had my first interview yesterday and towards the end of my first MMI, my internet decided it was bored. thankfully connected to another internet session and it was fine for the rest of the interview. I was asked to redo the first interview station at the end and all seemed well.
Surely this isn't going to affect my interview score?
submitted by bambosc to premeduk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 aarav7550 Now that's deep [Webtoon Chapter 246]

Now that's deep [Webtoon Chapter 246] submitted by aarav7550 to OmniscientReader [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 lobloc Alguien sabe donde conseguir Música wav gratis?

submitted by lobloc to preguntaleareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 account4browing H: Bruisers/Pounders (and more) W: Rangers

Other 4*’s include: Choo-Choo’s, Conductors, Electrician’s, and Icemen’s
Also have: Various other 1, 2, and 3*
submitted by account4browing to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 06:44 CreepyTool Feel like we're in a good position, but lacking a clear plan for the future...

My wife and I are 40, two kids aged 6 and 8, and are trying to better plan for an easier later life. We've always been pretty good earners but feel we need to think harder about investments to maximise income in the future.
Our position:
Joint salary: £180k
Our mortgage is paid off and house equity is around £670k
Pension value: £350k
Cash and liquid investments: £50k
Crypto: £70k - yes, I know too much, I'm one of those annoying people that was an early adopter so my cost base is essentially zero. I've been selling off for years whilst trying to avoid the CGT threshold, which is obviously now tiny and makes the process very slow. But I'm continuing to chip away and convert to more stable investments. I did take a big CGT hit years ago to pay off the mortgage.
The kids have their own junior s&s ISAs, and they are obviously completely separate
We have no debts.
I feel like we're in a good position but need to be more strategic about how we make the most of this in the coming years.
submitted by CreepyTool to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]