Another Reference In Dandadan (181)

2025.01.22 09:40 TheLejen Another Reference In Dandadan (181)

Another Reference In Dandadan (181)
There have been two other references previously. The person in all three panels is Jiji.
submitted by TheLejen to Uzumaki [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Strict-Ad-6444 Joshua

John mark f
submitted by Strict-Ad-6444 to aternos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 soundisamazing Simi Liu is the archetype of fake Hollywood celebrity

Just saw a 3 minute tiktok of him talking about how because he’s rich he got a tax break, and how that shouldn’t be happening because so many people are struggling. All the right talking points. Just like the boba incident. It’s like he sees popular talking points and just decides that’s how he’s going to win the audience over. Almost like he’s pandering….. to his audience….. to get more popular……. So he’s in more movies……. Fuckin hate actors
submitted by soundisamazing to movies [link] [comments]


WTF IN THE 11 YEARS I’VE KEPT REPTILES THIS IS THE BIGGEST TURD I’VE EVER SEEN (CW poop) A few pictures of the culprit and one of his work
submitted by DragonFireArtStudios to bluetongueskinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Ghost1Busters Что думаете по поводу жеста Илона Маска на инаугурации Трампа?

Лично мое мнение: Илон — красавчик. Какой бы жест он там ни показал, это не отменяет того факта, что он хороший человек. Я не думаю, что этим жестом он показывал так называемую «зигу».
View Poll
submitted by Ghost1Busters to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 fuzzyworthy Roberto Goyeneche y Osvaldo Pugliese (Entrevista y ensayos)

Roberto Goyeneche y Osvaldo Pugliese (Entrevista y ensayos) El Polaco y el Troesma!
submitted by fuzzyworthy to argentina [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Careless_Process26 Gate da is really scaring me out

I have been preparing since october but still i am not confident .I guess undermined da paper and now i don't know what to do what are your plans for last 24 days?
submitted by Careless_Process26 to GATEtard [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 crunchtimeturtle Quit the motivation treadmill

I couldn't let another year of motivation videos and podcasts try to drag me to my goals. Each January I'd swear this was my year.....I was really going to focus and make the needed changes. But another year came and went and another January promise came again.
My approach had to change. I chose to stop wasting another year in search of motivation. I stopped looking for the spark of motivation and instead found the burning fire of discipline. This journey began with the recognition that true change starts with myself. For me, I found an accountability partner was crucial for my permanent change.
Finding an accountability partner and using techniques from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was the missing piece for my sustained growth. NLP helps in reframing thoughts and behaviors, allowing individuals to overcome mental barriers and replace negative patterns with empowering beliefs. This dual approach eliminates the excuses we make every year and keeps us from our goals.
I'd like to help you, at no cost. If you are a willing individual who wants to make true change, please feel free to reach out to me. Or if you have questions, feel free to drop me a message. As someone willing to help, I can provide guidance and support throughout this transformative process. Together we can work through obstacles and cultivate a mindset conducive to lasting change.
Ultimately, the journey of choosing oneself is about creating a life of purpose and intention—a commitment to continually becoming the best version of oneself.
submitted by crunchtimeturtle to self [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 LuckAggravating5856 Stella bereznai

De a legjobb ebben hogy nemtom nagyon jó egész nap 🫣🫣🫣😂🤪
submitted by LuckAggravating5856 to talk_hunfluencers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Kind_Ferret_8809 Evening get together outfit.... Need suggestion for shoes to go with this combo. Even better if I can get links.

Evening get together outfit.... Need suggestion for shoes to go with this combo. Even better if I can get links. submitted by Kind_Ferret_8809 to fashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 remvs98 Harde klap voor kabinet: Staat moet in 2030 stikstofdoelen halen

submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 King_Morta How do you keep your Motivation high or get new Motivation in the evening?

So…I am looking for some advice. I am a Dad of four Kids between 1 - 10 Years. I support my wife where i can. Keeping the House clean, doing the laundry, drive the Kids to their Friends and hobbies etc. and i have a fulltime Job as a teacher. I am doing Warhammer for about 3-4 Years now.
In the Morning and til late Afternoon i am motivated to paint in the evening
But in the Evening when the small ones (1 and 4) are sleeping and the big ones (8 and 10) are playing for them selfes and i have „free time“ i am often to tired to beginn a painting Session. That is about 8 - 9 pm. Instead i decide to play Games on PC or PS5 for 2-3 Hours. But the next day the Motivation Kicks in and i think: Man this evening i am painting, But Spoiler: I am Not.
So how can i get new Motivation in the evening?
submitted by King_Morta to ageofsigmar [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Solsanguis Why is my Strange is so weak?

Why is my Strange is so weak? I understand if u r gonna say that I need T4 him, but damn he seems stronger in Dr Strange 2 uni than the last one. What can I do? What to improve?
submitted by Solsanguis to MarvelFuture_Fight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Dismal_Talk_7194 Hey

Hey 05096eb673f2645b4b87d0e735c3b3f81c943291a4d1402e383c5ec7dd83bfc317
submitted by Dismal_Talk_7194 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Active-Cry-7610 057b62e3c75c4375e2fb8565b3dd92be1be7c9aae5820a5d1d99837ae76cb38a78

057b62e3c75c4375e2fb8565b3dd92be1be7c9aae5820a5d1d99837ae76cb38a78 submitted by Active-Cry-7610 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Fit-Cryptographer589 White Lies
submitted by Fit-Cryptographer589 to Te_Ao_Maori [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 jays4104 Single N64 game not changing aspect ratio.

Single N64 game not changing aspect ratio. I can’t change the aspect ration of the game in the first image to be like the game in the second image. When playing it also feels choppy and slow. I tried resetting the configuration, uninstalling and reinstalling Retroarch and adjusting the aspect resolution in the settings but none of it has changed the image at all. Does anyone have any ideas on how to restore the image to how it first was? All other N64 games look and run like the second image.
submitted by jays4104 to EmuDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Skyline_v35 Strange Issue after re-installing a plugin

Strange Issue after re-installing a plugin submitted by Skyline_v35 to homebridge [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 ChargeOk9620 16m I was dying yesterday, today I wish I had

I wanna talk with people my age so anyone under 18 is welcome. I'm bored and sick (so if you're a doctor it'd be particularly good...) and I can't make sense of the world right now, so I need a fellow human to help me understand whatever is happening. Check our my profile I have more stuff there, but it's mainly stupid stuff so maybe don't take it too seriously.
And idk if it matters but here's my favorite dostoevsky quote:
Боже мой! Целая минута блаженства! Да разве этого мало хоть бы и на всю жизнь человеческую?..
submitted by ChargeOk9620 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 dove-song Apps like the ads? Or how to find an alliance?

I got pulled in by the super fun interactive ads, but the game is nothing like them 😭
So: anyone know of fun apps that play like the ads for Whiteout Survival??
And: if I stick around, how do I find a good alliance? (State 2432) I just want to have fun! Is there a way to play without the PvP elements?
submitted by dove-song to whiteoutsurvival [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Unlikely_Diver3728 get a new personality please

get a new personality please submitted by Unlikely_Diver3728 to IndianMeyMeys [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 V0ltaire1 Qualcuno disponibile?

submitted by V0ltaire1 to Sexchatita [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 Imaginary_Ad_7517 Binding PromptTextField in JavaFX

How would I go about binding the textfield with a string variable?
When I switch to a scene with a textfield, I want to set the promttext with a string var.

 ^^^ Is my fxml file. what do I do with my file so that (String str): value of str gets displayed in field1 when I switch to that scene. (An initial value if u will). 
submitted by Imaginary_Ad_7517 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 ContributionNorth962 Roast my startup - a chatbot for sales, support and feedback

Hey there. I'm building a chatbot for a website called FeedBot ( It can handle fully automated conversations with users. It is suitable for sales, tier 1 support, and gathering user feedback. I would be glad to hear any feedback from you.
submitted by ContributionNorth962 to roastmystartup [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 09:40 BioEag1e Throwables only run!

I'm about to finish the ng+ and I wanna do throwable only run for the next ng+. Any build/item/skill/cost related tips?
submitted by BioEag1e to LiesOfP [link] [comments]