2025.01.22 11:53 rrmdp 📢 Etsy is hiring a SRE II, Database Reliability Engineering!
Company: Etsy Location: New York, NY 📍 Salary: 131K - 170K 💰 Date Posted: January 15, 2025 📅 Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=echojobs.io&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly9lY2hvam9icy5pby9qb2IvZXRzeS1zcmUtaWktZGF0YWJhc2UtcmVsaWFiaWxpdHktZW5naW5lZXJpbmctdzBlcHo= submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 pmb0077 Thunder Rosa
submitted by pmb0077 to WrestleCuties [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 MrTuningRoon Infected Septum?
Hello again Reddit.
I started feeling really paranoid of my week-old septum. I n my previous post i wrote about the questionable jewelry. So i'm planning to get it replaced.
But I afraid that my piercing might be infected. It not hurts, maybe a bit of swelling and bit of heat (it feels like, because at the touch it feels ok) especially when lying down. And I started to feel a bit of weakness. I clean it 2-3 times a day daily with a saline solution. Is it related to piercing? Should I be concerned? I kinda afraid to go to the doctor because of my mother who could freak out about the piercing.
P.S. Sorry for the musty face.
submitted by MrTuningRoon to piercing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 onepunchkicker How to Strengthen
submitted by onepunchkicker to Portalawake [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 palndrumm Comet C/2024 G3 Atlas - nice clear night tonight so it was actually easier to see than last night, even though it's getting fainter.
submitted by palndrumm to canberra [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 InitiativeSalt3136 Devlog 2 in godot.
submitted by InitiativeSalt3136 to devblogs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 DepartureOk7548 Laura Harrier
submitted by DepartureOk7548 to my_celebrity_crush [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 Repulsive-Roll-5857 Just bought those
Just bought those for 65 USD. Total bargain. I love the bass so much and the sound quality is surprisingly good compared to what people were saying. However, i don't know much about skullcandy, are these crushers still viable or will there be a release of crusher evo 2? Or is ANC 2 way better???
submitted by Repulsive-Roll-5857 to Skullcandy [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 rrmdp 📢 B .A .D Gesundheitsvorsorge und Sicherheitstechnik GmbH is hiring a Arbeitsmediziner oder Arzt in Weiterbildung (m/w/d) bei B.A.D Gesundheitsvorsorge und Sicherheitstechnik GmbH!
Company: B.A.D Gesundheitsvorsorge und Sicherheitstechnik GmbH Location: Remote (Deutschland, Deutschland) 📍 Date Posted: January 16, 2025 📅 Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=www.newnew.jobs&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3bmV3LmpvYnMvam9icy8xMDQ2MjI5MjYtYXJiZWl0c21lZGl6aW5lci1vZGVyLWFyenQtaW4td2VpdGVyYmlsZHVuZy1tLXctZA== submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 Beratungsmarketing Iran has about 200 kg of uranium enriched to near bomb-grade, Grossi says
submitted by Beratungsmarketing to World_Now [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 BirdNerdx10 Some of yall with this snow
submitted by BirdNerdx10 to Gwinnett [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 DrinksNDebauchery Finally got the Dragon Whelp to work....
submitted by DrinksNDebauchery to PlayTheBazaar [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 rrmdp 📢 Dr . Born - Dr . Ermel GmbH is hiring a Ingenieur Bau / Sanierung (m|w|d) bei Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH!
Company: Dr. Born - Dr. Ermel GmbH Location: Remote (Deutschland, Deutschland) 📍 Date Posted: January 20, 2025 📅 Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=www.newnew.jobs&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3bmV3LmpvYnMvam9icy8xMDUyMDY0MDQtaW5nZW5pZXVyLWJhdS1zYW5pZXJ1bmctbXx3fGQ= submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 OneUnderstanding1644 Why Do They Do This??
Gorgeous stallion in the UK looking for a new owner. Sellers say the new owner must have stallion handling experience. So of course someone tags KVS... I didn't ss the entire ad, because it was LONG, but I did screenshot a portion with the studs breeding info. submitted by OneUnderstanding1644 to KVSRealSnark [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 ImportancePrize1290 how do you find obsession, persistence, and will?
diluar kejar kebutuhan primer seperti 'gw butuh untuk hidup', how do people find that obsession, persistence, and will to keep going?
oke sedikit ttg gw, I have the tendency to have a 'oh yaudah, gw bisa kok, dan udah terbukti, my ego is fulfilled' mindset.
By 13 and 16, Ive managed to run businesses yang generate huge profits. Tapi abis beres dan ngebuktiin ke diri sendiri ternyata itu ga sesusah itu, Im done. I tried it, I succeeded, what more to achieve?
I did it not for the sake of fame, or money, but for the sake of proving to myself that maybe I can do x thing, and maybe it isnt as hard as people think or say. DENGAN CATATAN: INI JUGA IN LINE DENGAN APA YANG GW PENASARANIN. Ga perlu komen 'yaudah sana coba cure cancer kalo emang yakin lu bisa melakukan segala hal'. Please, everyone has their own limits and I know what I am capable of and the boundaries of the stuff that I want to try.
Its the same sama kerjaan, Im not there to climb the ladder. sure duitnya gede, but whats after? Ive achieved being an assistant director before im 30 for a gov owned institution. but apa lagi? kerjaannya itu aja cuma gitu gitu aja. My previous bosses aja juga banyak yang punya mindset gw mau nya cepet cepet pensiun, gw sekarang realize temen temen gw banyak yang sakit sakitan dan meninggal dan duitnya cuma kekumpul di tabungan.
I know a lot of people ga punya privileges yang gw punya. Some might even say Im stupid for not going for the high paying job or stopping my business just because. Tapi ya istilahnya gini, I wasnt looking for the money, I was looking for something new, dan after I know oke, its new, its good, gw bisa, its done, Ill question myself, terus abis ini apa? My ego is fulfilled. I did it bukan untuk nyenengin orang lain. Kalau lu udah punya pasangan, emang lu bakal fokus cari pasangan lain lagi? Kan nggk?
I have the money, walaupun ga banyak, but it is enough for me. I am able to quit my job and not work for years. I have the freedom untuk do whatever the hell i want kaya travel, bawa ortu jalan jalan, dll.
So my question is, diluar kejar kebutuhan primer seperti 'gw butuh duit untuk hidup', how do people find that obsession, persistence, and will to keep going?
Contoh: maybe you have that drive to become a president karena lu yakin lu bisa ngubah indonesia. But how do you find that obsession untuk 'GW BISA NGUBAH'? atau contoh lainnya, gw mau bikin perusahaan xxx untuk solve problem xxx. How do you find that will and persistence to keep going? Apalagi kalau ujungnya udah terealisasi
submitted by ImportancePrize1290 to indonesia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 Southern-File6554 no sound on Airpods with some devices
Hi, I have several audio devices where I connect my Airpods Pro 2. But on ttwo of them it doesn't work. 1. My MP3-player: When connecting nothing happens. It's just silent. 2. My Mantis Q40 (Bluetooth keybord with integrated audiobook player and book reader): When connecting the first time, sound comes from the left side much louder than from the right. When connecting again, no sound until "resetting, not re-pairing" the airpods. What could cause this? When swiping down on volume control it makes the sound that it's already at 0 % but turning louder doesn't work.
submitted by Southern-File6554 to airpods [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 WhichPhilosopher7814 Noto un cambio después de dejar la pornografía
Hace un tiempo me di cuenta que tenía un problema con la pornografía, básicamente el mundo real ya no me excitaba y eso me dio problemas con un chica. Intenté dejarlo y tras varias recaídas reafirmé la gravedad de mi problema. A principios de años dejé de consumir porno poco a poco, esta vez me noto más comprometido y con más fuerza de voluntad que otras veces. Actualmente llevo medio mes sin consumir nada, lo que he notado es que, obviamente, se me hace más complicado lograr la erección sin excitación visual y tardo más de lo normal, todo esto no me preocupa porque creo que es lo que debería pasar. Sin embargo, estos últimos días he notado una cosa que si me ha dejado algo preocupado y es que eyaculo menos de lo regular. Me preocupa porque no consigo dar con una relación coherente entre eso y la "desintoxicación" que estoy llevando a cabo. Me ayudaría mucho si alguien pudiera darme una respuesta.
submitted by WhichPhilosopher7814 to askspain [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 Icy_Jelly_8606 I hate school
I’m doing my AS Level exams and I took: Maths, Environmental Technology, Business Studies, Digital Technology. I had mocks and the last one which was Maths was done today. I failed miserably, couldn’t answer a single thing. I probably got a U to be honest. I feel like just dropping out it’s demotivated me so much. I got A’s and B’s in my other mocks but this one ruined me. My teacher says I will fail all my exams come exam season and my parents aren’t speaking to me
submitted by Icy_Jelly_8606 to alevel [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 Natural_Series_9428 Guess who
submitted by Natural_Series_9428 to Actress_and_stuff [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 rrmdp 📢 wpd infrastruktur GmbH is hiring a Ingenieur Elektrotechnik in Vollzeit (m/w/d) bei wpd infrastruktur GmbH!
Company: wpd infrastruktur GmbH Location: Remote (Potsdam, Deutschland) 📍 Date Posted: January 17, 2025 📅 Apply & Description 👉 https://jobboardsearch.com/redirect?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot&utm_id=jobboarsearch&utm_term=www.newnew.jobs&rurl=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubmV3bmV3LmpvYnMvam9icy8xMDQ4NzI1ODUtaW5nZW5pZXVyLWVsZWt0cm90ZWNobmlrLWluLXZvbGx6ZWl0LW0tdy1k submitted by rrmdp to jobboardsearch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 ArachnidOk2732 Holii mi primera vez subiendo algo jsjs
submitted by ArachnidOk2732 to Femboy_Hispanos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 hello_6969420 Daily Herbert - Day 5
submitted by hello_6969420 to Bulldogs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 11:53 Icy-Path-0000 New to this: difference between Big Y-700 and full genome sequencing
I'm very new to this, but my father always told me we have an interesting family history. I would like to see some confirmation as to where we come from, whether those stories are correct. I'm not really looking for relatives or anything.
So I'm guessing I would benefit from a Y-DNA test to trace the paternal line?
But I'm a bit confused: this test costs $449 at FamilyTree DNA, but a full 30x genome sequencing costs about the same at DNA Complete. Wouldn't a full genome sequencing also include the info from that Y-DNA test? Could I do that full genome sequencing, and use those results to get the Y-DNA-data?
Thank you for explaining this a bit! :)
submitted by Icy-Path-0000 to Genealogy [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 11:53 Worth-Map-5123 Beginner
I'm currently a first year student at one of the top nlus and I plan to clear upsc after graduating.i have about 4 years for my prep. How should I plan my prep?( I have a humanities background)
2025.01.22 11:53 Kedryn73 Network failure (again)
submitted by Kedryn73 to unRAID [link] [comments]