FPV Starter Setup

2025.01.22 13:53 FLL_ERROR_404 FPV Starter Setup

I've always wanted to build an FPV drone for the past 3 years, but I finally have a shot at getting my parents to agree, I'll be off to uni in a couple of months, and I feel this is the best time to ask. Anyway I came across this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXrrg48auhU&t=606s he builds a sub 250g 3.5-inch fpv drone, as of now, where I live (UAE), moving to India, I can get the drone from aliexpress for 850 dhs or around 215dollars. I wanted to build a cinewhoop but found that it is really expensive, moreover I never really understood the difference between a normal fpv and a cinewhoop. As far as I understand it, a cinewhoop has prop hubs, and the props won't interfere with the video shots, and it's meant for cinematic shots. Well, If I were to build the same drone as that of the video, and I wanted the prop hubs just as a cinewhoop can I do so? If yes which frame should I go for? The video goes for a Volador VX3.5 Frame. Also Nick FPV on yt started a brand called aetherfpv, where I can buy the radiomaster charcoal ELRS Mode 2 for 250 DHS or 68 dollars, the cheapest I've seen so far...Anyway apart from the video, what would the FPV community suggest a beginner like to begin his FPV journey, and what would be a budget ideal drone full setup? The FPV goggles that are in my price range right now are the Eachine EV800D, you can suggest more. Also, can I use any Goggles like the BetaFPV goggles that they sell on their website or what? I don't want to spend more than 1500aed or 400 dollars. Thanks again
submitted by FLL_ERROR_404 to FPVFreestyle [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Whyyoutheimposter iPhone 13 Mini (Midnight) 92% battery health *great condition*

iPhone 13 Mini (Midnight) 92% battery health *great condition* selling this to UK buyers - Open to offers
submitted by Whyyoutheimposter to iPhone13Mini [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Important_Cat9763 Hello

Hello Which ram is the best all of them are the same price 120 euro I know that the Corsair one is very popular but that one is Gray and my pc is white and black
submitted by Important_Cat9763 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 IntelligentAd3274 Toilet won't flush properly

My toilet won't flush properly. I need to pull the handle 5 to 10 times really quickly to get it to flush which is only going to do more damage.
The tank is filling from the yellow piece on video left. I've tightened the handle and adjusted the chain in both directions with no improvement.
I've tried to flush with just pulling the detached chain and it doesn't work.
Any ideas? I have a bunch that there is something in the green piece that isn't lifting to release and will only stay open when I keep forcing water through it by pulling the handle really quickly. Any help would be appreciated. Zero experience. Old rental!
submitted by IntelligentAd3274 to askaplumberUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Diligent-Oil588 Patty Cake 1v1

Patty Cake 1v1 submitted by Diligent-Oil588 to HalfSword [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 dreambringer6 Kate Beckinsale @ LAX FEB-23-2011

Kate Beckinsale @ LAX FEB-23-2011 submitted by dreambringer6 to beckinsalekate [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Jaysus17 Cold progenitors; new first pick?

Just a thought and want to hear if you guys have tried them out, but with all the changes to nearly every system and new mod entrys in the last 8 months, is cold the new best progenitor element? A few points to get the gist of my thinking across. •armor has been reduced (corrosive not as necessary, heat aswell to an extent). Plus the general accessibility to armour strip nowadays. •blast is good now •viral still slaps •the new magnetic mods fill the niche that magnetic progenitors had.
Pretty undercooked post but any thoughts would be appreciated, I don't really dive to much into the whole what elements mix with what in which order progenitor shenanigans, so maybe I'm overlooking a major flaw here.
submitted by Jaysus17 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 dhammirasulpur #presscoverage

#presscoverage submitted by dhammirasulpur to DHAMMIRASULPUR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Unhappy_Structure_11 Direkt bei AG bewerben ,Meinung?

momentan bin ich leider arbeitssuchend u. los.
Logischerweise bin ich dadurch auch in der Bewerbungsphase u. bewerbe mich wie gewohnt als
Produktionshelfer bei Zeitfirmen und hatte diesen Monat schon 3 Gespräche bzw Aufnahmegespräche ,wo nur die Daten aufgenommen wurden und gesagt wurde man meldet sich wenn sich etwas positives ergibt , also Kundenunternehmen der Zeitfirma Leute suchen.
Ich hatte bereits einmal vor 4-5 Wochen das
geschrieben und nochmal erwähnen will um einen besseren Zusammenhang herzustellen.
Da ich aber aus Zeitgründen nicht Wochenlang auf eine Rückmeldung von der Zeitfirma warten kann , frage ich mich ob es vielleicht sinnvoll wäre es direkt bei regionalen Firmen zu bewerben bzw es zu versuchen.
Das Problem ist aber obwohl ich in meiner Nähe 4-6 Firmen habe ,habe ich mal Online geschaut , welche Stellen gesucht werden
die meisten Firmen suchen entweder Werksstudenten oder zum Beispiel Elektrofachkräfte , Betriebselektriker oder IndustriemechanikeVerfahrensmachaniker - mit mehrjähriger Berufserfahrung von mind. 3-4-Jahre oder schreiben in Ihrer Anzeige > mind. 3-Jahre -Berufserfahrung rein.
Eine Firma sucht einen Maschinenhelfer , allerdings wird erwartet u.a

die ich aber leider bisher noch nicht habe.
Meine zentrale Frage ist ob es allg. sinnvoll ist es überhaupt zu versuchen direkt regional zu bewerben , da es leider wie eben erwähnt wichtige Punkte nicht vorhanden sind wie z.b
die erwünschte Berufserfahrung.
Was meint Ihr
submitted by Unhappy_Structure_11 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 MomentWilling7256 KaylaRose Honesdale Pa USA Vivid Ink

KaylaRose Honesdale Pa USA Vivid Ink submitted by MomentWilling7256 to tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 CaptKeemau Had to waste a good toilet.

Had to waste a good toilet. I bought a house recently, didn’t notice the clogged toilet till I moved in. I tried to unclog it. Then called the plumber. He pulled it out and tried snaking from underneath. Nothing could get through. Opted for a new toilet. Curiosity made me take a sledgehammer to it. My guess was right it was a toy. The previous owner had a three year-old. It was wedged in so hard. I had to use pliers to pull it out.
submitted by CaptKeemau to askaplumber [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Plzkilme2 PS5 Anyone wanna help me with Maleina???!

PS5 Anyone wanna help me with Maleina???! submitted by Plzkilme2 to EldenRingHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 elveshumpingdwarves Winter is Coming (about 3 months later than the rest of the country)

Winter is Coming (about 3 months later than the rest of the country) submitted by elveshumpingdwarves to memes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Wonderful_Effect7393 My family and I love playing cheesse

My family and I love playing cheesse submitted by Wonderful_Effect7393 to AnarchyChess [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Antique-Scarcity-791 Asking for help CPALE reviewee

Pano nyo po inaaral yung mga concepts every topic na mas magegets/mareretain?
Or may any docu/notes po kayo ng mga concepts each CPALE subject.
submitted by Antique-Scarcity-791 to CPALE [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Nero_18 XDDDDD

XDDDDD submitted by Nero_18 to BeelcitosMemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Flat-Wing-8678 International heavy chest shake off

submitted by Flat-Wing-8678 to SoraAi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Vitalii_Volkov Just finished my first level art in Unreal Engine! How does it look?

Just finished my first level art in Unreal Engine! How does it look? submitted by Vitalii_Volkov to IndieGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Throwaway56780876 My boyfriend's mom doesn't like me despite never really meeting me, I need advice

Hi, I F(16) have been dating a guy M(17) for about 3 months now. Everything between me and him is great, we get along good, he's very patient and sweet to me, and I have him in quite a few classes so we're able to talk often in and out of school. An important thing to mention is the fact that he's never been in a real relationship before me. He dated a girl for a week back in Middle School but since then no one else. So basically I'm his first girlfriend. From what I know about his homelife his mom seems very very protective and strict with him. My ex friend warned me about it from the start and I figured it wouldn't be an issue. I'm a relatively well behaved teenager, never been suspended, expelled or called out for my behavior. I'm just kind of talkative, and I dress in a way that people may find distasteful or crude. (A typical outfit for me is a black band shirt, red or black miniskirt, fishnets, thigh highs and platform boots) I've also never been involved in many relationships, my last was long distance and lasted for a year. I just wanted to give some background to show that I'm not someone to distrust right off the bat. Anyways, at the start of my relationship with this guy, his mom seemed supportive. She let him hang out with me a few times and whenever I'd ask him what she's said about me he'd usually give an answer that she liked me, thought I was cute you know, like vaguely supportive. Everything was great, until she allegedly got a call from the school counselor. Apparently in this call, she was told that was touching her son inappropriately at school. Now at this point yeah, we were kind of little too Pda, after that I cut back on it majorly, but I literally never did that. Not once did I touch him in that way. Intially, I believed the call 100% but I'm starting to doubt if it was real or not. There's 3 options here: 1, It was a real phone call. 2, She lied and it was a fake phone call. 3, A ex friend who I know for sure is in touch with a counselor or his mother, lied to her on purpose. (For the tldr on the ex friend situation: I had a falling out with 3 friends, 1 of which was the one of counselors nieces. 1 of the others was my boyfriend's bestfriend who had my boyfriend's mom's number.) Ever since then his mom hasn't liked me and it feels like she's made it harder for us to see eachother outside of school and now, even talk outside of school. He lives out of town about a 40 minute drive away so usually we call for a few hours everyday and talk. He was caught being up late twice, once at 3 am on a weekend and then 12 am on school night and grounded for 2 whole weeks. No phone and no going out. When I asked him if she didn't like me, he gave vague answers but said something along the lines of her thinking me and him talk too much or spend too much time together. I'm at a complete loss and I don't know what to do. I have a few ideas but I'm really not sure what will help. My parents said that they're both willing to meet my boyfriend's mom and stepdad but I'm not sure how to plan for that now, given he doesn't have his phone. My other idea, which I guess I definitely have to do now is just call him once a week on the weekends. If she thinks we talk too much I'll respect that and try my best to put more distance between us. I just hope I don't do anything to upset her more.
Tldr; Boyfriend's mom doesn't like me and thinks I spend too much time with him, help.
submitted by Throwaway56780876 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Mikael-002 Forced to work a federal holiday

My wife was originally scheduled off with pay on Monday (MLK Jr Day) due to it being a holiday. Due to the winter storm coming through, she was forced to go in and work a full day on Monday and they gave her Tuesday off. I told her that they need to pay her double time for Monday's work (Her original pay for holiday and then again for the hours she worked). Otherwise she would be losing money due to not working on Tuesday, even though she worked during a scheduled holiday. She said she would ask but she thinks they'll just laugh at her. I'm worried she won't properly fight for this extra pay. Are there any labor laws that would support her argument for the premium pay? (We live in Texas).
Ps. It's not really about the money to me. I make enough that it wouldn't really affect us, just her extra spending money. I just don't want them to take advantage of her when they already overwork her on a regular basis.
submitted by Mikael-002 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 BigDlee_ Looking For a Beginning

Looking For a Beginning God morgen family. I will begin by saying I was raised under a Baptist Christian faith and I am a Black American. I would love to go deep into detail but for the sake of everyone's time I'll be short. I am looking for guidance in helping cement my practice and spirituality. I have for as I can remember been more inclined to norse understanding than my original doctrine and now realize as i crest my 30's and raise children I do not bestow my faith and knowledge...the goal is to go from thoughts and prayer to action and ritual..any advice or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by BigDlee_ to NorsePaganism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Writerssssblockkk14 Charcuterie Day Three

Charcuterie Day Three Last year I made pennywise out of cream cheese and prosciutto for a Halloween Themed Platter. (Would have liked to use bell peppers for the hair but I made do). (Featuring all my Halloween boards)
submitted by Writerssssblockkk14 to CharcuterieBoard [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 krankyroo Family law attorney caseload

I own my own firm, and am a solo practitioner with one paralegal. I know that caseloads vary widely depending on the type of family law matters, but I’d love to hear from similarly situated attorneys regarding their caseload numbers. Currently I have about 40 open cases. Of those, 12 are in active litigation, and the rest are Separation Agreement negotiations, simple divorces, and cases that are dormant (orders in place but no ongoing issues). I feel overwhelmed, but wonder if this caseload is “typical” for solo practitioners in family law? Another question would be whether you all withdraw from a case once permanent orders are in place, or if you usually remain as attorney of record in the event there are issues in the future? Thank you!
submitted by krankyroo to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 DontTouchMyCouch Thanks, I hate free gum

Thanks, I hate free gum submitted by DontTouchMyCouch to TIHI [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:53 Greentea_Teapot Google said that l have 2 hours to live 😔💔

It was a good run guys
submitted by Greentea_Teapot to teenagers [link] [comments]
