2025.01.22 15:46 Stray_009 THE LIES

THE LIES submitted by Stray_009 to girlsarentreal [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 AG49_KYMLN power no post.

rx 580 8gb
B8H V2.5 motherboard
it might need a BIOS update but the mobo doesnt have a bios flashback type tool
spent 3 hours on troubleshooting.
submitted by AG49_KYMLN to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Firm-Food4348 No clue if anyone posted but WHIRR IS ON INSTAGRAM

No clue if anyone posted but WHIRR IS ON INSTAGRAM I’m praying they reissue their albums. Pipe dreams is an all timer for me.
submitted by Firm-Food4348 to shoegaze [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 PuzzleheadedTax2992 Failed lol

Failed lol It was really sunny and I didn't see I was coming up to a small junction lmao. Then I forgot I was in a 30 and went to 40. My brain just turned to mush when I started driving
submitted by PuzzleheadedTax2992 to LearnerDriverUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 zionnne ADHD?

Hi, I have booked an appointment with my GP regarding maybe having ADHD but I do feel I don’t but I got some signs like i find it very difficult to focus when I got to study or revise for an exam and end up going in my phone for hours and give up on revision which ends up being bad as I fail exams.
Other things like, I distract myself easily and I interrupt people easily not because I want but sometimes I even finish their sentences before they finish theirs. I have got a bad impulsive behaviour when it comes to money as well. I get frustrated and irritated easily sometimes and I have noticed that recently as well.
I procrastinate a lot and sometimes when I am starting a task I end up starting another one and never finish what I was starting. When Im doing something I find myself curling my hair or shaking my leg.
I don’t want to waste my GP time and end up going for an appointment when I clearly haven’t got ADHD.
What do you guys think? Am I being stupid?
submitted by zionnne to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 wisdom_man1 Alternative medicine fans see RFK Jr. as a hero. The field’s skeptics worry.
submitted by wisdom_man1 to CelularityNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 alabamatide889 Should I close my Cashback Debit account?

I don’t like Capital One & don’t want to be switched to a 360 Checking account, & I heard Discover is being bought out by Capital one. I’ll just go to a small local credit union, or try the American Express checking since I have a credit card with them
submitted by alabamatide889 to discover [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Party_Mouse_429 Camila Sodi

Camila Sodi submitted by Party_Mouse_429 to celestialbabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Competitive-Star9254 Why do men continue to produce sperm cells even at 80+ years old?

submitted by Competitive-Star9254 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 PrestigiousWater1659 Serious question

I love Lana, tyler clairo, and I wanna see Maria’s and bleachers really bad…. But be honest…. Is Hinterland (the area) not too welcoming to colored people? Bc of Iowa
submitted by PrestigiousWater1659 to HinterlandFestival [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 KairoLK Trotz DeGiro nie Steuererklärung gemacht

Ich versuche meinen persönlichen Fall möglichst kurz zu schildern:
- Ich war Student bis Mitte 2024 und hatte keinerlei Einkünfte, außer während einer Praktium mit 1.000€ monatl..
- Meine gesamte Studienzeit hatte ich aber ein DeGiro-Konto in denen ich mich mit dem Aktienmarkt auseinandersetzen wollte. Ein Bekannter meinte, dass dies eine sehr gute Idee ist, da ich so steuerfrei Geld verdienen könnte, weil ich ohne Einkommen unter dem Grundfreibetrag bleibe.
- Gesagt getan nur eben mit Verlust. Daher habe ich mich nie mit dem Thema Steuern auseinander gesetzt. Auch wegen niedrigen Gewinnen und dem Bekannten, der immer wieder betonte, dass ich keine Steuern darauf zahlen müsste, da es zu niedrig wäre oder meine Verlust aus dem vorangegangenem Jahr damit verrechnet würde.
- Folge: Bisher keine einzige Steuererklärung abgegeben und vor kurzem erfahren, dass ich dies allein aus der Tatsache hätte tun müssen, weil der Broker DeGiro ein ausländischer Broker ist!
Jetzt habe ich Panik bekommen und die vergangenen Jahre aufbereitet und für mich zusammengefasst. Kurz: 2018: -1.564,81€ 2019: -1.347,28€ 2020: 1.477,14€ 2021: 3.534,96€ 2022: -9.811,60€ 2023: -937,85€
Ich zeige einfach mal die Übersicht aus 2021, da ich dazu sogar noch Fragen habe:
- Die Quellensteuer bei den ausländischen Dividenden muss ich wahrscheinlich bei der Steuererklärung angeben und damit würde sich der Teil lösen richtig?
- Die beiden Bereiche beim Kasten "Unbekannt" kann ich nicht wirklich zuordnen für die Erklärung
- Würde eine Selbstanzeige mit Einreichung aller Steuererklärungen sinnvoll sein? (In den Jahren habe ich ja nur diese Einkünfte erzielt.)
submitted by KairoLK to Steuern [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 BinaryBillyGoat If Languages Had Personalities

If Languages Had Personalities submitted by BinaryBillyGoat to theprimeagen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Own_Narwhal_9177 LF Da Vinci and A builders dream, have…

LF Da Vinci and A builders dream, have… submitted by Own_Narwhal_9177 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 BlueNukagaming32 Finding the ghost busters levels

I cant seem to find the ghost busters level to get the mini kit achievement, is there a specific thing i need to do ? Or somwhere i need to go to find them ?
submitted by BlueNukagaming32 to Legodimensions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 True_Pomegranate9695 Is my back good (12 percent fat)

Is my back good (12 percent fat) submitted by True_Pomegranate9695 to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 MoZz72 Ncase + Asrock Rack = Homelab P0rn

Spent the last few months building up a new vmware ESXi 8 box for self learning and hosting purposes. Really happy with the result!
Case: Ncase M2 Grater
Motherboard: Asrock Rack B650D4U3-2L2Q/BCM
Memory: 64GB Corsair 5200 DDR5
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7900
Storage: 4TB nvme for datastore, 1 TB Micron 7450 nvme for nvme memory tiering
GPU: Nvidia Tesla T4 with custom heatsink and noctua 60mm fans (vGPU goodness)
PSU: Corsair RM750i
Fans: Bequiet 120mm Shadow Wings 2
Temperatures are pretty decent given how compact the case is. Hottest components are the T4 and 25Gbe onboard Broadcom NIC, hence the noctua fans to keep them cool.
I'm pulling approx 65W on idle, can't complain with that. Let the fun begin.
submitted by MoZz72 to homelab [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Naurgul EU tells Trump’s America: We have other options • Ursula von der Leyen casts Europe as an economic heavyweight that can forge new alliances during another “America First” presidency.

EU tells Trump’s America: We have other options • Ursula von der Leyen casts Europe as an economic heavyweight that can forge new alliances during another “America First” presidency. submitted by Naurgul to europes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 chemary85 What's Wrong?

Hello, I have a new second hand K1 Max, which I have had to do all the maintenance, but something very strange is happening to me. I have put Klipper Full, and everything goes perfect as long as they are small parts, for example when making large parts, such as a drawer, it always gets stuck from the 2nd or 3rd layer ...
Could be extrusion problems, pressure advance, or that the extruder is not working properly (stock struder). Any ideas?
PD: Later I could upload photos.
submitted by chemary85 to crealityk1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 KeyIndication997 If your not improving take a break

This is a huge tip that not a lot of people mention. Regardless of your rank if you have been grinding for a while and not improving anymore take a 3-5 days off the game. Play something else or do anything except play and when you come back you’ll be refreshed and most likely see some improvement and areas that you can work on.
submitted by KeyIndication997 to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Aggravating-Hour8175 Not sure if it’s allowed but I would hope a heads up would help the area be prepared for friends and family

In /detroit : border patrol is out and I’m worried people aren’t prepared with things like important phone numbers, child care, or general home/personal safety if things escalate like to 1967 style.. please stay warm, safe, and strong
submitted by Aggravating-Hour8175 to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Ancient_Ad4452 [Android][2013-2017] a 3d horror game that mostly takes place outside at a garage, the title is something that relates to those eyes horror games

This game was a demo i believe, you are at a gas station looking for keys i believe and u encounter hellhounds which you have to kill to obtain the next objective, the game ends with a girl with blue hair stuck in a cell i believe and then "to be continued" it was a very dark setting, foggy, and very indie type design, not too realistic but just an average indie horror game.
submitted by Ancient_Ad4452 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Status_Economics_692 What do you think an Ethel Cain Dark Fantasy would look like?

submitted by Status_Economics_692 to Ethelcain [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Zealousideal-Sir-560 Got my tuxedo a tuxedo

You can see her tail behind the box lmao
submitted by Zealousideal-Sir-560 to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 The_Octave_Collector What is this function?

What is this function? when I swipe down towards the bottom, the screen splits.
I have no idea what this function is for or how to use it .
submitted by The_Octave_Collector to iphone [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 15:46 Mafz09 Am I supposed to keep the jobs secret?

New to OE. I have a fully remote full time job and recently wanted to begin working a second part time job for extra income. I had an interview for a 20hr week job which would overlap with my current 40hr job. Whilst my full time job entails minimum effort, I mentioned in my interview I have another job and wanted to work 20hrs around my 40hr job which ended in the interview ending. Am I supposed to make it sound like I’m leaving my 40hr job for a second job?
submitted by Mafz09 to overemployed [link] [comments]