2025.01.22 17:05 jimmyrosinger For any Vulfpeck fans in here
submitted by jimmyrosinger to FloridaPanthers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 dcdub87 Jesus' Promise to the Thief on the Cross: "...you will be WITH ME in Paradise."
And he said to him: “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”OR
And he said to him: “Truly I tell you today, you will be with me in Paradise.”It seems JWs get hung up on debating the placement of the comma in Luke 23:43, missing the real point entirely.
With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.It seems to me that John is making it clear that God is not "with mankind" in some figurative sense that the blessings of His Kingdom will extend to all the earth. He repeats 3 times that God, including His "tent" or dwelling place, will be with mankind.
2025.01.22 17:05 MercyMain42069 Should Literal Descriptions Of Templates Be Banned?
https://preview.redd.it/vwmo31g3ukee1.jpg?width=3300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7315dfda2dcc9204660445ae748804534adb3d7 View Poll submitted by MercyMain42069 to antimeme [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:05 Downtown_Event9075 Support group
Anyone with an active support group? I am starting therapy soon but I could really use some people who know what I am going through and have some sort of a support system. I am so so sad rn
submitted by Downtown_Event9075 to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 Quirkie Blame the Supreme Court for Elon Musk’s Power in Trump’s Administration - Elon Musk’s outsized influence with the new president is a direct result of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision, which turns 15 this week
submitted by Quirkie to politics [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 Any-Currency-8454 5 mm kidney stone w/ Ureteroscopy with Laser Lithotripsy scheduled
I have been diagnosed with a 5 mm kidney stone. CT scan on 12/10 and X ray on 1/3 stone is stuck It is in the left ureter right before the bladder. I have been taking flomax for 6 weeks now. I am scared of the Surgery. Yesterday the Dr. office called to go over pre op instruction, questions about what medications I take. The nurse mentioned foley catheter being left inside to help drain urine! Is a catheter really used? I heard of stents being used but a catheter? I really wanted to pass this naturally and avoid surgery. I’m freaking out!
Ureteroscopy with Laser Lithotripsy is it common practice for them to use a foley catheter afterward? The Nurse I spoke with yesterday asked me how many times per day I take the Flowmax she said I can take flomax twice a day if I don’t get dizzy from it? Originally I was instructed to take it 1 time 30 minutes after last meal of the day? Is this ok to take Flowmax 04 mg twice a day? My surgery is 5 days away. I am hoping I can pass this prior to surgery? I am doubtful that it will pass as it has been 6 weeks.
submitted by Any-Currency-8454 to KidneyStones [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 eternal_ttorment Very painful lump between breast and armpit, what could it be?
22F, 164 cm, 87 kg, no medical history, not physically active
I've been having some very minuscule pains in my right breast for maybe a year, but since they occurred only when I awkwardly laid on my side and very rarely, I just ignored it.
A week ago however, the pain suddenly became constant, very intense, and was radiating all over my right chest, into the breast, into my armpit, and even into the shoulder blade. Now I've finally found the source of the pain. It's from an area of a lump. The lump is around the size of a thumb, is located in upper right quadrant near the armpit, seems to be circular and is firm to touch. When touched, it causes a strong aching pain, and under certain angles it even feels like someone is stabbing me with a thick needle. After touching, the pain is worsened for a several hours. When not touched, I feel constant aching that gets worse depending on the position I sit it or lay in (changing position often temporarily eases the pain), the pain is sometimes sharp if i move the breast with my hand while laying down, or when relaxed, I feel like tiny needles are pricking me.
I'm worried about it being something serious.
Opinions would be appreciated, thank you!
submitted by eternal_ttorment to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 CleanInsurance330 Latest Purchase
Just purchased. Definitely different from OG DesirToxic - less unique than the OG, but still very pleasant to smell. Anyone else have?
submitted by CleanInsurance330 to Colognes [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 1LtFord Sollten Links zu Twitter/X blockiert werden?
Hallo ihr Schnittchen,
erstmal, das ist keine offizielle Umfrage der Mods über eine neue Regel für den Sub. Vielleicht nehmen sie das Ergebnis der Umfrage aber zu einem Anlass darüber nachzudenken.
Wie ihr vielleicht schon mitbekommen habt, haben einige Subreddits angefangen Verlinkungen nach TwitteX zu blockieren. Der Anlass dazu ist, dass der Inhaber der Plattform Elon Musk, als Redner zur Vereidigung des neuen US Präsidenten, mehrfach den Hitlergruß gezeigt hat. Ist zwar nicht so, dass er nicht auch schon vorher durch faschistische Aussagen aufgefallen wäre, aber hier ist wohl für viele eine Grenze überschritten worden.
Falls ihr euch fragt, was denn dieses US-Politikthema mit uns zu tun hat, Musk mischt sich auch in die anstehende Bundestagswahl ein. Erst vor kurzem hat er ein Interview mit AFD Kanzlerkandidatin Alice Weidel gehostet. In diesem durfte sie, unter anderem, unkommentiert und unironisch behaupten, dass Adolf Hitler ein Kommunist gewesen wäre...
Ich weiß nicht wie viele der Jungs, oder wer aus der zweiten Reihe noch aktiv auf TwitteX ist. In letzter Zeit ist mir nur bei Jay im neuen Stream Layout aufgefallen, dass er auf sein Profil dort hinweist.
Einer schnellen Suche nach, wird hier auch nicht besonders häufig auf die Plattform verlinkt. Der jüngste Post, den ich auf die schnelle gefunden habe, ist heute genau einen Monat alt geworden (https://www.reddit.com/PietSmiet/comments/1hk5936/unlocked_podcast_von_jules_ben_und_joana/). Trotzdem wäre ich persönlich dafür, es den vielen anderen Subreddits gleich zu machen und einen kleinen Beitrag dazu zu leisten, der Plattform den Traffic zu entziehen und damit uninteressanter für Nutzer und Werbetreibende zu machen.
Falls ihr eure Meinung dazu kommentieren wollt, macht es den Mods bitte einfach und haltet euch an die Regeln :)
View Poll
submitted by 1LtFord to PietSmiet [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 Current-Ticket-2365 CDK / Hyundai / PartsEye -- is there a way to export/transmit my orders automatically?
Figure it's about time I ask this question.
I'm a fairly green PM at a Hyundai dealership. We use PartsEye for inventory management and daily stock orders. Currently, my current process is as such:
2025.01.22 17:05 LongDriver9492 Need help: Information on portrait
Acquired at an estate sale. Trying to figure out who the portrait is and approximate age of portrait. The portrait is on panel removed from frame which was a rococo style frame and is roughly 15x11 in. Also included is photo under black light. Thanks! submitted by LongDriver9492 to WhatIsThisPainting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:05 p_W_n Suggest some MFs to use as Savings account
Whenever I have some cash, i just want to put it in some MF instead of savings account, it's can be anywhere from 500 to 5k.
I'm thinking about any Large Cap, is there any criteria i need to consider while choosing one ?
submitted by p_W_n to IndianStockMarket [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 Lasvoss_Reborn Hot and unbothered, just how I like it🔥
submitted by Lasvoss_Reborn to HotGirls_Collection [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 Fastfalc222 Engine whine at rest
Anyone know what this whining noise is? Worsens when turning the wheel and hitting the gas too. Recently got timing belt done, oil leaks repaired, transmission gasket replaced and transmission fluid refilled.
submitted by Fastfalc222 to LS430 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 PresentInteresting31 Where can I buy chinese sausage? (Lap cheong)
anyone seen them in the neighborhood?
submitted by PresentInteresting31 to astoria [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 Living-Platform-5124 Need a book pdf
Lewis Vaughn and Chris MacDonald, The Power of Critical Thinking. Toronto: Oxford
University Press, 2023. ISBN-13: 978-0-19-016386-0. Sixth Canadian Edition
submitted by Living-Platform-5124 to FreeTextBook [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 einfachnurmatt Hat wer Erfahrung beim Kauf von NVIDIA GPUs am Launch Day in Österreich?
Online hab ich gelesen, dass es bei uns keine FE Edition vertrieben wird? In welchen Stores hätte ich denn die besten Chancen nächste Woche eine abgreifen zu können?
Langsam wird’s Zeit meine gtx1060 zu ersetzen
submitted by einfachnurmatt to Austria [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 JeffTheLeftist Intel Arc B580 Review: Launch, Performance, & Is It Worth It?(Tested On 1440p Using Ryzen 7600x)
submitted by JeffTheLeftist to IntelArc [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:05 Historical_Proof1109 Modern zombies be like
submitted by Historical_Proof1109 to CODZombies [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:05 DogAndCatPetterMan Please listen to me
I have been on here warning everyone about ICP and nobody has been listening and they are paying for it. Everyone who said end of Feb is $25! Or end of year $100! Should be ashamed of themselves. So many other opportunities missed out on. We are humans, don’t let the sense of community of an investment keep you from realizing it’s a bad investment.
submitted by DogAndCatPetterMan to ICPTrader [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 Nykat_Art Guess which won this time...
submitted by Nykat_Art to smosh [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 smellyballsackpants The Wonder Years - Sister Cities (Music Video)
submitted by smellyballsackpants to poppunkers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:05 New-Koala-8449 Szerintetek meik a legszebb gyerek név amit influek adtak? Pl Elizabet naon szép sztem
Kolen,Colin, Zsemlye is tetcik
submitted by New-Koala-8449 to talk_hunfluencers [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 17:05 Pale-Help1619 Lance moody is him
submitted by Pale-Help1619 to HoopLand [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 17:05 TheMirrorUS Donald Trump warns Vladimir Putin 'isn't doing so well' as he warns of Ukraine war consequences
submitted by TheMirrorUS to UkraineConflict [link] [comments]