2025.01.22 22:14 SarPl4yzEXE New crim video. Making ends meet.
submitted by SarPl4yzEXE to CriminalityRoblox [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:14 Thaumiel218 If we’re playing the buckle game…
Only wish it was larger like Glenn’s but the ACME rep buckles are the best from the ones I’ve tried out there submitted by Thaumiel218 to Danzig [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:14 imveryclever New oddity earrings
submitted by imveryclever to uraniumglass [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:14 Whatmakesyouthink_ ليش؟
ليش اليوم بس 24 ساعة؟احسها قليل
submitted by Whatmakesyouthink_ to saudiarabia [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:14 Hot_Butterscotch_518 Crazy inflation
crazy inflation on extra time from 30k extra time coins to 40k extra coins pack last time I only spend 30k on this submitted by Hot_Butterscotch_518 to FUTMobile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:14 Heavy__Procedure Throwback to this iconic reply 🤣
submitted by Heavy__Procedure to clevercomebacks [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:14 BetterPlayerUK Is this a Mandela effect? Re: Newton Faulkner
So recently Newton Faulkner popped up on my Spotify… and something at the back of my brain instantly had this memory of it being a free song that came with every copy of an old version of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Playable via the media player.
Is this a false memory? Am I thinking of the wrong song? I’m not making this up, right?
I tried searching but… nothing.
This is a real memory I swear 😂😭
submitted by BetterPlayerUK to DoesAnyoneKnow [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:14 Infamous-Goat-7184 DIY Ostomy Bag Ideas
It's 2026 and there's a zombie apocalypse that has disrupted supply chains and you have only a few weeks before supplies run out.
What would you do to get rid of the waste?
(Bonus points for anyone with experiences with DIY ostomy supplies)
submitted by Infamous-Goat-7184 to ostomy [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:14 ameen272 manual sierpinski
submitted by ameen272 to bytebeat [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:14 Glad_Travel_6710 My geographic tongue cure
TLDR: sublingual vitamin B complex, sublingual zinc, and sublingual iron.
More info: I have dealt with this issue for ~15 years. I learned pretty early on that B12 was a potential cause for many people. I had plenty of vitamin B in my diet so obviously my gut is bad at absorbing B12. This led me to sublingual B12 tablets.
The B12 tablets helped a lot . I would say that my that my tongue looked 50-75% better when I regularly used them. Sometimes I would hope that more meant better so would take multiple doses per day. This didn't help or hurt me. Occasionally I would decide that I was just imagining that sublingual made any difference so would switch to regular oral pills. I would regret this within a couple weeks because my tongue would look awful. This would lead to switching back to sublingual B12.
The fact that the Sublingual B12 clearly made a difference led me to believe that my entire issue was due to poor absorption of nutrients. I recently looked up other deficiencies that are linked to geographic tongue. Made sense to me that if my GI tract struggled to absorb one thing, it was possible that it was struggling with other things as well.
The other nutritional deficiencies linked to geographic tongue were some other B vitamins (I think B6 and B9), zinc, and iron. I had actually tested my iron levels in the past and they were on the very low end of normal and I have had slightly low hemoglobin and white blood cells in the past.
Anyway, the last couple months I quit taking my sublingual B12. Two weeks ago my tongue looked the worst it had in years. I ordered sublingual B complex and within a week my tongue looked better than it normally looked on B12 alone. For the last 5-6 days I have added sublingual iron and zinc. I would say as of today my tongue looks 99% normal. I would probably have to point out small irregularities to some who saw it.
Looking back, I feel dumb for not trying this before. I guess that you hear B12 so much and it did help so I just assumed that I lacked intrinsic factor which only affects B12 absorption. Now I think I may have celiac disease which could lead to poor absorption of many things.
I'm not a doctor, but if you haven't tried sublingual B12 I would probably start there. That may be all you need. If you are disappointed in your progress, maybe switch to sublingual B-complex. If your still not better you may want to consider sublingual iron and zinc.
One important note is that too much zinc/iron can be bad for you so don't overdo it with them. I wouldn't go much above 100% of daily recommendations.
Hopefully this is helpful for someone.
submitted by Glad_Travel_6710 to Toothfully [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:14 Rokeatucasa Tendencias de Diseño de Interiores para el 2025: Un vistazo al futuro del hogar
El diseño de interiores ha evolucionado enormemente en los últimos años, adaptándose a nuevas tecnologías, estilos de vida y valores. Con la llegada de 2025, los hogares están cada vez más conectados a nuestras emociones, necesidades de funcionalidad y deseos de sostenibilidad. ¿Qué nos depara este nuevo año en términos de tendencias de diseño? A continuación, exploramos las principales direcciones que marcarán la estética y funcionalidad de los espacios interiores en los próximos meses. https://preview.redd.it/614aoaizcmee1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=b242a434298cc45e21c5cba6d43975c577cc7282 1. Sostenibilidad y materiales naturales: El regreso a la esencia La conciencia ambiental sigue ganando terreno, y con ella, la tendencia hacia el uso de materiales naturales y sostenibles. En 2025, se espera que los interiores apuesten por materiales como la madera reciclada, el bambú, el corcho, el mimbre, la piedra y el vidrio reciclado. Estos no solo aportan una sensación de calidez y armonía al hogar, sino que también son responsables con el medio ambiente. Además, el diseño de interiores en 2025 incorpora una estética orgánica y fluida, donde las formas y texturas naturales se convierten en protagonistas. Los acabados ecológicos, como pinturas sin compuestos orgánicos volátiles (COV) y productos fabricados con materiales reciclados, también estarán en auge, ayudando a crear ambientes más saludables y respetuosos con el entorno. 2. Espacios multifuncionales: La flexibilidad del hogar moderno La pandemia aceleró la necesidad de adaptar los hogares a diversas funciones. En 2025, los espacios multifuncionales seguirán siendo una prioridad. Con el teletrabajo y el aprendizaje remoto cada vez más presentes, los hogares deben ser capaces de ofrecer zonas versátiles para trabajar, relajarse, ejercitarse y socializar. Las habitaciones y áreas comunes se rediseñarán para facilitar la movilidad y la transformación rápida según la actividad que se realice. Muebles modulares, transformables y con almacenamiento integrado serán claves para optimizar el espacio sin renunciar a la estética. La flexibilidad será una de las características más importantes en el diseño de interiores de 2025. 3. Colores cálidos y tonos terrosos: Creando una atmósfera de bienestar Los colores cálidos y terrosos tomarán protagonismo en el diseño de interiores del 2025. Tonos como terracota, beige, mostaza, verde oliva y marrón serán comunes en paredes, muebles y accesorios. Estos colores no solo aportan una sensación de calma y serenidad, sino que también contribuyen a crear ambientes acogedores y confortables. Además, se prevé que la paleta de colores en 2025 busque la conexión con la naturaleza, unificando el interior con el exterior y promoviendo una sensación de equilibrio. Las plantas de interior seguirán siendo esenciales, tanto por su contribución a la estética como por sus beneficios para la salud. https://preview.redd.it/0pmrtkm0dmee1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=65356a1a6ee010a04d454b5eeda8a64fe5837941 4. Tecnología integrada: El hogar inteligente al alcance de todos La tecnología sigue transformando el diseño de interiores, y en 2025, las casas inteligentes estarán al alcance de más personas. Sistemas de automatización avanzados que controlan la iluminación, el sonido, la temperatura y la seguridad del hogar serán comunes en el diseño interior. Lo que antes era considerado lujo, como electrodomésticos inteligentes o sistemas de sonido integrados, se integrará de manera más sutil en el espacio, haciendo que la tecnología pase desapercibida pero ofreciendo una funcionalidad extraordinaria. La clave será la integración armoniosa, donde los dispositivos no sean invasivos, sino que se fusionen con el estilo y la estructura del hogar. 5. Estilo minimalista y maximalista: El equilibrio perfecto El diseño minimalista sigue siendo popular, pero con un giro más personal y acogedor. Para 2025, la tendencia será un minimalismo cálido, donde la simplicidad no implique frialdad, sino una estética centrada en la funcionalidad, la pureza de las líneas y el uso de materiales nobles. Las casas contarán con menos objetos, pero de mayor calidad y significado, con énfasis en la organización y el orden. Sin embargo, en paralelo, el maximalismo también hace su aparición con una explosión de color, patrones y texturas. Este estilo busca expresarse de manera exuberante y creativa, combinando piezas de arte, muebles vintage y elementos decorativos de distintas épocas y culturas. La mezcla de estos estilos, que coexisten en un mismo espacio, será una de las grandes características del diseño de interiores en 2025, con un énfasis en lo ecléctico y lo único. https://preview.redd.it/0dlh8sy1dmee1.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=1641d5787533b1d1b237ba1a685c65cf4fc1ee7b 6. Diseño inclusivo: Pensando en todos A medida que se promueven los principios de accesibilidad e inclusión, en 2025 veremos un diseño interior que tenga en cuenta las necesidades de todas las personas, independientemente de su edad o condición física. Los espacios estarán diseñados para ser accesibles, cómodos y funcionales para personas con movilidad reducida, asegurando que el diseño no sea solo estético, sino también inclusivo. Elementos como puertas más anchas, superficies sin obstáculos, iluminación ajustable, y muebles ergonómicos serán parte fundamental de los interiores pensados para todos. Esto se traducirá en hogares más amables y acogedores para cualquier miembro de la familia. 7. Conexión con el exterior: Espacios que invitan a disfrutar la naturaleza Los interiores de 2025 seguirán la tendencia de una mayor conexión con la naturaleza, con ventanas panorámicas, puertas corredizas de vidrio y terrazas que extienden los espacios interiores al aire libre. Los jardines verticales, los techos verdes y las terrazas acondicionadas para la vida exterior se convertirán en una extensión natural del hogar, permitiendo disfrutar de un estilo de vida más saludable y en contacto con el entorno. submitted by Rokeatucasa to rkeatucas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:14 Shadowbush8075 Madden money leauge
Brand new money leauge got 20 users 10 dollar pay in we will spin a wheel for teams 7m quarters on sim gameplay $320 worth of pays out 100 for SB winner 60 for loser 20 for division winner dm if u want in
submitted by Shadowbush8075 to MaddenCFM [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:14 Low_Maintenance_7963 Positive Vibes
With everybody downing the game on here and all the YouTubers making negative videos on it, it’s gonna make you think negatively about the game too. So go to TikTok and get some positive vibes from the game. It’s a good bit of people who play the game live on there and you can see they really enjoy and is having fun with the game. Take a break from all this negativity 😂
submitted by Low_Maintenance_7963 to undisputedboxing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:14 Andreagg007 This is my problem
submitted by Andreagg007 to Reaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:14 Masterfulcrum00 Current Champions league bracket
submitted by Masterfulcrum00 to ArsenalFC [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:14 Fuzzy-Researcher-662 Do you think we'll ever see a HP cutting Item added to the game? Obvious Vegito cope, but still, there are cards(even if bad or outdated) that could fill a niche, breath variety in strategy/team building.
Before anyone say it would be "OP" or counter intuitive to their game design and how they want the units to have these gimmicks of "if you fall below health", bear in mind. Liking it or not, Dokkan does balances the game with items in mind. There are FEW stages you can mention that wants you to no-item and even then, it's for optional rewards, like unit equipment or just the EX missions. From our POV it's just free transformations/niche uses, but in their's, it is you sacrificing an item slot just to get smth you might've gotten either way instead of yk, using smth more major like a Senzu, Ghost Usher or a Whis. Not everyone wants to just no-item, and some design choices become a lot more understandable when you remember 2 things. The later stages of the fights are usually the only ones you have to really worry about weaker units getting caught.Both where items come into play, AND also how it's around the same amount of turns they let you item up. What Dokkan would consider "meta" items don't go further than 2 turns at a use, be DR, Defense up or attack down. submitted by Fuzzy-Researcher-662 to DBZDokkanBattle [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 SERGI0_Man0waR_ Buenas noches
submitted by SERGI0_Man0waR_ to 7vidas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 ghoulghostgherkin Found this at work today
submitted by ghoulghostgherkin to FoundPaper [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 theoriginalbs If we call up Räty, let him succeed
It’s just a matter of time before he is back with the main club. He hasn’t thrived in the NHL thus far, but he also hasn’t had much of a chance to succeed. Why play him on the fourth line if he’s a skill guy? What’s he supposed to do with 8 minutes alongside some bangers? Maybe it’s time to give these young skill guys the chance to show their stuff and see if it changes what we demand as a return on Miller.
submitted by theoriginalbs to canucks [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 jocker12 US safety regulators expand Ford hands-free driving tech investigation after the agency confirmed the system was active in Ford Mustang Mach E vehicles involved in two fatal crashes.
submitted by jocker12 to SelfDrivingCarsLie [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 Due-Donut8452 IS DRACIEL SHIELD 7-60 DOT GOOD FOR BEYBLADE X?
submitted by Due-Donut8452 to Beyblade [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 22:13 Jso524 Best tv for ps5 pro?
What tv is the best to use all the features of the ps5 pro + the features of the other ps5’s preferably cheap as possible but I understand how that may not be possible!
submitted by Jso524 to PS5pro [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 AsperasBompar Three 3-hour blocks of Ohm Hours in NYC area?
Just wanted to check in if this is usual, but I've had three 3-hour blocks of Ohm Hours for today, yesterday, and the day before.
Between this and my cable company having an outage, is there an issue in the greater NY region to be worried about?
submitted by AsperasBompar to ohmconnect [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Dependent_Alarm_8205 Hello! I’m looking for this 2 books I’ll really appreciate it
Psychology Saundra Ciccarelli J. Noland White 6th edition Give me liberty Eric foner seagull 7edition volume 1
submitted by Dependent_Alarm_8205 to textbook [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 22:13 Bad_Bobby2009 Duck is having a Grass Snack [unintentional]
submitted by Bad_Bobby2009 to asmr [link] [comments] |