Septum or nostril piercing?

Natürlich gab es in der Sauna auch die Meinung, dass es hier nichts zu suchen hat. Nach einem kurzen Gespräch das es sich um Schmuck handelt und die Damen ja fast alle Schmuck tragen und auch tätowiert sind und teilweise ein Piercing haben, war die reifere Dame mit ihrem Latein am Ende und verließ kopfschüttelnd die Sauna. Gemischte Sauna - angeschwollenen Schamlippen. Hallo, ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich gehe manchmal mit einer guten Freundin in die gemischte Sauna. Ich hatte bevor ich mich beschneiden habe lassen auch ein Frenulum Piercing und ein Guiche sowie ein oben liegendes Anus. Nach dem Cut war das Frenulum Piercing natürlich weg. Aber ist nicht so schlimm. Ich kann dir aber jetzt nicht sagen ob es die Piercing's oder der Cut ist der die Blicke der anderen meist etwas verweilen lässt. Finde Antworten auf deine Fragen, Unterstützung bei Problemen oder beteilige dich an Diskussionen und teile dein Wissen bei Fragen anderer Nutzer. Piercing Forum. Diskussionsforum mit Fragen und Antworten zum Thema Piercing - Körperkult für Männer und Frauen, bei dem modischer Schmuck an den Körper angebracht wird.

2025.01.22 19:12 TheGuardianOfDoom Septum or nostril piercing?

Septum or nostril piercing? submitted by TheGuardianOfDoom to Noses [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Delicious_Champion97 Has anyone gotten into freelancing with Powerbi

submitted by Delicious_Champion97 to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 SaadreAnime Looking for a reasonable but still high quality jeweler to repair my wife engagement ring sales quoted $700 for 3 .1 karat diamond and resizing which seems insane. Right now I’m looking at J. David’s but I’m not 100% sure.

I would prefer local jewelers that do in store repair.
submitted by SaadreAnime to tulsa [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 _LLEE How to develop my lats?

I feel my lats are really underdeveloped. I want them to get as wide as the 3rd pic. Would I need to be bulking harder to get them to that size?
submitted by _LLEE to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 SnooCapers5262 His name is Toad

His name is Toad Please be nice to him.
submitted by SnooCapers5262 to SchoolofDragons [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Ok-Comfort-4574 omg not her..

submitted by Ok-Comfort-4574 to PonyTown [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 canarywithblacklungs Forever Love Letters

I fear I may be better off without you. I fear I still remain sane off traces of the past you.
Unresolved pain doesn’t fade—
it just sits lower inside my brain and begins to rearrange fragments that I can’t change.
Apologies are always past due.
Wickedness rolls off your lips from every kiss— the sensation must be bliss.
I wear a mask to hide scars that attached to my face; I can’t erase problems that I can’t face.
I may erase my existence from this place just because I have to.
The crash out, the lash out—they need to adapt to.
They can leave,but greed and envy, they keep running back to.
Shades I could never change. I tried to repaint the canvas in my brain; my brush is doused in bright blue—
I’m still searching for the right hue.
I hope you changed, I hope you found the right you.
I bleed through every page, struggling to express pain. My favorite place—a shattered, broken space.
My memories, I begin to chase. Every hit of my nostalgia is laced.
Take a deep look inside my brain. Read every chapter; contemplate after if you share blame.
Question if you feel shame.
I hope this message goes through.
I pour my spirit in each line—do you hear it? Each sin sits beneath my skin like a tattoo.
Only you know the truth, everything I can’t undo. I’m yours—I subdue.
I’m still here, in these love letters that I will forever write you.
submitted by canarywithblacklungs to Poetry_Symposium [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 wappie_samster Can do anything in online

When i go in online i cant open up my phone, interaction menu or leave my appartment. Also when i press esc i can only hover between the map and online bc the rest is like an endless loading screen. Any help?
submitted by wappie_samster to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Fair_Alfalfa_7794 Her insta

I have the stuff she posted or whatever happened if you guys want them
submitted by Fair_Alfalfa_7794 to riversalicia13 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Ill_Imagination1769 Svdden Death - Academy 1/23

Hi!! For Svdden Death’s show at Academy tomorrow night, is the venue cool with bringing in a vape pen or a joint? Not sure what the vibe with drugs is.
Also I’m looking for one ticket for Svdden Death’s show tonorrow night if anyone is selling! Thanks!
submitted by Ill_Imagination1769 to avesLA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 foundandlost45 Advice for doctors appointments

Hey, I'm pretty sure I have tc and have an appointment tomorrow to check it out... but I'm so nervous! I don't feel comfortable discussing this stuff at the best of times and the thought of discussing my genitals with my doctor fills me with anxiety.
Is there anything I can do to feel less anxious about this? What should I expect from the doctor?
submitted by foundandlost45 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 3mobdotcom Zvishavane woman gets two years for killing husband in infidelity argument

Zvishavane woman gets two years for killing husband in infidelity argument submitted by 3mobdotcom to Zimbabwe_News [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 hiding_cookies Reflections On The Journey

Hey everybody,
Wanted to leave some thoughts here for people new on the journey of uncoupling or no contact. I was on the phone with a friend yesterday, and thinking on some things we discussed, that I've discussed with other friends and it helped me have some realizations that were not only helpful for a friend, but blind spots of my own that I've been willingly ignoring in my hurt and in the aftermath of all the confusion:
Whatever accountability you want to see for them will never be enough, and whatever you're able to see, with enough distance, will not satisfy you. You will feel, ironically enough, the one concept you wish more than anything to deny them that they denied you: empathy. No matter how grievous or wrong, if that person was someone you truly loved, you'll never really fully hate them. Anyone that still has hate for them (barring extreme circumstances like stalking, SA and physical abuse) is living in the hurt, and here's the thing though. It's because they haven't really allowed themselves to fully feel and process these things. You're right to be angry with them. You're right to feel betrayed, duped, you're right to feel every emotion you do, and they're all valid, but as much as it's valid, it can become a poison. To quote one of my favorite movies, "hate is baggage. Life's too short to be pissed off all the time. It's just not worth it."
Stop looking for them on socials. Yes, it's safe to assume they're watching you somehow. Let them watch. They'll go about it their own way if they feel so inclined to test the waters or reach out, and you shouldn't hope for that so you can either try to reconcile or get your two cents into someone who is incapable of seeing the impact, or does, and worse, doesn't care.
Every ounce of pain from this that you bottle will fester, will re-ensnare you into obsession and alienate you from people that care about you. If you get too caught up in trying to make people understand what they simply can't, it exhausts the people you're trying to be open with as much as it does you. Not everyone is going to understand what you're going through or what you've been through. In my case, there was burglary and vandalism, I was stalked and slandered. Even gang stalked. There's a very small percentage of the population who will even remotely understand how that feels, and if you're male, those numbers drop even more. It's good to seek out people who can understand. I'm a vet, though never saw combat, so it's easier for me to talk and level with other vets on certain things, but not every vet knows what it's like to feel hunted. Not every vet knows what it's like to fear for your life, or have the very real circumstances of a dynamic like this come to where you lay your head. But combat vets do. And some amazing women with strength and grit who have endured it, and some damn strong and resilient men who carried on silently waiting for someone just like you, that understands them, to become a part of their tribe. I had the blessing and fortune of making friends in residential treatment that were struggling with similar issues, and even if they weren't, because they've seen life-altering things like this up close, they understood. Oddly enough, as anti-police as I can be, I've found kindred spirits in police officers and detectives I've met during my time there. You will never predict those who will become a part of your tribe, but you will be immensely grateful for them.
Yes, your absence clearly had an impact given your person's behavior, but that doesn't mean that impact was for any benevolent reason towards you. Yes, a lot of it was a facade, but they are a human being, and you never really know. There was probably a piece in there of them that had a genuine love or affection for you. Only problem is that they're largely incapable of giving that to you and bringing that out if they aren't actively holding themselves accountable, seeking help and recognizing their disorder for what it is instead of an extension of themselves. Your value is not hinged upon the severity of tactics they use to get your attention or get you on the hook again. Their cheating on you or their attempts to come back from whatever transgression they have committed say more about their lack of self-respect and ability to respect boundaries than anything negative you or they could say about you, and says more about the caliber and character of person you are for bravely enduring what you were able, and taking steps to set hard boundaries when you were no longer able to tolerate the intolerable. Your pain and all your yearning for them can be placed out like puzzle pieces for you to see what's wounded in you that needs attention, not them. Your resilience and endurance, and the courage it took to stand up for your very right to individual identity and autonomy are a lamp on a very dark horizon for many people, and you underestimate the impact and value your stories and experiences bring to someone's life. Many of you have saved lives, mine included, with your boldness and bravery. Rest on that, not what you wish they would see in you. Practice that daily. If not worked like a muscle, it will atrophy and die.
Hobbies and distractions will only carry you so far. Stoic defiance and a good exercise regimen can only run the engine for so long. Hedonic pleasures will only sedate and the amplify the problem. At some point, the feelings must be faced. The thoughts must be challenged. Your own perception of reality must be trusted, and if you have faith, your trust in God or whatever deity you have must remain steadfast. Not in the way of a genie fixing your problems, but in the way of one tiny little kernel of styrofoam miraculously holding you afloat in the midst of being thrown overboard during a hurricane. It will sustain you if you let it, and walk in humility.
You will likely be vindicated and never get to see it. If you do get to see it, you'll not be the same and it'll just fuel the obsession for more evils to be wished upon them. It isn't healthy and if you genuinely enjoy seeing someone suffer, seek help. We all have our moments, but this will quickly spiral into a Moby Dick rivalry you've likely already won and are pushing past into the point of collapse. Dig in, build up your no contact fortifications, lick your wounds, demobilize gradually and send the troops home. If that takes prescribed meds and intensive therapy, so be it. The war is over. You have to find a way to turn it off.
You're actually doing much better than you think you are.
The person you have become is stronger than the person they destroyed.
Life is not a tit for tat battle with them, and that's what they'd want anyway. Success is not money, it isn't an asinine amount of men or women drooling after you, or arm candy to make them jealous. Success is peace, contentment, a celebration of your survival and your thriving in whatever way life pans out. You are warriors. Hold your head up as such.
Overall, I hope it helps the newbies. Mad love for all of you. God's blessings and good luck as you move forward
submitted by hiding_cookies to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 hockeyboi604 How important is sleep duration for getting fit?

My typical day comprises of waking up around 10 AM.
Eating breakfast.
Hopping on the computer for an hour'ish for my bread and butter.
Then doing random shit.
Around 4 PM I'll head out for a 80-100 km bike ride which is around 2 hours to 2.5 hours.
Come home, cook a quick egg with tomato.
Then I hit the gym for 1 hour.
Come home and cook/eat dinner.
Throughout the day I'm drinking protein powder for around 3-4 scoops worth.
My issue is I don't/won't fall asleep until 4-5 AM. It's like my energy level just won't let me sleep.
Last night around 1 AM I decided to go for an hour jog around the neighbourhood, found a pair of coyotes, chased them around for a bit for a quick sprint, then came home.
Yet I still can't sleep no matter what I do. It's like an on and off switch, when I'm up, I'm UP, and when it hits around 4-5 AM I'm out like a light until 9-10 AM.
Any advice on this?
submitted by hockeyboi604 to Exercise [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Super-Objective-1241 She was holding hands with Trevor...

She was holding hands with Trevor... submitted by Super-Objective-1241 to TameImpala [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Western-Law-4 Walgreens Lightning Packs FTW Again!

Walgreens Lightning Packs FTW Again! Full art Poppy and Rayquaza might be my favorites of the day lol
submitted by Western-Law-4 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 SPYRO4213 Man this starts confusing me now

Man this starts confusing me now I don't understand the case anymore sometimes called alternative timeline and sometimes called alternative dimension or reality or universe , these supposed to be different words with very different meanings , but it seems to be the same thing in Ben 10 , can somebody explain this to me
submitted by SPYRO4213 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 wakeupmrwest2024 Audi A3 2016 é bomba?

Audi A3 2016 é bomba? Pensando em sair de um GM Cruze pra um A3 2016, aumento do seguro vai ser em 35% e do IPVA mais ou menos a mesma coisa. Pelo que pesquisei muitas peças desse audi brasileiro são compartilhadas com UP/Golf/Jetta, e de 2016 em diante o câmbio é tiptronic e não o DSG7 Seco, fora isso algo a mais que devo me preocupar?
Estou meio que indo na emoção pela vontade de ter um audi, fariam esse acordo?
submitted by wakeupmrwest2024 to carros [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Outrageous_Aide_7894 [For hire] Chess coachings

Hey! I am FIDE rated chess player with a experience of over 10 years playing offline.

I have a rating of 1800 on and 1560 FIDE rating . I have experience playing in competitive tournaments
My prices are :- * For beginners (0-800) elo -5$/hr
DM me for a free demo class and more info about the classes
submitted by Outrageous_Aide_7894 to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 IndieGamesDevel CHOCOLATE FACTORY SIMULATOR- Review

submitted by IndieGamesDevel to IndieGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Otherwise_Dot_1865 Song of Chuckyy and BabyChiefDoIt just leaked 🛁 ass or gas?
submitted by Otherwise_Dot_1865 to Chiraqhits [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 android_tests_pac Test gallery post 2025-01-22 19:11:42

Test gallery post 2025-01-22 19:11:42 submitted by android_tests_pac to qa_automation_posts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 ArtFraga Crawling Guitar Cover TAB Linkin Park Chords - Guitar Tabs - Nik Hlazunov by Nik Hlazunov

Crawling Guitar Cover TAB Linkin Park guitar tabs download as PDF and MIDI on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 2 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @NIk_Hlazunov
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 Andr3w_lyh Looking For Lich

Looking For Lich For trade
submitted by Andr3w_lyh to cuecardgameAvid [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 19:12 troth97 Current EDC

Current EDC submitted by troth97 to EDC [link] [comments]